Sorting Ends Data Entry Mode

May 14, 2013

I have a form containing a subform. The subform is opened in data entry mode, so it displays no existing records. However if the user right-clicks the form and selects a sort, all records are displayed. Is there any way to stop this behavior so that the form remains in data entry mode?

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Modules & VBA :: Datasheet Mode Form For Both Data Entry And Data Retrieval

Feb 9, 2015

I want to use the same form in datasheet mode for data entry and retrieval. When retrieving, all controls are disabled and locked. I am trying to enable and unlock them for modifying but that isn't working.

DoCmd.OpenForm "PO_Practice Data", , , , acFormEdit, acHidden

Forms![PO_Practice Data]!PO_Name.Enabled = True
Forms![PO_Practice Data]!PO_Name.Locked = False
Forms![PO_Practice Data]!Practice_Name.Enabled = True
Forms![PO_Practice Data]!Practice_Name.Locked = False


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Forms :: Open Form From (Edit List Items) Option In Data Entry Mode

Feb 4, 2014

I have several comboboxes in my database from which users select values. However, in most cases, I do want to give them the option to add an item that does not appear while simultaneously updating the underlying table which stores those dropdown values. I have made use of the builtin "allow edit list items" feature of Access 2007 but the form always opens on the first record of the form on which they are to add the new item. Is there a way to specify that it should open in Data Entry view apart from using VBA?

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Forms :: Subform Shows In Design Mode But Not In Form Mode?

Sep 22, 2014

I have several subform tabs and one that I have updated no longer shows up when I run the form on Form mode. The tab is there but no content or details of the subform

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How Do I Change Data In Property Mode

Nov 11, 2004

I have created a form in access 2000. I now want to change the table that this form uses. Normally I would just click the properties tab and then select data, a list of all tables would come up and I would choose the correct table. For some reason I cannot access the data tab. The other four tabs are all availabe, but not the data tab. It is like the data is locked or something. I have clicked on properties on my desktop icon and it is not locked. Please help.


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Modules & VBA :: Copy Access Data Into Excel Template In Read And Write Mode

Jun 20, 2015

How to open a pre filled excel template in read and write mode from msaccess vba and insert data from msaccess tables into specific columns in excel.

Rename the tabs in excel sheet based on a specific column in the access data.

Each row in the table will go to a seperate tab in excel.

Save the excel template after populating the necessary data into different tabs.

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Best Way Of Sorting This Data

Nov 5, 2004

i have 2 tables...

1st table called -"tCodes"
containing fields called -

CodeID (PK) - Autonumber
Code - Text
Code Description - Text

2nd Table - "tMachines"
containing fields called -

MachineID - (PK) - AutoNumber
Machine - Text






I need to assign various codes to specific lines...

for example i may need to assign A101 to lines A,B & C but not line D

i was thinking i should make a third table and link the 3 together...should i do this..?

also i think that this could be a huge task as i have over 25 machines and over 700 codes the combinations are huge, what is the best way for me to overcome this problem ?

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Data Sorting And Count

Feb 10, 2008

hi dear members
i m new in access dont know how make query i wanna sort and count duplicate recorde with the help of query
for example
id numbers total numbers of trade
A 123 98674
B 456 98458
C 674 093253
A 123 84545
A 123 3423



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Ordering/Sorting Data In Form

Feb 24, 2005

Hi all,
I have a simple 2-table database. the 'parent' table is tblProducts, and the 'child' table is tblDocuments. (one [products] to many [docouments] relationship)

My data entry is done using a 'documents' subform inside a 'products' parent form. The data entry works fine, except i would really like it if my products and documents would be listed in alphabetical order in their respective form/subform {makes it easier on the user, and saves me needing a find record button}. At the moment they seem to be ordered by the time in which they were added to the table. I guess Access is using the primary Key as the 'order by' parameter.

The thing that is infuriating me is that i have gone into my two tables and told access to sort the data by Product Name, and Document name in the respective tables. I can verify that this has worked by going to data view; lo and behold the data are listed in the order i specified.

Further I have gone into my form and sub form properties, into the Data...Order By property and have keyed in the name of the field i want to sort by (product name in the parent form, and document name in the sub form).

I have tried all combinations and permutations of the above processes but nothing seems to work.

It seems i am missing one crucial piece to the puzzle, as i haven't had much luck finding a solution on or anything else (maybe im using the wrong search terms). I am having this problem with all of my databases, so any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Sorting Form By Filtered Data

Mar 14, 2006

I have a button that opens a second form and shows filtered data based on the selection of a ComboBox from the initial form. That all works nicely, I now wish to sort the Data in the new form by [POID].

The code I'm using looks like this;

Private Sub Command5_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command5_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "FRM_AWMPonum"

stLinkCriteria = "[ClientID]=" & Me![Combo0] & " AND IsNull(DelDate)"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command5_Click

End Sub

What changes do I need to make to the code to sort the data?

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Help Sorting And Filtering Data For A Report.

Oct 22, 2004

Hi everyone,

I am having a little trouble using a 'canned' Access database. Using the built in Asset Tracking database, I am trying to get specific information on the Assets report. The Assets report generally shows all assets, I've made a new report to show the data sorted by the phone extension number, also the room number (which is how our inventory is tracked).

This works well, except, I want to be able to view one extension/room at a time. To do this, I added a button on the 'Enter/View Emplyees' form to preview the report, and created a macro to get this info. However, it only shows whatever data is highlighted in the emplyees sub-form. How can I get all of the data assigned to each extension to appear on the report?

Tried to upload the file, but it's too large. Can email if requested.


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General :: Sorting Data In A List Box

Sep 21, 2012

I have a database with a form. Form has a list Box. I write a code for sorting data in list Box and it is worked but sorting in one of the column in list box does not work.I think the reason of it that this column is a combo box with multiple values.

The file of database is in attachment.

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Sorting Data In A Form By Clicking On The Header

Aug 31, 2006

Is there a way to sort data in a form by clicking on a corresponding control (e.g. label/txtbox) in the FormHeader?

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Data Entry - Auto Fill Data For Exisitng Accounts In Records

Mar 9, 2006

First I would like to give thanks to all the knowledgeable folks here who have helped me with my DB to date. It is working and every one is very happy and I have learned a lot.

So now I would like to add some more functionality to this existing project.

My DB is for data input of customers for a drawing. It has the following fields: Id, account number, first name, last name, date/time, score1, score2.

I t is taking a great deal of time for the users to enter in hundreds of entries a day. Most of the entries are customers who are already in the DB. I would like to get the fields to auto fill the data for existing customers say after the account number is entered. So after you put in the account the name and any other pertinent data would shows up saving users from typing it in again.

The first problem I am having is that this is still a data entry form and I can’t figure out how to be able to see the account information and still add new data to the record? The new data is a daily score they get.

Second I haven’t figured out how to call up the customers information from just the account field.

I’ve googled this and haven’t found anything terribly helpful.

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Forms :: Create Data Entry Form To Input Data For Field

Mar 5, 2015

I an trying to create a data entry form (IndividualsEntryFm) to input data for fields such as (First Name),(Birthdate) etc., these to be saved to the (IndividualsTbl)

I also have another table (NamesTbl) which has family names etc. The two tables are linked by a (MainID) field. I want a combo box on the individualsEntryFm so that I can select the family name. Then I wish the empty fields for the IndividualsTbl to be available to enter data.When I press the save button I then want this data saved, together with the MainID from the combo box to the IndividualsTbl.

I have set the IndividualsTbl with a (PersonID) field as an auto number each individual therefore has a unique PersonID but may well share the MainID. I'm trying to link many people to the same address.

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Forms :: Saving Specific Data From Data Entry Form Depending On User Selection

Dec 18, 2014

I am trying to save specific data from a data entry form to a specific depending on what the user selects from a dropdown/combo box.

So if the user selects "test company from the combo box, that data (from that form) will save to the Test company data table.

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Sorting A Table, Apply The Sorting To A Form

Mar 10, 2006

Hi all.
I've created a database which contains information about stores. I want to have the forms automaticly sorted by the department number.
I've tried to sort the table by department, but when I try to add a department, the sorting doesn't seem to affect the form at all.

Lets say I have department 1,2,3,6,7,8 in the form, and I add department 4, it will be the last post in the form. I want it to be the fourth, and so on..

I'd apreciate some help with this :) Thanks

Here's the database (

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IIf Statement Used For Sorting Data Based On Option Group

Jan 10, 2006

Hi all,

My problem is as follows:

I am trying to generate a report, which is based on a query, which references a form that has an option group containing four options.

I want to sort the data according which option group radio button has been selected (they the values of 1,2,3,4).

Originally there were only 2 options and the query said (in SQL view):

ORDER BY IIf(Forms!frm_08_reportsort!opt_sort_by=1,TBL_Acco untManager.Name,TBL_SiteContactDetails.SchoolName) ,

This works fine for 2 options, but I can't figure out what command i should use for more than 2 options :confused:

Any help would be much appreciated :)

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Forms :: Switching Form From Data Entry Only To Data Editing

Feb 18, 2015

My aim is to have my forms open to a new record, which I have done, but if my users need to then update or edit data in previous entries, they can click a button that allows this.

My thoughts were to add a button, then put in code so that the necessary properties changed the form from displaying a new record or records entered since opening it, to showing all records in the associated table....

As an example there is a table for purchase orders. When clicking on this from the main menu form, it opens up the purchase order form to create a brand new PO. At times though, we will need to revisit an order to attach a copy of an invoice, or update the cost of whatever was purchased.

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General :: Updating Table Data With Data From Preceding Entry?

Jan 5, 2013

My question is this: I have a table where I'm entering employees' hours worked. Basically, it's something like this:

ID WorkerNumberDateworkedTimeStartTimeEnded
121/2/201310:00:00 AM3:00:00 PM
221/3/20132:00:00 AM11:00:00 AM
321/4/201312:15:00 AM11:30:00 AM
421/5/201310:25:00 PM11:00:00 AM
531/2/201311:00:00 AM3:30:00 PM
631/3/201312:00:00 PM10:00:00 PM
731/10/20137:00:00 AM4:00:00 PM

I have a query that (easily) determines how many hours an employee has worked on any given day. What I can't figure out at all, is how to write a query that can figure out how much time an employee had off in between shifts.

Thus far I'm able to run a query that separates this main table into individual workers by their id numbers, but can't figure out how to determine time off between shifts - as the last hour worked one day, and the first hour worked the next day are on two different lines (they are two different table entries).

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Forms :: Display Existing Data On Data Entry Form

Sep 28, 2014

My db has multiple linked tables. As time passes and work on a project continues data needs to be added to a separate table that is linked to the first table to be populated.

i.e., Initial design data is entered first, when drilling is complete more data is added to a linked table, when drilling is surveyed yet more data is added to the second table.

What I want to be able to do is to query for a particular set of existing design data, display this on a form and on the same line enable data entry to other fields from other tables which are linked to the existing design data.

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Multiple Data Entry Clerks Inputting Data

Mar 5, 2008

I have a shared db where there is a requirement for more than 1 user to enter data in the same form and hence the same table. Up till now there has only been 1 data entry clerk so there has not been a problem.

Would accessing the same form by different users cause a problem, assumming they are inputting different records?

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Refreshing A Data Entry Form After Saving Data

Jul 6, 2005

This has most definitely been asked before but I really cant find anything on the forum! Ive created a data entry form which has a save button which the user must click each time to save the record. However how do I refresh the form i.e. empty all data from the previous record without exiting the form. Ive tried to combine the undo macro but that simply deletes the previous record. Any help please!!!

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Reports :: Hiding Field That Is Only For Sorting Purposes To Group Data

Sep 24, 2014

I have a table of about 250 items that are sorted based on two fields. I created a query of the table and hide one of the fields because it is only there for sorting purposes to group the data.

For example, I have a "Type" field. In the type field, I differentiate the items with different categories, such as "Materials", "Safety", etc. My next field is "subtype" which assists the "Type" field being sorted properly for my needs. In the "Materials" category, all of the items are either "Fencing", "Plastic", "Wire", or "Miscellaneous". I am sorting the "type" and "subtype" fields in ascending order so that all the "materials" are grouped together, and all of the "fencing, "plastic", etc are grouped together within the materials field.

I am creating a printable report and I do not want the "subtype" field to be on the report, but I need the "subtype" field's sort to be affecting my data so it is grouped properly. I'm having difficulty, is there a way to hide fields in reports?

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Multiple Back-ends

Oct 16, 2006

For the company I am doing my thesis, I developed a tool in MS Access for monitoring sales data, customers, employee data etc…
The tool is working with a front-end database, installed locally on every PC and a Back-end on the company’s server ( Located at city Genk)
The tool is working smooth on the location in Genk.
But then the problem occurs when this tool had to be used on an other company location, 100km from the server (Antwerp); the waiting and loading times are very long, even for the smallest data.

Obvious this is because the companies network from one location to another is too slow. But because of financial reasons I’m looking for a software solution.

An idea is to create a Back-end server for each location, for all local data and one general back-end server for unique data ( for instance: there has to be a unique calculation number for each calculation made in the entire company).
I think this will decrease waiting times for some data, but not all…

Or does anyone have an other idea?

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Front And Back Ends

Jul 25, 2007

Hi guys,
I need help with security settings and that. I have a database which i want available on a shared server. Basically i only want people to beable to see one form but not beable to see anything else or make any changes to this form.

Do i need to split and make a front and back end? I will want to make occasional changes to tables etc.. and so would want this to automatically update on the database seen by everyone else.

Sorry, not making much sense but am bit confused about it all!

Any help from some clever peeps?

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