Speed Up Query AND Make A Selection From Given Options

Apr 24, 2013

The guy who created this cluster of a database no longer works here. There is a section in it that has a user select an option (0-30) then click a button. When that button is clicked it runs a series of queries based on the selection. Each selection chosen takes 90 minutes to update. I am looking to see if there is any way to do the same in less time. Additionally.. I am having to select 1, click the button, wait 90 minutes. select 2, click the button, wait 90 minutes. select 3, click the button, wait 90 minutes.... and so on. Therefore I am also trying to come up with a way to have to have a button that will do selections 1-10 all in one run.

Private Sub btn_download_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btn_download_Click
Dim db As Database, qwo As QueryDef, rs As Recordset, x, numrec As Long, rt As Recordset, rwo As Recordset
Dim stDocName As String, i As Long, rwot As Recordset, qwot As QueryDef, qs As QueryDef, xcount As Long, xmsg As Integer

[Code] .....

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How To Make Options Of One Combo Box Dependent On Another

May 20, 2014

I have two combo boxes in my form. The first one has the option of selecting a or b. If the user selects a, the second combo box will have the options of c and d, if b is selected the options in the second one will be e and f. How can i do this?

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General :: How To Make Combo Boxes Only Show Selected Options

Jul 6, 2013

What I am trying to do is create a master table which references the every other table.But the primary key references another primary key.I can get the combo box to display all the options, buy shows options already selected for other records.in other words...

I have 4 reference IDs from table A.
(ID1, ID2, ID3, ID4)

Master_Table has a combobox to select between the IDs.
if record 1 has ID_1
Record 2's combobox will show all 4 IDs
If I only have 1 ID that can be put into record 4, it's combobox still
displays all 4 IDs.

What I want is: If ID3 is selected for record 1, it wont be displayed in the comboboxes for the other records.

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Query Speed

Nov 2, 2005

I have a number of queries which build two or three Union queries which looks at 35,000 records, and when you open the Union queries or run reports it takes forever for them to open.

I have indexed all the tables which have the common fields to see if this speeds it up the queries, but there still slow. The table they look at are in two different tables which are linked into a front end where the queries are!

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Query Speed

Mar 24, 2006

I query against a table with 380K records and growing.

There are approx 14 fields in the table, but I only retrieve 7 in my query. Does having those extra fields in there slow the query down, or does the query ignore them?

Just trying to figure out ways to improve speed.


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Query Speed Improvements

Apr 24, 2007

I have a lot of queries based on queries. These all work as desired, however they can be slower than I'd like.

Given that my company has no intention of changing to another piece of software I am, therefore, limited to whatever speed I can get out of Access.

Are there any general rules or guidelines that a more experienced person could recommend to ensure that all these queries run as quickly as possible?

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Query Speed - 7 Million Records!

Jul 27, 2005

I have a table with 7 million records. Using my continuous Form, I have been using right mouse click and entering in a parameter e.g. *my search term* to filter and this takes some time before the results are shown. This gives a reduced list of say 1,000 records. But then, when I click in the column and try to sort, it takes ages to sort the records.

So, my problem is two fold: firstly, it takes some time for the first filter to work; secondly, it takes time to sort.

Should I be doing this in a different way? Any other tips for filtering and sorting faster?



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Speed Up A VERY Slow Append Query

Jul 27, 2006


I'm not sure how well I've managed to search on this as I'm not too sure where to start!

I have an append query as follows:

INSERT INTO tbl_Employee ( Company_No )
SELECT tbl_Co_Data.Company_No
FROM tbl_Co_Data
WHERE (((tbl_Co_Data.Company_No) Not In (select Company_No from tbl_Employee)))
ORDER BY tbl_Co_Data.Company_No;

Basically this query is run a number of times a day and appends new company numbers in to a table - 'tbl_Employee'. It's badly named - it's not got much to do with employees. Any way it takes a good 3 minutes to run with about 20k records in tbl_Co_Data and probably 18k records in tbl_Employee.

It looks to me like it's looping through each record in one table for each record in the other - which is plain daft.

I'm currently experimenting with a DTS package that puts tbl_Co_Data in to SQL server first before the query would run (tbl_Employee is already there) with a view to running a SP and ditching the query.

Does anybody have any other ideas as I'm having problems with the DTS in that it appears to be pretty slow in itself!

Many thanks in advance for any response.

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Speed Issue, Query Takes 7-8 Min

Oct 23, 2006

I'm running this query off a table of about 1.5mil records. If I leave the date parameter off It comes up under a minute. When I add it back, it takes 5 minutes before the query even starts running. All the fields used in filtering the query are indexed. Any ideas to speed this up?

SELECT CallsEntered.[Work Order Nbr], CallsEntered.[Date Entered], CallsEntered.[Time Entered], CallsEntered.[Primary Locator Code] AS [ASC], CallsEntered.Headend, CallsEntered.Node, CallsEntered.[Grid Id], CallsEntered.[Q Code], CallsEntered.[Problem Code 01], CallsEntered.[Primary Finding Code], CallsEntered.[Primary Solution Code], CallsEntered.[Cancel Code], CallsEntered.[Scheduled Date], CallsEntered.[Wo Status], CallsEntered.[Date CheckIn], CallsEntered.[Assigned Installer], Calendar.Week, Calendar.Year
FROM Calendar INNER JOIN CallsEntered ON Calendar.Date=CallsEntered.[Date Entered]
WHERE (((CallsEntered.[Date Entered]>=Forms!frmServiceCalls!txtStartDate Or Forms!frmServiceCalls!txtStartDate Is Null)=True) And ((CallsEntered.[Date Entered]<=Forms!frmServiceCalls!txtEndDate Or Forms!frmServiceCalls!txtEndDate Is Null)=True) And ((CallsEntered.Node=Forms!frmServiceCalls!txtnode Or Forms!frmServiceCalls!txtnode Is Null)=True) And ((CallsEntered.[Primary Locator Code]=Forms!frmServiceCalls!cboASC Or Forms!frmServiceCalls!cboASC Is Null)=True) And ((CallsEntered.[Q Code]=Forms!frmServiceCalls!cboQCode Or Forms!frmServiceCalls!cboQCode Is Null)=True));


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How Can I Improve The Speed Of An UPDATE Query

Mar 8, 2008

I have a (quite) specific question but I thing it covers something I simply cannot answer.

I have three UPDATE queries running on linked tables in Microsoft Access (2000/XP).

My main data table (the one to be updated) has almost 1million records

My three information tables ALL have primary keys (which are used to link the main table) and vary in size

I have atatched the three UPDATE queries plus descriptions of the field names used.


Main DataTable900000
Mask nomenk1302 hours
Mask media90015 minutes
Mask brand4000?????

Query A
UPDATE [Main DataTable] AS z
INNER JOIN [Mask nomenk] AS n ON (z.nomCode1 = mn.nomCode1) AND (z.nomCode2 = mn.nomCode2) AND (z.nomCode3 = mn.nomCode3) AND (z.nomCode4 = mn.nomCode4)
SET z.NomenkMask1 = n!NomenkMask1;

Query B
UPDATE [Main DataTable] AS z
INNER JOIN [Mask media] AS mm ON (z.couCode = mm.couCode) AND (z.nomCode1 = mm.nomCode1) AND (z.pubCode = mm.pubCode)
SET z.MediaMask1 = mm!MediaMask1;

Query C
UPDATE [Main DataTable] AS z
INNER JOIN [Mask brand] AS mb ON (z.couCode = mb.couCode) AND (z.nomCode1 = mb.nomCode1) AND (z.brCode1 = mb.brCode1) AND (z.brCode2 = mb.brCode2)
SET z.BrandMask1 = mb!BrandMask1;

nomCode1Long Integer
nomCode2Long Integer
nomCode3Long Integer
nomCode4Long Integer
brCode1Long Integer
brCode2Long Integer

My problem, quite simpley is the speed involved with running these queries. I know that query b) is the quickest with query a) a distant second (I could not even complete the running of query c) and killed it after 6 hours.

What I need to know is WHY is queryC soooo much slower than queryB when the only realy diference that I can see between them if the latter has an extra field to join on

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How To Make A Auto Fill Fielded Based On User Selection

Feb 13, 2006

I've been working on a database to keep track of employee time off, It consists of the main table, a employee table, and a department table.

I had a form that our admin uses to enter the info for each employee.

They would select the name of the employee from a drop down, and then select the department that employee is in from another drop down. then they would select the days off and reason ect. Then when finished they would hit submit and this would be entered into the main table.

Well they just asked if it would be possible to make it so when they enter the employee's name, that the department would automatically be filled in for the employee.

Is this possible? I'm trying to think of how to do it, but not coming up with anything.


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General :: Using Combobox Selection In IF Statement To Make Another Text Box Visible

Aug 28, 2012

I have a combobox [CBreason] that reads from a table to show me why someone is gaining access to the building.

One of the options is "Incident".

When incident is selected I want a textbox [TBIncidentNo] and a button[BIncidentDup] control I made to appear.

I thought that the code:

If Me.CBReason.Value = "Incident" Then
Me.CBIncidentNo.Visible = True
Me.BIncidentDup.Visible = True
Me.CBIncidentNo.Visible = False
Me.BIncidentDup.Visible = False
End If

Placed in the after update action of the CBReason box would sufice but it doesnt work

I'm guessing the value is not recognised fro some reason but i cant work out why. There is no error message or issus, it makes the box dissapear when there is no entry but no change for selecting incident.

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Forms :: How To Make Subform Filter Its Data From Date Entry Selection

Aug 17, 2014

In my main form, there is this date entry selection and a subform with data on it.

How can I make the subform filter its data from date entry selection?

I have already created a relationships for my tables

I created a query for this subform (should I need to?)

It does not refresh my subform or I do not know what to do?

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Modules & VBA :: Make Selection From A Combo Box Populate That Number Of Metals Fields?

May 27, 2015

My database will be creating quotes based on employees entries. Each quote will be unique because of the part. Each part has the potential to have Precious Metals, and Base Metals included. The employee must select the number Precious Metals and Base Metals that a particular part has. The problem lies with what happens after this selection is made. There are three fields that need to be defined pertaining to each metal. I need the number selected to determine how many fields to make available. If there are two precious metals, I need to make the three fields available twice; one for both metals. I have the possibility for up to 5 Precious Metals and 10 Base Metals per part. How can I make the selection from a combo box populate that number of Metals Fields?

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Query With Options Into A Form

Aug 9, 2006

I would like to put a query into my form so that I can look up a part number, order number, or both, and then open the form for editing. I set up the queries but can't get them into the form. How would I go about doing this? Thanks for helping out

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Query With Options Into A Form

Aug 9, 2006

I would like to put a query into a form so that I can look up a part number, order number, or both, and then open the form for editing. I set up the queries but can't get them into the form. How would I go about doing this? Thanks for helping.

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Selecting Options In A Query

Jul 31, 2007

Sure its simple to do, I just don't know! lol.

I want to create a query, where the user can choose from 3 products to choose from (from the same table, under the same field name) that they can search for to find which customers r buying it.


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Forms :: Make Listbox Visible After Selection Of Another Listbox

Oct 23, 2013

Okay then, after much trouble and confusion, I finally realized I need to use an Extended listbox in order to allow for multiple items to be selected from a list on my form (rather than the evil multiple selection combobox!).

However, now I am trying to figure out how to make one listbox (IndustryClassification) only be visible if the item "Industry" is selected in another listbox (TypeOfBusiness). Coding I can use for this in the AfterUpdate event of the listbox?

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Advanced Ranking Query Options…

May 23, 2005

I have been developing a website where users enter details about positions that they would like to fill.
Other users enter details of positions that are available.
I currently run a ranking query for users that matches from the options they enter which positions best match their profile in a ranked order.

I'm using an Access Database and ASP.
The query is taking a very long time to run.

This is how I have the query built at the moment.

Code:strSQL = "SELECT qryApplicant.* FROM qryApplicant WHERE (((qryApplicant. ApplicantRID) & ''='" & applicantRef & "'));" call getFromDatabase(strSQL, objTempRS, currentPage) if not objTempRS.EOF then applicantWants = True applicantGender = objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantGender") applicantAge = objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantAge") applicantBSMinDuration= objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantBSMinDuration") applicantBSMaxDuration= objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantBSMaxDuration") applicantBSEarlyDate= objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantBSEarlyDate") applicantBSLateDate= objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantBSLateDate") applicantLanguage= objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantLanguage") applicantPosition= objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantPosition") applicantPositionType= objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantPositionType") applicantNationality= objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantNationality") end if if applicantWants then applicantPoss = 0 lineTemp = "" strSQL = "" strSQL = strSQL & "SELECT " & applicantRef & " AS ApplicantRef" strSQL = strSQL & ", qryEmployer.EmployerRID" ' ****************************** Check Gender ****************************** if applicantGender & "" <> "" then lineTemp = lineTemp & "(IIf(([EmployerCSGender]='any'),50,(IIf(([EmployerCSGender]='" & applicantGender & "'),50,1))))" else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(0)" end if applicantPoss = applicantPoss + 50 ' ****************************** Check CheckAge ****************************** if lineTemp & "" <> "" then lineTemp = lineTemp & "+" if isNumeric(applicantAge) then lineTemp = lineTemp & "IIf(([EmployerCSMinAge]<=" & applicantAge & "),IIf(([EmployerCSMaxAge]>=" & applicantAge & "),20,0),0)" else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(0)" end if applicantPoss = applicantPoss + 20 ' ****************************** Check CheckMinMaxDuration ****************************** if lineTemp & "" <> "" then lineTemp = lineTemp & "+" if isNumeric(applicantBSMinDuration) then if isNumeric(applicantBSMaxDuration) then lineTemp = lineTemp & "IIf(([EmployerCSMinDuration]<=" & applicantBSMaxDuration & "),IIf(([EmployerCSMaxDuration]>=" & applicantBSMinDuration & "),20,0),0)" else lineTemp = lineTemp & "IIf(([EmployerCSMaxDuration]>=" & applicantBSMinDuration & "),20,0" end if else if isNumeric(applicantBSMaxDuration) then lineTemp = lineTemp & "IIf(([EmployerCSMinDuration]<=" & applicantBSMaxDuration & "),20,0" else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(20)" end if end if applicantPoss = applicantPoss + 20 ' ****************************** Check CheckEarlyLateDuration ****************************** if lineTemp & "" <> "" then lineTemp = lineTemp & "+" if (applicantBSEarlyDate & "" <> "") then if (applicantBSLateDate & "" <> "") then lineTemp = lineTemp & "(IIf([EmployerCSLateDate]&''<>'',(IIf(([EmployerCSLateDate])>=" & DATE_DELIMITER & AusDate(applicantBSEarlyDate) & DATE_DELIMITER & ",(IIf([EmployerCSEarlyDate]&''<>'',(IIf(([EmployerCSEarlyDate])<=" & DATE_DELIMITER & AusDate(applicantBSLateDate) & DATE_DELIMITER & ",20,0)),0)),0)),0))" else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(IIf([EmployerCSEarlyDate]&''<>'',(IIf(([EmployerCSEarlyDate])<=" & DATE_DELIMITER & AusDate(applicantBSLateDate) & DATE_DELIMITER & ",20,0)),0))" end if else if (applicantBSLateDate & "" <> "") then lineTemp = lineTemp & "(IIf([EmployerCSLateDate]&''<>'',(IIf(([EmployerCSLateDate])>=" & DATE_DELIMITER & AusDate(applicantBSEarlyDate) & DATE_DELIMITER & ",20,0)),0))" else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(20)" end if end if applicantPoss = applicantPoss + 20 ' ****************************** Check Language ****************************** if lineTemp & "" <> "" then lineTemp = lineTemp & "+" if applicantLanguage & "" <> "" then getMultiValues applicantLanguage, ":", arrSplit01, arrSplit01Max itemTemp = "0" for intCounter01=0 to arrSplit01Max if arrSplit01(intCounter01) <> "" then itemTemp = "(IIf(([EmployerLanguage] Like '%" & Left(arrSplit01(intCounter01),3) & "_%'),20," & itemTemp & "))" end if next lineTemp = lineTemp & itemTemp 'Response.Write itemTemp & "<br />" & " " else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(0)" end if applicantPoss = applicantPoss + 20 ' ****************************** Check Nationality ****************************** if lineTemp & "" <> "" then lineTemp = lineTemp & "+" if applicantNationality & "" <> "" then getMultiValues applicantNationality, ":", arrSplit01, arrSplit01Max itemTemp = "0" for intCounter01=0 to arrSplit01Max if arrSplit01(intCounter01) <> "" then itemTemp = "(IIf(([EmployerNationality] Like '%" & arrSplit01(intCounter01) & ":%'),20," & itemTemp & "))" end if next lineTemp = lineTemp & itemTemp 'Response.Write itemTemp & "<br />" & " " else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(0)" end if applicantPoss = applicantPoss + 20 ' ****************************** Check Position ****************************** if lineTemp & "" <> "" then lineTemp = lineTemp & "+" if applicantPosition & "" <> "" then itemTemp = "" getMultiValues applicantPosition, ":", arrSplit01, arrSplit01Max itemTemp = "0" if instr(applicantPosition,"ANY") then itemTemp = "(10)" for intCounter01=0 to arrSplit01Max if arrSplit01(intCounter01) <> "" then if arrSplit01(intCounter01) <> "ANY" then itemTemp = "(IIf(([EmployerPosition] Like '%" & Left(arrSplit01(intCounter01),3) & "_%'),20," & itemTemp & "))" end if end if next lineTemp = lineTemp & itemTemp 'Response.Write itemTemp & "<br />" & " " else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(0)" end if applicantPoss = applicantPoss + 20 ' ****************************** Check PositionType ****************************** if lineTemp & "" <> "" then lineTemp = lineTemp & "+" if applicantPositionType & "" <> "" then getMultiValues applicantPositionType, ":", arrSplit01, arrSplit01Max itemTemp = "0" strType1 = "" for intCounter01=0 to arrSplit01Max if arrSplit01(intCounter01) = "ANY" then strType1 = "(10)" next if strType1 <> "" then itemTemp = strType1 for intCounter01=0 to arrSplit01Max if arrSplit01(intCounter01) = "rea" then strType1 = "(IIf(([EmployerPositionType] Like '%r??:%'),15," & itemTemp & "))" end if next if strType1 <> "" then itemTemp = strType1 for intCounter01=0 to arrSplit01Max if arrSplit01(intCounter01) = "coa" then strType1 = "(IIf(([EmployerPositionType] Like '%c??:%'),15," & itemTemp & "))" end if next if strType1 <> "" then itemTemp = strType1 for intCounter01=0 to arrSplit01Max if arrSplit01(intCounter01) <> "" then itemTemp = "(IIf(([EmployerPositionType] Like '%" & arrSplit01(intCounter01) & ":%'),20," & itemTemp & "))" end if next lineTemp = lineTemp & itemTemp 'Response.Write itemTemp & "<br />" & " " else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(0)" end if applicantPoss = applicantPoss + 20 strSQL = strSQL & ", (" & lineTemp & ") AS Total, qryEmployer.EmployerActive, '" & applicantPoss & "' AS Poss, qryEmployer.* FROM qryEmployer " strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (((qryEmployer.EmployerActive)=True) AND ((qryEmployer.EmployerLastLoginDate)>" & DATE_DELIMITER & dateAdd("d",(optionDaysListed * -1),now()) & DATE_DELIMITER & ")) " strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY (" & lineTemp & ") DESC, qryEmployer.EmployerLastLoginDate DESC;"

Does anyone know any other ways to build this type of Query to show result in a ranked order.

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Filter Query Combobox Options

May 11, 2015

I created a form that has about 8 different filter options that can be used to filter a query. I used the filter by form table to set it all up and I can get each of them to work individually as well as 2 work together... but as soon as I added the information for the 3rd, I stopped getting results... in fact nothing happens. Even with the code for all 3 and selecting just 1 option, nothing happens any more. I have

cbopersonnel that is supposed to look up values in 4 different personnel columns
cboshift that looks up all shift work
cboworkdef that looks up what the job was (just a title)

Having just 2 in the filter by form works great, but adding 3 screws everything up. And I'm not talking about selecting all three (I know that would limit the output more) but I mean, with all 3 setup and selecting shift as "nights"... nothing gets filtered anymore. I have cbopersonnel on "look for" tab and everything else is on the next "or" tab. I tried to set it up on individual tabs but access combined it. I also tried adding cboshift to the "or" tab with everything else and access sent it back to "look for". All of the cbo references are under their respective search area... so in the table, the shift column has the cboshift lookup value. Is it just because I'm not using quotes around the cbo output? That doesn't make sense to me though. Anyway below is the lookup value for the cboshift.

[Forms]![Log Book Lookup]![cboshift]

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Data Analysis Options DCount - Crosstab Query

Dec 27, 2014

I have a table [Control Table] with the fields [Date signed] and [outcome] date signed is formatted as dd/mm/yyyy and the outcome field is a drop down with the options granted, not granted ect

I am looking for a way to present the data using specific date ranges.

I have found 2 possible avenues;

Dcount in a select query:

w/c 01/04/2014 GRANTED: DCount("[Date signed]","[control table]","[Date signed]>=#04/01/2014# And [Date signed] <=#04/06/2014# And [Outcome]='Granted'")

w/c 01/04/2014 Not GRANTED: DCount("[Date signed]","[control table]","[Date signed]>=#04/01/2014# And [Date signed] <=#04/06/2014# And [Outcome]='Not Granted' And [Reason not granted]='Assessed'")

w/c 01/04/2014 Discharged: DCount("[Date signed]","[control table]","[Date signed]>=#04/01/2014# And [Date signed] <=#04/06/2014# And [Reason not granted]='Discharged'")

But I would need to create the multiple queries 52 times each for the different count value per week

My 2nd option

I have looked at crosstab query, but I cant find a way for it to list the specific dates I need it to query e.g from

01/04/2014 - 06/04/2014
07/04/2014 - 13/04/2014
14/04/2014 - 20/04/2014

Any tips on Data analysis? I have been able to perform the task previously in excel using If statements but we are now moving to access.

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The Need For Speed

Oct 18, 2005


I have a growing Access database in a multi-user environment over a 10/100Mb network. The database is all in one file at the moment, on a shared directory of our XP-Pro 'Server', and the workstations have a mapped drive to it and are W98SE machines. All the machines are 1.2Ghz Fujitsu Siemens machines.

It is still under development, but is also in constant use, and I therefore have to develop on a copy, then get everyone out so I can copy in the changes. I would love it to be a client/server setup and split the db to Tables only backend on the server and progams on the client, but when I tried, the result was a dramatic slow-down in the system...it became unusable.

I do have a budget for this, and could get a proper 'server' or maybe an Ethernet Disk, but what is the best config for speed and admin purposes. Anyone doing something similar??


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Speed Of Calculation

Apr 5, 2007


I noticed something strange in access 2000: sometimes it takes a long time to calculate a report and other times it goes rapidly. I don't see any process taking a lot of CPU %.

When i do the same thing in Access2003, it goes rapidly every time.

Can anyone help me?


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Speed Question...

May 23, 2007

Which is faster, placing a calculation
ItemNumber: IIf([MANITEMNO]<>" ",[MANITEMNO],[ITEM])
in a query or placing
=IIf([MANITEMNO]<>" ",[MANITEMNO],[ITEM])as a Control Source in a text field on a form or report :confused:

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Dlookup Speed

Dec 19, 2007

I was brought up to believe in Santa Claus and that DLookups were slow. I browsed last night and found many threads mentioning speed issues with DLookups.

My latest project consists of upgrading a database written at a Client Site that is chock full of (you guessed it) DLookups. My normal inclination was to replace them with parameter queries. But before I did, I ran some benchmarks of DLookup vs Parameter Query speed. In all cases (table1 = 11 records, table2 = 1,143 records) the DLookup was faster.

My test was to lookup a field based on the recordset's primary key. In table2 I tested a record mid way down and the last record. DLookup is the winner hands down.

Should I also stop believing in Santa Claus. Too bad because I have a new notebook on my wish list.

Thanks for your wisdon.

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Database Speed

May 24, 2005

Can anyone offer suggestions as to why, when I split my db, place the backend on the server, and open Form2 my front end grows from 2.25MB to 3.95?

I was using macros to filter the data for each type of project and that does not affect the db size nearly as much as this does.

I am using the following code on the On_Click event of the "View Projects" button on Form2 to build the criteria for the records to appear on my "Projects" form.

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strSubtype As String
Dim strStatus As String
Dim strSubtypeCondition As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSortOrder As String
Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command

For Each varItem In Me.lstSubtype.ItemsSelected
strSubtype = strSubtype & "," & Me.lstSubtype.ItemData(varItem)
Next varItem
If Len(strSubtype) = 0 Then
strSubtype = "Like '*'"
strSubtype = Right(strSubtype, Len(strSubtype) - 1)
strSubtype = "IN(" & strSubtype & ")"
End If

For Each varItem In Me.lstStatus.ItemsSelected
strStatus = strStatus & ",'" & Me.lstStatus.ItemData(varItem) & "'"
Next varItem
If Len(strStatus) = 0 Then
strStatus = "Like '*'"
strStatus = Right(strStatus, Len(strStatus) - 1)
strStatus = "IN(" & strStatus & ")"
End If

If Me.optAnd.Value = True Then
strSubtypeCondition = " AND "
strSubtypeCondition = " OR "
End If

'Build the sort order

If Me.cboSortOrder1.Value <> "Not Sorted" Then
strSortOrder = " ORDER BY tblProjectDetails.[" & Me.cboSortOrder1.Value & "]"
strSortOrder = ""
End If

'Build the SQL statement

strSQL = "SELECT tblProjectDetails.* FROM tblProjectDetails " & _
"WHERE tblProjectDetails.[subtypeid] " & strSubtype & _
strSubtypeCondition & "tblProjectDetails.[status] " & strStatus & _
strSortOrder & ";"

cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
Set cmd = cat.Views("Query1").Command
cmd.CommandText = strSQL
Set cat.Views("Query1").Command = cmd
Set cat = Nothing

DoCmd.OpenForm "Projects", , "Query1"

I have cleaned up my code, compact and repaired, compiled, got rid of unneeded tables, queries, etc. and no change.

I have read up on all of the possible causes/solutions and can't seem to narrow it down.

Thanks for any help,


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