Split Database = Poor Performance

Feb 27, 2007

So, I split up my database and housed the tables database part of the split on a shared network drive and am experimenting with the front end of the database which i've housed on my local computer. I've tried most of the recommendations: shortened the name of the db, changed fe to mde file, changed link tables to subdatasheet (none), but still my forms (only 2) are taking a while to load up. The forms are pretty substantial, and have a form and a subform on each. Can anyone offer up any recommendations to improve the speed?

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Split DB Poor Performance?

Nov 16, 2005


I have split my database application that was approaching the 20MB size. This I have split into a front end (approx. 8 Mb) with linked tables to a back end database (approx. 12MB).

Network is 100Mb Ethernet.

However, since doing this, end users have noticed that scrolling through records and especially running reports takes significantly longer sometimes 3x/ 4x longer. I understood that splitting the DB would have a beneficial effect from a development / application 'release' point of view and maybe if I were to create an MDE file of the front end, I could also benefit from reduced network traffic given that end users are using a compiled executable etc.

With the speed issues I have been experiencing I have had no choice but to roll back to the original application format with everything in the the one MDB file.

Has anyone else had to do the same - given similar speed degradation issues?


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Sudden Poor Performance

Jan 11, 2006

Last week, my access97 db, with back end and front end, both residing on a network as they have been for the last 2 years, decided to start running at 1/4 of the speed that they usually have. The db is used by 16 users, and roughly 5 are on at any given time (Operating system - XP). Both front end and backend were compressed without any change in performance. No changes in programming or number of records was introduced as of late. Checking with our IT department indicated that the performance of the network and drive have not changed and are up to snuff. I moved a copy of the FE and BE to my hard drive and found performance to return to normal speed, although I am not sure if it always ran faster on a PC. Any experience with this irregularity and options to check would be greatly appreciated?

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Split DB Speed Performance?

Sep 23, 2007

Hi All,

A DB is split (FE / BE) with several FE users and the BE sat on a network.
FE Access 2003. (runtime)
The Sub form has record set type set to Snapshot.

Which of the following scenarios will perform fastest?

Scenario 1,
The FE Queries a linked table and displays the results on a sub form (Datasheet Format).

Scenario 2,
The BE table is copied to the FE (new table) and the query is run against the new table and displays the results on a sub form (Datasheet Format)

The reason for this question is to attempt to reduce the network traffic and further improve the speed performance of a split database.


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Database Performance

Sep 27, 2007

I'd like to know whether other users have had performance problems with different versions of Access in a single environment.

In my office, two users are on A2007, and the rest of us are on A2003 or earlier. After some nasty conflicts in the (un-split) database when A2007 and A2003 users were in the same file, I split the database. Now the A2007 and A2003 people have individual frontends. Other than having a garbled LDB file, I haven't had any other conflicts between the two programs.

However, I have had some massively irritating problems ever since I split the database.

1)The Design View on my Front End runs very, very slow (like, five beats after every action to process).
2) If I try to edit one particular, very simple form, it will not return to form view... it is stuck in Design view. (That sounds like the form has been corrupted.)
3) The auto-save doesn't seem to be working... Access (2003) crashed on me yesterday and I lost an hour's work on a new form.

I've tried some of the database construction suggestions to speed performance in other posts - forms based on queries, record locking, short paths, etc., and have seen some improvement in overall performance, but none of these should affect design view. USING the database tends to be speedy-quick.

So, did our dalliance with A2007 mess up my database? Does any one else have experience with this? Or are these symptoms common with a slow network connection (the back end is on a server, front ends are on individual desktops)?


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Database Performance - Please Help

Jan 17, 2005

We're going live with a database today, and running through some testing, some of the forms seem to freeze. It's only happened a couple of times, but my question is, what is the best way to distribute it.

At the moment it's just on a location on the network and the users in the team access it directly. Can anyone give me any suggestions. My neck is on the line here...

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Multi User Access Database Performance Issue.

Jul 4, 2005

We are encountering severe performance problems when running our access database on our Network.


Huge drop off in performance when 2nd and subsequent users refresh links to chosen back end database. If the database is opened by another users front end database.

Takes up to 10 minutes to refresh the links to 120 tables in Back-end MDB database.

The system is designed as a split front and backend Access database. The back-end Data MDB database is located on a Windows 2000 server.

The first time a user logs on they are required to locate and Re- Link the tables from the back-end database which holds data for the current year. If they wish to work on another year they re-link the tables from the relevant back end database.

When running locally the Front end takes between 5 and 10 seconds to refresh ALL the links to around 130 tables.

When the back end is on a network drive the process takes about twice as long. But is still quick.

If another user has the file open via their own (locally held) front end, then the refresh link process takes between 5 and 10 seconds PER TABLE !!

This means that that it takes up to 10 minutes to complete the re-link.
Same behaviour if using Linked table Manager or refresh links using code

As soon as second user logs out of database the refresh link process speeds up.

The behaviour has been observed on a variety of servers and customer networks.

General data access is also much slower after 2nd user - but just about bearable. Data files are small – few records – occupy 7mb on disk.

Development Platforms – Windows XP / 200 clients, Windows 2000 Server hosts the back end database.

Front end is Access XP (MDB or MDE File) with al the latest service packs and security updates installed.

We have experienced this problem with a number of different systems running in various environments. But this wasn’t a problem with the old Access 1 database

HELP! Access should be able to support 10 – 20 users - we can barely run 2!

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Please Help A Poor Teacher In The UK....

Aug 21, 2007

........... Hi, I've just come across this forum and was hoping that you can lend a hand.

I teach in a special school - our pupils are slow learners and find reading and writing rather challenging. They are slow learners. Here, we say that they have moderate learning difficulties. In most other ways, they are like any other kids - and if you met them out and about on the streets, they would not seem any different to their mainstream peers.

I teach Computer skills throughout the school, and this year, I have to teach databases to our older pupils. In the past, I confess, I have used excel to demonstrate some database capabilities, but I would like to use the proper program this time.

I purchased Access for the school - only to discover that it is Access 2007. So not only do I have to learn an unfamilar program [for me] but also it looks very different too.

Not to be outdone, I have bought one of those 'teach yourself access 2007' CDs and all is going well with that. [Though it is still early days].

What I need are some sample databases for the kids to practice sorting, filtering etc on. I have downloaded some sample databases, but they all seem very complicated to me. Simple is the key, here. Something like someone's database of cds [I did start to make one of these myself but it was very time consuming]

Or maybe some ideas of simple databases that the kids could have a go at making. That could be good. My mind is such a jumble that I can't think straight right now.

Any ideas? Can anyone please help?

Eternally grateful, in advance,


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Best Practice To Handle Poor Data Quality In Relationships?

Jul 21, 2007

I'm attempting to normalize an enormous table with order data, but I'm running into some problems. The table currently contains many duplicates, of which also included the actual order information (yikes!), but I managed to normalize it almost all the way down. It appears that different accounts can be used on orders, and these order numbers are being recycled for some reason months down the line (don't ask my why they're reusing them for future orders because I have no idea either, they should be creating new order numbers). Of course, the Order number is the primary key in my table as it should be. I guess the same thing can occur with the sales rep. Anyway, I'm struggling to find the "best practice way" to deal with this situation. I'm almost tempted to create an intermediary "transaction table" or something like that between the main general order information (which at this point will basically be the Order Number and Customer ID only), then include a table with the account information and sales rep info, then have that link to the Order Detail with the products, quantity, order number and various dates for those order numbers. Order maybe it should be a separate, related table, but not between the general order information and the order details? Can anyone tell me if I'm on the right track for this situation? It was a total curveball that the rep and account information could be different on these orders.

Option 1:
Order (Order #, Customer) -> Transaction Information (Order #, Account Type, Sales Person) -> Order Details (dates, products, quantities, etc)

Option 2:
Order (Order #, Customer)---> Transaction Information (Order #, Account
| Type, Sales Person)
|-> Order Details (dates, products, quantities, etc)

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Poor Error Handling In Access - It's Like Going Back In Time. Anyone Agree?

Sep 22, 2005

I'm sick of the lame excuse for error messages that Access gives out.. I'm talking about 'Overflow', 'invalid use of Null' and such like.

What about telling you what field/expression caused the error and on what record if applicable.

It's so frustrating - Access obviously knows what caused the error but refuses to tell you so you have to go through the annoying process of taking out fields one by one (when in query view).

Does anyone agree that they need to make the error handling in Access much better?

Thanks for any interest in my post.

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Split The Database, Should I Do It?

Jan 12, 2006

:confused: I have read a quite a few threads on spiting the database. My database is 50 Meg and running very slow. I have compacted and repair, still the same. This just happen all of sudden. Could that be possible?. What should I look out before I try to spit it?. It’s given that I will make a backup. I am running Access 2003. I have over 150 users.

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Split An MDE Database?

Aug 12, 2006

I am almost at the finishing line with a great deal of help from here.
I have now normalised the tables, built complicated queries, forms, reports, all from scratch as I knew absolutely nothing before I started with Access three months ago.
I have compacted and repaired the database using the wizard, and also complied the code and analyzed all tables, forms, queries, and reports and relationships.
The final step is to make it an MDE file so that it can go on the local network at work (not on the internet).
My questions are these;

Do I need to split the database into front and back ends?

If I save a copy of the original MDB file and then make it a MDE file would that not suffice in making it run more efficiently?

Can a split MDB database be made into an MDE database?

Any advice, as always, is most welcome.

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Split Database

Nov 21, 2006

I have a database that resides on a file server share. I have split the database to create a backend. I then posted a shortcut of the front end to the desktops of two users who have access to the share. I then tried to access the front end from the two machines simultaneously. It opened on the first PC but not the second? When I viewed the server share it had a 'padlock' icon?

Where am I going wrong? This is the first time I have attempted this scenario!!
Thanks in advance,

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When To Split Database?

Dec 21, 2006


Should splitting only be done when all tables,queries,forms,reports, etc. are done. Or can it be done anytime. I am almost to that stage but didnt want to jump the gun and run into problems later on.


I will have about 20 users sharing this.

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Why Should I Split My Database?

Dec 27, 2006

I was having a discussion with Rickster57 concerning my newly developed database, and he recommended that I split it so that it has a front end and a back end. Rick listed a number of very good reasons for doing this (so I will definitely do it). But I wanted to pose the question so I could get some of the reasons the more seasoned Access programmers have for creating a front and back end to their programs.

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Database Split

Jun 29, 2007

I recently split my database and also used Bob Larson's Autoupdating tool. Everything appeared to be working fine until a few users were unable to access the db. I later found out that because they are at a different site, they don't map to the server that houses the database BE. However, even if they manually map to the correct server, they are unable to bring up the db Form. They get an error stating the BE "...is not a valid path". My questions are:

1) If I were to copy all the files (the Master FE, BE, and MDE) to a public folder that ALL users have access to, will everyone be able to bring up the database Form?

2) How would this affect what was already set up when I ran Bob Larson's utility (or even the splitting and MDE creation)?

3) Is there a way to "Undo" what was previously "Done" to this database (ie: Splitting, Larson Utility, MDE creation) in order to correct the issue, or do I need to start from scratch and split the database while it's on a Public drive.

I hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance for your help.


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How To Split Database In FE And BE

Jul 2, 2007


I just want to know that " How to split the Access database in Front End and Back End application"? I am creating a database that i want to store on server and simultaneously want to give access to 20 terminals (cleints) to access the database.

Secondly, I have to provide a field in a form "Document number". However as per the requirement user can enter "PIR No", "Serial No" or at times both as document number. Both the things "PIR No" and "Serial No" have different format types like "PIR No 001" and "Srl No001".

On basis of document number later i have to give the option to search the particular document. Please guide me how to provide the option to enter the field values.

Appreciate any help on above.


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Split An MDE Database?

Aug 12, 2006

I am almost at the finishing line with a great deal of help from here.
I have now normalised the tables, built complicated queries, forms, reports, all from scratch as I knew absolutely nothing before I started with Access three months ago.
I have compacted and repaired the database using the wizard, and also complied the code and analyzed all tables, forms, queries, and reports and relationships.
The final step is to make it an MDE file so that it can go on the local network at work (not on the internet).
My questions are these;

Do I need to split the database into front and back ends?

If I save a copy of the original MDB file and then make it a MDE file would that not suffice in making it run more efficiently?

Can a split MDB database be made into an MDE database?

Any advice, as always, is most welcome.

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Split Database Design

Sep 11, 2005

I am combining 12 Databases. I have split all 12 between the server and the desktop. My question is “Should I combing all of the data table on the server into one database or should I leave all of the individual application data tables in separate Databases on the server”. Additionally, is there a limit to the number of tables an Access DB can handle? My inclination is to keep the functionality separated but the problem I have is that some of the functionality within the applications overlap. Recommendations!

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Problem After Database Split

Nov 9, 2005

'ello all,

The moment of truth finally came and I split my database FE/BE for testing only the truth was a bit sour.

I have several forms in my database that have a common series of buttons at the top which open their corresponding form. Before the split, everything was fine - you can click on the button and the desired form would open. After the split, I'm getting the error message:

"Microsoft Office Access couldn't find the toolbar 'EVM Database Menu'."

This is referencing a toolbar that I used during development to help jump to forms.

I tried removing the toolbar from each form (Tools > Customize > Toolbars > unchecked the custom toolbar), and re-split the database FE/BE ends, but to no avail..

So, I checked the event codes to be sure I didn't program something wrong. There are 9 buttons total to open forms, 7 of them give this problem, the remaining 2 do not. The code for the problematic and non-problematic ones are identical!

Example - Non-Working (error message re: Custom Toolbar):
Private Sub cmdActuals_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdActuals_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmDataActuals"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdActuals_Click

End Sub

Example - Working (no error message):
Private Sub cmdPerfProj_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdPerfProj_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmPerfProj"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdPerfProj_Click

End Sub

So..this has nothing to do with code, it must be a problem in the linking somehow, right? A bug possibly? What else could be causing this? More importantly, is there a solution to my predicament that anyone could help out with? Searches so far have returned no help either from forums (including here), MS site (no Q-articles), and VBA Help. I'll continue searching though.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Split A Database- Where's The Front End?

Jul 11, 2006

as an attempt to improve database performance, I have split a MS Access 2003 database. I have successfully split the database and saved the backend onto the server. My question is, where is the front end. or do I have to create it?


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Moving A Split Database

Oct 3, 2006

I have a database that I've created for someone else to use. It's split into a front and back end. The user will be placing the front end on her desktop PC and the back end on a network server.

She also will be taking the database home to use from time to time. My problem is that when the database is split, upon opening, it looks for the back end on the network drive, which is unavailable when she's away from the office.

Is there a way to tell the Access to look in a directory relative to the one it's in?

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Split Database Locking

Jan 5, 2007

I have a call tracking database with 5 active users. Ocasionally the database will freeze, usually for several people at once. It will say:
"Can not update record; Currently Locked"

The only way to fix it is to close and re-open. I split the database, compiled it and then created an MDE file to distribute. They are using copies of the front-end, not links. The database locking more and more every day. But we are using it more. After parusing the forum I'm starting to suspect that this is a problem of "Primary Key duplication" If everyone trys to create a record at the same time, would the database lock because we all created the same record at the same time?

If so, how do I get around this? Use something other than Autonumber for the primary key? Or is this an entirely different problem?

By the way, my record locks are set to "No Locks"


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Database Has Slowed Way Down Since Split

Mar 28, 2007

Hi all,
I have noticed that ever since i split my database there is a considerable slow down of load time!
When multiple users are on, it is also incredibly slow. is there a practice to follow to speed up the database? each user has their own front end, so im not sure if there is something else that can be done to speed it up

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Split Database W/be On A Server

Nov 20, 2007


I am new to split database format... If I put the backend on say windows server 2000 or 2003 in a folder, is there anything else I need to do? Any setting on the server?? Or do I need a specific type of server os ie sql server etc?


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2007 - Split Database

Jan 9, 2008

I have a relatively small database of approx 28 MB - for 5 users max on Access 2007 -since the upgrade from '97 I have noticed a significant degradation in performance over the network - not so much on my machine which is the server/host machine but on the clients. All are Pentium/Celeron processors and recently I have beefed up the working memory to approx. 750MB/ 1GB on all these machines.

Even so, on occasion, I might type something in a field on a form - Access seems to 'fall asleep' for 10 seconds or so and then wake up again. Indeed, the window caption states (Not responding) .... This is not happening all the time but enough that when it does happen it is particulalry frustrating. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

I am thinking of splitting the database into a front / back end to resolve this issue but perhaps it is not a network traffic problem / the database isnt really that big considering others that I have read about on the forum that run into 100 of MBs! - can anyone suggest this a sensible idea / or could I regret at a later date?

Thanks for any help/suggestions you may have.


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