Split Characters And Put Into Text Fields

Jul 30, 2013

How to split characters:

Example: my expression is

I want split this and put it to 4 text field
field1: 2
field2: 12
field3: 1
field4: 10

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Modules & VBA :: Text File Split Into Table - Find Text In Recordset

Sep 5, 2013

I have some vba where I'm importing a text file and splitting it out into a table. For the most part its working just fine.

But I have a line of data that I need to pull out the string right after "Old" - Murphy and right after "New" ZMurphy

Acc# : 111111 This is test data, Person : 22222 Old Murphy New ZMurphy

I'm thinking Instr() could do this but I'm unable to get it to work.

I am using Access 2010...

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Updating FE Fields When Fields Are Deleted From The BE (after DB Split Obvs)

Aug 28, 2006


The database I am working on, I split a while ago to give it some security. Now i'm updating a related form, and i'm finding that if I delete and add fields in the BE, the FE fields (being the fields that I need to insert into the form so the data entered propogates to the DB) are not updated.

How do I update the FE?


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Counting Characters In Text Box

Dec 5, 2006

Wise one, I have looked for this throughout the forum but could not fiend an answer. Could you help? I have found a little script to display the number of characters entered into a text box so at to warn the user if they are getting close to the maximum number of characters allowed.
See http://www.databasedev.co.uk/counting_characters.html
I cannot get it to work. The problem is that I can only enter 1 character. It counts it but then highlights the character I just typed. I then have to click next to it to input the next character. Any Ideas?

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Limiting The Number Of Characters In A Text Box

Jun 13, 2007

I Have Created A Client Reference Allocation Screen Which Makes The Clients Reference From Details In A Number Of Text Boxes.

For Example:

Client Number: 0010, Forename: Andrew, Surname: Bloggs, Year: 2007,
Occupation: Driver.

Client Reference = 0010ab-dr07

I Have Copied The Text Boxes So The Information Is Automatically Displayed To Create The Client Reference, But Rather Than Shortening The Copied Text Boxes To Show Only The First Few Characters Is There A Way Of Limiting The Number Of Characters Shown In The Copied Text Boxes??


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Deleting Certain Text Between Characters In A Cell

Jan 10, 2005

I have a table of 1216 records. The Title fields contain extra notes which I would like to remove. All of the notes have /'s around them. I would like to remove all of the text between the /'s and all of the /'s themselves.


Should be:

I don't know how to do this, but I can do it in MS Excel or Access--whichever one is easier.

Thanks for help in advance.


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Queries :: Extract Text Between Certain Characters

May 14, 2014

I have a field that contains the following data:

FirstName:Pedro LastName:Campos Restaurant:BI Strand Location:North Month:March

I need to extract the data into different fields like this:

Field1: Pedro
Field2: Campos
Field3: BI Strand
Field4: North

How to extract the information I want into different fields

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Tables :: Handling More Than 255 Characters Of Text?

Sep 19, 2012

I am taking a filing index of City Council Resolutions which is currently based in Excel and transferring the index to an Access database I am building. An issue I am having is that the Resolutions being indexed have a subject description that ranges from about 100 characters to +700. The new Access database must hold the complete contents of the Excel spreadsheet.

The direction I have taken is to divide up the subject field into three text fields as needed ([Subject1], [Subject2], [Subject3]) each with up to 255 characters. In reports I will simply combine these fields into one large text box so the user will see them as one large subject description. Memo fields are not an option because in the near future the database backend will be moved to SQL and I understand that SQL does not always play well with memo fields.

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Any Way To Paste More Than 50 Characters In Text Field?

May 1, 2014

I have a text field on a form and I am trying to paste more than 50 characters (and space) into that field and I get the following message: "The text is too long to be edited.". Is ther a way to increase the paste capacity?

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Force Entry Of Certain Characters In Text Field?

Jun 7, 2007


I have a DB where I want text entry of the primary key to adhere to a certain format.
I'm already using a mask of >LL000000 to force two capital letter and 6 numbers.
Is there any way I can force extra restrictions, by making for example the first 3 characters to have to be AB1, thus making every entry follow format:

(FYI: Access 2003)

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Search For Specific Characters In A Text Field

May 25, 2005

I have a table with a large text field in it, among other fields.
What I am trying to do, in a query, is to show only the characters that are between brackets "[" and "]" for that field. And, if there is more than one pair of brackets, show only what lies between the last pair of brackets.

What I've tried so far is use InStr() functions to find these brackets and then use a Mid() function to show the enclosed text. But, it doesn't work well and it gives me a very complex query! In fact, I don't think it is a good idea to even use these functions in my query. That would probably slow it down a lot.

Can someone show me a function that I could use to do what I'm looking for? I need function names that could help me make better searches for more informations.

Thank you!

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Memo Field Limits Text To 255 Characters

Dec 20, 2003

I'm new to forum and can't find an answer to this problem. I am using Access 2002 and have a memo field in a form that I want people to be able to type in as much text as they want. This is then displayed in a report. The form accepts the text with no problems however when I view it in the report it has been cut to 255 characters as if it is a text box. I have set the properties to 'can grow' to no avail. I have searched the MS Knowledge base for a solution with no luck. I admit I'm not an expert in Access and would really appreciate some help as I have been trying to overcome this problem for days.

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General :: How To Import Specific Characters Of Text

Oct 12, 2012

I need to import circa 900 .txt files into a dbase (yet to be built), they are all of a standard format/layout. I need to import the top line into about 9 columns. So not sure how, but it can be mapped to pull the same digits per column every time.

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General :: Date Conversion From Text Value (5 Characters)

Mar 1, 2013

I have a date value in text format that is 5 character and want to convert it to a proper date format. Here is a sample of the data:

07301 actually represents 7/30/2011. How to actually convert that value to the date format of mm/dd/yyyy?

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HTML Characters In Plain Text Field

Sep 25, 2014

I have a table field defined as Plain Text. On a form I have a memo field set up also defined as Plain Text. When I enter data into the memo field on the form and save it, I see HTML characters in the field on the table.

I attached some screen shots of the table definition, form field properties and a look at the data saved to the table with the HTML characters.

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Split Text

Sep 24, 2005


One one of my forms i'm using the following code on the After Update event of one of my text boxes.

Me.SD_Knownas = Left$([SD_FirstName], InStr(1, [SD_FirstName], " ") - 1)

What i'm trying to do is pull the firstname from a string of text. For Example my name is Pete James the above ode returns Pete. Perfect..

The problem is.. when i enter a name that for example Pete i get a runtime error 5?

Is there away to make it see if there is one name in the box and use that or if more than one just return the first part.



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Split Fields

Jun 22, 2005

I would like to split the contents of one field (in a table) into two or more. How can I do this?
e.g. 1 Coca-Cola Australia becomes 1 (in one field) and Coca-Cola Australia (in another field)

thanks :mad:

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Reports :: Fields Not Showing All Data (Displaying Around 250 Characters)

Jan 21, 2015

I have a report that runs from a query with fields but for some reason its not showing all the text in the field it only shows around 250 characters, I have the field to auto grow in size but still not working?

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General :: How To Split Int Between Text

Jul 3, 2015

I have a group of part number doesn't come with a standard format. It is very tricky since some does come with some regular flow but some are not. Therefore i try to take 2 different sample category.

My idea is to split the LPN into 3 column eg. CIVUS (Type), 0.13(SIZE), BR (COLOR)



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Forms :: List Box Should Be Filtered As Readable Characters Entered In Text Box

May 26, 2014

I have a table with a huge master list (some hundred thousand) of unique bar code tags, which either have 8 or 12 digits. (Valid characters are "012 345 678 9ACEFHJKLMNPRYXW"). I created a form, which is automatically looking up valid records as the string is entered position by position from left to right. This is working fine and sufficient in 99% of the cases.

Sometimes characters are not readable on the original document, so I need a tool/form, were I can enter only the readable positions of the code and the tag list is then filtered accordingly. For that, I created a separate form with 12 text boxes for each possible position of the bar code and a listbox. This list box should be filtered as the readable characters are entered in their respective positions/textbox.

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Custom Input Mask Using Both Text And Numeric Characters For A Form

Feb 19, 2015

I am trying to create a custom input mask using both text and numeric characters for a form.

Example would me ABCD-12345678. However the first 4 letters would would need to be able to change.

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Reports :: Split Into Two Text If Overflow

Oct 15, 2013

I am trying to create another text filed if the first one is overflow in a report.

Text= If my time was right I would have taken the chance to find another job but it was not possible since there was nothing available at that time

Text count for above is 147.

Text1 width =85 characters
Text1= If my time was right I would have taken the chance to find another job but it was not

Text2 width =85 characters
Text2= possible since there was nothing available at that time

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Split A Query Into Two Text Files?

Jan 24, 2014

I have a very large query that I need to export to text. I'm hitting the 4GB limit, so I'd like to "split" the query and create two text files instead.

What's the most efficient way to do this? Also, are there any export file formats that can handle more data? (i.e. is there a format that could fit this massive query into a single file?)

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Split Up Data In One Field Into Several Fields?

Feb 24, 2012

I have a field in an Access 2003 table that has several image names in it separated by "; " (semi colon and space). The thing is, I need to split them up into their own fields..My table name is "ONE BIG TABLE" (will be exporting data from one table for CSV).My starting field name is "ALT_IMG".An example of the contents of a record within "ALT_IMG" is

/AAG70260G05_2_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_3_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_5_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_6_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_7_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_8_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_4_1.JPG
What I need is to split these up into their own fields. I can create new fields to populate, I just need to get them in the fields and to remove them from the original ALT_IMG field after moved. There can be as many as 0 or 1 to 20 images in the ALT_IMG field.

Ultimately I was thinking about making new fields named "ALT_IMG_2", "ALT_IMG_3" (up tp 20) and then making an update query of sort to anything more than 1 image to the next field. Meaning if there are two images, then the first stays where it is and the second is moved to ALT_IMG_2. If there are three then the first stays where it is, the second goes to ALT_IMG_2 and the third goes to ALT_IMG_3.Now I know that there are benefits of having multiple tables but I need this to end up in the same table.

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Tables :: Split Fields And Look For Updated Match?

Apr 20, 2013

I have done this in Excel before, but not Access. I do not know VBA. I figure this will have to be done in a query or a macro. I don't even know if all of this is possible in Access. I need to be able to split an Address field into:

Street Number
Street Name
Street Type
Street Direction

And the purpose of this is so that I can pull out the Street Type (Drive, Road, Lane, etc) and update the abbreviations (DR, RD, LN) to the Street Type spelled completely out.

I did this in Excel by creating a Named Range "Types" on a sheet that has the abbreviations in Column A and the spelled out versions in Column B so that I could convert the abbreviations to complete street types. I broke down the entire address into each part on another sheet. Then I did a VLOOKUP to look up the Street Type in Column B in the Types range. Works great! And the only way I knew at the time to do that.

But, by doing this, I have to get the data I need from a download into a spreadsheet, break the address fields down on a second sheet, do all kinds of field update conversions (to get the field names from the download to match the field names in my Access table). This takes extensive Excel programming. I just thought there might be a way to do it by simply importing the data from the download straight into Access. That is easily done, but the Street Types aren't consistent.

There may even be a better way to do this than splitting....something like if a field CONTAINS DR update it to Drive. This would be a long process to set up because there are so many different street types to consider.

This is basically for the purpose of finding duplicates. If there is one entry called 123 Main St and another called 123 Main Street, they are not going to show up as duplicates, rather as two separate records.

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Sort Multiple Fields In A Split Form

Apr 30, 2014

I have a split form with 10-15 fields. Each of these fields is a combo box. The trouble I am having is sorting the data in the datasheet of the split for. I want to sort ascending by "ProductTypeName", then ascending by "Parent SKU" and then ascending by "ProductSizeID".

How can I do this when each of my combo boxes have an ID and then a name? Example below:


Apron - Bib

Apron - Waist

Bag - Backpack

Chef Coat

[Code] ......

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