Split Time Across Multiple Brands In Timesheet Database

Jun 21, 2014

I'm working on a database with a form input to record my time on projects at work. How to split End Time - Start Time among all brands that I've chosen for a line item?

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Forms :: Time Tracker - Access Split Database

Sep 15, 2014

I am currently preparing a time tracker in my office where there are similar task assigned to different users.

I created a form and split it for front end user and back end user. front end database was copied by each user in their local. However problem is that whenever a front end user update their database it is also reflected in other users database. Is their anyway front end user can see their database only....

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Timesheet Table To Create Popup If Timesheet Entries Is Not Entered Day Before

May 24, 2007

hiya, just posted a message today.

Problem, ive got a work database which employees logon to and enter time against certain projects they have been working on. What i need is to somehow create some code that will look at each of the employees names and sum up there total time for the previous day. If this is less than say 6 hours of timesheets or even zero entries have been made, I want a pop up message to pop up as soon as they logon to the datatbase the next day and jsut mention they need to fill in there timesheets.

At the moment each person when they log on to the database has there name they logged in as, placed into a field (called "First Name") within form (called "Employee Startup Screen"). *** maybe use this as a way to identify who is logged on and when to run the code.***

Timesheet table has the following columns:
Employee; Date; ProjectID; Timespent

PLEASE help im a noob at this and have tried using some code on a query that sums up the previous days times filter on a employee. When the "Employee Startup Screen" opens it runs the following code

Dim internal1 As Integer

internal1 = Me.SumOfTimeSpent

If internal1 < 6 Then

MsgBox " Less than 6 hours have been entered " & Chr(13) & " into your timesheet for yesterday. ", vbCritical, Title1

ElseIf DCount("*", Me.SumOfTimeSpent) <> 0 Then

end if

End Sub


BUT it doesnt work if no entries have been made on the timesheet as the query result is blank.

ANY help would be muchly appreciated.

Thanks Keith

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General :: Split Database - Multiple Open Backends

Sep 20, 2013

I have a split database with the backend on our server. When I go to my server and look at all the open files on the network everyone who is in the backend shows up twice. One has zero locks and the other has multiple locks.

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General :: Split Database With Multiple Users - Read Only Kiosk Mode

Dec 17, 2012

I have two separate database files, a front end with all my forms and a back end with all my tables. The backend is stored on a network drive, is there any way of being able to store the frontend on the drive with the backend? Users do not use the actual computer to store information or access files, everything is usually saved on the network drive. I have created a shortcut that launches the front end database in the read only kiosk mode.

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Simple Timesheet DATABASE

Jul 10, 2007

Hi, Guys

I'm building a simple time sheet database for a friend of mine.

I know that im going to have trouble checking there amount against the tax table and taking there tax out to finalise the amount they would actually get.

So basically im an intermediate access user, how would i get the database to do this when i press like a calculate tax button..???

Tristan F

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Forms :: Timesheet - Filtering Multiple Subforms

Sep 22, 2014

I have a form for timesheet entry that has 2 subforms.

The main form has a combo box for selecting staff name and another for WkEnding date. The form is based on table "SELECT StaffRef, WkEnding, Status FROM tTimesheets".

SubForm sfTimesheets is based on table tTimesheets. The subform is linked by StaffRef and WkEnding. (This has been working for ages.)

Recently added second subform sfOnCall based on table tOnCall. The subform is also linked by StaffRef and WkEnding.

If the user has a timesheet entry for the date, then sfOnCall displays and operates ok. But if there is no entry in the timesheet table, the sfOnCall form doesn't show the appropriate entry from the OnCall table.
I did try basing the main form on a UNION of the 2 tables, but whilst the query showed the correct data when I ran it - all the controls on the form disappeared!

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Queries :: Timesheet Database - Query Is Removing Records When Nothing To Sum

Jan 28, 2015

I'm creating a job/timesheet database and have a problem...

I have a main timesheets table that includes every job/piece of work thats been done (sometimes multiples for each employee each day). Each record contains a ref to the employee, ref to the contract, ref to the type of work, time taken and date.

There are then various tables that support the main table, which provide actual employee names etc.

I want to produce a query that provides the number of hours undertaken on each day of a particular week for each employee. So I'd have one row for each employee from the employees table, then a field for the sum hours for Monday through Friday.

The way I was going about this was

- to create five query's for the main timesheets table that would limit the entries to the five days in question - Monday-Friday. That worked fine.

- to then create a query that takes the employee name and using each of the five day based queries perform a Sum Total on the time field to give me the total hours worked for each day for each employee. That also worked fine, but the trouble is it removes any null values. So, if I only include the first day there might be 80 employees listed, but when I include the second day as well that goes down to 72 - presumably as 8 employees who entered timesheets for day 1 didn't for day 2. By the time I add all five days, I have almost no employees. I assumed that there would be a query level property to set, but i can't see one.

Also, is there a simpler way to do what I want? If I can get this working I'd like to replicate to breakdown by contract, job type etc in the same way as I have with employees.

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Forms :: Timesheet Database - Combo Boxes In Header Autopopulate

Dec 16, 2013

I'm trying to create a timesheet database to keep track of employee hours worked. I have my tables set up as follows...

PK -EmployeeID
Last Name
First Name


FK - EmployeeID
FK - ProjectID

My question is on my input form I want to have the user/employee pick his name once in a header combo box as-well as the week ending date and have it populate to every new record that user input (each employee can charge to multiple projects in a week so I want to eliminate the need for them to pick their name and week ending date everytime they select a different job charge.)

John Doe Week Ending 12-20-2013

Landscaping 8 4 3 2 6
Roofing 3 5 2 1
Plumbing 1 4 1

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Forms :: Timesheet Database - Restricting Edits To Records By Other Users

Dec 27, 2013

I have a timesheet data base and I wanted to find a way to restrict employees from editing other employees timesheets only their own timesheet... .is it possible with access 2010?

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Queries :: Timesheet Database - Query To Find Pending Submission?

Jul 8, 2013

I have developed a Timesheet database,

1) I have main table "tbltimsheet" which contains all the raw data enter by employees

2) I have employee info table "tblempinfo" Which contains all the employes information

3) Employee will submit timesheet on weekly. Under "tbltimesheet" i have a field for recording workweek

4) Now i need to find out who are all haven't submit the timesheet and for which week

5) I can find those who haven't submit timesheet but i need to know submission status of employee for every week.

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Allow Multiple Users Using The Database And Changing Info At The Same Time?

Feb 5, 2014

I have an access database and I plan on splitting it so the FE will be on each users workstation and the backend will be in a folder on the server. But is there anything else I need to do to allow for the possibility of multiple users using the database and changing info at the same time?

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General :: One User At A Time - Prevent Multiple Users Accessing The Database

Feb 13, 2015

Twice a year, a database of mine is accessed and put too use by various staff within a time range of 1 week. the database is on a shared drive and in a location which can be accessed by all.

The staff access the database from different workstations and in some instances at the same time.

This has only led to issues in the database being copied and then confusing staff on what database to click on thus i have 2 databases which i then have to sift through and copy/paste into the correct one.

I want to know the best way i can:

1) Prevent multiple users accessing the database at a time.
2) making a copy of the original and typing into a separate database.

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When To Split Into Multiple Tables?

Aug 31, 2007

How do I know when I should split a db into multiple tables? Right now- everything is in one table. Is there a rule of thumb or method to determine when I should split it up?

For example- MY DB is running queries on properties for sale. Would I split all the Active, Sold, Expired, Off Market listings into separate tables, since I will be frequently queriing based off of the status of the property? ie- I'll be running avg prices of homes that are in each of these status. If that's the case, how do I know what relationship to give it/how to set it up (use the MLS # as the primary key in each, or do I need a foreign key or something else?)

Is there a general rule of thumb, or guide to use when designing a db?


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Reports :: Attendance Database - Show Time In And Time Out For Specific Date

Apr 3, 2014

I have an attendance database and I connect the time attendance machine db to my access db, what i am trying to do is to generate a report that shows the time in and time out for specific date. the type of attendance db is date/time.

Please see the attached screenshot db from attendance machine.

an also some time there is duplicate entry, I need to get the first and the last entry only for specific date.

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Modules & VBA :: Split CSV Into Multiple Tables

Jan 15, 2014

I have a CSV file that the system is producing; it is one file with multiple sections in it eg...


001,"John Doe"
002,"Jane Doe"
003,"An Other"
001,"63 Huntly Street","CRANMORE","BA4 7HA"
002,"52 Southern Way","NORTH QUEENSFERRY","KY11 3YZ"
003,"20 Scrimshire Lane","ASKETT","HP27 2AS"
001,"0001A","no 3 screws",1,5
etc etc etc

The file is huge with many sections (eg Names, Address) in it. What I need to do is load it into Access for some analysis.Is there a way I can split the file one loading to the system into multiple tables?

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Split One Record Into Multiple Records?

Mar 14, 2013

I have a client who has data like this in an access table:





He wants to append the data to another table so it looks like this:







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Split One Record Into Multiple Lines

Mar 10, 2013

I have an access form that is used for cash-ups. The cash-ups are not done on a regular basis and the owner requested that the database look at the last cash-up date, current cash-up date and calculate the difference in days and then calculate the average take per day by dividing the total take for the period by the number of days from the last cash-up date to the current cash-up date. This was simple and is done however, what he now wants is to export this data to another table and have it split the total amount per record by the average number of days and reflect the average amount per day over as many lines.

Eg: R5,000.00 / 20 days = R250.00 per day.

This data needs to be displayed in TWENTY lines each with a value of R250.00.

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Split The Database, Should I Do It?

Jan 12, 2006

:confused: I have read a quite a few threads on spiting the database. My database is 50 Meg and running very slow. I have compacted and repair, still the same. This just happen all of sudden. Could that be possible?. What should I look out before I try to spit it?. It’s given that I will make a backup. I am running Access 2003. I have over 150 users.

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Split An MDE Database?

Aug 12, 2006

I am almost at the finishing line with a great deal of help from here.
I have now normalised the tables, built complicated queries, forms, reports, all from scratch as I knew absolutely nothing before I started with Access three months ago.
I have compacted and repaired the database using the wizard, and also complied the code and analyzed all tables, forms, queries, and reports and relationships.
The final step is to make it an MDE file so that it can go on the local network at work (not on the internet).
My questions are these;

Do I need to split the database into front and back ends?

If I save a copy of the original MDB file and then make it a MDE file would that not suffice in making it run more efficiently?

Can a split MDB database be made into an MDE database?

Any advice, as always, is most welcome.

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Split Database

Nov 21, 2006

I have a database that resides on a file server share. I have split the database to create a backend. I then posted a shortcut of the front end to the desktops of two users who have access to the share. I then tried to access the front end from the two machines simultaneously. It opened on the first PC but not the second? When I viewed the server share it had a 'padlock' icon?

Where am I going wrong? This is the first time I have attempted this scenario!!
Thanks in advance,

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When To Split Database?

Dec 21, 2006


Should splitting only be done when all tables,queries,forms,reports, etc. are done. Or can it be done anytime. I am almost to that stage but didnt want to jump the gun and run into problems later on.


I will have about 20 users sharing this.

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Why Should I Split My Database?

Dec 27, 2006

I was having a discussion with Rickster57 concerning my newly developed database, and he recommended that I split it so that it has a front end and a back end. Rick listed a number of very good reasons for doing this (so I will definitely do it). But I wanted to pose the question so I could get some of the reasons the more seasoned Access programmers have for creating a front and back end to their programs.

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Database Split

Jun 29, 2007

I recently split my database and also used Bob Larson's Autoupdating tool. Everything appeared to be working fine until a few users were unable to access the db. I later found out that because they are at a different site, they don't map to the server that houses the database BE. However, even if they manually map to the correct server, they are unable to bring up the db Form. They get an error stating the BE "...is not a valid path". My questions are:

1) If I were to copy all the files (the Master FE, BE, and MDE) to a public folder that ALL users have access to, will everyone be able to bring up the database Form?

2) How would this affect what was already set up when I ran Bob Larson's utility (or even the splitting and MDE creation)?

3) Is there a way to "Undo" what was previously "Done" to this database (ie: Splitting, Larson Utility, MDE creation) in order to correct the issue, or do I need to start from scratch and split the database while it's on a Public drive.

I hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance for your help.


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How To Split Database In FE And BE

Jul 2, 2007


I just want to know that " How to split the Access database in Front End and Back End application"? I am creating a database that i want to store on server and simultaneously want to give access to 20 terminals (cleints) to access the database.

Secondly, I have to provide a field in a form "Document number". However as per the requirement user can enter "PIR No", "Serial No" or at times both as document number. Both the things "PIR No" and "Serial No" have different format types like "PIR No 001" and "Srl No001".

On basis of document number later i have to give the option to search the particular document. Please guide me how to provide the option to enter the field values.

Appreciate any help on above.


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Split An MDE Database?

Aug 12, 2006

I am almost at the finishing line with a great deal of help from here.
I have now normalised the tables, built complicated queries, forms, reports, all from scratch as I knew absolutely nothing before I started with Access three months ago.
I have compacted and repaired the database using the wizard, and also complied the code and analyzed all tables, forms, queries, and reports and relationships.
The final step is to make it an MDE file so that it can go on the local network at work (not on the internet).
My questions are these;

Do I need to split the database into front and back ends?

If I save a copy of the original MDB file and then make it a MDE file would that not suffice in making it run more efficiently?

Can a split MDB database be made into an MDE database?

Any advice, as always, is most welcome.

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