Splitting And Deploying Non-Networked Databases

Sep 13, 2006

I’ve read most of the posts on splitting and deploying Access applications but most of them appear to concentrate on networked backend databases. However, my case is slightly different and I would like somebody to confirm that I’m taking the best course of action to achieve my goals.

I’m currently developing a non-networked accommodation booking system which has some basic functionality that my end user is testing on their standalone PC. I am currently adding historic data to the data tables to allow the end users to make full use of their existing data when testing the new system. The application development is ongoing and I will be releasing updated versions of the system over the coming months and want to be able to release the new features without having to reload the most up-to-date data from my user each time.

Therefore, is the best approach to:

Add the historic data to my development.
Split the Database giving front and backend databases.
Initially deploy both front and backend databases to the end user.
Continue with the development on the split system and when new features are added just deploy the front-end database to my users leaving their data tables in tact on their machine.

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MDE/Splitting Databases

Jul 14, 2005


I have been reading a lot about splitting databases on this forum. I still have some questions.
1) Will the FE (Front End) still show the tables?
2) Will users still be able to edit the forms, reports, etc.?
3) Will my code be hidden
4) Will all the users have up to date data showing when they open the Database?
5) Can more than one person open and input data in the database at the same time?

I also want to make an MDE copy, do I split first or make the MDE and then split?

The whole point is the following: I want the people (maximum 10) that will be using this database to only be able to do enter and view data. They should be able to generate the reports but not create new reports. I only want ONE person to be able to edit the forms, code, and reports. How would I do this.

Your help is much appreciated

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Advantages To Splitting Databases

Mar 16, 2006

Does anyone out there have any helpful info to the advantages of splitting databases?
We are in the process of converting from 97 to 2003. I usually split my databases and would like to present the advantages to splitting them to other users and our Database Administrator.


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Splitting Databases, When Is The Proper Time?

Oct 13, 2005

Is there a proper time? Or is it just anytime after you create the tables.
Just wondering?
I’m about to deliver part of a project today so they can start entering data. Much of the development is yet to come. Should this be split?

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Options For Networked Situations

Apr 10, 2006

I have been having issues dealing with "moving servers" addresses, file relocations, and folder name changes.

this makes 'linking' quite difficult.

I came up with this option, and am wondering if this would work.

'Delete old table connection
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "ExampleTableLink"

'remake them based on current location.
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink, "Microsoft Access", Application.CurrentProject.Path & "DatabaseName.mdb", acTable, "ExampleTable", "ExampleTable"

Basically, this code deletes your current link, then recreates it based upon the path of the current database location. As long as the two databases are relativily equal in there locations, one could move the databases / be in completely different locations, and the links would always work fine.


One computer has the location as w:database folder

Another has q:somewheresomehowIdon'tgetitdatabase folder

3rd example \serverWierdsomeplacehotcoolcheese.blue.orgda tabase folder

and the links would still be established correctly.

In fact, old broken links would be erased and re-established correctly.

I KNOW there are limitations to this.

For example... If this is run from A FRONT END, then the front end's current location is give as the current location.

Can anyone think of a way around this? Without user interaction?

The only option I can think of for this example would be to allow a user to manually run this "relinking" process by re-copying out a new user interface from the backend setup.

If the current front end fails, tell user to go to backend location, open the "backup" user interface, on doing so, the links are re-established and a copy of the front end is put on user Computer with desktop link.

Don't really like that option though... too.. clumsy and dependent on user knowledge / skill.

Any other ideas guys?


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Networked Front End Back End?

Nov 22, 2007


I have a single database that I would like many people to use concurrently. The db will be stored on a security clamped network with my users logging on with there own individually user accounts.

Does anybody know the simplest way of creating a distributable user front end that would allow simultaneous use by many people?

Any and all advise is greatly appreciated.

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DB Security On A Shared Networked Drive

Jan 31, 2006

I've created a database on put it on a shared network drive. I have several people who will need to use this database but I dont want some of them to be able to edit the database in anyway.

Ive tried creating individual user accounts for the database but I don't think I'm grasping how the security works.

When on my machine I'm promted for a username and password but when on someone elses machine they can open up the database with full access.

How do i create individual user security accounts on a database I want to share on a network drive?

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Deploying Database To Users PC By CD-ROM

Jan 18, 2007


I have created a DB which has a front end which is linked to a backend where all my datas kept.

I want to install my database via cd-rom using and install wizard. If i ask the install wizard to c:/user/programs/ would i have any problems with the links between the front end and back end?

If i would how a problem with the links to the front end how would i cover come this?

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General :: Deploying Access Application

Jul 22, 2012

i have an access application with a navigation form to browse through different forms & reports.i want to know how can i use it over my lan network as an intranet website ?can i convert it simply to html interface or what ? i know about access runtime but if i want to deploy it into intranet ( i.e. browsing through web browser ) what r the different methods?

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Networked Database, Basic User Login System

Jun 11, 2007

hi.. i have a database stored on my main computer. all pcs on the network have windows xp.the database is stored in a shared folder.. and at the moment.. everyone on the network can open the database.. but not at the same time..basically if i have the database open.. my colleague on the pc next to me has to wait till i close it.so what i am asking is can someone direct me to a simple tutorial or some reading material..that introduces the methods needed to allow multiple pcs to access a single database with or without a login system.i imagine there will be certain read/write and locking issues.. but i really need it.thanks.

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General :: Deploying A Database Without Users Seeing Back End

Jul 30, 2013

I have created an access 07 database and split it to a back-end and a front-end with linked tables.

I wish to deploy it an a network of 4 computers, 3 of which are running on XP. The back-end will be on a computer running on XP. Now, from the instructions I have come across online, the Back-end has to be located on a folder where all users have Red and Write rights!!! And I am thinking, if the users on this network can actually see the back-end since it is on a shared folder where they have all the rights, then does that not compromise the security?

Is there a way of linking to the back-end on a network WITHOUT the users being able to access the back-end?

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General :: Deploying A Password Protected Backend

Sep 23, 2013

I have to do this and I believe there is VBA code to re-link tables when needed that can be found on the web. My client needs access to everything because he will move on to another developer after this, so what I thought I would do is send him a private file that has the password for the backend and then just write the ADO code needed in the app's front end to connect with the password.

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Deploying DB To Users! (mde, Self Installation, Update User Version)

Feb 8, 2006

I have a db with more than 100 forms, reports - objects. My backend tables are linked sybase tables. What is the best way to hand this over to the users?

1. I want to create a mde version (which is not working, here's my problem :mad: Failure In Creating MDE File (http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=94465)
2. I want a way to send this application to the user, in order that is installs on their desktop or a location i specify on the user's drive. I have no clue how to accomplish this, but i know that when i download some applications they do end up on my desktop :rolleyes: , so they must have done it somehow. Please help?
3. I want to have a master mdb hidden on the network somewhere, and when i make changes to that (e.g. my form or reports). And the next time the user goes into the version installed on their drive, it checks for the last version of the front end, and if that's not it, it erases the old one they have and installs my new version for them automatically. I know this can be done. Can you help me?

I'd really appreciate if anyone can help me please in any way. Advice, links, tutorial, whatever. Many blessings will come to you!

Ghudson! Before you attack me, i've done a search on the forum and though i've seen some posts, i can't seem to find one best for my means :) Thanks!

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Deploying Access 2003 Project In Different Access Versions

Dec 28, 2005


I have two questions related to deplying an Access project I have been working on.

1. I started developing the project in Access 2000, but midway upgraded to Office 2003 and so the remainder of the project has been developed in Access 2003. Things seem to be fine, except that in the top most title bar, after the project name, there appears the following text:

xxxxx: Database (Access 2000 file format)

where xxxx is the name of the .mdb file.

Why is this appearing and should I have done something or do something to make it a Access 2003 format?

2. I am at the point of deplying the db to a small group of users (about 5). Some of them may have Access 2000 or Access 2002. Should I be doing something in particular to make sure things work in their machines.
Any pointers to what may be problems or what I should do will be much appreciated.

Thank you.

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Access "Not... To Be Used In A Networked Environment"

Oct 26, 2005

I have just been told that we shouldn't be using Access to build databases for sharing information. Instead it should only be used to build single user databases.
Please, give me some ammunition to show what a stupid statement this is!! :eek:

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Splitting DB

Nov 3, 2005

Getting ready to split a DB. No security really needed... Only the ability for multiple users needed. From what I have read here so far it seems best to use a MDE file on the front end and MDB file on the back end. One question is still not answered... I guess I will find out when I load the front ends on different stations.. BUT... I would like to know what to expect. I am assuming that each computer that I load the front end on I will have to go through and link the backend. Correct? I read a MS Knowledge base article about a form to do this... Is this only possible if you use the "developers edition" ??? Whats the common method for this task?

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Help With Splitting

Jan 3, 2006

I have created an application that uses all the 'normal' factors of an access app. My forms are triggered by events that initiate some vba code which executes and then does something. No big whoop, we are all doing this; but I am going freakin' insane keeping up with changes. The users are using this app in a "live" test enviroment and the changes/updates are coming in quicker than I can type. "This field is not right it should read like this"
Well I can't change it until everyone gets out - they don't like this answer:D

I jumped in before thinking a few versions ahead and did not split the database :eek: I have read a lot of posts here and other sites and I can tell that I need to split this app but am a bit hesitant. From what I can gather I would have a
Front-End - houses all my queries and forms
Back-End - houses all my tables

I have a few modules, where would they need to go so that I can work on them independent of what my users are doing?
I would give each user a copy of the FE or make it available via network drive; would I then keep a seperate copy of my FE to make changes? If yes, does this mean my modules would be in the FE?
Can I split the db now that it has been in live production? What are some common errors that I should look for prior to?
I tried to split the db one time before, but my drop down list box(s) on the forms would not work. They are controlled by a query, not any code. Error msg stated could not find xyz sorry I don't recall the exact error

I need the ability to change, work on and update at will AND NOT effect my users.

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Splitting A Database

Aug 11, 2005

I am trying to split my database but when i run the database splitter it comes up with the following error messages:

Subscript out of range


Invalid procedure call or arguement

Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing these or how to fix it?


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Database Splitting

Sep 10, 2005

How can I change the location of the back end part, at the moment the front end is looking for the back end at a different location


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Relations After Splitting

Oct 21, 2005


I've split a database and the backend relationships are still intact but the front end they are not and it looks like this is causing a problem. Is this usual?

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Splitting A Date

Feb 28, 2006

I've currently got a date of birth field in my database, but would like to query on just the birth month.
Can anyone tell me how to do it. Do I have to create another field which separates out the month, and if so, how do I do that.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Security + Splitting

Mar 16, 2006

Hi everybody,
I have been spending the last few days trying to find a way through the "access security Maze" which I believe I have just done. I have been following the "Ms Access Security Faq to the letter" and just now, I can open the database via a desktop shortcut including a custom workgroup address and I think everything is working fine. Now, I am trying to organise the next step which is splitting the application.

GHudson stated:
I find it easier to start out with one database that has everything in it
[including the security]. Then I copy the db. Rename them so that one is the
front end, one is the back end. The security will still be in both since they are
exact copies. Then remove the shared tables from the front end, remove
everything else from the back end [except the tables that will be shared].
Then relink the shared tables from the front end to the back end.

Using custom shortcuts will make it easier for the users to open the front
end with the correct workgroup. You can customize the shortcuts target
field with all the required file and workgroup info.

I Understand prtty well what's being said but am getting a bit confused of where and how the different part of the application should be organised on the network:

*The back end file should be on the network drive(drive F)
-That's fine...

*The front end should be distributed only on the station using the application:

1) Does that mean that I could place the FE on the F drive for a short
while and ask the different user to copy the application and past it on their own drive and then delete the FE of the share drive.

2) I will have to use the custom shortcut with the specific work group on each station. Should they all have the same shortcut which would mean that there is only one FE on the F drive and not make much sense or Should the shortcut link to the FE application save on their drive which doesn't make much sense either because they could open the DataBase without the shortcut with their own "default" Workgroup and wouldn't be secure anymore.

I apologize for my confusion and have probably missed a basic step in my reasonning but if anybody could redirect me in the right direction, I would really be gratefull.

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Create MDE Before Or After Splitting?

May 23, 2006

I setup my security (or lack there of, hehe) and split the database. I relinked the tables.

Now, Access gets hung up when I try to create an MDE of the FE to distribute. It starts the process, asking me to select a folder and file name, I do that, and it gets no further in the process. Access says (not responding).

Should I have created the MDE before I split it? Or does crashing of Access have nothing to do with whether i create the MDE before or after splitting?

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Splitting Db - Convert Or Not?

Aug 17, 2006

Hi, hope someone here has experience with this issue.

Our system was recently converted to much tighter secured network environment and moved to Office 2003 (still Windows XP).

Within the next couple of weeks we expect to split/secure our new db for shared use across a network (approx. 6-8 users at any one time).

I want to keep the db in 2000 as long as possible because I'm doing lots of the work at home and that's what I have. After deployment there will be lots more changes but in managed releases. (sounds official, eh?...)

Does anyone know of any risks I'm running by keeping it in 2000 within Access2003?

Thanks very much,

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Splitting A Database

Aug 21, 2006


I have been searching for more info on this and found out quite a lot about it; however, I am still wondering how to connect the front ends that will be in different machines to the back end that resides on server.

I know that when you split a database, the wizard asks where to save the first front end. But how about if you have many?

Any help will be very much appreciated.


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Splitting A Number

Sep 7, 2006

Can anyone help me to split a number using an access query to the left and right of the decimal point. I found it in a reference somewhere but have lost it. the number is generated in a query and I need to do something with the fraction


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