Standard Form Used To Display User-custom Query

Nov 15, 2006


I have generated a standard form for displaying/editing of data and I have also created a form for generating Sql query statements (The form builds a string but does not execute the query). Can I execute a query and use it with that form.

So when I generate the the SQL statement and execute the query it loads the form (With Data) instead of a query datasheet. Thank you.

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Display Query Results On User Form?

Dec 27, 2013

I have created form and would like to display query results on form (in textbox), which is executed based on combobox change event on the same form.

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General :: How To Get Current User From Custom Login Form

May 2, 2014

how i can get a current user from a custom login form CurrentUser() this function always return a system user name admin as default. In my login schema i have a Hidden splash form that have a unbound field that holds user name from custom login form after login a dashboard execute and also display user name on dashboard according to user login ,this working fine for mine. Actually i want to make a currentuser stamp in every entry when a record is entered in database.

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Queries :: Display A Custom Message Box When Open Query?

Jun 20, 2013

I want to display a custom message box when I open my query. how to do this?

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Forms :: Display Domain User Into Form

Oct 15, 2013

I am currently working on small access 2010 database where the database consists of a table and one input form. This input form will be mainly used by two persons. In the form there is a dropdown where one selects his name to keep record who entered the data, however I would like this to be according the logged in domain account. This will make sure none of them selects the wrong user by mistake.

Is there a way how get the current logged on domain account into the form ?

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Form With Standard

May 18, 2005

:rolleyes: I have a note field in a table for short description of a building parts. Is it posseble to make some standard text in a form with a "values" between the text to choose from?
This building is from "text field for input"
The roof is made of "a combobox with 4-5 items to choose from".

The standard text with the choosen values should then be sent to a note field at submit.

Like: This building is from 1945
The roof is made of tegl



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Use Combo Box Of Date Received So User Can Select To Display Receipt Form

Jan 12, 2013

How to use combo box that drops down the date received from which the user can select todisplay "receipt form" on and after that date. [need to use macro]

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How Can I Modify The Standard Access Form?

Sep 18, 2005

I am getting fed up of repeatedly modifying the basic new form in Access 2003 since I hate Tahoma and I never want dividing lines and I always want the VBA to be Option Explicit and I have my own ideas on colour schemes etc. etc.
Every new form I enter I have to make all the changes manually and simply wondered if I am being an ass. I can modify templates in Word and Excel so if I could do the same thing in Access I could save myself cumulative hours of work.
I cannot seem to find anything so does everyone else bow to what Microsoft think a form should look like or do you all do what I do and endlessly recreate the same starting point for each form???
Any pointers would be 110% wonderful!!
Best wishes

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Allow User To Create Custom / Filtered Reports

May 1, 2015

I have a normalized database with (let's say) the following tables:


I need a way to allow the end user to be able to create custom reports that show only projects in certain phases (let's say planning and construction) AND that are from certain Offices (let's say Office 1 and 3 but not 2) AND that were started between a certain date range.

What I'm envisioning is a checkbox-style form that has a 'create report' button at the bottom.

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Modules & VBA :: Custom Menu Bar Won't Display In Access 2013

Apr 5, 2014

I have a program.mdb with a customized menu bar from Database Creations.When I open program.mdb in 2007 & 2010 the ribbon is disabled and the custom bar is displayed as it should be and all is OK.When I open the same program.mdb in 2013 the ribbon is displayed and the custom bar is missing

I have a clean compile and get no error messages.How do I disable the ribbon and get the custom EZ Menu Bar to display in 2013?.Following are the Options, Current Database, Ribbon and Tool Bar Option settings that is used in all Access 2007, 2010 & 2013 versions

Ribbon Name:
Menu Bar:EZ Menu Bar
Shortcut Menu Bar:(default)
CheckedAllow Full Menus
CheckedAllow Default Shortcut Menus
UncheckedAllow Built-in Toolbars

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Queries :: Custom Search Form Query?

Jan 28, 2015

I have made a database for work and is fully functional, but theres one thing I want to add but cant get my head around how to do it.

I have created a Form called 'Filtered Search', on the form it has multiple combo boxes for 'Auditors' 'Area' 'Status' and 2 text boxes for date range.

I want to be able to set what filters I want, and for the query to ignore any fields with no information selected/inputted (i.e. I want to see all records raised by "Mr Smith" (Auditor) that are still 'Active' (Status) in all areas at any time).

Names of items;

Table = 'Incidents'
Form = 'Filtered Search'
Report = 'Filtered Report'
Auditor = 'Combo7'
Status = 'Combo156'
Area = 'Combo5'
Date Range From = 'Text161'
Date Range To = 'Text163'

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Forms :: Generate Custom Form Based On Query Results

Dec 11, 2013

I'm trying to track daily production at a manufacturing company running many different processes at different locations each running multiple parallel "lines." The tricky part is that the number of lines running and the shift schedules e.g. 2shifts 10hrs/day 4days/week or 3shifts 8hrs/day 5days/week change frequently for each process.

Right now I have a form for process data that specifies the schedule and number of lines running each day. Then I'm running an append query to a "production" table that generates blank production records associated with each item made in each process for the correct shift/line combinations.

Up to now I've been manually changing the date on the append query each time I run it. Then I have a seperate query for each process that pulls out the production records for each day. My problem is that the preferred interface for production data entry is a spreadsheet with the following layout:

ITEM 1 100
ITEM 2 2250

which changes each time the shift/line schedule changes for each process. The only way to achieve this layout I know of is a crosstab query which isn't updateable. Ideally, each day the manager will specify the shift schedules and forms will be automatically generated with the correct structure and sent to the process supervisors. I'm open to different form layouts and even redesigning the database completely.

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Modules & VBA :: Form Which Has Button To Email Data Out In Standard Email Message

Jan 15, 2014

I have a form which has a button to email the data out in a standard email message.

Private Sub Command60_Click()
Dim MyDb As dao.Database
Dim rsEmail As dao.Recordset
Dim sToName As String
Dim sSubject As String
Dim sMessageBody As String


This works well enough, however, FIELDS 11 through to 16 contain the venue address. This is all we ll and good if every field of the venue address is populated. here are times when not all of the fields are populated, for instance, the address might only be 5 lines.I know I can do this using IIf statements on a report, but how can i achieve the same thing for the email.

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User Display

May 22, 2007

Hello All,

I have set up security my users. What I am wanting to do is when the record has been modified or changed it displays the user that is signed in as making the change. I have Time and Date set up this way. How can I have the user displayed as well.


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Display SQL User Name In Text Box

Sep 27, 2006


I have ADP project + SQL Server Express.

I need display in Form textbox User Name (with then I log into SQL Database).

Thank You in advance for answers.

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Display Column By User Selected Name?

Apr 18, 2007

Here is my problem. I have a table with a lot of columns. I want the user to be able to select which column he wants to display in a query/report, how do I do that? Is there some kind of way to do a command

SELECT [table].[like [user input]]

either in SQL or Query Design, so that a form would pop up and ask user for input, and then display column whose name corresponds to that input.

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Whether To Code In A Form Module Or A Standard Module?

Dec 14, 2007

I'm wondering how other members here make decisions whether they want to place codes behind form or use a standard module instead.

I understand there is a performance penalty when you add another module (and use it), but am not sure whether one big fat module would be faster than several smaller modules with identical coding.

Furthermore, I know that some members use a hidden form to deal with startup and shutdown processing. Sometimes the processing has nothing to do with forms and would make more sense in a standard module, but since the form is already loaded, does it makes more sense to use the module behind the form than calling a function in a separate standard module to execute the needed code?

So, what do you tend to do in such situation?

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Customizing Field Display Depending On User

Aug 30, 2006


I am looking for a way to customize fields to be hidden or not depending on user in forms or reports.

Any idea ?

I wanted to explore the customisation of each query but there must be an easier way to save personal parameters somehow so that the user would go through the forms and hide the non necessary fields once and we would then save somewhere these settings for each user.

Has anybody already experienced such a request ?

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Display Results Between Two User Entered Dates

Apr 18, 2006

Is there a clean way to:

1)Take two user dates as input at run time, e.g by a calendar GUI selection, or even just a string

2) Then return all rows from a table where the value of the date column is between those two values?



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Queries :: Display Date And Time User Log On And Log Off

May 21, 2015

I would like to make a query that count simultaneous connection.

Here is my tables
Users (ID_User, Name)
Date_logon (Id_on, Date_logon, time_logon, Num_user#)
Date_logoff (Id_logoff, Date_logoff, time_logoff, Num_user#)

Here is a part of a query that display users date and time of log on and log off.

Users Date_logon Time_logon Date_logoff Time_logoff
Utilisateur1 13/05/2015 17:38:42 13/05/2015 18:52:15
Utilisateur2 13/05/2015 17:12:21 13/05/2015 17:30:24
Utilisateur3 13/05/2015 16:59:08 13/05/2015 17:16:06
Utilisateur4 13/05/2015 16:54:14 13/05/2015 18:32:13

Then I put that result in a pivot table in Excel. In line we have time logon by date and in column we have time logoff by date.

Here is the issue : In Excel for the 4 lines above, it counts 2 logon at 4PM and 2 logon at 5PM. We should have 4.

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Display User Database Or Record After Login

Nov 23, 2011

how to display the user's record or database after he/she login in on the system. Currently I have a database where in the user enters his username and password. But the I dont know how can I make his records display after login.

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General :: Enter Value In A Form / Run Query And Display Result On Form

Jun 15, 2013

Is there an easy way of entering a value in a text box, passing to a query to do a count function and then return the value of count function in to anther text box?

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Modules & VBA :: If User Selects Wrong Value / Display Message

Feb 23, 2015

I have a field that is pre filled in with a value. The name is "Business".Then there is a combo box with various values. If the user would select a value that does not match with values that can be selected if in "business" a value is selected, it should show a message that the selection is wrong and user needs to select the correct one.

Example:If in the field "Business" the value "Food" is selected, then the possible values to be selected in the combobox would be: Fruit or Meet or Fast Food. If the value in "Business" would be "Wood" only selections could be made: Talble or Chair or Cabinet.So, if a user select "Food' in "Business" and in the combo box "Chair", it should show a message that the wrong selection was made and don't let them use the wrong one.

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Run More Than 1 Query And Display On Form

Aug 8, 2006

Is it possible to run more than 1 query and display results on the same form?
I have 1 form with a Record source of Query 1.

The control boxes can therefore just reference the query fields.
So, Control box 1 has =[selectedfieldfromQuery1] as its control source.

I need to have a second control box displaying the value of a different query from a different table.
So, at the moment Control box 2 has =[Query2]![selectedfieldfromQuery2] as its control source but Access doesn't recognise that.

ANy ideas on how to progress?

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Display # Of Records From Query On A Form

Jan 19, 2006

I have a query that querys another query for check boxes that are checked. I would like to display in a text box on a form the # of records that the query found to be checked. I have looked all day and have found nothing that I have enough knowledge to use. I need to know how and how to apply this. If you have other suggestions to do this, I am game! :)

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Forms :: Display Value From Query On Sub Form

Jul 28, 2013

How can I display the count value from a query on a subform for the related/selected record?

I've tried a DLookUp without success (the text box remains empty):

=DLookUp("[CountOfMethodID]","Methods count","[MethodsRungVisitID] = Form![Form4b]")

Here's my table/query/form info:
Query is called "Methods Count"
Field of that query which I want displayed on the sub form is "CountOfMethodID"
Sub form is "Quarters and peals sub"
Main form is "Form4b"
Both form and sub are parent/child linked

There is a Relationship between the VisitID field in the "Visit Dates" table and the MethodsRungVisitID field of the "Methods Rung" table.

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