Start Up MS Access From Vb And Bypass Startup Macro

Jun 14, 2012

I know that I can startup MS-Access manually and bypass the startup options, including any macro that is set to run automatically, by holding the Shift key down when launching the application. I have:

Public Sub AccessStuff()
Dim myaccess As New Access.Application
myaccess.OpenCurrentDatabase(" orfs006slsops_repts\_RS DevSOPSOP.MDB")
Dim db = myaccess.CurrentDb()
End Sub

which works nicely and opens the database just fine. However, this mdb has a startup macro defined in it. I can't hold down the Shift key since I'm doing this from a program. In this case, how can I bypass the startup macro?

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Bypass Startup Doesn't Work!

Jul 28, 2005

If I hold down the SHIFT-key and click on my access database the database boots up with the startup options! I can't get into my database even if I hold down the SHIFT key!! Help me, please

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Startup Form Bypass Security Password

May 19, 2006


I have a db that I want to password, so that anyone pressing either F11 or holding shift down at the start, will be prompted with a password.

.....But, I want the user to be able to see the start-up form and associated forms without having to enter a password.

Is this something that is possible to do in Access97?

I have searched the forum for an answer, but can't find anything.

Thanks, Steve.

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General :: Bypass Shift Key To Disable Ribbon And All Menus At Startup

May 4, 2014

I am able to bypass the shift key so I can disable ribbon and all menus at startup.

But the issue I have is anytime someone makes a copy of the database or it is their first time opening it they get prompted with the security warning:

"Security Warning - some active content has been disabled, click here to enable"

and it gives them complete access to see the back end of the database because while that warning message is popped up ... before they click "enable" they can go do anything in the database including see tables, data, and vba.

Once they click "enable content" that first time the bypass takes effect and the ribbon and all menus disappear, but if they dont click it they can navigate all around the db

how can i stop that?

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Modules & VBA :: Write A More Complex Macro That Will Start Another Macro At Preset Time

Dec 8, 2013

I am trying to write a more complex macro that will start another macro at a preset time, however I am getting stopped at the first hurdle - getting a macro to run another macro.

Here is the code i am using at the moment, all I want to do currently is click the first button, then get the second macro to execute. But no luck, getting error 2157 "cannot find the procedure"

Private Sub Command3_Click()
MsgBox "1st macro running", vbExclamation, "Note"
Application.Run "teststart1"
' Application.OnTime TimeValue("19:55:00"), "teststart1"


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Msg Box Before Macro Start

Dec 14, 2005


I have a button that runs a macro to delete records in 12 tables. I want to create a message box before that macro runs warning that you are deleting records in 12 tables and are your sure you want to run the macro.

I need a message box with an ok and cancel button. Where do I put the msgbox funtion in this code?

Thanks !!

This is my code:

Private Sub cmdRunDeleteMacro_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdRunDeleteMacro_Click

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "mcrSemesterStartRecordDELETE"
DoCmd.RunMacro stDocName

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdRunDeleteMacro_Click

End Sub

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Access & Startup Settings

Apr 12, 2007

I have been looking all over for this function in MS Access 2007. Anyone have an knowlege on how to access the Startup section?

Thanks a bunch, :D


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Access StartUp Problem

Jul 26, 2007

I have a problem where i unchecked the "allow built in toolbars" , "allow toolbar menu changes","allow full menus" and " allow default shortcut menus" from the TOOLS Menu item (STARTUP)
How do i get back all the menus to show when the application starts up?

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VBA Code To Set The MS Access Startup

May 30, 2005

Hello to everyone!, Could I ask a help how could I possibly code MS Access Startup to set the MenuBar, ShortCut Menu, FormMenu, Special Keys to OFF to prevent user from using these keys when my application starts?

Thanks for your help...

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Microsoft Access Startup/Pop-up Questions

Jul 27, 2006

I have a database that will be used by a few users who are not very comfortable with Microsoft Access. I have a login screen and a introduction/splash popup. I was wondering if it is possible to bypass the Microsoft Access pop-ups that ask the user if they want to "block unsafe code.." or The security popup that says "This file may not be safe" so that the users go right to the login screen I created within the database. I am worried that there will be variations in answering/clicking these Microsoft Access questions thus causing a variety of complaints when trying to access the database. Thank you

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Access 2007 Startup Page

Sep 6, 2007

I've just moved my PC over to Office 2007. I have previously created an application in A2003 that consists of three databases which I move between frequently using command buttons running the following code to close the current one and open the new one:-

Private Sub Command14_Click()
Dim RegSet As New QwestLib.QRegistryFunctions
On Error GoTo Err_command14_Click

DoCmd.Close acForm, "client action", acSaveYes

Application.FollowHyperlink RegSet.sGetMAPRegistry(200)

Application.Quit acQuitSaveAll
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_command14_Click
End Sub

In 2003 this worked fine but we always had to enable macros on opening the new one. This is now not required as the application is "Trusted" but in A2007 every time a database opens the "Getting Started with MS Access" window opens.

Is there some way I can switch this off as it is unnecessary and time consuming.

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Access 2007 Startup Properties

Dec 10, 2007


I'm trying to migrate an Access 2000 project to Access 2007. I want that the frontend doesn't look like Access. This means: no ribbons, no office button, no Quick Access Toolbar, no database panel. In 2K, this was rather simple, but in 2007 I only managed so far to get rid of the ribbon (by replacing it with a blank ribbon) and the navigation pane, but I can't figure out what to do to hide the Office button and the QAT.
Can anyone help me with this ?

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Access Startup Security Warnings

Mar 26, 2008

I thought I had this figured out, but apparently am still missing something...

When I start my DB, I get the default 'Security Warning' message every time asking if I want to cancel or continue... I thought this was an options setting under the Tools/Macro/Security setting. However, when I change this setting (default is Medium) to Low, exit Access and restart the DB I get the same warning message and the security setting is back to medium.

Am I in the right area to fix this? Why would my settings default back?


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Access 2007 Startup Properties

Dec 10, 2007


I'm trying to migrate an Access 2000 project to Access 2007. I want that the frontend doesn't look like Access. This means: no ribbons, no office button, no Quick Access Toolbar, no database panel. In 2K, this was rather simple, but in 2007 I only managed so far to get rid of the ribbon (by replacing it with a blank ribbon) and the navigation pane, but I can't figure out what to do to hide the Office button and the QAT.
Can anyone help me with this ?

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Load Form On Startup In Access 2007

Nov 27, 2006


Sorry if this is a really dumb question - I have just started using Access and I couldn't find the answer to this doing a forum search.

I have made a database consisting of a table and a form. All I want to do is get the form to appear automatically when the database is opened. I am using Access 2007.

Many thanks,


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Reversing Startup Settings With Passworded Admin Access If Possible?

Mar 19, 2007

Thought I best ask this question BEFORE I run into trouble.

If I were to set my database to hide the database window and all menus on startup so that users can only do what I want them to do and not edit anything. How do I go about reversing this if I needed to edit something as I would not be able to see any of the regular menus?

It would be good if the solution involved some sort of admin password rather than a sneaky short cut that a user may accidently stumble across.

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How Can I Run MS Access Program Automatically From The Startup, Show It In Sys Tray

Jun 3, 2007

I developed a program. Would you please teach me how to run it automatically when the computer restarted, through the startup.

Plus this I want to let this program run through the system tray, and not shown in the the Taskbar, if this feature is provided by MS Access 2003


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Forms :: Access 2010 - Hide Menu On Startup?

Feb 4, 2015

Well, I made the move and am using Access 2010 now and I am running into a couple issues.

First off, I want to get rid of this menu on startup:

Not sure what it's called (ribbon, menu bar, etc). I am able to hide it using

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWindowHide
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarNo the OnLoad event, but this only works when running the opening form from the form list. When the form runs at startup the menus do not hide.

Also I would still like to have the file menu available because sometimes the user need to access the print menu to choose an alternate printer.

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I Can't Start Access. Please Help.

Jun 11, 2007

This may sound a bit silly, but my Access 2003 refuses to start.

I recently re-installed Office 2003 after a fresh installation of WinXP. Word, Excel etc work as normal. This is the message that comes up when I attempt to start Access:

"Please wait while Office 2003 Prof. Ed. configures. Required data is being determined"

after that nothing happens.
Any ideas?

Please note that I'm using the German versions of OS and Office. My translation probably doesn't match the original message.

Thanks in advance.

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Trying To Convert SQL Query To Access, Don't Know Where To Start

Jul 12, 2005

I just started working for a company the other week and they threw this query onto my lap with an unrealistic deadline. My programming experience is primarily in VB6, so I am not completely familiar with coding Access queries.

I was given code that was written for SQL, and the programmer that came up with it is unfamiliar with Access, so I am stuck trying to decipher this. If anyone could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it, as I am thoroughly confused and don't know where to begin. Here is the programmer's original code:
while exists(select top 1 accNum from NoteFile where patindex('%' + char(10) + '%',dbtrref) > 0)
--Insert note into table
insert into #TL19Note(AcctNumber, Note)
select accNum, (case when patindex('%' + char(10) + '%',
dbtrref) <= 0 then dbtrref else left(dbtrref,patindex('%' + char(10) +
'%',dbtrref)) end)
from NoteFile

--Delete note from Note String
update NoteFile
set dbtrref = right(dbtrref,len(dbtrref)-len(left(dbtrref,patindex('%' + char(10) + '%',dbtrref))))
where len(dbtrref)-len(left(dbtrref,patindex('%' + char(10) +'%',dbtrref))) > 0

--Delete rows with no more notes
delete from NoteFile
where len(dbtrref)-len(left(dbtrref,patindex('%' + char(10) +'%',dbtrref))) <= 0 or patindex('%' +char(10) + '%',dbtrref) <= 0

--Eliminates any that are CRLR or just spaces
delete from #TL19Note
where len(Note) < 10

--Update the date
update #TL19Note
set NoteDate =left(Note,patindex('% %',Note)-1),
Note = right(Note,len(Note)-patindex('% %',Note))

--No '@' means no time?
update #TL19Note
set NoteTime = '0000'
where left(Note,1) <> '@'

--delete the '@' - we know which ones have it because NoteTime is null
update #TL19Note
set Note = right(Note,len(Note)-patindex('% %',Note))
where left(Note,1) = '@'

--Update NoteTime, take time out of note
update #TL19Note
set NoteTime = left(Note,2) + substring(note,4,2),
Note = right(Note,len(Note)-patindex('% %',Note))

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Microsoft Access Can't Start Because There Is No License For It On This Machine

Feb 1, 2005

I recently bought a new computer and it was kinda cheap, so no office products were installed on the computer. A friend loaned me her copy of Office 2003 which didn't have Access on it. So, after installing Office 2003 I picked my old Office 97 CD and installed just Access 97. Then I go to open the database and get this annoying message.

Microsoft Access can't start because there is no license for it on this machine.

Can anyone help? Thanks for your time.

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How To Auto Load(on Start) A Form In Access 2000?

Jun 17, 2005

Hi guys. I have some forms in my access database and i want load one of it automatically
when i double click on my access.mdb . I be happy if some one teach me how i can do that.Thanks

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Bypass Issue...

Apr 27, 2006

I was reading the threads related to bypass issues...

Now I know how to disable (or enable) shift key of a database with password using the code provided by ghudson:

In other thread he provided another way to enable or disable the shift key using another method: (developed by Ricky Hicks):

this one can easily disable or enable the shift key of any database... even if that is disable with the password protected method provided by ghudson...

so... my question... is there any method that will ONLY allow enable or disable the key with a password?

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Bypass The OnOpen

Jan 24, 2006

Hi all...

I have a form that OnOpen does;

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

But, I also call it from another form, using a criteria, but because of the OnOpen event within the form it goes to a new record.

I need to be able to bypass the OnOpen event or find a different way of opening the form to goto a new record...

Please help!


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Shift Bypass

Jan 10, 2005

Is there a way to change the shift key and use another key on startup?? Security for me isn't a big issue... but I'd still like to protect things from being tampered with. I don't want to use MS security (I use it on other DBs) but its not really approriate on the one I'm developing. Any ideas??

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Bypass Code

Oct 25, 2006


On my form the first control which gets focus has a code which cannot contain a null value. It may happen nevertheless that users may need to just close the form without making an entry in this control (listbox).

Is there a way I can add a code to a cmbbutton to skip that forced entry meaning to leave the control null and exit the form? Thank you.

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