Can you step into an Event Procedure line by line in Access? I toggled the Breakpoint at the End Sub of the Event Procedure, clicked in the middle of the sub, and pressed F8. Nothing! I do this all the time in Excel.
I have just made a change to one of the forms by adding a button (by copying the only other button on the form) to cancel any changes and close the form. However, as soon as I added it I started getting the error message in the title. Please attachment LA Err1 for the full message. I also changed the caption on the other button on the form from "Close Form" to "Save && Close Form" this button is now giving the same error.
I have Compacted and repaired the DB on several occasions to no avail. I have deleted the procedures from the module and recreated them using the properties window - still get the error. I have deleted the buttons from the form and recreated the both via the object wizard and without it. Nothing I have tried has made any effect.
Can someone help? I am working on an event database (based on Microsoft 2003 event database template). At present when I register attendees, I can preview an invoice which is generated based on the information I have entered.
I have set up another option to preview a Letter of Confirmation based on this same principal. As I am "Visually Basic" challenged, I simply 'copied & pasted' the event procedure and made the changes as needed to ensure the correct report was opened (ie not the Invoice report but Confirmation Letter report).
However, when I click the button to open preview the letter, the "Print Invoice" box also opens up (as it does when previewing the invoice). I don't want this box to open as I don't need to enter any details.
Can someone please have a look at my VBA event below to see what I would need to delete to stop the "Print Invoice" box from popping up.
Private Sub LOC_Click() On Error GoTo Err_ConfirmationLetter_Click If Me![Attendees Subform].Form.RecordsetClone.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "Enter attendee and registration information before previewing the Confirmation Letter." Else DoCmd.OpenReport "ConfirmationLetter", acPreview, , "[RegistrationID]=" & Forms![Attendees]![Attendees Subform].Form![RegistrationID] End If
Exit_ConfirmationLetter_Click: Exit Sub
Err_ConfirmationLetter_Click: If Err <> 2501 Then MsgBox Err.Description End If Resume Exit_ConfirmationLetter_Click End Sub
Many thanks for any help. Kath Price Auckland, New Zealand
PS - Below is the original 'Preview Invoice' event that I copied: Private Sub PreviewInvoice_Click() On Error GoTo Err_PreviewInvoice_Click If Me![Attendees Subform].Form.RecordsetClone.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "Enter attendee and registration information before previewing the invoice." Else DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70 DoCmd.OpenReport "Invoice", acPreview, , "[RegistrationID]=" & Forms![Attendees]![Attendees Subform].Form![RegistrationID] End If
Exit_PreviewInvoice_Click: Exit Sub
Err_PreviewInvoice_Click: If Err <> 2501 Then MsgBox Err.Description End If Resume Exit_PreviewInvoice_Click End Sub
In my database I track a program called Bridge. Once you open bridge you can have anywhere from 1 to 7 "Sessions". Each bridge is assigned a number IE LT175A. If there are mulitple sessions they are numbered LT175A, LT175B, LT175C etc. I have a check box in my database that shows if bridge is installed on that PC. If it is then my section for session numbers are visiable, if bridge is not checked then the session numbers section isn't visiable. I currently have my Event Procedure in the After Update section. My code works because if I unclick on bridge my sessions disappears. However when I go to the next record if bridge is checked then my sessions are visiable but on the next record where it isn't checked it still displays the session section. So it isn't adjusting itself from record to record. Does my code need to go someplace else or am I doing something else wrong? Here is the code I have:(and it's under After Update)
Try this one guys, I have a form based on a Query with Comboboxes reading a Table. the Combo's populate Textboxes with code as:
Private Sub Combobox1_AfterUpdate() Me.Textbox1=Combobox1.Column(1) End Sub
Combo bound to column 1,Row source=table. This was created in Access 2000 and works fine, but when tried in '97 Textboxes are not populating. I cannot figure out what is wrong. (Need it in '97 for work purposes)
I am trying to figure out how to manipulate the On Delte event of a subform. I can delete the record but I need to have fields on the main form reflect the changes. Can any one help me?
Error Message: The expression On Delete you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: A problem occurred while Microsoft Access was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control. *The expression may not result in the name of a macro, thename of a user-defined function, or [Event Procedure]. *There may have been an error evaluating the function, event, or macro.
Basically I think this message is telling me that I can not modify the deleting procedure as I wish too. If this is true can you tell me where I can do that.
here is the very basic code that i am using.
This is the subform code Option Compare Database Dim main As Form_frmOrders
Private Sub Form_Delete(Cancel As Integer) On Error GoTo err Dim wght As Double Dim pallet As Double wght = .Total_Weight.Value pallet = main.Total_Pallets.Value If Weight.Value <> 0 Then wght = wght - Weight.Value MsgBox wght Else pallet = pallet - Quantity.Value MsgBox pallet End If err: MsgBox err Exit Sub End Sub
I am trying to output the following code to a log file. What I am trying to do is when a user opens the database and the switchboard opens up it logs the user to a log file. The code works fine when run from the modules section providing I leave the DoCmd.Output command out. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong here. This is my code.
Sub ShowUserRosterMultipleUsers() Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim i, j As Long
Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
' The user roster is exposed as a provider-specific schema rowset ' in the Jet 4.0 OLE DB provider. You have to use a GUID to ' reference the schema, as provider-specific schemas are not ' listed in ADO's type library for schema rowsets
Set rs = cn.OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderSpecific, _ , "{947bb102-5d43-11d1-bdbf-00c04fb92675}")
'Output the list of all users in the current database.
I have an "After Update" event procedure for a field on a form that calls a VBA sub. When I use a different VBA sub to input a value in the above mentioned field, the "After Update" event does not occur, even thought the data in the field has been changed. (Of course if I manually enter the data, the field "After Update" event works.)
Is there a flag or condition that needs to be set in my VBA sub to let the field realize that it has been changed? Or possible a way to call the fields AfterUpdate Sub?
I tried having a my sub call the AfterUpdate sub to see what would happen, but didn't get it to work. I got a bunch of error and didn't feel like this was really the way to go.
I also could just duplicate all the code in the AfterUpdate sub for the field, but we all know that that is not a good idea.
I have 3 event procedure with 3 buttons to make them run.I would like to create another button that can run all procedures togehter. if I copy one of the procedures how do I tell it to run the other 2.
I created an Event Procedure on the After Update event for a control in a continuous form. Basically, if certain conditions are met, I want it to disable another control. It works perfectly, except it is disabling the controls for all the records instead of just that record.
Does anyone know how to get it to just update that record? I've been researching and cannot figure it out!
I am having a problem in my access database. I have a a form called Compliance Register. When this window opens it lists all of the requirements of a particular department. There is an ID and Source ID(this field can contain the same number such as multiple 17's). The descriptions match up to what is supposed to be shown. However when I double click on the item, it brings up a Compliance Status window. This is where things go wrong.
It shows the status listed as the first Source ID that matches the number, but does not seem to also be matching up the ID as well It must match both ID and Source ID since Source ID can have the same number multiple times down the list..
Here is what is under the Event Procedure for the double click.
Private Sub ListRequirements_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) On Error GoTo Err_ListRequirements_DblClick Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocName = "Compliance Status"
[Code] ......
Under stlink criteria, i need it to not only pull the ID, but it has to have a "AND" Source ID. I need it to pull the record that matches BOTH numbers.
when the Form Property "selectionchange" kicks in?I am trying to use this to run an event procedure. I have a sub form datasheet which contains a date, and when the selection is changed from one record to another in the sub form, I would like to run an event procedure that updates certain fields on the main form, according to the date.I have put msgbox in the event procedure, but it doesn't trigger when the selection is changed? or am I misunderstanding the property?I have also tried got focus, lostfocus, beforeupdate, but they only trigger when the record is changed, not just when the selection is changed.
I'm trying to create a security measure that would prevent a user from accidentally paging down in a form and moving to the next record. I want to create an event macro that would fire if the user accidentally paged down into the next record. The macro would simply move back to the previous record.
What event would I use to build the macro ? What action would return to previous record ?
frmOperations allows the user to assign a manager to an operation by selecting the manager record from a combobox. Occasionally the user may need to setup a new Manager record if one hasn't been setup already. In this case there is a "New" "button" (it's actually a label with an on click event) that the user can click to open frmManagers and add the new manager record.
The code to open frmManagers is:
Private Sub lblNewManager_Click() DoCmd.OpenForm "frmManagers", acNormal, , , acFormAdd, acDialog Forms!frmManagers!cboMoveTo.Visible = False Forms!frmManagers!lblManagers.Visible = True End Sub
Once frmManagers is open the user creates the new Manager record and then closes the form using a similar label with an on click event:
Code: Private Sub lblClose_Click() DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmManagers", acSaveNo End Sub
frmMangers also has an OnClose event that will refresh any comboboxes on other forms that refer to tblManagers to make sure that new Manager records will be available immediately for the user to choose from:
Code: Private Sub Form_Close() If CurrentProject.AllForms("frmPlants").IsLoaded Then Forms!frmPlants!cboPlantManager.Requery Forms!frmPlants!cboQCManager.Requery
[Code] .....
So the problem comes when the user clicks the Close label (acting like a button) on the frmManagers. The code successfully closes the form and the on close event successfully refreshes any comboboxes on forms that may be open, but then for some reason it attempts to run again or perhaps continue running the onClick event that opens frmManagers. Since the form is already closed it gets hung up on trying to change the visible properties of the controls and the code fails.
I made an On Change Procedure on a textbox, so everytime I input a character, it will trigger the Me.Requery.
However, after that the event, the mouse cursor moved to the beginning of other field. I want it to stay at the end of the textbox so I can enter a full word, how do I do that?
Private Sub Text73_Change() ProjectSearch = Me.Text73 Me.Filter = "[Project Name] Like " & Chr(34) & ProjectSearch & "*" & Chr(34) Me.FilterOn=True Me.Requery End Sub
I have encountered several times, and now, that after using any "cut and paste" or "copy and paste" on VBA code in the event sub, even for a few words, Access does not allow me to exit when I answer 'Yes' to save the changes. It forces me to respond "No" to exit and re-enter any changes again without using copy or cut and paste.
This is very troublesome and error-prone in program development that the program statements cannot be moved or copies to another location of the program module.
I have over 30 TextBoxes and ComboBoxes on the form and about 20 pages of program code, using Access 2010 (same situation for Access 2013) on Windows7 PC with 4GB of RAM.
I tried to dynamically set image OnClick property to function with couple of attributes. Everything works well, but... it launches the function automatically without any mouse click! What is causing this? I want to execute the function only on the result of mouse click.
in my db i have used in one scenario two separate forms to fill in one record in a respective table.
the user fills out the details in the first form for record 1, presses NEXT, and fills out the remaining details in the second form for record 1.
every time form 1 will be opened, it will need to be at the end of the records (to add a new one of course) so i have used this code in my form 1 open event DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
this is fine. however, i have a dilema. when i place that code in form2 also, it skips one further place to the next record(record 2).. and if i dont put any code in form 2, it will always display the record that has just been added previously..
so basically what i need is something to tell form 2 to carry on adding details into the same record that form1 was just on..
I have a form that has several sub forms and what I want is that if the user chooses Plan Name in the main form "No Fault" or 'Workers Comp". I want message to pop and go to the field in the subform to enter data but I keep on getting an error.
Private Sub Plan_Name_AfterUpdate() If ([Plan Name] = "No Fault") Then MsgBox "Enter additional information in No Fault form before continuing." DoCmd.GoToControl ([NoFaultWCompsubForm]![Attorney Name]) End If End Sub
It says the action or method requires a control name argument?
OK, the syntax below works awesomely in a form. The SSN number is pulled from the main table and dropped into a bunch of text boxes. The only text box that is bound is called [sub#] and is stored in the supervisors table, 6 sub's per supervisor and the supervisors SSN is a child of the main table (tried to keep redundant data to a minimum). Now I need to know if there is any way to perform a similar trick in either a query or report using the [sub#](SSN equal to that of a main table entry) field to call up the record from the main table or from a query to use in a report?
Example of working syntax from form... Private Sub Combo48_AfterUpdate() Rank1 = Combo48.Column(4) Sub1 = Combo48.Column(0) Last1 = Combo48.Column(1) Rank1 = Combo48.Column(4) First1 = Combo48.Column(2) MI1 = Combo48.Column(3) EPR1 = Combo48.Column(5) Rating1 = Combo48.Column(6) Next1 = Combo48.Column(7) End Sub
I have been struggling with what should be a very simple task, at least I would think so. Here is what I have. My customer provides me a rolling 8 week forecast. It looks like this.
So you can see that the first week is always the closest to the current date, and every week a new forecast comes out. The problem is, there are over 900 rows for each 8 week rolling forecast (lots of parts and ship to locations).
I think the best way to handle this is to use Access Database and query the data. But I can't seem to get the query right.
I would like to be able to compare the closest week's forecast with the actual quantity bought. Which means I need to line up the calendar week of the forecast given date with the calendar week of the forecast week. I have attached an example.
So you know, I have been using pivot tables for a year now, but the excel file is 50mb and I am out of access would be nice. Plus, once I can get this figured out, I will be able to link it to my consumption table and generate on the fly reports for management.