Stop Combo Box Refreshing

Oct 6, 2004

I have a form with a combo box on it, used to select staff members.

When I select a staff member it displays a list of tasks assigned to this staff member in a sub-form.

This is all working as I want - however, when another user (on another computer) selects a different staff member from the combo box, after a short time, that second staff member is displayed on my screen and consequently the second users tasks are aslo displayed.

How can I stop this combo box updating every time someone else selects a value?



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Refreshing Cascading Combo Box Queries

Apr 25, 2008

I have a db which uses the data taken from cboInstructors which is used in a query and a produces a list in cboExpertise. This procedure is repeated from cboInstructors for cboAssessors and then cboIVName.

This subform then shows all the modules each student have taken, who taught it, who assessed and who IV'd it. The problem is when one selection is made all the subsequent choices are the same as the cbo above it, i.e. the queries do not run again when a diferent selection is made in cboInstuctors.

I hope this clear.

Help please.

Iain :eek::confused:

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Problems With Refreshing On Exit From Combo Box

Oct 10, 2006

In a subform, which is based on a query with two tables, I have a combo box (Field36) that is used to select a name. In the OnExit event, the following code is used to refresh the remaining fields on the subform:

Private Sub Field36_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Field36_Exit_Err

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRefresh

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume Field36_Exit_Exit

End Sub

We recently changed the name from one field to two (first, last), and now the Row Source for the combobox is:
"Select( [last name] & ", " & [first name]) From [INTRPTBL];"
The Control Source is one field (link name) in a table, and I want both names to end up in there.

The problem is, the code no longer works. Since I'm testing things, I only have one record in INTRPTBL. The data from that record shows up in every line of the continuous subform, regardless of the name that was chosen before. When I try to choose from the combo box, it won't allow me to click on the name, all I get is an angry "ding!"
I'm assuming this has to do with not being able to refresh based on the name in Field36. How can I set it up so it can bring up the appropriate information based on the last, first combination (which are two different fields in the table).

Thanks so much!

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Refreshing A Query Based On A Combo Box Selection

Dec 1, 2004

I have a form on which i make a selection. This selection then populates a query which in turn generates a report. The problem that i have is that when i go back into my form and make another selection the query, and therefore the report, holds the original data.

My question is how can i refresh the selection and therefore produce different reports based on this selection without exiting the application?

Many thanks for any help provided in advance.

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Stop Drop Down From Displaying On A Combo

May 4, 2006

Hi all,

I was wondering if it is possible to prevent the drop down list from displaying on a combo box, and even better, to hide the drop down button. I know this just sounds like using change to and changing the combo to a text. However, as the text box doesn't have the same properties, it won't display the correct information and explaining how the combo box get its information is a little complicated. If there isn't a way, I'll try to explain in a reply. :)



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Combo Boxes Stop Working After Returning To Form

Dec 1, 2005

Hello all,

I have combo boxes populated with all values in a particular field, then shunt the form onto that record (standard combo box for selecting records from a list in other words).

Problem is, these boxes seem to stop working if I leave the form for another and then return to it.

Here's the code Access puts behind:

Set SerialRS = Me.Recordset.Clone
SerialRS.FindFirst "[Serial Number] = '" & Me![Combo60] & "'"
If Not SerialRS.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = SerialRS.Bookmark

The form may be opened and closed via other processes (although never unloaded), but when I come back to it these combo boxes always stop working! Why?

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"Refreshing" Subform From Combo Box

Sep 27, 2005

I am working on an employee time database. I have a form named time card and a subform named time card subform. In the time card form, when you select an employee from the drop down combo box (named employeeID), I want the subform to "refresh" itself to only display the time card for that employee which you selected in the employeeID combo box. Each employee has a specific time card ID which is what really needs to be refreshed, I assume.
I have done hours worth of research in this forum and have not found the answers I needed to get this going. I don't know what I am trying to do is actually called refreshing. I found the time and billing database floating around the internet and was going to use that for some guidance but that doesn't work either. I hope I have supplied enough information, if not just reply and I will give some more details. Any help you can provide would be appreciated.

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Refreshing From Pop Up

Jun 17, 2005

Hello all I hope that you can help

I got a database that has lots of subform which are all locked, I got a button that open the same subform in a pop up form with a macro that insert a new record. But when I close the subform after puting the information in the new record does not update on the main form untill you go away from the current record and come back again

Any Ideas


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Refreshing Subforms

Nov 22, 2005

Hi there.
I have a form with two sub forms on it. The form loads with a reference number that I pass to a function that in turn requeries the first sub form. The function call is in the on load event of the main form.
This part works fine.
The second sub form uses a similar requery function to the first one. The only difference is that the query for the second sub form is based on a reference number from the selected record in the first sub form.
If I put the function call for the second sub form in the on click of the first one all is well and the second sub form displays all records with a matching reference number.

The problem is that when the main form loads the first sub form will display the correct data but the second remains blank or displays the wrong data.
I know this is happening because the first sub form has not loaded fully and so the second sub form cannot get the reference number. I just can’t find a way to make the second sub form display the correct data when the main form loads.

I have tried calling the requery function for the second sub form from most of the events on the main form and many of the events on the first sub form but to no avail.
I also tried putting a meaningless sub form at the bottom of the main form and putting the requery function for the second sub form in the on load event but that was no good either. This surprised me as until that point I was assuming that access was loading the sub forms sequentially from top to bottom.

Can anyone tell me how I might determine the point at which the first sub form has been loaded so that I can get access to the reference numbers needed for the second sub form query. I would prefer not to use a timer for this as there is no way to determine the maximum time it will take access to load the rest of the data but at present it looks like the only option left.

Any comments would be much appreciated and sorry for the lengthy explanation.

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Refreshing ActiveX

Nov 24, 2005

I just added a ActiveX control to my program and I have a scroll mouse, and there when the user used the mouse to scroll through the records, the record changes but the ActiveX Control doesn't. My activeX Control is used for a digital signature. Anyone Have any ideas?

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Refreshing A Database

Jul 27, 2006

This is a lot more complicated than the title suggests. I was asked to reset the work order numbers used by the maintenance department. When they reach work order #9999 they want to start over. My best bet is to make a backup of the tables and create new ones that include the last 2-3 weeks of activity. If I do that I'll have two potential problems:

The next autonumber needs to be lower than the pre-existing records but not start at 1
Recombining data from the old table (for whatever reason) will create false relations

Does anyone know a possible solution to these problems or is there a better method to refresh the database?

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Self Refreshing Query

Apr 1, 2007

I have a 'Snapshot' report, which gives up-to-the-minute data on a business - sales year-to-date, month-todate, week-to-date and today. They run this many times a day, but ideally, they would like to have the information display on a monitor, and be updated automatically every few minutes.
Is there any way that a query can run by itself every few minutes, and gather the current information?


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Refreshing ODBC

Jul 4, 2007

Hi Guys

Quick question, in Access 2007, i created a table that pulls data out of our system via ODBC. No if the system gets updated, how do i refresh data in access? Please advise. Thanks in advance.

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Refreshing A Form

Feb 24, 2005

I have an orders form which contains an items subform.

To populate the items subform I have a button which opens a separate pop-up form.

Is there a piece of code which would allow me to click a button on that pop-up form which actually refreshes the other opened form (orders form)???

Anyone know if this is possible?



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Refreshing OpenArgs?

May 16, 2005

Hi all,
I have a form (sub_Main) that opens and has an openargs value (Department) from my main form when user clicks on a cmd button. However, if I were to go back to my main form and click on another department the openargs value is not passed along. I have tried using Me.Refresh under LostFocus but it doesnt seem to work.

What is causing the openargs value from updating? Any help?


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Refreshing Fields

May 26, 2005

Hey All,

I have a field "NameView", irrelevant but it grabs a name from a seperate form from an ODBC connection.
The purpose for the field is simply to grab the data from another form.

On the same form As NameView theres another field "Name"
This Grabs the data from NameView and writes to the main table.

Everything works fine but "Name" will only update from "NameView" on a new record only and not on the current one.
I have a VBA Statement on an afterupdate which Me.Name = Me.Nameview

I've tried Me.Refresh and Me.Requery but no help.

Any thoughts?
Much appreciated

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Refreshing Issue

Jul 15, 2005


I know this is probably something really simple - but I'm relatively new to VBA.

I'm trying to run an update query from a form, then refresh the form having all the input boxes and checkboxes etc set back to normal.

The problem being that I have a list box to select a record to update from.

Now, if I just refresh the form this list box updates properly - but none of the other controls (text boxes and check boxes) reset to their defaults.

If I try to reset them manually in the code then a) they don't reset and b) the list box no longer updates (depending on the location of the reset code).

Though the code I'm using to reset things works when the query is not executed.

The code I'm using is currently:

Private Sub Save_Record_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Save_Record_Click

Dim stDocName As String
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
stDocName = "Return to training"
'DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit
Current.Value = False
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Save_Record_Click

End Sub

I should add that in the above version of the code the list box does update but the check box still does not.

I'd really appreciate any help you can give me.


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Refreshing Form - Please Help

Dec 8, 2005


I double click a combo box which takes me to a new form. e.g. a purchase order form does not have an employee so they need to be added. When the employee form is closed i would like to refresh to combo box so the new employee appears in the combo box.

Please help

Thank you

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Subform Not Refreshing

Jan 27, 2006

I have no VB skills at all have to do everything with macros etc. So please keep any replies simple. I have a database for students, courses and tutors - all worked fine until the customer wanted each student to do 2 courses at a time. The whole database is designed for statistical returns ie females with child care responsibilities living in a rural area etc., and the Course Id has to be the same on each course table. I split the course table into 2 tables with the same data, made a course entry form which appends new courses to both tables. My problem is that when I select a course ie no 234 for course 1 and 345 for course 2 I cannot get the subform to show the data unless I go to the next/previous record and back again; when I do this the main form opens at record 1. Is there a macro or piece of code I can use to automatically refresh OR a macro that will go to next record and then reopen the mainform at the place where I started?

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Continous Refreshing

Feb 26, 2006


I'd like to ask for your help in the following issue:

I wanted to refresh the filtering of my combo-list on a subform according to the change of a field on the main form.

With this

Private Sub supplierID_AfterUpdate()
Forms![invoices]![details1 Segédűrlap]![KombináltLista4].Requery
End Sub

it succeeded. But when I turn a page on the main form (to see records registrated in the past), the combo-list on the subform doesn't change (because Access doesn't get any after-update info - I guess).

But I'd like to use a solution that always watches the actual value of the main form displayed on the screen and so it changes the filtered list of the sub-form - combo-list according to it.

Please help if you have a good idea/solution to it.
(take care I'm beginner at Visual Basic)



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Refreshing Pictures

Mar 24, 2006

Hello all,

I have search the forum for two days and can not find anything about this promble so any help would be good.

I am using a linked picture i have then browser setup and works ok but my issue is that i can not get the picture to refresh its self, with out going into design view and then back to my form, i would hope that there is a solution to this.

Any links would be good or general help would be great as i am starting to loss sleep over this now.

Thanks in advance


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Refreshing Forms

May 23, 2006

Is there a way where you can send the data on a form to a detination table without closing the form?????

It's probably the easiest solution but it's 4pm and nearly home time so a memory blank is upon me!

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Refreshing Forms

Aug 23, 2006

I have modal pop-up form1 showing list of items. There is a button that opens a new modal pop-up form2 (not subform) to add items to form1, form1 is still open behind form2. This all works fine, but when you click save button on form2 it saves new data to database and closes taking you back to form1
but does not refresh new data to form1 unless you (shift F9) or close form1 and reopen or use refresh button on form1.
I would like to have form1 refresh data as soon as form2 is closed from the save button. I can do a timer event on form1, but this flashes the screen...which is annoying. I have tried various methods to make this work but just can't seem to get it to work. If form2 was a subform of form1 then refreshing mainform would not be an issue. Can anyone shed some light on this?

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Refreshing A Form

Sep 19, 2006

Hi all,
How are you?
I have a small problem...
I have a form with 3 textboxes and 1 button. When filling these textboxes, and clicking the button, a record will be added to a table. I want when I click the button, the record to be added to the table with removing the the old record from the 3 textboxes for the new record to be added.

How can I do that??

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Refreshing A Form

Mar 2, 2006

I have some dLookUp text boxes on a form. They don't refresh though till after I change the record I am on. There are only two fields on the form that actually change the dLookUp boxes and they are both combo boxes.

Is there some refresh code I can put in the combo boxes so that the form refreshes after someone changes data in the two combo boxes?

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Form Keeps Loading/refreshing

Apr 11, 2006

Hi all,

I encountered some weird symptons with my Access forms. I am using the form to display images(done by setting the OnCurrent and After Update property).

When my PC is just powered on, and i try to load say form "ENGLISH". Form "ENGLISH" will appear, but the focus will switch in between form ENGLISH and the MS ACCESS program window. This action will onli settle down after abt 10 secs.

When the ENGLISH form is loaded, i will attempt to switch from one record to another, but the same thing occurs again. IT will load/refresh for abt 10seconds, with the focus toggling btwn ENGLISH FORM n MS Access.. IN addition, it opens a second copy of FORM "ENGLISH" in the background as can be seen on my taskbar. When i close my 1st form ENGLISH and i attempt to close the 2nd FORM tat is appearing on the taskbar, there will be an error msg, English : MSACCESS.EXE-Application Error, Instruction at....(refer to the attached jpeg file for detailed error location)

Y is it tat this weird behaviour onli applies to the forms tat are used to display images but not those normal forms tat contains of purely text?

The entire behaviour will be eliminated after i close MS access, and reload the DB abt twice.....

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