Hello all,
I am setting up an access 2003 database in a Client/Server configuration. All dat entry is done through queries, forms are not used. I am wondering if it's possible to prevent users in the client database (Or a copy of it) from creating new queries that hang of the linked tables. I want them to hang new queries only from existing queries. This way I can be sure that what they see is always appropriatley filtered. Any ideas?
I have included some code to disable the access PassKey (holding shift down as you open the database so that the database window appears). It is password protected and it works pretty well for normal users.
However, I have realised that even in this restricted mode you can go to File-Options-Current database and enable Access Keys. This then lets you open the database window by pressing F12.
My question is, is there a way to absolutely stop anyone from ever viewing the database window at all? All my code is password protected, but I still don't want an ICT person fiddling with my tables and queries!
Hi. I manage to create Users and permissions with no big problem. But before do that, i thought that when i created those permissions some of the users which they will work for, they will not have even a view of TABLES QUERIES FORMS e.t.c How i can hide that from them? I did that by Properties and set the option button to Hidden, but imagine if you have 50 to do that. Then if i go back to do some modifications then is necessary to unhide in order to check. Is another easiest way of prohibiting users to view. Thank you.
How can I stop rounding of a number when it is written to a table ? The "Data Type" is "Number" and defined as "Long Integer", "Standard", and "Auto". The number appears with two (2) decimal places on the form, but when inserted into the table (using the SQL "INSERT" statement), it's rounded up (i.e. 34.75 to 35.00).
I have a query that retrieves a list of all "Open" issues/projects that I'm working on. I've added a couple of columns in the query to calculate the age of each project (comparing Now() to Start Date), and using a comparison between the last time I updated the project to Now().
The problem I'm having is that the second calculation is based on the first calculation. As a result, the second calculation causes prompt box "Enter Value Parameter" to pop open whenever I open the form based on this query.
I would like to know how can I open this form without the prompt box popping up?
I have a form with tab set one tab called "Enter Receipt" and another that houses 2 queries called "Reconcile". My issue is when I open that form, I have an On Current Macro to go to NEW record for my Enter Receipt, but I am getting a delay while the query status bar runs the other queries. I was hoping not to have those ran until i enter the parameters and hit the run button on that "reconcile tab".
Everything else works, i just need the queries to keep from running when i load the form. my queries i moved from EDITED to NO LOCKS thinking the On Current new record may affected them, not change in delay.
I ran some code to number old records in a column to order items in a datasheet subform however after updating the column in the inventory transactions table when opening the main form that relies on it. It runs a query to determine the customers balance due and the query for that is taking forever to run like 2-3 minutes or more however reverting to an old copy of the data it runs fine and all I did was renumber records in one column most of which had 1s in them the code to re-number the records:
Code: Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim i As Long Dim OID As Long Dim stringSQL as String i = 1
[Code] .....
I continued playing with this today and the query that is breaking the 2nd level subquery that actually references the inventory transactions table that I changed runs fine but go up a level to subquery1 which references subquery2 and a sum of payments query and it chokes however sum of payments only refernces the payments table.
I did some more testing today Subquery2 and sum of payments query both run faster than what I can time with a stopwatch but when combined they take approximately 1:45 there are only 5 columns in subquery1 four from subquery2 and 1 from the sum of payments 3 of the first 4 are sum and the last is group by and then the one from sum of payments is group by
Subquery 2:
Code: SELECT CLng((nz([UnitsSold])*nz([UnitPrice]))*(1-nz([Discount]))*100)/100 AS [Line Total], CLng([Line Total]*(1+nz([SalesTaxRate]))*100)/100 AS [Line Total With Tax], [Line Total With Tax]-[Line Total] AS [Line Tax], [Inventory Transactions].*
This is in regards to user security. I'm a relatively new user to Access (and this forum). My company uses Access 2000 and I'm taking over a database thats used by several departments at my company. This database contains sensitive information so I put user security on it using the wizard. Due to the nature of the database, a particular user group needs to have the ability to create new tables. The problem is this: No matter what I do with the user group security settings, I cannot prevent other user groups from creating new tables. Is there a way to prevent certain users from adding a table?
I have to make it so user group cannot modify/update/delete data in tables, but con do the same in forms. Yet if I uncheck those in 'permissions' it's not possible to change anything forms either
For some reasons management doesn't want tables to be in diff database
I enabled security on an .mdb which included several users that are in the Full Data Users group. After I did this I needed to add a new form to the application, so I logged into the application and added it. However, though the admin group and the Full Permissions group can access it fine, the Full Data Users group cannot. I have double checked all of the settings and have even rebuilt the .mdw file to no avail. Any thoughts?
I would like to know if there is any procedure to restrict/stop auto number increment for certain number of record count (say 50), then increment by 1 for next 50 records.
How can I separate my application so the users can still use queries and reports on a db? I don't want them touching the tables or application directly so it looks like I need a way to create a separate application or something along those lines that is linked to the tables that the users want to query. Any suggestions?
I have an Access 2000 database and I have hidden the database window in the startup options. I have also saved the database as a .mde file.
However, if a user opens the database while pressing the shift key they can still get access to the queries and tables in the database and can change them.
Is there anyway to prevent users getting access to the tables and queries?
I'd like to implement something in an app to allow users to create their own ad-hoc queries from a specific number of fields from specific tables, without allowing them full access to the query designer.
I can see how to do it (a form with code that creates the SQL), but I wondered if anyone had done something like this before and had any tips or even any existing code. Have searched and can't find anything, but I suspect I'm searching on the wrong keywords.
I have an access database that is used as a front-end application to a sql server 2000 database. Users have adequate permissions to access database and functionalities but a few are receiving the following error message:
I have a database where there are 3 tables. table "d_cases", table "d_user" and table "d_status"
The table "d_cases" has the users and statuses only with a number. Peter has ID 2, John ID 1. There is status ID 1 that is New, ID 2 Started and so on.
How can I run a query that will show me the names and status instead of the numbers?
I have a dilema on my hands as I can't seem to figure out the best way to accomplish this. I created a database to handle all of our letters for my department in the company. The problem I am having is that we have 26 people who could possible access the database at the same time. The letters are created using a form. (not a problem with multi-users) When someone wants to print the letter the do a search either by "Letter Date", "Provider Name", "Provider Number", or "Group Name". I set it up so either one of these search queries append data into one table called "Letter Report Information" all 38 letters get there data from this 1 table. The problem I am having is that if John and Mary try to pull different/same letters at the same time or while one is viewing their letters the data is getting pushed onto the others Letter.
Mary goes to print her Welcome letter John also goes to print his Denial letter at the same time
When John's letters show up.. the Denial letter shows up with his data, but also with Mary's Welcome letter data.
What can I do or what kind of query can i use to avoid this problem as it is becoming a very prominent issue? ::Please Help::
I have a list box with a row source query as follows...
SELECT qryPendingCompletions2.ID, qryPendingCompletions2.Department, qryPendingCompletions2.[Employee Name], qryPendingCompletions2.CompletionDate AS [Completion Date], qryPendingCompletions2.[Entered By], qryPendingCompletions2.Goal, qryPendingCompletions2.Comments, qryPendingCompletions2.[Verified By] FROM qryPendingCompletions2 WHERE (((qryPendingCompletions2.Department)=[cbocurrentemployee].[column](3)) AND ((qryPendingCompletions2.[Verified By]) Is Null)) ORDER BY qryPendingCompletions2.Department;
I also have a combo box at the top of the form showing what user is logged in where the row source query is the following...
SELECT Employees.UserID, [First Name] & " " & [Last Name] AS EFullname, Employees.AccessLevelID, Employees.Department FROM Employees WHERE (((Employees.AccessLevelID)=1 Or (Employees.AccessLevelID)=2 Or (Employees.AccessLevelID)=3 Or (Employees.AccessLevelID)=4));
How to only list the data in the list box when the department is the same as the logged in user.
So I'd like to add the criteria to the first query something like criteria = [cbocurrentemployee].[column](3) but this doesn't seem to work as criteria in queries.
I've been using Access 2007 to run queries on a database where we eventually export results as separate Excel spreadsheets for individual clients. The process is quite involved, using queries to change fields from code letters to words and splitting the database up into different client tables, saving the tables under date order and with different client codes.
I now need to pass this role on to colleagues, so need to make everything as straightforward as possible.
I had thought to use a Form as the user interface, with a minimum number of buttons, however I need either the system or the user to amend the date for the initial table, then to use this new table and run a series of standard queries on it, then produce the separate tables.
I don't think I can just use macros behind the buttons, because the database name is changing each time.
I assume some parts will be too tricky to automate - it will be necessary for colleagues to follow instructions instead.....
The database has to be handled by a web service and/or a web appliction making the comma delimited option occupy more server time breaking down the string into usable user_ID's. But (and this is probably my actual problem) if i was to impliment my second idea, I'm not sure what I should make the tables primary key or the best way to relate it to the main user table.
My initial thought is to just have a, technicaly useless, ID be the primary key and impliment a one(User) to many(friends entries) relationship... but im a bit of an access n00b so thought i better come ask for some advice.
I'm wondering is it possible to create a multiple parameter query which will return results even if you leave some of the parameters blank ?. I'm trying to set up a Form which will allow users to select parameters using combo boxes but at the moment you need to fill them all in or you'll get no results...
I am fairly new to Access and I would like to create a form to allow users to create their own query. I would like to allow users to select multiple fields (perhaps with checkboxes?) from all possible fields in a table to return either all data from that field or narrow their search by inputting certain criteria or choosing from a drop down into a text box. Is this possible in Access and any detailed specifics on how to achieve this?
I want to lock the view of certain tables and queries so that users could not perform any change at their own. Is there any way in VB to protect it with password....