Stoping Duplicates Over 3 Fields
Oct 15, 2004
Is there any way I can stop the same permutation of three field values being duplicated in a table.
a - b - c is ok
a - b - d is ok
b - c - e is ok
a - e - c is ok
a - b - c ......duplicate
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Apr 17, 2013
I have created a database which holds architectural drawings for my company. The drawings have a number (dwgNumber), a name (dwgTitle) and a revision (dwgRevision). Each number should only have one title but cannot be unique as they can have several revisions. I am looking for a way to allow the users of the database to only enter a drawing title for a drawing number once. This is because if more than one person is accessing the front end at a time, they may use the same drawing number for different drawings.
For Example:
Number: A001 Title: Drawing 1 Revision: P1
Number: A001 Title: Drawing 1 Revision: P2
Number: A001 Title: Drawing 1 Revision: P1
Number: A001 Title: Drawing 2 Revision: C1
Basically, each number can only have one title assigned to it.
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Apr 17, 2013
I have created a database which holds architectural drawings for my company. The drawings have a number (dwgNumber), a name (dwgTitle) and a revision (dwgRevision). Each number should only have one title but cannot be unique as they can have several revisions. I am looking for a way to allow the users of the database to only enter a drawing title for a drawing number once. This is because if more than one person is accessing the front end at a time, they may use the same drawing number for different drawings.
For Example:
Number: A001 Title: Drawing 1 Revision: P1
Number: A001 Title: Drawing 1 Revision: P2
Number: A001 Title: Drawing 1 Revision: P1
Number: A001 Title: Drawing 2 Revision: C1
Basically, each number can only have one title assigned to it.
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May 16, 2005
Sorry for the question's wording.
Here is what bugs me:
- I have one table tblRefctc with the followings fields :
LCtcRef,../..,LRefServ0, LrefServ1,..LrefServ16.
Where all those Lref are long; LCtcRef being the primary key. This table describe a contact from different branches (account, etc..) so while each branch has the relevant information about this contact, they know that that branch too is in contact with the same person.
- I have this other table with describes Events, TblIdxEvt (meeting, whatever) :
where IdxCtc is filled with LCtcRef once an event is created.
What I must check for is : For the same IdxEvt, should another branch makes an appointement for LCtcRef (i), I must check if one of the LRefServ0 to LRefServ16 are not already added in the event table.
At this time, I am stuck with making functions which test the existence of the LRefServ(i) (i ranging from 0 to 16) in tblIdxEvt, but I wonder if there is a simpler way to do it with SQL (which, as you could guess, Im not good at).
Thanks in advance for any pointers.
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Jul 31, 2007
Hi everyone,
I am working on a database to manage newsletter subscriptions. Each subscriber record has the option of having up to four email addresses registered to his/her name.
Is there a way to check for duplicate email addresses in the entire database? It would have to compare all values in all four fields of all records.
Any ideas on how to implement such a thing? I'm clueless...
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Jan 30, 2008
In access 2003 i have an external Oracle table named EXT-COM_EXTRA_DATA_FIELDS
in this table I have the following fields: COM_DATA_KEY, COM_DATA_FIELD_NO, COM_DATA_VALUE
From this I have created a query named: LOOKUP-BARCODES-10 this looks at the above table by filtering the
the records on the field: COM_DATA_FIELD_NO where this =10.
Also I have created a second query named: LOOKUP-BARCODES-20 this looks at the above table by filtering the records on the
field: COM_DATA_FIELD_NO where this =20
Below is sample data in the table:
009A/s 10 03010303165001
009A/s 20 04350309115002
010B/P 10 05150909116001
010B/P 20 06150909116002
011C/X 10 07281809217003
011C/X 20 N/A
The problem is i would like to combine the numbers in the COM_DATA_VALUE field for the same product (ie the same COM_DATA_KEY
record) on the same rows without any duplicate records as shown below:
009A/s 03010303165001 04350309115002
010B/P 05150909116001 06150909116002
011C/X 07281809217003 N/A
As you can see from above some records only have data in one COM_DATA_VALUE (like 011C/x) where COM_DATA_FIELD_NO = 10 but no
data for the same product where the COM_DATA_VALUE = 20.
Im thinking maybe i can create a new join query that looks at the above two query’s and combines the values in the COM_DATA_VALUE for
the same product onto the same record row but im not sure how to go about this without creating duplicates & its been some time since ive done joined queries. Any help would be great?
ive attached a cut down version of the database with the table imported from oracle rather than being linked to oracle if this helps.
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Nov 19, 2013
I have a large table with many fields and many rows. There is no primary key. I'll call one field ParentPN, and another field ChildPN. There are many other fields as well. I want to identify all rows where BOTH the ParentPN and ChildPN occur more than once. I know how to create a query to identify duplicates of ONE field in the table, but not two. I can solve this with VBA: I will read the two fields of interest in the first row, then compare both values with every other row. If it finds another row with BOTH ParentPN and ChildPN identical with the first, that's a "hit". Then, repeat with all the other rows. I could find ways to make this run faster, but I was wondering if there are any build in functions to accomplish this. I looked at the Find Duplicates query builder, and all I see is I can select ONE field to search for dupes, not two.
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Oct 12, 2012
I am trying to modify an inventory management database. I want to prevent duplicate entries to specific fields in centralized table. The table is called Work Stations. Its function will be to track various computer equipment by a specific work station name. Each of the items will have a unique asset tag.
The primary Key for Work Stations is WS-ID. The fields I am trying to prevent duplicate entries in are WS-Computer, WS-Docking Station, WS-Monitor_1, WS-Monitor_2, and WS-Switch. Each of those fields are primary keys in 4 different tables that conation more detailed information about item. The exception is WS-monitor_1 and WS-Monitor_2 have a one-to-many relationship with Mon-Asset Tag in the monitors table.
The goal I am trying to accomplish is when a work station ID is created or modified duplicate entries are prevented to those fields listed above. The computer, monitors, docking station, and switch fields in the work station table may contain data or may be null.
I have tried to set the Indexed Option to Indexed (No duplicates) for each of the fields and I have also tried setting Yes to Ignore Nulls in the index option on the table design tab for the individual fields. Both options have returned the same error stating the changes would create duplicate values, in the index, primary key, or relationship.I have not created form for this table yet as I was trying to get no duplicates option to work first. I have verified the data and the only duplicating fields are the Null fields
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Sep 28, 2015
I have 4 or 5 tables. Most of the fields are exactly the name but they all have at least 1 to possibly 5 or six fields that are not in the other table. Additionally there are some duplicates within the individual tables as well as across tables.
I have a
Student Table - with all the info on the student as well as a column called student that identifies them as such however it does not have the columns parent, donor, appeal, designation.....
Parent Table - with all the info on the student as well as a column called parent that identifies them as such however it does not have the columns student, donor, appeal, designation.....
Donor Table - with all the info on the student as well as a column called donor that identifies them as such however it does not have the columns student, parent, appeal, designation.....
Appeal Table - with all the info on the student as well as a column called appeal that identifies them as such however it does not have the columns student, parent, donor, designation.....
-A person can be within one of these tables more than once but with all the same information.
-A person can also fall into all of these parameters so they could be on every table with the same information in addition to the missing columns,=.
Question 1 : what is the best way to dedupe and delete the individual tables (they all have account numbers)
Question 2: I was thinking create a new table with all the columns available, however how do i dedupe across tables while populating the additional columns from each?
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Dec 23, 2014
I've been playing around with a new database design and ran into a possible 'error' that I would like to avoid.
It's going to be a payroll database to store time codes for hours spent working on specific projects. I have been struggling on how to put this together to fit with what we've been doing for years and I think I hit a few breakthroughs this morning.
However I want to avoid this error of possible duplication of entry.
Simple table set up - primary key is just a running integer; Employee ID; and Week Ending Date.
I can have multiple week ending dates for a specific employee; but I want to avoid having the same employee with the same week ending date. I cannot set up either field as being unique.
Quick run of data that would be in this table:
1 ABC 11/21/2014
2 ABC 11/27/2014
3 ABC 12/07/2014
4 DEF 11/21/2014
5 DEF 11/27/2014
6 DEF 12/07/2014
7 ABC 11/27/2014
in this example, when the last row is entered I need to get a popup or some warning that this time has already been entered.
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Nov 10, 2013
I'm getting back into Access after retiring and about 10 years of isolation (from Access). I have 2010 version and know that one should avoid duplicate entries and a way to do this is make those fields unique key fields. I have a Customers table and have bounced back between CusID (AutoNumber) and Compound Keys (CusFName and CusLName) as the key fields. The compound keys prevent duplicates but become very hard to work with later in code and expressions. The CusID is preferable from that standpoint, but can't prevent inadvertent entry of duplicate names.
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Oct 15, 2013
How to prevent duplicates on the combination of two fields - text & numeric?
I'm currently using the code below that warns users when the combination of two fields have already been used. (Combination of the TWO fields has to always be unique so if used again will warn the user)
Works well when both fields are numeric but fails when the JobDetails field is changed to text in the main table (tblPPMPLanner)
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Function IsDuplicateRecord() As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Dim PreviousRecordID As Long
IsDuplicateRecord = False
[Code] ....
The field that should be a text field is called "JobDetails"
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Nov 2, 2014
I have a client database that has recently had multiple duplicate entries. I need to reduce or negate this erroneous activity. I have a client table where I record amongst others, the following;
I believe that to prevent duplicate entrie via form I have created an additional field called "unique" given it as a unique index which I want to have populated with the joined fields first_name & last_name & dob (IE johndoe01/01/90), and then as user enters a new client it wont allow a duplicate.
However I need to fill all the existing customers (3600+) with the relevant joined existing data. If I create an expression I can cajoin the fields in a select query but when I try to make an update query the same syntax comes up with empty fields.
select query sql that worked to show field ...
SELECT divers.christian_name, divers.family_name, divers.dob, [christian_name] & [family_name] & [dob] AS Expr1
FROM divers;
update query that was empty ..
UPDATE divers SET divers.[unique] = [christian_name] & [family_name] & [dob];
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Feb 12, 2008
Hi this is my first post... so hi all :)
ok what i have is a table with contact details 900k plus
there are about 90k of which are duplicates.
this is the basic feilds that are important in this case.
Id, data_source, data_recived, data_code,
what i want is to have a table with unique records (no dups in data_code)
this table will look like this...
Id, data_code, Num_dups, dup1_source, dup1_date, daysbtw_Dup1_dup2, dup2_source, dup2_date, daysbtw_Dup2_dup3 ,dup3_source, dup3_date, daysbtw_Dup3_dup4 ,dup4_source, dup4_date,
I know there is no more than 4 dups of each record.
what i want from this is a table that will give me a record of how many dups for each record then all the dates that they were added and the date between each record entry.
if anyone can help it would be great .
thanks in advance.
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Dec 8, 2005
Hey, all! Thanks for helping, here is my situation.
I have a table with about 70,000 records that have duplicate Address field values. The rest of the field values for those records are different. When I do a find duplicate querry I get the result that 17,000 records have the same address. However, when I do the append qurrey as instructed here: I get a total of only 600 records in the new table. I have tried deleting all of the indexes for both the new and old table, with no luck.
I'm using Access 2000 on XP Pro.
If anyone could help with this I would greatly appreciate it!
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Nov 1, 2014
I have an Access table with an indexed key that is currently set to duplicates OK. There are not supposed to be any duplicates in that field. But it is possible than a small number have crept through.
Two questions:
1. What would happen to those duplicate records if I changed the setting from duplicates OK to no duplicates?
2. Is there any way to ferret out those duplicate records first and change them manually? The table currently has 48000 records so it would be a pain to go through them page by page. (I know how to export them to Excel, where the dups can easily be found; I was just wondering if something could do it within Access.)
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Jul 5, 2007
Hi. I have two tables, of which i have run a duplicate query, removed the duplicates by doing an "is null" criteria, and keeping that new table.
I know though there are still more duplicates but the names may not be exactly the same, say barclays and barclays plc. so i run another query on both tables to show me the first five letters of table 1 and table 2. I can run another "is null" criteria query to find the non duplicates there. these are the unique values.
But even if there are duplicates up to the first five letters the next letter may change, for instance barcleys tractors and barclays bank. So these arent duplicates.
So can anyone come up with a way of taking the duplicate ones according to the first five letters, and maybe duplicate ones up to 10 letters, and working out which ones are the unique ones. my brain is frying.
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Jul 14, 2005
I have imported a 1 column table from an external source for the sole purpose of deleting duplicates. There are over 400,000 rows. What do i need to do to identify the duplicates?
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Apr 11, 2007
I work at a hospital and deal with several thousand account numbers a day. I am working on an Access database that will handle some of my workload. Here is what I am facing. Lets say on some of the tables that I import there are duplicate account numbers with different totals in the end...
acct info info info amount
123456 xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 5.50
123456 xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 17.50
123456 xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 900.00
753951 xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx
and so on...
is there a way that i can only show one account number but the total of the amount for the account? please help...this is desperately needed.
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Oct 9, 2007
Hey All, i'm looking for some help from one of the heavy hitters in the Access Forum. (Keep in mind i'm self-taught in access..never picked up a book on the stuff) So far i have done ok. I'v made many databases and in my opinion i have a firm grasp on the fundamentals.
I have come accross a database that I did not create which i am suppose to work on. I can do the work just find but i'm a little confused on the structure. when i looked at the relationships i noticed that many of the field names in several tables were bold (showing they were set as a primary key) So i looked at the design view of a few of these tables and noted that the primary key was set on 3 different fields. i also noticed that each field allowed duplication. Furthermore i noticed that on at least one of the tables, in the relationship window there was a relationship using the ID field which was a 1 to many. however there was a relationship on the other side of that table still using the ID field that was a many to one. How can a field have a one to many relationship and a many to one?? it can either be duplicated or it can't...right???
Anyways i also tried to duplicate this in a test database and found that when you make a table and then right click at the side of the field you wish to make as Primary key, that works fine, but doing it on another field simply switches the primary key to that field and takes it off the first one.
(as a side the only way to search this forum to go manually through all the threads to see if you can find what you need? search tools?? or did i just miss them?):confused:
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Aug 11, 2006
I have a table that has country_code, Mfr_num, Item_num, catalog_code, mfr_obsolete_code. the key is on country_code, mfr_num, and item_num. I need to find duplicates of mfr_num and catalog_code. Can anyone point me in the right direction on this?
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Jan 22, 2007
I have the data from a membership DB which has quiet a few duplicated Names and addresses (though they may have a 'type' field which is different)
I have identified these using the find duplicates wizard. Is it possible to use this query to delete the duplicated entries and leave one record.
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Jun 8, 2007
:confused: Duplicates
I have all my master data in my table which has a lot of duplicates (700 entries). I ran the find duplicate query offered by access, but exported the data to excel to delete all the duplicates.
My question is how do I import that updated excel list back into the duplicates query so that it updates my master data in my table?
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Sep 6, 2007
I do not understand why this is happening but I am getting some, not all, records duplicated in the Select query on two tables. (see attached)
Can anyone explain why AND how I can make it return without duplicates.
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Oct 31, 2006
I have got a table that has following fields display on a form:
ClassNo Class Date ClassType ExecutionDate Order Quantity
The Table CLASSES has got many records which are duplicate. Mostly ClassNo is duplicated. I could have stopped duplication by restricting table not to accept duplicate values, but my requirement is such that i dont want to stop the table from accepting duplicate values. When i display the same table data on the form, all the duplicate entries are displayed.
All i need is to find a way to stop the FORM showing duplicate ClassNo Field. The Duplication restriction i wish to set only on ClassNo. If there are more than one ClassNo reptition than it should show that entry only once. For example the form looks like this:
ClassNo Class Date ClassType ExecutionDate Order Quantity
1 12-12-2006 A 12-01-2007 Ok 10
2 20-10-2006 A 20-11-2006 Ok 100
I wish to see the form this way:
ClassNo Class Date ClassType ExecutionDate Order Quantity
1 12-12-2006 A 12-01-2007 Ok 10
2 20-10-2006 A 20-11-2006 Ok 100
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Jun 27, 2005
I have a form and within that form there is two combo boxes and one text box. When one choses a value from one combo box, and then chooses a value for the other combo box and then enters the value into the textbox I don't want the user to be able to enter the same arrangement. That is I want to prevent duplicates on that combination. Also if they do this I want a Message Box to appear saying that that this combination already exists
I was thinking of using a multiple field index to prevent the duplicates, but I don't know if this is a wise thing to do. Can someone give me some help to see how I can prevent duplicates or offer another solution to prevent duplicates on the combination of the values.
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