Stopping Message Popups In Update Query

Dec 2, 2006

Hi again all,

Im wondering how I can stop the messages that pop up when im about to run a update query,

I get the following

1. You are about to run a update query blah blah....
2. You wont be able to undo the changes this action blah blah
3. You are about to update X Rows

Idealy Id love to be able to turn off the messages in just this query, and not globally over the whole database, can this be done?
Also, Id like to get a error if there is one.. so only stop those message that are currently showing...

Any help would be awesome,
Cheers Ezy

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General :: How To Get Right Message Popups For Correct And Incorrect Entries

Sep 5, 2012

I am trying to get the message Request added to show up when the new record command works.

The message "add button error" show if there are any errors, rather than just doing nothing and stopping.

However when it works I get both, I know I doing something very simple very wrong.

Private Sub bAddRecord_Click()
On Error GoTo errorhandler
RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew
MsgBox "Request added "
On Error GoTo 0
MsgBox "add button error"
End Sub

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Remove Modal Popups In Make-table Query

Jan 25, 2006

I need to be able to run a number of queries where some of the queries are make-table queries. What I don't want is to have is all the messages that come up during the creation of the table ie deleting existing files and showing the number of records created to place in the file. Is there a way to block these messages?

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Update Query Message Box

Aug 1, 2005

I have a "Marking" function in my database. The function is so that I can mark certain records, then print reports for only those records. When the database is opened I have set it up to run a Query. The query is a Update Query and it unmark all marked records.
However, when the query runs 2 Microsoft Access message box pop up.
the first says "You are about to run an update query that will modify data in your table."
the second one says "You are about to Update # row(s)."

Does anybody know of a way to automatically have yes be chosen on both message boxes so there are no pop ups?

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Update Query Error Message

Jul 18, 2006

Trying to create a query that will look up a barcode and subtract 1 from the currnet stock levels, i have the exact same sql statement for the adding of stock part from the -1 to a +1 the relised i may need a gap between the "-" and the 1 but it still comes up with the message. Anyone got an idea how i can make this work??

UPDATE table1 SET table1.quantity = "quantity - 1"
WHERE (((table1.barcode)=[Barcode please]));

Microsoft office access didn't update 1 field due to a type conversion failure, 0 record(s) due to key violation, 0 records due to lock violaation and 0 records due to validation rule violations

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Queries :: Query Stopping When Tabbing To Another Program

Aug 5, 2013

I have an interesting Access problem. When doing a query, and it does not matter which Access file it is all of them do it, if you tab out or click to another screen, sometimes, the query will stop. I have tried many different network related fixes but no luck. I am thinking the issue is with Access. I have no issue with Excel on Access files.

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Update Queries Update Message

Mar 30, 2006

I am trying to stop access displaying the "You are about Update 1 Record" etc message when i run an update query. I know i can do this in Tools/Options screen but the problem is that the database is going to be used by multiple users, and rather than changing each persons Action query option I was wondering whether there is something i can put in to the code Globally to halt the message.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Confirm Update Message Box

Apr 2, 2005

I would like to have an update (requery) button on my form, that when clicked opens a message box that asks "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO UPDATE?", if yes, a yes button is pushed, which requeries the record and closes the message box. If a no button is pushed, the message box is closed without requerying the record.

Can someone walk me through the process?

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Message Box And After Update Event

Oct 26, 2004


I have form with a series of text boxes in which users can edit the data that is populated in them. For one of the text boxes I want to add an after update event, so that if the user changes the value in the text box, a message window appears telling them to click on the submit button at the bottom of the form.

Does anyone know the code that I should use to make this message appear when the value in the text box is changed?

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Forms :: Create A Message Box To Flash On Screen To Tell User That Update Code Is Running

Mar 6, 2014

I need to create a message box or a form or something to flash on the screen to tell the user that a piece of "Update" code is running. the update code will be updated reports from marketing returns, but the 3 branches who use the information are separate so I am creating an update form to download and update the table.

The code for the update is already working, but can take a while, so I thought a message or splash screen would be useful as the update runs on start up.

It would have another use, I have a report which is made mainly of calculated fields on an onPrint event and also takes a while to work it out, so a similar screen would be more useful than my current spinning circle and blank screen.

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Stopping Pop Up Window Of F12 Key

Jul 20, 2007

In order to prevent inexperienced users corrupting the design of the Forms, Reports etc. of my Access DB, I have unselected the relevant options at Tools – Startup and it doesn’t display the Objects window. However, I find that when I press F12 key, a pop up window appears with ‘Save As’ ‘Save ‘frm……’ To: As …..’ with OK and Cancel buttons. Though a user can save the form with a different name and this does not interfere with the proper functioning of the DB, I find this an irritant pop up window. Is there a way to stop this pop up window?

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Stopping Email

May 6, 2005

I have a form with a command button which sends a message containing information from fields on the form. This works fine. Problem is, the user can use the "Email Button", when there are fields not filled in. Is there a way to stop the email message from being sent?

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Stopping Field From Getting Focus

Sep 19, 2005

I have 10 fields on a Form. When I load up my Form, I don't want any of them to have the cursor in it.

How do I do that?

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Stopping Database Being Copied

Nov 8, 2005

I have a customer who is concerned that their access database may be copied and used by a competitor. I have told him to set up passwrods for all users amd hide the system file which stores the password info so database won't open off site if copied. He doesn't want to do this though. Is there any other way, possibly by encrypting it?

Regards :confused:

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Stopping Duplicate Numbers

Jun 25, 2007

I've got an incrementing invoice number that is just a +1 of the last invoice number. Had a problem today where one user was creating an invoice and took a while to complete the record. As soon as the record was created the invoice number went in as 123 but the record didn't save until she had filled out all the form. In the meantime someone else started to create another invoice and ended up with 123 as well because the previous record hadn't saved. Does anyone have any suggestins how I can stop this from happening? I can't save the record straight away, which would be the obvious answer as they need to fill out quite a few required fields before the record is saved so that they don't have incomplete records.



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Stopping Number Rounding Up

Apr 2, 2007

G'day All,

I have a table that allows for data to be automatically imported into it or manually entered. When data is automatically entered into the table the number field shows the number as a decimal, but when I manually entered data into the column it rounds it up or down to the nearest whole number.
I have checked the the decimal place setting on the particular item and it is set to allow for 2 decimal places the format is fixed and the number itself is Long integer

Any help would be a appreciated.

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Stopping Queries From Rounding Off

Dec 19, 2007

I have two tables. Table1 has two monetary value fields (both set with auto decimal places) and table2 has one monetary field. Then I have an append query which appends all data from table1 to table2, except for the monetary fields which are added up and then appended into table2's single monetary field (which also has decimal places set to auto). The formula I use for this is as follows:

Total Value: [Gross Value]+[Adj'mt Value]

Problem is, the total figure appended to table2 is rounded off to the nearest integer, whilst still displaying decimal places (45.00, 201.00 etc). Is there some sort of variable to set in the query to stop it from rounding off the result of this formula?

Any help would be appreciated.


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Stopping Duplicate Value Entries

Oct 17, 2006

I have a booking form database
With a date field.
I want users to be warned when they try to enter a date that already exists in the database in order to avoid double booking:confused: .....

all suggestions appreciated:)

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Stopping Problems When A Field Name Changes

Nov 1, 2004

I have a database that requires new data from an Excel file every month. I have created a linked table, and the the user updates links each month, pointing the table at the new Excel file.

This has been working nicely until today when the Excel file arrived with different column names! The user linked the table as normal and started to run the database, but the queries were looking for different field names so the whole thing crashed. I changed the Excel column names and tried re-linking the table, but all the queries had changed so that the field names were things like "Expr1: [Depreciation_currentmonth]" even though that field name now existed.

Does anyone know of a way of stopping this happening, or restoring the queries without ploughing through each one manually?


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Stopping A Dropdown On A Combo Box

Jan 4, 2005

Quick question, (and hopefully a quick and easy answer).

I have a check box and a combo box. If the check box is not checked and a user clicks on the combo box, I have a message box that pop ups and informs the user that he/she must click the check box first. However, after they ok the message box, my combo box shows it's dropdown list.

Is there a way to stop the dropdown from occurring when they click on the combo box?

Thanks in advance.

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Stopping A Macro At The End Of All Records In A Form

Mar 28, 2006

I have a macro which automatically opens a form. I then want the form
to scroll through all the records by itself until it gets to the last

I've got it scrolling through the records, but it doesn't know when to
stop and throws up an error message.

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Stopping Edits And Additions On A Particular Record

Apr 2, 2006


can anyone tell me how to stop additions and edits on a particular record in a form, plus the subform that the main form contains,
im trying to put the event behind the change of a text box, shipped date, so when its changed you cant add or edit the record which is the order.

cant anyone point me in the right direction?


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Stopping Forms Opening In New Windows

Dec 11, 2006

On my switchboard i've got several forms, whenever i click a link to a new form that form opens in a new window, how do i stop this so that they all open in the same window?

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Modules & VBA :: Do Loop Stopping Before Completion

Aug 27, 2013

I am using to select and append data to an output table. Everything is working fine until the last step. The last step appends all the data to an output table from the initial table. The intermediate steps select the data to output.

"AddExpenseToOutput()" is stopping about halfway through the list of criteria. Initially I thought there might be a null in the list, but it doesn't look like there is after dropping everything into Excel to manipulate.

Option Explicit
Dim rstAccount As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstAccounts As DAO.Recordset
Dim CAccounts As String
Dim Item As String
Dim AccountKey As String

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Auto-number Stopping Entry

Jul 4, 2013

I have a form that contains an autonumber field. Before any data is entered into the form that field displays the word "(Autonumber)".While it does this the subforms on my form that use that same field to run their querys are empty


Me.AllowAdditions = True
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
[Forms]![InvoiceForm]![CreateNewRecord] = True
Me.AllowAdditions = False
[CreateNewRecord] is just a invisible tickbox that is used to enter some data on the form; I don't want to use it but haven't found another solution.

Anyway. When the user opens the form they have to press this button Unless a new record was previously created and that's confusing. I'd like it in the form load event except I can't "see" the value of the field while it displays "(Autonumber)".My code for the form load is:


If InvoiceNumber.Value = Null Then
End If

Where invoicenumber is the autonumber field and command82 is the new record button.

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Modules & VBA :: Toggle Forms Without Stopping Code

May 20, 2014

I currently have two forms. One being my main form and the other being a pop-up form to update e-mail addresses. On my main form, I have a button that is currently programmed to generate several e-mails. Before those e-mails are generated, I would like the pop-up form to appear asking for any updates to e-mail addresses. Once the pop-up form is closed, I would like the code on my main form to continue.

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