Store A Date From A Combo Box?

Mar 3, 2006

Hello, is it possible to temporally store a date from a combo box and display this date in the header of a report? (without having to store in a table)

I have a form with 2 combo boxes, one combo where the user selects “from date” and another combo where the user selects an “End date” and a button that loads up a report. I would like to temporally store these 2 dates and display them in the header of the report when the report is loaded by the button.

Ideally with either a "to" or a "-" between the dates like this: 25/02/2006 to 03/03/2006

Is this possible?, I think I need to a variable to store the date(s) but not sure how to go about this. Anybody kindly point me in the right direction?


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Modules & VBA :: Add 7 Days To Todays Date To Store Target Date In Table

Dec 9, 2014

How can I add 7 days in todays date to store target date in the table?

ssql = "Insert into tblUpdate([Update_ID],[Date],Username,Status,Target_Date) values('" & j & "',#" & Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#,'" & k & "','Open')"
CurrentDb.Execute ssql, dbFailOnError

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General :: Automatically Store Expiry Date?

Nov 18, 2013

i need a method to store an expiry date. i have a column prepared in my table but i do not know how to reach the desired result.

the date will always be different depending on certain criteria

the course length. some courses we have are valid for a month. some for 6 months. some for a year and some for only 14 days.

i can use the date add to add the date period to the purchase date but i do not know where or how to store course length to be able to use it.

i have approached this before and i had a column in my courses table as below


i pland on haveing this type for each course and varying it as applicable but this did not work and apparantley i was breaching the fundamental rules of relational data.

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Any Special Character That Will Allow To Store Date Field Blank?

Apr 30, 2013

I am building a database for a client who manufactures car parts. I have a table to store vehicle model. Each model has a date range of production. I have two build dates from and to. Both of these fields are setup as date fields on the table. I made both fields required with a mask for validation. In the "build date to" field if a car is still in production I need to leave the field blank. Is there any special character that will allow me to store a required field blank.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Check For Start Date In Date Range Only Combo Box Value

Jan 22, 2014

I have some code that filters job raised I have 2 text box's txtdatestart and txtenddate after entering. date range between the too text boxs it shows me all job raised with in the period.i have entered what I would like is filter it again by client field using combo box cboclient so if the user enter's client name in cboclient combo box and date range in txtdatestart and txtenddate it will only show jobs raised with in the date range of the client enter in the combo box but if the combo box is empty show.


Private Sub cmdPreview_Click()
'On Error GoTo Err_Handler 'Remove the single quote from start of this line once you have it working.
Dim strReport As String
Dim strDateField As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim lngView As Long
Const strcJetDate = "#mm/dd/yyyy#" 'Do NOT change it to match your local settings.


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Short Date Appearing As A Long Date In Combo Box

Nov 16, 2006

Hi people,

I could do with some help,

I have a combo box which holds a list of times which I have entered in it.

eg. 08:00, 08:30, 09:00 09:30, 10:00

I have set the format of the combo box to be short time 00:00

However, when I move the value that has been selected in the combo box to either an sql query or a text box say...

Me.txtbox1.value = me.combo.value

When the value is transferred I get a long looking time like this 08:30:00

Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how I can get it to just appear as a short time like 08:30

Many Thanks

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Combo Box Using A Date

Dec 20, 2004

I am trying to create a combo box that is asking for a date. I'm using VB to program the combo box, but I don't
think I'm using the right code for the date. The first combo box is asking for the Owner Plan, the second box for the Servicing Plan and the third is supposed to ask for the period which is a date. I'm using a subform and everything else is working except for the date combo box. Please help me! Here is the code for combo box cboPeriod:

Private Sub cboPeriod_AfterUpdate()

Dim strSQLSF As String

strSQLSF = " SELECT * FROM stblData "
strSQLSF = strSQLSF & " WHERE stblData.Owner = '" & cboOwnerPlan & "' And "
strSQLSF = strSQLSF & " stblData.Servicing = '" & cboServicingPlan & "' And "
strSQLSF = strSQLSF & " stblData.Date = " & cboPeriod&

Me!sfrmARDue.LinkChildFields = ""
Me!sfrmARDue.LinkMasterFields = ""

Me!sfrmARDue.LinkChildFields = "Owner;Servicing;Date"
Me!sfrmARDue.LinkMasterFields = "Owner;Servicing;Date"
Me.RecordSource = strSQLSF

End Sub

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Filter On A Date AND A Combo Box

Sep 5, 2006

Hello everybody,

I have a problem.
I want to apply a filter on my form.When I filter on the combobox it works fine.
But when I filter on the date the form jumps into the error handler. Below is the code that I use for my filter:

Sub ApplyFilter()
Dim sFilter As String
sFilter = ""

'Filter on date
If Me.txtFilterDatumMelding = "" Or IsNull(Me.txtFilterDatumMelding) Or Me.txtFilterDatumMelding = 0 Then
If sFilter = "" Then
sFilter = ""
sFilter = sFilter & ""
End If
If sFilter = "" Then
sFilter = "[DatumMelding] = " & "'" & txtFilterDatumMelding & "'"

sFilter = sFilter & " and [DatumMelding] = " & "'" & txtFilterDatumMelding & "'"
End If
End If

'Filter on combobox
If Me.cboFilterCallMelder = "" Or IsNull(Me.cboFilterCallMelder) Or Me.cboFilterCallMelder = 0 Then
If sFilter = "" Then
sFilter = ""
sFilter = sFilter & ""
End If
If sFilter = "" Then
sFilter = "[CallMelder_ID] = " & cboFilterCallMelder
sFilter = sFilter & " And [CallMelder_ID] = " & cboFilterCallMelder
End If
End If

If Len(sFilter) > 0 Then
Me.Filter = sFilter
Me.FilterOn = True
Me.Filter = ""
Me.FilterOn = False
End If
End Sub

I hope that you gus can help me. Could it be that the filter is a string and the date filter field is a date??????

thanks in advance.

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Combo Box Date Picker

Sep 10, 2006

I must be missing something obvious.

It would be nice to have a date picker, to reduce input errors.

I'm trying to get a combo box datepicker to work from a popup form. I've looked at fontstuff's version (, but it has the date on the main form (as do the examples I've found using search).

I have to run two queries to get the data I need, and the best way is to have them called at the same time from a macro - hence the popup form. If I use a text box txt_Date formatted as a date box forms![GetDate]![txt_Date] works fine. How do I get the variabe txt_Date to accept the results of the three combo boxes as a single date value?

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Forms :: Set Date After Combo Box Update?

Nov 19, 2014

I've got an Access 2010 database based on the Tasks template. I've added a column to the Tasks table called "CompletedDate" I'd like for the Status combo box on the Task Details form to update the Completed Date for that record.

i.e. so when the Status is set to completed, it auto completes the Completed Date with the current date.

I've tried using an OnChange and an afterUpdate statement on the Status box but I don't seem to be getting anywhere.

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Modules & VBA :: Date Filters Using Combo Box

Mar 21, 2015

I have a set of combo filters that filter one after the other as follows –

Private Sub cboCity_AfterUpdate()
If Nz(Me.cboCity.Text) = "" Then
Me.Form.Filter = ""
Me.FilterOn = False


and so on to filter down so the user can work with what they filter, my question is how can I add on a filter that filters between dates? and second I was hoping that I could program the filters so that they could be changed individually/randomly as to filtering one after the other and then clearing to restart the filtering again if that makes sense. I have tried using this, but it doesn’t work ‘Bad Command’

Me.Form.Filter=”StartDate =#” & Format(Me.txtStartDate, “mm/dd/yyyy”) & “#”


Me.Form.Filter=”EndDate =#” & Format(Me.txtEndDate, “mm/dd/yyyy”) & “#”

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Forms :: Date In Combo Box In Form

Jan 19, 2014

i am looking to generate a list of dates in a combo box. I want the dates to be from 1 week ago to today. And all other attempted entries to be invalid. This means the user could only select one of those dates, with any other entry returning an error

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General :: Clearing A Date Combo Box

Oct 7, 2013

What do I use in VB to set a date combo box to nothing. In other words I want the combo box to be blank after an update event.

This does not work
Me![Combo2] = " "

I get an error "the value you entered isn't valid for this field" ....

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How To Create Date Interval Using Combo Box

Jan 13, 2013

How to create a date interval using combo box?

For example, i have a receipt form consisting of receipt date from 1/1/2012 to 31/06/2012.

But I want to view the receipt form to just show the date from 1/3/2012 (can be changed) onwards or 1/4/2012(can be changed) onwards.

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Adding Different Due Date For Different Combo Box Selections

Apr 9, 2015

I'm working on a database where users enter an assignment into a datasheet form. Assignments are selected from a combo box that has values stored in a table. After choosing the assignment, the user adds the date it was completed. After this is done, I would like the "Next Due" column to update. Each assignment will have a different next due date, such as one year from the completion date, six months, etc. I don't know how to add different values depending on the combo box selection.

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Store Month Only

Jan 9, 2006

if you are asked to store only the month, or only the month and year, how do you do it? tnx.

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Store A Calculated Value?

Jul 9, 2007

I was once told that Access does not like to store calculated values but I would like to.

Here is my expression: =([Shift Lenght]-[Total idle time]-[Total down time])/([Shift Lenght]-[Total idle time])*(0.33*[Total pc])/([Shift Lenght]-[Total idle time]-[Total down time])*([Total pc]-[Total scrap])/([Total pc]+0.1)*100

This gives me the value that I desire, now I need to store it in the table with the rest of the records data.
I am planing on storing 3 -4 expressions like this and then averaging them.
Then building a query to the averages for the day,week,month, and year.

Please be gentle I am not very familiar with access but learning a lot:)

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Divide And Store

Mar 17, 2005

Hi hope someone can help,

What Im trying to do is work out price per quantity, at the mo I have a database that has products and price so lets take paint for an example.

If I have a 5 litre pot of paint and Im selling it for 10 I would like a field that tells me the price per litre, so what Im think I need to do is have a field called price and divide it by a second field called quantity and output the sum to a third field called price per litre which populates the database.

Sadly I havent got a clue how to do this with access and if anyone can help it would be much appreciated.


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What Is The Best Way To Store A Picture??

Jan 12, 2005

In everyones opinion what is the best way to handle picture uploads in an Access database?

One picture for one employee, where should I store the pictures. I know that keeping pictures in the database eats up space and really can slow ya down. Make a new folder just for pictures??

Thanks fellas and ladies.

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Store Calculations

Jan 15, 2005

Ok I know everyone is going to say you should not store calculations, but I have no choice!!!!!!!!!! I have the form ORDERFORM (recordsource ORDERS table) with a subform ORDERFORMsubPROD (recordsource ORDERSPROD table). Essently theses 2 forms togather allow me to place an order for multiple products and store them in the ORDERS (key: ORDERID) and ORDERSPROD (foregin key: ORDERID) tables. The ORDERFORM includes information such as an ORDERDT and the ORDERFORMsubPROD includes a sum of cost the products ordered which is shown in ORDERFORM with a boundcontrol = to the ORDERFORMsubPROD control that does the actual calculations.

Next I need to be able to pull specific informtaion from the ORDERS table and group it togather by the SALESMANID. To this end I have a form SALESMAN with a subform SALESMANsubORDERS that displayes the ORDERID, ORDERDT, and the calculated sum of the products ordered on that ORDERID based on the SALESMANID of the order.

So far everything stated above is correct and should not require that I store calculations. My problem comes in when I am trying to make a form that will filter this information based on user supplied criteria (my user does not want to have to use the filer buttions supplied by Access). I'm using DoCmd.OpenForm and setting my WHERE criteria based on a bunch of If .. Then statements that check the various filter text/combo boxes to determine if they are populated and then admend the WHERE statement accordingly. At least that is how it works on a very similar form that filters ORDERFORM. I have discovered that because the subform, SALESMANsubORDERS, is based on a query that includes calculations the WHERE statement needs to be phrased as HAVING. I can not figure out how to get Access to comply with this so all I can think of is to store the calculated values (and be able to allow them to be updated later) then pull them directly from the ORDERS table.

Anyone who can write precise/generic code and most importantly tell me where (what event) that code should be placed on please let me know. This is the first time I have run into this problem and it is really my last problem before completing a DB application that needs to be completed by Wed 1/19/2005. Thanks in advance for any advise/help I receive.

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Store Pdf Drawings In Mdb

Oct 7, 2007

NE1 help me with this?
I want to store some pdf drawings in an mdb.
I want to be able to search just by the file name of these drawings.
I want to be able to click on any one of the file names I find and have adobe display the file.
I want to compile this into an mde to make it a stand alone app.

I can do this using asp on a web server. But I can't seem to figure out how to do it just using access without asp.

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Date Format And Auto Number Combo

Aug 23, 2007

I have a query that I want the Now() function in the year only format and in an expression combine with the auto number one extra field to get the following:date YYYY-------Autonumber---------color----------exp1: ---2007--------------23--------------green-------2007-23-greenThanks for the help

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General :: How To Have A Combo Box That Shows Date And Text

Aug 22, 2012

Is it possible to have a combo box that shows date and text? I would like to have a combo box with dates that also allows the user to choose the word "unassigned." the reason for this is because sometimes we don't know dates due until a future time and that is specifically what my boss wants. They don't want the field empty either.

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Modules & VBA :: Use A Combo Box To Specify All Donations Having A Specific Date

Nov 2, 2013

I have a query of "Donations" in a sub form and want to use a combo box to specify all donations having a specific this a job for VBA code? or is there some other way.

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Modules & VBA :: If Date Filled In Field / Then Combo Box Should Have A Certain Value In It

Mar 2, 2015

I try to create an error message if a user fills in a date field and leaves a combo box with wrong value.I have no clue how to use "Is Not" to check the combo box.The date field that will be filled in is called "Sent to Check" and the combo box is called "Status Case" and the value should be "Sent For Check" If the value in the combo box is different, then the back ground should change to red and get a message.This is the code I have so far that does not work:

Private Sub Test__date_started__AfterUpdate() 'XXXXXXXXXX working onXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
If Not IsNull(Me.[Sent_To_Check] And Me.[Status_Case] IsNot "Sent For Check" Then
MsgBox "Status Case be set to Sent For Check!", , "Incomplete Form!"
Me.[Sent_To_Check].BackColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
Me.[Sent_To_Check].BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Using Dcount With Combo Box And Date Range?

Jun 13, 2014

I would like to have a text box display the number of records for a selected title that fall within a selected date range. Been looking around for a while and have this so far;

=DCount("Discussion_Title","Discussions","[Discussion_Title]='" & [cboType] & "' And [Discussion_Date] = Between ([txtStartDate] And [txtEndDate])'")

I get an #Error message. I just threw that together because it describes what I want, but I know there are syntax problems.

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