Storing And Accessing Word Documents In A Table?

Jul 4, 2015

I have a set of maybe 5 template word docs which I populate with info form our database using bookmarks , the word docs are currently sat in a shared network drive.

I have started wonder if it would be better to store them in a table and call them from there to keep things together.

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A Little Help On Opening Word Documents Please

Jun 9, 2006

Hi all,

Sorry but I'm really new to Access and trying to make sense of all the useful advice on here!

I'm trying to programme a button in one of my forms to open up a word document as read-only. I've written the code to open up the Word application (before I found the button which did it for me! :( ) but I think I need to add one or two more lines so that word knows where the document is I want and opens it up - any ideas what these lines are?

Real sorry for the trouble - any help would be most appreciated! Thanks guys and girls.

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Opening Word Documents From Within Access

Feb 27, 2008

As a basic user and relatively new user of Access, I have designed a database which holds the data for several word documents that I use for mailmerges. I want to be able from the "switchboard" link the word documents so that users can easily access the letter/form required and print them. Ive tried many things - just not working!!!! Time to shout for help!

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Link Access To Word Documents

Feb 18, 2006

Hi all..

I am new to Access and currently implementing a small company database.

Is it possible to link Access to Word documents?

I wish to create a button on a form that when clicked it opens the word document according to what have been selected in the combo box in the form.

thanks :o

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Access Record Exporting Into Word Documents

Jan 25, 2008

I was wondering if there is an awesome way out there somewhere to take a record and export it into a word document, like a template and have the fields go where you want them to?

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Open Hyperlinked Word Documents As Read Only

Mar 22, 2014

I have a database with hyperlinks to open word documents on my network. If someone else has that word document open it will ask me if I want to notify or open in read only. However since upgrading to Access 2013, (from Access 2003), this sometimes freezes the database.

I am wandering is there a way to tell Access (or Word) to open the document in read only if there is someone using it already?

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Adding Word Documents And PDFs To A Form

Apr 21, 2015

I am attempting to create a database where I can input a number that will display a word document, and pdf's, and be able to toggle through them. I have all the data compiled. I just need to present it in some type of a front.

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Linking Access To Various Word Documents By Combo Boxes

Apr 18, 2006

Hi all,

i need help regarding linking Access to various Word documents.:confused:

the task consists in choosing a particular Country, Year and Month from Combo Boxes and then view the related reports in Word.

for example : United Kingdom, 2006, January

more than one report can be related to a particular country.

is there a way this can be done? (maybe through the use of LookUp for the folder path?!)

any help will be much appreciated.


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Input Info Into Word Documents Using Access Information

May 10, 2006

Hi. I have been asked to find out if it is possible to automatically insert info from a access database into some word documents that require the same info i.e. a title or reference number so that, for example, if the title is changed in the database it will automatically change in the associated word documents.

Is this even possible as I have no idea or can something similar be done?

Thanks for any ideas!

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Calling A Query Using .mde Files And Merged Word Documents.

Jan 17, 2007


My situation:

A front end written in Access (back end mySQL).
I have made a .mde file out of this front end.
There are a number of MS Word documents used (as merge documents) for running reports and letters that are linked to queries in the database. However, I can only link these documents to the original .MDB file as you can't link to the queries ni the .mde file.

This works fine until you have a query that requires a parameter from a form. The user will have selected the parameter from the .mde version of the front end that they are using but the query which is being called from the .mdb version (by the Word merge document) can't see this parameter because it is a totally separate database.

How can I get around this problem?

Sorry this is a lengthy post, hope it makes sense.


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Modules & VBA :: Create Multiple Word Documents From ListBox MultiSelect?

Jul 31, 2013

I created a form with a ListBox and a Command Button. The users selects the values in the listbox and then click the button to create word documents. I've written VBA code to accomplish this. But it's not working properly. It opens multiple word documents but all for the same one.

Private Sub Command6_Click()
Dim appWord As Object
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strPathToTemplateFile As String
Dim strPathToProspectiveFile As String
Dim strPreferredFileName As String
For Each varItem In Me.List0.ItemsSelected


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Word :: Sizing MS Word Table To Same Size As Recordset

Aug 14, 2014

My end goal is to populate a pre-existing table in an MS Word document with records from a query. The easiest way I've found (through scouring the internet) is to start with the code below (ran during OnClick() even in Access) to get the table the same size as the recordset:

Dim wDoc As Word.Document
Dim wTable As Word.Table
Dim wCell As Word.Cell
Set wDoc = appWord.Documents.Add(strDocLoc)
wDoc.Visible = True

[Code] ....

The code will shrink the table down just fine if the table has more rows than the recordset +1 (for header column). My hangup with this is the last line ("Selection.InsertRowsBelow 5") isn't executing; rows are not being added to the table. I get no errors -- it just does nothing. I set it as "Selection.InsertRowsBelow 5" arbitrarily just to see if it would even add rows, and sure enough it's not.

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Scan Documents Into Table

Sep 19, 2007

Is there anyway to scan documents and save them in an Access table? As of now we scan them and save them to a folder on the network. Then go into Access form to add them into the tables. Would like to automate this process all from Access but have know idea how to go about this. Any suggestions?

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Tables :: Import From Multiple Documents To One Record In A Table

Oct 22, 2013

What I wanted to do was try and import from 5 excel sheets into one table and merge them into 1 record.

E.g. I have pupils with test results for maths, English and ICT.

I have 3 spreadsheets called Maths, English and ICT and I wanted to merge them into the test results table all under that specific pupil.

Also I've been searching how to create an import button on my form as I have locked all the ribbons but can't find a simple way, and especially if I want the user to specify the file path.

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Accessing Feilds In A Table

Jan 13, 2006

Ill start from the dawn of time

right all tables are like a 2d array so does any body know how i can access a field in a row of a table ie like in most languages it goes a bit like this ArrayName(1,1) with ArrayName being the name of the table and that access the first field of the first row. im new to Vba and access 2000 but all i want to do is access the fields in a column of a sub-form displayed as a table add them all up and place the answer in a text box on the main form stick all this in a function so i can run it inside a macro

q1 is this possable
q2 how do you do it

thanks in advance john

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Accessing A Field From A Table

May 17, 2007


I'm making a test database for DVD rentals. When A loan is made I have an update query that sets some fields in the DVD copy table. One of these fields needs to be set to the primary key of the loan made. This would be the last entry on the loans table. I don't have any idea what to put in the 'Update To' box in the query though.

Wrong code here, but this may help explain what I am trying to get: Tables.Loans.LastLoan.Loan ID

Also heres an image of my query:

Help would be much appreciated. Thanks :)

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Table For Storing Updates

Nov 21, 2004

How do I create a table relationship where a secondary reltated table stores past dates, status code and customer ID. For example: I want to keep track of the past dates that an order was revised and why it was revised. So, if I have a customer who was due for installation on 10/21/04 and status is PEND for pending. THen on 10/18/94 I change the date of PEND to 10/25/04. I want to keep track of the times it changed and the reason why. HOw can I make the program automatically create a record in the revision table storing the past code, reason and date using customer ID as key and teh revision table would allow multiple records for each customer ID. DId I make sense?

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Storing Time In A Table

Feb 11, 2008


Firstly this is my first post so please forgive me if i do not conform to the usual way of asking a question!

I have an access database set up and it is working well, so far!

What I wish to do is the following, I am creating this for a cycling club to store race results...

I wish to store the time that they completed the stage in, how do i do this using the date/time field option when all it wants to do is store a complete time.

for example i wish to store 1 hour 12 minutes 15 seconds in the table as 1:12:15 for stage 1.

Plus they may have received a penalty, so in another field I would like to say store a 10 second penalty...

anyway you get the idea.... please could somebody inform me on the best way to do this, it has to be stored as a time so I can add all the stages up later and create a report!

Thanks in advance...

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Storing A Number In Another Table

Mar 13, 2006


I have a database which picks up information from my accounts package. It has the following fields


I need to extract the last ID number and store it in a table or somewhere and then extract the above information after that number into a csv file in the order above. It is used for my invoices and therefore when I do an import from my accounts package it updates all the transactions.

An example would be I say put 5 invoices on with a ID nr's of 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 and output to a csv file. When I run the query/macro? it looks at the table with the last ID nr and starts from 6 and so on

I just need the ones I have done today. It has to be the ID number as each invoice is put on it gives it a sequential number, the dates could be different for each invoice.

I hope I've explained myself:)

Thanks in advance


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Problem In Accessing Table Properties

Nov 5, 2005

:rolleyes: hi
i am raza. i am facing a problem while accessing the properties page of access table.
when i gets its properties page it has no properties on it.i have attached the pic wich can explain the problem.
pls tell me if any body can solve this problem.

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Form Accessing Table - Very Slow!!?

Feb 17, 2005


I have developed a small database with 3 or 4 forms which works ok on most PC's. But when I put it on a certain PC, it almost works properly except for one form which is very slow accessing the table!
Eg. It could take 2 minutes to use a combobox.

All PC's have Access 2000.
Would there be a reason for this?
Is this an access problem or a PC problem? Are there special settings that I'm unaware of?

Thanks in advance

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Accessing ID Of Last Record Right After You Insert It Into Table

Apr 13, 2005

Hi folks,
I have an Append Query (Insert Into...) that I use to insert values into a table from a form. But to have that tie into other tables I need to gather the Student_ID (primary key) that is autogenerated when the record is inserted. How do I do this? I want to store it in a public variable. I've done quite a bit of searching but nothing of any value has turned up. Please help.

What I have on button press:
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Register Camp Students"

After that I need something to gather that newly inserted Student_ID and store it for later use. Please help!

jawilli1 :confused:

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Storing Calculated Fields In A Table

Apr 20, 2007

I know that it is bad form to store a calculated field in a table - normalization and all that - but I can see no other way around a need that I have.

I'm trying to make a database to store injury time for employees. If an employee is injured, he can do light work for a certain amount of time, but this light work need not be contiguous. But, the total time on light work must be known so as to see when it is used up.

For example:

Bob is injured on 4/1/06 and goes on light work on 4/2/06 until 4/5/06 (4 days). Bob is then taken off light work until 4/10/06 when he reinjures the same injury. This does not count as a new injury, because it is an aggravation of the old one. So, Bob goes back on light work on 4/10/06 until 4/15/06 (6 days).

So, I need to store Bob's total time on light work for this injury (10 days) so that I can keep a running total to check against the maximum for a single injury. All I can think of is to store the sum of days on light work as a field in Bob's injury record, but that means storing a calculated field in a table.

Am I missing an easy way to do this, or is there a method to do what I want that I am just not aware of?

Thanx for any help!

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Storing Data From Textbox To Table

Jan 9, 2007

i have a form with two combo boxes cboMth and cboYr

i also have three text boxes in the same form with computed results: txtA,txtB,txtC.

now how can i store txtA,txtB,txtC with reference to the (Mth and Yr) into a table?

e.g: the table will looks this way (below)

===== ==== ==== ====
Mth/Yr txtA txtB txtC
===== ==== ==== ====
01/2007 580 683 93
06/2012 312 510 80

how shall i write the codes?

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Storing A Calculated Field On A Table

Aug 10, 2007


I know it breaks all the rules to store a calculated field on a table, but I've painted myself into a corner with the way I built this particular database, not good, I have repeating groups and basically the whole database is built this way. I need one form to store a calculated value on a table to solve a problem on a report that encapsulates the total of all the repeating groups. Before you start the lecture, I know I messed up, but this is way to far down the road to start over. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Returning A Row From SQL And Storing In Local Table

Oct 16, 2007

Hi all!

I have a bit of an issue. Im trying to retrieve a row from SQL and insert it into my local DB table.

However, when I try and execute the code, I get an error message. The data had not been inserted into my local DB table.

Here is the code:

strsql = "INSERT INTO EntryDetail_Local SELECT EntryDetails.* FROM EntryDetails where entrykeyid = " & plngentrykeyid & ";"
Set qdftemp = mydb.QueryDefs("qry_Append_EntryDetail_Local")
qdftemp.SQL = strsql

Any ideas?


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