SubForm Hiding Text Field

Jun 15, 2005

Ok this is a bit long winded and I will try to explain,

I have a main form, with a title at the top, then a row of buttons underneath and underneath the buttons I have a sub form.

Some of the buttons can have a dual function (or multiple function) so rather than open up another form I have hidden text below the button, so that when the mouse moves over the button, the text becomes visible. this gives the impression of a drop down menu off that button.

However I cannot get the text to appear over the top of the subform, it only appears behind it.

To give an example of what the buttons and drop downs are for, one of the buttons is a reports page, rather than open another form I can have a list of the differnt reports I wish to run (currently they are text boxes with an on click event).

any advice woudl be much appreciate and even an alternative to what I am doing if anybody has one.

Many thanks


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Forms :: Hiding Columns On Subform Based On Multi-Value Lookup Field

Aug 7, 2013

I want to use VBA to hide columns in a subform based on what is checked in a multi value look up field.

I am creating this DB for use with sharepoint as a web database, which is why I am using the lookup field to begin with. There will be a client DB to use with some VBA code

So what I have is a lookup field with tests "Test 1, Test 2, etc" on form sample.

There is a subform called results, and I want to hide certain columns based on what tests are performed.

I tried using an If Then statement (code is being run on subform load)

If Me.Parent.fieldTest = "Test 1" Then
Me.Test1Col.ColumnHidden = False
Else Me.Test1Col.ColumnHidden = True

That is basically the code I was trying to use. I am getting an error 13, which I assume is because fieldTest can not = something since it is a multi value look up field.

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Hiding Columns In Subform

Aug 1, 2005

Hello All!,

The results of a query by users are shown in a subform (in datasheet view) similar to this:

Months 2004-22004-32004-42005-12005-2
2004-06 0.9840
2004-07 0.9969
2004-08 0.9800
2004-09 0.9850
2004-10 0.9850
2004-11 0.9879
2004-12 0.9879
2005-01 1.0000
2005-02 0.9900
2005-03 0.9900
2005-04 0.9900
2005-05 0.9900
2005-06 0.9936

The second column onward denotes Years-Quarters. Where I need help is in hiding columns I don't need to show if outside of the range the user's chosen: for example, if user chooses Jul-04 to Mar-05 then I'd like hide columns 2 and 6.

For whatever reason I can't get the monthly values to line up with the Yr-Qtr columns, but I hope you all know what I mean :o, i.e., 2004/07-2004/09 lines up with 2004-3, 2004/10-2004/12 with 2004-4, and so on.

As always, any help provided would be greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: Subform Is Not Hiding

Dec 8, 2014

I cant get my subform to hide. Main form is called 'frm_main_add' and the subform is called 'tbl_transaction_subform'.I am rying to get it to hide the subform (tbl_transaction_subform) if a field in the main form(frm_main_add) is null but its doing nothing.....

I put this code in the 'on current' and 'on load' in the frm_main_add and nothing..If (Expense_Name = Null) Then tbl_transaction_subform.Visible = False Else tbl_transaction_subform.Visible = True

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Hiding Label Text

Feb 6, 2005

i want to make a condition that if an OLE object of mine is empty then the label won't be visible. (visible=no)

The reason i want it is that the ;label is placed inside the OLE object frame, and when i fill the ole object i want that the label will disappear

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Hiding Columns In A Subform Datasheet

Jun 3, 2005

Morning all, I'm trying to hide a column of a datasheet in a subform I have... if I run the form and right click and hide the column, it doesen't save that the next time I load it (wasn't sure if it was suppose to, but after reading it would appear so) I'm using SQL Server 2000, not 7 so I would think that problem shouldn't come up for me yet it is, I need to hide a couple columns from the user (mostly ID columns) while they are entering in data, anyone have any advice they could throw my way?

Much appreciated

- Chris

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Format Subform After Hiding Scrollbar

Jul 18, 2005


I want to hide the scollbars on a subform. I selected "neither" for scroll bars under properties, and it works. However, the formatting is ugly. I have a blue background but get grey boxes where the scroll bars are supposed to be. Can I get rid of this and have the area blend in with the background?

Thanks in advance.

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Hiding Columns Realtime In Subform

Sep 23, 2005


The problem at hand for me is to be able to hide columns in a subform wherever "#Name?" appears. My VBA experience is minimal to non-existent, but if a not so complex sample code exists out there then I'd appreciate any suggestions you may have.

I have attached a print screen document that shows the result of a query in the subform I just talked about. My anticipated thanks for your help.

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Hiding Subform Layout In Main Form

Nov 28, 2013

How to hide the layout of subform in main form?

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Reports :: Hiding Text Box In Report On Condition

May 5, 2014

I am trying to hide a text box based on the contents of another text box in the same report. Here is the code:

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If IsEmpty(Me.DocFullName) Then
Me.Text55.Visible = False
Me.Text55.Visible = True
End If
End Sub

i.e. I want Text55 to disappear if DocFullName is empty.

I thought my code was OK, but it refuses to co-operate.

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General :: Hiding Subform Layout In Main Form?

Nov 28, 2013

How to hide the layout of subform in Main form?

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Forms :: Continuous Subform - Populate Field With Text Box

Jun 24, 2015

I have a continuous subform with an unbound Concat textbox and would like to populate another field for each record with the results with a main form button onClick event.

How do I accomplish this?

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Forms :: Hiding Field Depending On Selection Of Combo Box

Jan 28, 2014

I have a form which has a combobox where the user selects a record from another table,I want to hide the forms fields [managercontact] and [managertelno] depending on the value of the combobox (manager) from the table details, but its not the value shown in the combobox its the value of another field [type] from the same table called details. Its one of two values being 'conc' or 'ob'.

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Sort Subform Records On Numeric Values Stored In A Text Field On Main Form

Sep 25, 2015

I have developed a database but have had difficulty with sorting data within subform of a main form. The subform displays the related tasks that correspond with main form that has been selected. Within the main form I have also created a text field that defines a particular sorting sequence of the tasks found within the subform which is titled Task Sequence. What I would like to do, is use the Task Sequence field to sort the order of tasks within subform. I have tried: IIf([ID] Is Null, 0, Val([Task Sequence])) within the Advanced filter/sort but either it shows only the first task defined in the Task Sequence or it wants to filter the main form and not the subform.

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Reports :: Hiding A Field In Page Header Based On A Variable

Oct 6, 2013

I have a report where I number pages based on the Store (muliple stores in report but page numbering resets when Store changes) I do this by manipulating the page number field on the report by code in the report sections to reset it and to increment it.


Private Sub GroupHeader0_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Me!PageNum = 0
End Sub
Private Sub PageFooter_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Me!PageNum = Me!PageNum + 1
End Sub
Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Me!PageNum = 0
End Sub

The report has a Page Header with various fields and labels and that's been fine however I've had a request to hide a field on subsequent pages (i.e. print it on the 1st page of each store then hide it).

So I added the following code to various sections, but can't get it to work correctly. The fields (label and text box) appear on Page 1 for the first store then get hidden but never return even though when I step through the code it is functioning 'correctly'. The GroupHeader code is performed but the fields don't get displayed on the report. I think is isn't re-painting that section but adding code to the Paint event does nothing, and in fact doesn't actually get run, so not sure when that event is triggered.


Private Sub GroupHeader0_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Me!PageNum = 0
lblMemberNo.Visible = True
MemberNo.Visible = True

[Code] ....

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Reports :: Hiding Field That Is Only For Sorting Purposes To Group Data

Sep 24, 2014

I have a table of about 250 items that are sorted based on two fields. I created a query of the table and hide one of the fields because it is only there for sorting purposes to group the data.

For example, I have a "Type" field. In the type field, I differentiate the items with different categories, such as "Materials", "Safety", etc. My next field is "subtype" which assists the "Type" field being sorted properly for my needs. In the "Materials" category, all of the items are either "Fencing", "Plastic", "Wire", or "Miscellaneous". I am sorting the "type" and "subtype" fields in ascending order so that all the "materials" are grouped together, and all of the "fencing, "plastic", etc are grouped together within the materials field.

I am creating a printable report and I do not want the "subtype" field to be on the report, but I need the "subtype" field's sort to be affecting my data so it is grouped properly. I'm having difficulty, is there a way to hide fields in reports?

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Forms :: How To Populate Bound Text Field With Text From A Unbound Text Field

Mar 22, 2014

I have 4 fields that are unbound on a form. img1 img2 img3 img4..When these are entered they are all combined and autofill another unbound textbox = imagename.. what i would like to do is from this unbound textbox 'imagename' ..i would like to populate a textbox that IS bound called FileName

[Event Procedure]
Private Sub imagename_Click()
Me.imagename = Me.FileName
End Sub

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Forms :: Display Row Text From Subform Column In Unbound Text Box Of Main Form

Jan 6, 2014

My database has Main form and a Sub form. On main form i place one unbound text box named investigations. In subform of which datasheet there is a column named TestCode. I want unbound text box (Investigations) to display row values which selected in a column (TestCode) of subform.for example:Investigation field should display "CBC,HB,ALP".

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General :: Text Box To Displaying Some Text When Subform Value Is Null

Sep 5, 2013

I have a form that is displaying a subform (of which source is a query). I have got the data from one of the columns in the subform going into a text box (entered in the control source) however when the field is empty it comes with a #Error in the textbox.I want the textbox is display some text is the subform value is null.

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Forms :: Populate Subform Field When Open With A Subform Field

Sep 4, 2014

I have a form called frm002_PAF_MonitoringMAIN and on this form I have a subform called frm002_PAF_Monitoring. The subform has a button to another form for contact details called Contact_Details. The Contact_Details form opens with the details of the person who I have selected on frm002_PAF_Monitoring. There are some fields on frm002_PAF_Monitoring that I would like to be populated on Contact_Details when opened, like FirstName and LastName. How can I do it?I have tried on afterupdate event on Contact_Details below but those don't work:


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Filtering Field In 2nd Subform Based On Selection In 1st Subform

Sep 1, 2006

I almost have this form done.

I have a form with a combo box, and 2 subforms from it. When you select in the combo box (Group), it brings up the choices (Sections) for that group in a subform. Then there is another subform, that is supposed to bring up a series of questions that are related to the section that has been selected. The question field has a drop down to a list table, that has all the questions. Once the question has been selected, it stores in a Master table. The relationship is there. If you try to select any questions that do not pertain to the section, it gives you an error message.

What I need it to do, is when the section is selected, filter out the questions that pertain to that section, and have those questions be the only ones available in the drop-down list to choose.

I know that I need to have an After Update code once the section has been selected, but not sure how the coding should be.

I hope that someone can help with this!


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Filtering Field In 2nd Subform Based On Selection In 1st Subform

Sep 1, 2006

I have a form that is almost complete

I have a form with a combo box, and 2 subforms from it. When you select in the combo box (Group), it brings up the choices (Sections) for that group in a subform. Then there is another subform, that is supposed to bring up a series of questions that are related to the section that has been selected. The question field has a drop down to a list table, that has all the questions. Once the question has been selected, it stores in a Master table. The relationship is there. If you try to select any questions that do not pertain to the section, it gives you an error message.

What I need it to do, is when the section is selected, filter out the questions that pertain to that section, and have those questions be the only ones available in the drop-down list to choose.

I know that I need to have an After Update code once the section has been selected, but not sure how the coding should be.

I hope that someone can help with this!

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Modules & VBA :: Moving Rich Text From Access Memo Field To A Word Text Box

Jul 24, 2015

We need to move rich text from an Access memo field to a Word text box. So far the best Ive been able to come up with is in the code below. In this code pprs!What is a record set field of a table memo field that is bound to a text box enabled for rich text. The rich text seems to be stored as html as so I can get word to convert it by enclosing it in html tags.

Dim What As Word.Shape
Set What = doc.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal , doc.PageSetup.LeftMargin, 225, 534, 0)
Dim sPath As String
sPath = "G:Temp.html"
Open sPath For Output As 1
Print #1, "<HTML>" & pprs!What & " </HTML>"
Close #1
What.TextFrame.TextRange.InsertFile (sPath)

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Reports :: Splitting Single Field Into Multiple Text Boxes Or Multiline Text Box

Jun 4, 2013

I have a single field in a table called "Client Contact", where users enter a semicolon between the name, address, and city state & zip. My reason for this was so we could copy client info with a single copy and paste (like from an email). But, on the final report, it needs to have these three parts split up into different lines, or even different textboxes. I can't find a way to do that.

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Forms :: Change Text Color On A Form If Text In Field Contain Certain Word

Jul 12, 2013

I have a Form Display Data in my Access Database, which is working really well. However, users was asking if there is a way we can make Font Color Could/would change if The text in A field or Any field in my display form contained the word "SAD or MAD". Is there code for such thing in display form?..

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DLookup To Display Date In Text Box On A Tab Control Where Criteria Is Text Field

Apr 15, 2014

I'm trying to pull a date from a table into a text box on a form tab control using DLookup and I just can't figure out what is wrong with my DLookup expression:

=DLookUp("DateOrdered","tDateOrdered","PrNumber=" & [PrNumber]) ----- (DateOrdered is short date, PrNumber is text, db is split Access 2013)

Whats missing in this expression? I've tried every criteria variant I could find but to no avail.

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