Hi! This is my first time writing in. I have been struggling with Access for the past 2 months... I am stuck with a problem. I have a variation of the Order form in the Northwind Example, with a subform called OrderDetailsExtended. The primary keys for the OrderDetails Extended subform and its corresponding table are the orderNumber (which is the link with the mail Orders form) and Item. Basically, my question is.. each time i want to add a new record, I want the Item number to automatically increment (but i am not using autonumber for this). The item field is currently disabled.
However, each time i enter a new record, the item number automatically becomes 0. And if I close the form and reopen it, the number changes to 1... Here is the VBA code i used...
Private Sub ProductCode_Enter()
Dim vItem As Variant
vItem = Nz(DMax("Item", "orderDetails", "orderNumber = ' " & Me.orderNumber & " ' "))
I have 2 fields that I would like to automate if possible
One field is called "p/o number" and another field called "line no"
These fields are part of an ordering database
Let say I have 200 items to purchase form 10 suppliers
And form example 20 items from each supplier
What I do at present is put the order number on each line item and the line number
p/o number line no
1 1 1 2 1 3
2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4
What I want to do is just put the first po number in the required line . Put the first line number in i.e. "1" and the macro will complete all the p/o numbers and line numbers for me as per the ones marked in red.
Is there a built in function which can be used to create line numbers in a query?
I've written a query to calculate year to date (YTD) points for yachts in a series of races and sorted it in descending order - so yacht 1 is coming first, yacht 2 is coming second etc. I'm looking for a way to add sequential numbering (starting at one and increasing by one for each line) into the query to represent their YTD places. Or this this something that should be left to the report which uses the query?
I am trying to come up with automatic line numbers for each specific order. So for example, I have job number 123456 that has ordered 3 items, what I would like is that item 1 has a field with a 1 in it automatically, and item 2 has a 2 in the field and so on. But the trick is that when order 123457 gets entered and has 5 items entered, I would like it to start over at 1 and go to 5. Does this make sense? Is it possible to do this in a table? Or can this happen on the form? That I assign a value to a field. I am using Access 2010, have been for a few years now, but I have lots to learn.
i have a form with a subform. the first line of the subform is supposed to mirror some of the data filled in the form. as soon as the appropriate data is filled in the main form, i would like the first line of the subform to reflect this sama data. i also want this first line of the subform to be disabled so that users cannot have different data between the main form and this first line.... is this possible? how would i disable just this first line? is there any function to disable it?
Hi, I have a form which records computer faults reported by users. On this form there is a subform for comment tracking eg. Phoned user, Date/Time. On the next line would be; Informed user to do this, Date/Time and so on. I have a button on my form which I would like to use to automatically put in a line of data. It is an aknowlegde fault button. What it hopefully would do is when you click the button it will automatically put in the date/time in the subform, Then the word "acknowledged" in the comment field, then prompt for the user name ( for the username field). I am not sure on how to start the command. If i were to do it in the same form then I would just put something like; me.Date.Value = Date() me.Comment.value = "Acknowledged" me.Username.value = "[Prompt]"
As you can see I have two problems though; 1. The data has to be entered in a subform 2. My Prompt I dont think will work.
i have a form frmCreditNote with a subform sfrmCreditNote. They are linked by a creditNoteNumber. As soon as i pick a customer in the main form, i want the first line of the subform to have that customer name as well. If I change the customer name in the main form, I need the first line of the subform to correspondingly change as well. If the form was new, i would open a recordset and use .AddNew to put in the new first line date If I was updating the form customer name, then I would need a .Edit to change the first line of the subform. My question is : how do I determine if the subform is empty? Is it a command likeIf subform.HasData, orIf IsNull(?)Please let me know thanks
I have a single main form with a datasheet subform. When I scroll through the records shon in the main form, each has a different set of child records shown in the subform.
I want the focus to be on the last record of the subform each time.
On the main form, I have a button and this code
Code: Private Sub cmdLast_Click() Me.frmRevisionsSub.Requery Me.frmRevisionsSub.SetFocus Me.frmRevisionsSub.Form.txtRevTag.SetFocus DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast End Sub
which works perfectly, when I click the button.
If I call this code from main form's OnCurrent, focus remains on the first line of the subform instead of going to the the last. I have an inkling that it has to do with when the requery of the subform takes place, when I scroll through the records on the main form.
I have a main form where the user chooses a BoxID. There is a subform on this main form that has a relationship between BoxID on the main form and subform. The users are entering data in the subform and when they have entered 10 lines of info I have a message that tells them to start a new box (I could not work out how to do it any other way as I lack VB skills). The user closes the form or clicks add new record to create a new box. If I view the previous record there should only be 10 lines of information in the subform but there are 11 as it takes the blank line as a new record....
I have an Orders form (frm-Orders) that includes a subform (frm-Order Details Subform). The subform has line item totals.I want to be able to sum the line item totals and show the result on the main form, but I can't get it to work. Seems like it should be an easy thing to do.
Someone suggested I try this but it didn't work:
In the footer of the subform I created this expression - =SUM([Line Item Total].
Then in the main form I created a textbox with this -- =[Forms]![frm.Orders].[Form]![frm-Order Details Subform].[Form]![txtSum].
With a particular client, they want to display a subform in datasheet mode. They do not want an alternative like continuous forms. If I am displaying the subform in datasheet mode, is there any way to eliminate the header row which contains the names of the columns in the subform? I know how to remove the captions themselves but the header row is still there. I don't think it can be done but I wanted to check here with those more familiar with this.
If i simply remove the GROUP BY line and stick the semicolon at the end of the previous line (.EmpID; ) it works just fine. How is adding a group by line causing an error?I tried adding another parenthes at the beginning ((( and ending the joins as EmpID); and that failed with the exact same error.
I have a main form with 3 sub forms. The main form is tied to a table called QUOTES_MASTER. The first sub form is tied to a table called QUOTE_ LINE_ ITEMS_DIRTGLUE. It calculates the subtotal when selecting items. The relationship is one-to-many linked on QUOTE_ID.
The second sub form adds up total of all line items and is not tied to a table.The third sub form adds ESTIMATED FREIGHT to the PRODUCT TOTAL and is not tied to a table. how to get the values from the line items form inserted into the QUOTE_LINE_ITEMS_DIRTGLUE table as they are added.
I also want to insert the total value from ESTIMATED DELIVERED into the LINE_TOTALS field in the table QUOTES_MASTER.I tried this code on the product total sub form but it doesn't do anything and there are no errors:
I have a module which reads a CSV transaction file line by line and adds the correct transactions to an access table and places the wrong ones in a logfile.Now some transactions are rejected twice there is even one rejected six times. Whereas one wrong transaction is processed only once. I am certainly overlooking something obvious in the logic but what. Here is the relevant code.
Function ImportCSVForConfederation(inputCSV, ORG) Dim TNO As Integer, TACT As Integer, TABLE As String, TLINE As String, I As Integer, J As Integer, K As Integer Dim FLD1 As String, FLD2 As String, FLD3 As String, FLD4 As String, LogFile As String, LogPath As String Dim Lim As String, ITNO As Integer
I have a main form and a subform. The main form displays the information as combo box = column.2 (in other words it shows the actual word not recorded y/n checkbox = obviously shows which is checked
However the subform shows
combobox = 1 or 2 etc the recordid y/n check box 1 for yes 2 for no
How do I get the subform to display the words instead of numbers? (can live with the Y/N)
have basically the same issue with a split form (combo only) shows words and datasheet view shows corresponding record id number
tried using =[coffeetype].[column.2] on both the subform and split form datasheet but doesn't work.
I am having a little difficulty with my importing in Access. Every time I import my text file, the lines will be jumbled. I have been reading up and I found this recordset code that seems to be what I need:
Code: Dim strLine As String Dim intLineNum As Integer Dim MyDB As DAO.Database Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Open "C:TestTest.txt" For Input As #1 Set MyDB = CurrentDb Set rst = MyDB.OpenRecordset("tblResults", dbOpenDynaset) CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE * FROM tblResults", dbFailOnError 'Clear tblResults
Basically, this code will extract data from the text file as long as it fulfills the Mid$ criteria. Here's where my problem comes. Each line in my text file is of different lengths and I have to capture the entire line.
I think using the Left$ function would work, but I don't know how to determine the character count such that the entire line of text would be inserted into the table.
Another difference between what I need and the code above is that, I am required to store each line into each row of my table, meaning
Line 1 is placed in Row 1 Column 1 Line 2 is placed in Row 2 Column 1 Line 3 is placed in Row 3 Column 1 . . . Line X is placed in Row X Column 1.
I can change multiple things on a line graph with VBA.
Me.Graph47.chartType = GraphType ' take 65 for line with me.graph47 .SeriesCollection(1).border.Color = vbblue ' change the line color .SeriesCollection(1).border.Weight = LineWeight ' change the line weight to for example 3 .SeriesCollection(2).MarkerSize = MarkerWeight ' Change the marker weight, for example 4 .SeriesCollection(2).MarkerBackgroundColor = vbblue ' Change the marker color, .SeriesCollection(2).axisgroup = 2 ' put this series on the secondary axis end with
SeriesColection(1) is line with markers. This is correct.But now I want the seriescollection(2) without line, so only the markers. I cheched the MSDN site from Microsoft. The Excel trick with the macro does not work for me.how to hide the line with VBA for only SeriesCollection(2) in Access?
I'm having multiple problems with my database like things such as -
i'm currently working on the Query 2 - On the Phone database (ignore Query 1) and i want to search for multiple plot numbers preferably in one parameter prompt with a comma to seperate numbers. (this could be a multitude of numbers so i would like to be able to input as many as needed). Also when i do search on this query since the Criteria is a 'Between' Value i would expect everything between the 2 numbers input to show up - but a lot of numbers out of the range show up too - why is this? (The Numbers are like "69 to 136" and they will show up - but 1-69 and 136-170 would too
I would also like to implement the search results from Query 2 into the Form i currently have made but it just opens up a access table when the search is made?
i cannot link my database as it is too big for the server - But here are the Criteria for Query 2:
Plot No - (criteria = Between [Enter First Plot No:] And [Enter Last Plot No:]) Site - (criteria = Like "*" & [Enter Site:] & "*") Product - (criteria = Like "*" & [Enter Product:] & "*"
The Query is the one im most concerned about , i can live without a form.
Ok so in excel I have some numbers that are stored as text. The reason being that they are zip codes and some begin with 0 and excel doesn't want numbers to start with 0....so when I import these into an access field that has an input mask for zip codes...will it convert these correctly since the field is a text with input mask?
I have a table with fields like this one but the weeks go all the way up to 52. What I am trying to do is count the number of consecutive zeros and if it is more than five, count how many of the following fields have a number in them and if that number is less than the number of zeros preceding it identify that person.
For example Joe would be identified below because he had 6 consecutive zeros and then he had 5 weeks of numbers immediately following the string of zeros. Bob would not be identified because he had 5 consecutive zeros and then 5 sets of numbers immediately following the string of zeros so the zero frequency isnt higher than the number frequency immediately following.
I have the following code to display what choice I make on a drop down box:
Private Sub cboMajorLocation_AfterUpdate()
Select Case Me.cboMajorLocation.Value
Case 1 Me.lstPC.RowSource = "SELECT DISTINCTROW tblHardware.HardwareID, tblHardware.Name, tblHardware.Assignment, tblHardware.Location, tblHardware.Description FROM tblHardware WHERE (((tblHardware.Location) Like '*') And ((tblHardware.Type) = 'PC')) ORDER BY tblHardware.Name, tblHardware.Assignment, tblHardware.Location, tblHardware.Description;" Case 2 Me.lstPC.RowSource = "SELECT DISTINCTROW tblHardware.HardwareID, tblHardware.Name, tblHardware.Assignment, tblHardware.Location, tblHardware.Description FROM tblHardware WHERE (((tblHardware.Location) Like 'FTM*') And ((tblHardware.Type) = 'PC')) ORDER BY tblHardware.Name, tblHardware.Assignment, tblHardware.Location, tblHardware.Description;" Case 3 Me.lstPC.RowSource = "SELECT DISTINCTROW tblHardware.HardwareID, tblHardware.Name, tblHardware.Assignment, tblHardware.Location, tblHardware.Description FROM tblHardware WHERE (((tblHardware.Location) Like 'CS*') And ((tblHardware.Type) = 'PC')) ORDER BY tblHardware.Name, tblHardware.Assignment, tblHardware.Location, tblHardware.Description;" Case 4 Me![lstPC].RowSource = "SELECT DISTINCTROW tblHardware.HardwareID, tblHardware.Name, tblHardware.Assignment, tblHardware.Location, tblHardware.Description FROM tblHardware WHERE (((tblHardware.Location) Like 'PQL*') And ((tblHardware.Type) = 'PC')) ORDER BY tblHardware.Name, tblHardware.Assignment, tblHardware.Location, tblHardware.Description;" Case 5 Me![lstPC].RowSource = "SELECT DISTINCTROW tblHardware.HardwareID, tblHardware.Name, tblHardware.Assignment, tblHardware.Location, tblHardware.Description FROM tblHardware WHERE (((tblHardware.Location) Like 'Savage*') And ((tblHardware.Type) = 'PC')) ORDER BY tblHardware.Name, tblHardware.Assignment, tblHardware.Location, tblHardware.Description;" Case 6 Me![lstPC].RowSource = "SELECT DISTINCTROW tblHardware.HardwareID, tblHardware.Name, tblHardware.Assignment, tblHardware.Location, tblHardware.Description FROM tblHardware WHERE (((tblHardware.Location) Like 'Retail*') And ((tblHardware.Type) = 'PC')) ORDER BY tblHardware.Name, tblHardware.Assignment, tblHardware.Location, tblHardware.Description;"
End Select End Sub
What I need to know is how to make a statement that you can put in where you want it to display all but take out certain parts of it. Example: On "Case 3" it displays everything starting with "CS*" I want it to not display certain items like "Retail*", & "FTM*" & "PQL*" & "Savage*"
When writing a long line of code, I seem to recall there is a method of stating a new line, trouble is I cant remember what it is. I belive its something like an underscore. Can anyone help please?