Forgive me for being a muppet: I have been searching through the forums over the past few days but am not quite sure exactly what I need. I am a newbie at access programming so any advice (preferably in language a 3 year old would understand!) would be a massive help.
Here is a little background - I am knocking up a parts database for a vehicle my company specialises in that contains suppliers along with prices for each part.
Here is my problem: I have a Parts table, a Suppliers table and an AvailableSuppliers table (because some parts are available from more than one supplier and suppliers offer more than one part - 'AvailableSuppliers' is my junction table with foreign keys to thePartID and the SupplierID).
I would like, in my 'Parts Entry' form, to have a subform where the user can choose the different Suppliers a certain part is available from (I'd hope to store the different prices as well), and to store it in the AvailableSuppliers junction table. (Is this right so far?). I'd envisage some kind of select box where I can tick from my list of Suppliers who offers the part for sale.
Am I barking up the right tree? Am I on the right track so far?
I need to create some new records based on main form data and a selection of records from a sub form. The main form and sub form have different sources. I wanted to show the source fields in the sub form along with a check box to allow the users to select individual records. The record source for the sub form contains >1000 records, so the user will first enter data in the main form, use filters to find the records he wants to 'assign' to the main form data, click those he selects, then click a command button in the main form to create the record(s) based on the main form data and the selected records from the sub form. The new records will be appended to a new table.
I have a subform containing a list of Funds and attributes such as Asset Type, Fund Manager, etc.
Currently, I have a textbox, where the the control source is set so that it will be updated with the Asset Type from the subform.
I also have an unbound combo box that contains a list of Asset Types queried from a table via row source, where user can select the Asset Type.
What I would like is when a record is selected from the subform, the Asset Type is selected on the combo box as a default value. User can select another Asset Type if required. How can I do this?
i have a form with 2 subforms. when the user selects a record in subform one. the date of that record filters subform 2. in the source query of subform 2 i have this under criteria
A small issue I was wondering of for a few day . Is it possible in SQL query to SELECT multiple fields from multiple tables ? Example for the question is
dim my_var as String my_var = "SELECT Emp_FName , Emp_LName , Emp_Adress " _ & " FROM Table1 " _ & " AND Emp_Date_Of_Payment , Emp_Sum_Of_Payment " _ & "FROM Table2 " _ & " WHERE Emp_ID = 3 "
Is this code actually valid in SQL gramatics , and is it usable if passed to a Recordset variable ( rs = CurrentDB.OpenRecordset(my_var) ) ? Just FYI - The two tables are not related and I want to keep them that way (If possible relate their records just via SQL/Vba )
I wonder if anyone can help me I am using a select query as a subform, but it wont let me make any additions or changes. I have checked the properties of the subform and allow edits and allow additions are set to true.
Good Afternoon! I am working on a database that tracks our members' attendance at a large meeting. Every person at the meeting has at least one role to play at the meeting and may have up to four. I have created a "tablePositions" with the fields "PositionID" and "Position" to define the various roles people can play at the meeting. In my "formRegistration" form I created a list box with the multiselect property set to Simple. The list is working fine, it appears in my form, it displays the names of the positions (as opposed to the PositionID), and I can select more than one "Position". However, when I view the "tableRegistration" table, I do not see any of the "Positions" I clicked on. I would like them to display (for example) "Delegate, Committee Chair, Trustee" in the "Position" field.
I have been digging around the forum to see if any other threads matched my problem, but couldn't find exactly the same issue. I know enough about access to be dangerous, but could you please include the code and where to put the code in your reply?
Thank you. I really appreciate websites like yours! Shelly
Hiya is there an easier way of grouping together 'Select Case' statements rather than this way I have done them. They work but I still have more to add and feel this way is a little long winded! Private Sub Form_Current()
Select Case DatePart("w", Tape_Date) Case 1, 3, 5 Me.Datapulse.Visible = True Me.Label86.Visible = True Me.Label87.Visible = True Case Else Me.Datapulse.Visible = False Me.Label86.Visible = False Me.Label87.Visible = False End Select
Select Case DatePart("w", Create_U607ST50) Case 6 Me.Create_U607ST50.Visible = True Me.Label88.Visible = True Me.Label89.Visible = True Me.Label129.Visible = True Case Else Me.Create_U607ST50.Visible = False Me.Label88.Visible = False Me.Label89.Visible = False Me.Label129.Visible = False End Select
Select Case DatePart("w", U607ST94) Case 6 Me.U607ST94.Visible = True Me.Label90.Visible = True Me.Label91.Visible = True Case Else Me.U607ST94.Visible = False Me.Label90.Visible = False Me.Label91.Visible = False End Select
Hi, I tried putting a multiple select listbox in my access form but I cant put values in it. I want to put values of a table (i.e a field in the table) in the list.
I have selected the microsoft forms 2.0 listbox.. 1> How can I put values in it? 2> Is there a way to make the access listbox a multiselect one?
Okay - have hunted the web for the answers to this query on and off for months. Thought I had something but it didn't work.
Problem - basic form with subform of a 'select * from table' dataset. So far I've added one textbox. I'd like this textbox to show the recordnumber selected in the subform or the KeyID of the record selected in the subform. This is so I can populate other textboxes with details of that record for editing and then control/validate data entry.
Have tried: form timer, form load and some version of seltop (not bothered about selheight at this stage) - sort of worked but not properly - at least it gave 'an' answer but not always the correct one and you had to click in and out of the subform to generate an answer.
Private Sub MySubform_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Text4.Value = MySubform.Form.SelTop End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Me.TimerInterval = 10000 End Sub
Private Sub Form_Timer() Text4.Value = MySubform.Form.SelTop End Sub
I think the _MouseUp sub isn't working as its not a recognised event for a subform.
I started looking at various DisplayRowID, SelRecord functions (in a separate module) run from a command button in the form footer but that's not really the right sort of thing and the referencing to the subform is a bit iffy.
I'd be grateful if anyone could advise on, even complicated, code. Thanks, Lez
I have a search form with a subform (it's a query). When you search for an entry, the results show up in my subform.
Is it possible to select that record from my subform and have it open up in my main form for making changes to that entry? Either with a control button, macro or coding?
Screen shots: The first is my search form, the second is my data entry form.
First off thanks for this forum it has gotten me this far. 2nd I have a question on how the best way to accomplish this. So I have a table that has customer info in it, Account #, Name, city, state, Zip. I have a form that allows users to type in fields to query for particular info. My select statement is below.
Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() Dim strSQL As String, strOrder As String, strWhere As String Dim dbNm As Database Dim qryDef As QueryDef Set dbNm = CurrentDb()
If Not IsNull(Me.txtCSONME) Then strWhere = strWhere & " (tblCONSOLIDATED.COMPANY_NAME) Like '*" & Me.txtCSONME & "*' AND" End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtCSOSLD) Then strWhere = strWhere & " (tblCONSOLIDATED.ACCOUNT1) Like '*" & Me.txtCSOSLD & "*' AND" End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtCSOSSM) Then strWhere = strWhere & " (tblCONSOLIDATED.REP_NUMBER) Like '*" & Me.txtCSOSSM & "*' AND" End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtCSOARN) Then strWhere = strWhere & " (tblCONSOLIDATED.CONTACT_NAME) Like '*" & Me.txtCSOARN & "*' AND" End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtCSOCTY) Then strWhere = strWhere & " (tblCONSOLIDATED.CITY) Like '*" & Me.txtCSOCTY & "*' AND" End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtCSOST) Then strWhere = strWhere & " (tblCONSOLIDATED.STATE) Like '*" & Me.txtCSOST & "*' And" End If
Everything works but I can only search for one state. So now I want to search for two or more states. I've added multiple text fields on my form and have tried approaching it that way. Unfortunily if I add txtCSOST2 for example then add
If Not IsNull(Me.txtCSOST2) Then strWhere = strWhere & " (tblCONSOLIDATED.STATE) Like '*" & Me.txtCSOST2 & "*' And" End If
tblCONSOLIDATED.STATE has to contain both state codes. If I put an Or instead of And I get both states and all other search critera is ignored. Basically I need to be able to query by two or more states and it still be an and I guess. For example we may have a Rep A (Me.txtCSOSSM) that goes into TX & OK but Rep B also has a peice of TX. If I'm looking all the accounts that are in TX & OK and are Rep A and I use the below code I get all of the TX & OK accounts as well as Rep A accounts.
If Not IsNull(Me.txtCSOST) Then strWhere = strWhere & " (tblCONSOLIDATED.STATE) Like '*" & Me.txtCSOST & "*' Or" End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtCSOST2) Then strWhere = strWhere & " (tblCONSOLIDATED.STATE) Like '*" & Me.txtCSOST2 & "*' Or" End If
I know that has to be simple I just wrap my brain around it. Let me know if this needs further explaination.
I'm trying to build a select query where it prompts the user for a few parameters. I've been having issues where people would misspell the vendor name and nothing pops up. I changed the vendor to Like [Vendor Name] & "*" but now I can't use the parameter of PO# without everything popping up. I have attached the SQL view. Thank you for any suggestions.
SELECT [Main Payment].[Batch#], [Main Payment].VendorName, [Main Payment].VoucherPrefix, [FY08 PAYMENT detail].VoucherNumber, [Main Payment].VoucherSuffix, [FY08 PAYMENT detail].Vchline1, [FY08 PAYMENT detail].PONo, [FY08 PAYMENT detail].InvoiceDate, [FY08 PAYMENT detail].InvoiceID, [FY08 PAYMENT detail].Amount FROM [Main Payment] INNER JOIN [FY08 PAYMENT detail] ON [Main Payment].VoucherNumber = [FY08 PAYMENT detail].VoucherNumber WHERE ((([FY08 PAYMENT detail].PONo)=[Enter PO#])) OR ((([Main Payment].[Batch#])=[Enter Batch #])) OR ((([FY08 PAYMENT detail].VoucherNumber)=[Enter Voucher #])) OR ((([Main Payment].VendorName) Like [Enter Vendor Name] & "*"));
Currently I am using a multiple select list box in a form to select the engineer names for a report. I am looking for some enhancement.
Firstly when I do not select any name, there is no records displayed. I need to show all records if I do not select any name in the dropdown list.
I would like to create anther format of report to suit other purpose. Can I add the selection of these two reports apart from the selection of engineer name.
After I complete the selection on the form, I click a command button that has On Click event that consists of following code.
Private Sub Command15_Click() 'Create a string that we can apply to the filter criteria Dim strWhere As String strWhere = "" 'Initialize string variable Dim varSelection As Variant 'Iterate the selections in the listbox
I'm not even sure if this is possible to do (I havn't found anything on the Net yet), but I have a Form displaying Customer information, and the vending machines that customer has.
The main form (frmAccount) has 2 SubForms: 1) AddressSubForm (is a Datasheet), listing the many addresses the one account has. 2) VendingMachineSubForm (is a Continuous Form) and displays the machines related to the account.
What I want to do is select an address in the datasheet, and have the MachineSubForm populate with what machines are located at that address. Can this be done?
The Machines and Addresses link by AddressID. Both subforms are built on queries.
Hi, Asked this one yesterday but I think I must be doing somthing wrong. I have a main form named "Techdata" on this form I have an option group with 2 option buttons. I would like when selecting the first option button for the subform "effectivity" to show up on the main form. When the second button is selected I would like the subform "effectivity single" to show up in the same place where "effectivity" was(would like effectivity to be invisable then). Can anyone walk me through this from whoa to go as Im havn a lil bitta trouble
I use a combo box to select products and place in my order details sub form .I now realise i need a catogories table . How can i get my combo to look up a categories table then go the products of that table then enter in my orderdetails.
I have a subform inside a form and in this subform I have an Ordering field which orders the items in the form based on this field. In the After Update event of this box I use Me.Requery so that you can actually see the change of the order in the items. The problem is that after requering the form the selector goes to the first item of the form.
Is it possible some way to keep the selector to the same item after the requery takes place?
I am trying to build a form that accepts either a single date for start and stop dates whilst allowing a range of dates to be selected for operations that cover several days. I am using the Access 2003 calendar which is fine for selecting a single date but how do I select several dates (4-7 Mar for example) ?
Firstly, I'm an ex-fulltime access developer who has found himself doing access work again 6 years later; I can't actually believe how much I've forgotten :s
Anyway, I've done a search and havn't found anything that can help me so wondered if anyone could give some advice.
I have an access form with 3 combo boxes and a checkbox next to each of them. these are accessed using a query with 3 iif statements in it stating; (iif checkbox is null, "*", combo_box_value). the whole query looks like this
SELECT Customers.* FROM Customers WHERE (((Customers.Partner)=IIf(Forms!frm_rpt_main!check _partner Is Null,"*",Forms!frm_rpt_main!partner)) AND ((Customers.[Type Business])=IIf(Forms!frm_rpt_main!check_type Is Null,"*",Forms!frm_rpt_main!type)) AND ((Customers.[Year End Month])=IIf(Forms!frm_rpt_main!check_month Is Null,"*",Forms!frm_rpt_main!month)));
However, the query only seems to want to pull data from all 3 combo boxes
My issue is that if a checkbox is not ticked, I want the values to be ignored for all 3 combo's.
I've attached a copy of the mdb file as my description probably doesnt make any sense, the specific query is "qry_select_month_partner_type_wname_frm_rpt"
I am trying to write a query that will select distinct values from three columns. The table name is Hoods. The columns are C1, C2, and C3. All three columns contain colors and can have the same values, but I only need to have a particular color selected once. For instance, all three columns contain "Black", but "Black" should only be listed once. The result of the query will be used in a drop down list.
The following works for one column:
I was searching through here looking for a solution to the following problem: I am building a Capacity database for work. The requirements require that users be able to sort by numerous criteria (Forecast Date, Portfolio, Market, Bucket, Month), all from a simple form that will spit out the results. Rather than creating unique queries for each combination of criteria(way too many!) or creating the SQL text in VBA, I played around until I came up with the following(which may have been done already, but I can't find it on here, so I'm not claiming to be brilliant...LOL). I have dropdowns on my form for each sort criteria-(Forecast Date, Portfolio, Market, Bucket, Month)
Then I created a query and for each criteria, I put this in: Like (IIf(IsNull([Forms]![frmWAOFAdjustments]![Bucket]),"*",[Forms]![frmWAOFAdjustments]![Bucket]))
So if the user leaves a dropdown blank, the query simply brings back all the results from that field (Like *).
The text in bold is simply replaced with the dropdown name for each segmentation criteria. Next to each dropdown is a button that clears the dropdown box and requeries the listbox with the results(in case the user doesn't want to remove a criteria. This makes running searches for a specific number of accounts easy for the user and easy on
Hopefully this can help someone out with a similar problem. I have learned so much from this forum, I just wanted to give something back. If anyone has any questions on this, just let me know.
I would like to be able to select multiple items from a dropdown list like we often see on web forms. The kind where you hold down the control key to select up to 5 items. Is this possible on an access form? If so, how would do we implement, and how is such data be stored?
Thanks to a previous post, I was able to adapt the below code to call up a browse window in my project. However, the browse window only allows one file to be called up at a time. I would like to find a way to select multiple files in the browse window and call them all up at once. Please help
'***************** Code Start ************** 'This code was originally written by Ken Getz. 'It is not to be altered or distributed, 'except as part of an application. 'You are free to use it in any application, 'provided the copyright notice is left unchanged. ' ' Code courtesy of: ' Microsoft Access 95 How-To ' Ken Getz and Paul Litwin ' Waite Group Press, 1996
Type tagOPENFILENAME lStructSize As Long hwndOwner As Long hInstance As Long strFilter As String strCustomFilter As String nMaxCustFilter As Long nFilterIndex As Long strFile As String nMaxFile As Long strFileTitle As String nMaxFileTitle As Long strInitialDir As String strTitle As String Flags As Long nFileOffset As Integer nFileExtension As Integer strDefExt As String lCustData As Long lpfnHook As Long lpTemplateName As String End Type
Declare Function aht_apiGetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" _ Alias "GetOpenFileNameA" (OFN As tagOPENFILENAME) As Boolean
Declare Function aht_apiGetSaveFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" _ Alias "GetSaveFileNameA" (OFN As tagOPENFILENAME) As Boolean Declare Function CommDlgExtendedError Lib "comdlg32.dll" () As Long
Global Const ahtOFN_READONLY = &H1 Global Const ahtOFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT = &H2 Global Const ahtOFN_HIDEREADONLY = &H4 Global Const ahtOFN_NOCHANGEDIR = &H8 Global Const ahtOFN_SHOWHELP = &H10 ' You won't use these. 'Global Const ahtOFN_ENABLEHOOK = &H20 'Global Const ahtOFN_ENABLETEMPLATE = &H40 'Global Const ahtOFN_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE = &H80 Global Const ahtOFN_NOVALIDATE = &H100 Global Const ahtOFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT = &H200 Global Const ahtOFN_EXTENSIONDIFFERENT = &H400 Global Const ahtOFN_PATHMUSTEXIST = &H800 Global Const ahtOFN_FILEMUSTEXIST = &H1000 Global Const ahtOFN_CREATEPROMPT = &H2000 Global Const ahtOFN_SHAREAWARE = &H4000 Global Const ahtOFN_NOREADONLYRETURN = &H8000 Global Const ahtOFN_NOTESTFILECREATE = &H10000 Global Const ahtOFN_NONETWORKBUTTON = &H20000 Global Const ahtOFN_NOLONGNAMES = &H40000 ' New for Windows 95 Global Const ahtOFN_EXPLORER = &H80000 Global Const ahtOFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS = &H100000 Global Const ahtOFN_LONGNAMES = &H200000
Function GetFile() Dim strFilter As String Dim lngFlags As Long strFilter = ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter, "Access Files (*.mda, *.mdb)", _ "*.MDA;*.MDB") strFilter = ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter, "dBASE Files (*.dbf)", "*.DBF") strFilter = ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter, "Text Files (*.txt)", "*.TXT") strFilter = ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter, "All Files (*.*)", "*.*") ' MsgBox "You selected: " & ahtCommonFileOpenSave(InitialDir:="C:", _ Filter:=strFilter, FilterIndex:=3, Flags:=lngFlags, _ DialogTitle:="Hello! Open Me!")
GetFile = ahtCommonFileOpenSave(InitialDir:="C:", _ Filter:=strFilter, FilterIndex:=4, Flags:=lngFlags, _ DialogTitle:="Find File") ' Since you passed in a variable for lngFlags, ' the function places the output flags value in the variable. 'Debug.Print Hex(lngFlags) End Function
Function GetOpenFile(Optional varDirectory As Variant, _ Optional varTitleForDialog As Variant) As Variant ' Here's an example that gets an Access database name. Dim strFilter As String Dim lngFlags As Long Dim varFileName As Variant ' Specify that the chosen file must already exist, ' don't change directories when you're done ' Also, don't bother displaying ' the read-only box. It'll only confuse people. lngFlags = ahtOFN_FILEMUSTEXIST Or _ ahtOFN_HIDEREADONLY Or ahtOFN_NOCHANGEDIR If IsMissing(varDirectory) Then varDirectory = "" End If If IsMissing(varTitleForDialog) Then varTitleForDialog = "" End If
' Define the filter string and allocate space in the "c" ' string Duplicate this line with changes as necessary for ' more file templates. strFilter = ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter, _ "Access (*.mdb)", "*.MDB;*.MDA") ' Now actually call to get the file name. varFileName = ahtCommonFileOpenSave( _ OpenFile:=True, _ InitialDir:=varDirectory, _ Filter:=strFilter, _ Flags:=lngFlags, _ DialogTitle:=varTitleForDialog) If Not IsNull(varFileName) Then varFileName = TrimNull(varFileName) End If GetOpenFile = varFileName End Function
Function ahtCommonFileOpenSave( _ Optional ByRef Flags As Variant, _ Optional ByVal InitialDir As Variant, _ Optional ByVal Filter As Variant, _ Optional ByVal FilterIndex As Variant, _ Optional ByVal DefaultExt As Variant, _ Optional ByVal FileName As Variant, _ Optional ByVal DialogTitle As Variant, _ Optional ByVal hwnd As Variant, _ Optional ByVal OpenFile As Variant) As Variant ' This is the entry point you'll use to call the common ' file open/save dialog. The parameters are listed ' below, and all are optional. ' ' In: ' Flags: one or more of the ahtOFN_* constants, OR'd together. ' InitialDir: the directory in which to first look ' Filter: a set of file filters, set up by calling ' AddFilterItem. See examples. ' FilterIndex: 1-based integer indicating which filter ' set to use, by default (1 if unspecified) ' DefaultExt: Extension to use if the user doesn't enter one. ' Only useful on file saves. ' FileName: Default value for the file name text box. ' DialogTitle: Title for the dialog. ' hWnd: parent window handle ' OpenFile: Boolean(True=Open File/False=Save As) ' Out: ' Return Value: Either Null or the selected filename Dim OFN As tagOPENFILENAME Dim strFileName As String Dim strFileTitle As String Dim fResult As Boolean ' Give the dialog a caption title. If IsMissing(InitialDir) Then InitialDir = CurDir If IsMissing(Filter) Then Filter = "" If IsMissing(FilterIndex) Then FilterIndex = 1 If IsMissing(Flags) Then Flags = 0& If IsMissing(DefaultExt) Then DefaultExt = "" If IsMissing(FileName) Then FileName = "" If IsMissing(DialogTitle) Then DialogTitle = "" If IsMissing(hwnd) Then hwnd = Application.hWndAccessApp If IsMissing(OpenFile) Then OpenFile = True ' Allocate string space for the returned strings. strFileName = Left(FileName & String(256, 0), 256) strFileTitle = String(256, 0) ' Set up the data structure before you call the function With OFN .lStructSize = Len(OFN) .hwndOwner = hwnd .strFilter = Filter .nFilterIndex = FilterIndex .strFile = strFileName .nMaxFile = Len(strFileName) .strFileTitle = strFileTitle .nMaxFileTitle = Len(strFileTitle) .strTitle = DialogTitle .Flags = Flags .strDefExt = DefaultExt .strInitialDir = InitialDir ' Didn't think most people would want to deal with ' these options. .hInstance = 0 '.strCustomFilter = "" '.nMaxCustFilter = 0 .lpfnHook = 0 'New for NT 4.0 .strCustomFilter = String(255, 0) .nMaxCustFilter = 255 End With ' This will pass the desired data structure to the ' Windows API, which will in turn it uses to display ' the Open/Save As Dialog. If OpenFile Then fResult = aht_apiGetOpenFileName(OFN) Else fResult = aht_apiGetSaveFileName(OFN) End If
' The function call filled in the strFileTitle member ' of the structure. You'll have to write special code ' to retrieve that if you're interested. If fResult Then ' You might care to check the Flags member of the ' structure to get information about the chosen file. ' In this example, if you bothered to pass in a ' value for Flags, we'll fill it in with the outgoing ' Flags value. If Not IsMissing(Flags) Then Flags = OFN.Flags marty = strFile ahtCommonFileOpenSave = TrimNull(OFN.strFile) Else ahtCommonFileOpenSave = vbNullString End If End Function
Function ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter As String, _ strDescription As String, Optional varItem As Variant) As String ' Tack a new chunk onto the file filter. ' That is, take the old value, stick onto it the description, ' (like "Databases"), a null character, the skeleton ' (like "*.mdb;*.mda") and a final null character.
If IsMissing(varItem) Then varItem = "*.*" ahtAddFilterItem = strFilter & _ strDescription & vbNullChar & _ varItem & vbNullChar End Function
Private Function TrimNull(ByVal strItem As String) As String Dim intPos As Integer intPos = InStr(strItem, vbNullChar) If intPos > 0 Then TrimNull = Left(strItem, intPos - 1) Else TrimNull = strItem End If End Function