Subform Inserted Into A Form

Jan 5, 2007

I have a subform generated by a query, I then have a double click function to run a further query this works when I open the subform separatly, but if I open the form and then double click on the field in the subform this will give me a error!

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Tables :: Calculated Form Field To Be Inserted Into Table

Jan 3, 2013

i want to insert a calculated value of a e.g field6 (field4 * field5) in forms into the database table. by using expression builders in my forms. i have made that feild and on click it shows the calculated value but on filling in the rest of the form and clicking on Insert button does not update this calculated field but iserts all other fields.

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Forms :: Table Inserted Into Form No Longer Expands After Db Is Split?

Aug 20, 2013

I have elected to have tables inserted into my forms. For example on the School Information form, I have the Employees table inserted at the bottom so that it will show the employees that are assigned to that school when it's pulled up.

Before I split my database into a BE/FE situation, I could expand the items in the tables to other related items, but now that option is gone.

Is there any way to get that back with a split database?

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Forms :: How To Get Values From Line Items Form Inserted Into QUOTE LINE

Jun 5, 2014

I have a main form with 3 sub forms. The main form is tied to a table called QUOTES_MASTER. The first sub form is tied to a table called QUOTE_ LINE_ ITEMS_DIRTGLUE. It calculates the subtotal when selecting items. The relationship is one-to-many linked on QUOTE_ID.

The second sub form adds up total of all line items and is not tied to a table.The third sub form adds ESTIMATED FREIGHT to the PRODUCT TOTAL and is not tied to a table. how to get the values from the line items form inserted into the QUOTE_LINE_ITEMS_DIRTGLUE table as they are added.

I also want to insert the total value from ESTIMATED DELIVERED into the LINE_TOTALS field in the table QUOTES_MASTER.I tried this code on the product total sub form but it doesn't do anything and there are no errors:

Private Sub PROD_SUB_AfterUpdate()

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Combobox Value Inserted As ID#!!

Aug 23, 2005

I am just starting with access and I have a VERY stupid question. I made a combobox (it gets its values from a table with 2 colums the first the ID and the second is the products) when a user selects one of the products in the combobox the combobox is supposed to update another table with that value (and I mean the product name) yet what it updates is the ID # of the product that was selected!! How do i go around this.
I am new to access so i am not sure how things are done yet in access, i am pretty good in VBA in excel, but this is a new front for me that I am trying to learn. I did the above combobox using the wizard.


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Primary Key Inserted In Another Table

Feb 18, 2005

Hello I have another prob. I need to be able to take a new ID from the topics table and insert it into the messages table after a form has been posted. I haven't got a clue on how to do this.

Its for a message board where a new topic is inserted. Two tables need to have records inserted, the topics table and messages table. The Topic_ID from the topics table is an autonumber and needs to go into the TopicID field in the messages table. Here's my insert query:

sqlString = "Insert into Topics (Topic, BSection, Username, MesDate) values ('" &_
Topic & "', '" & BSection & "', '" & Username & "', '" & MesDate & "')"
sqlString2 = "Insert into Messages (Username, Member_ID, Topic, Message, MesDate, BSection) values ('" &_
Username & "', '" & UserID & "', '" & Topic & "', '" & Message & "', '" & MesDate & "', '" & BSection & "')"

I've tried using the identifier command but that didn't work so I haven't got a clue on what to do. Can anyone help?



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Retrieve A Value From A Previously Inserted Row

Feb 19, 2006

Im using a ASP and MS Access 2000 database. What im trying to do is: I insert a row into a table, in that table is a field that auto increments. after I insert this row I want to immediately after that be able to retrieve the value of the column containing the auto increment and hold it in a variable so i can use it for other things....

can anyone help me with this? I have been messing around with SQl cursors but cant seem to get it to work right..

Thank you very much
-Justin B.
Edit/Delete Message

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Modules & VBA :: How To Get Last Inserted ID In A Table

Sep 10, 2013

I have this code in Access VBA and it is not working.

Private Sub btnAddWorkingday_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strDate As Integer
Dim lastID As Integer

strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblSchoolWorkingDays (CALENDAR_DATE) VALUES ('" & tBoxDateToAdd.Value & "'); SELECT @@IDENTITY AS LastID;"

DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
End Sub

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Unexpected Row Inserted In A Code Table

Jun 22, 2005

I have the following tables, tblAudit and tblCriteria. The first records companies and period of audit, the second contains the criteria against which they will be audited. The audit period determines which criteria apply.
Results are recorded in a third table, tblAuditResults.

tblAudit 1:M tblAuditResults M:1 tblCriteria

My problem is when I try to add a new result by selecting a criteria via a combo box a new row is inserted in the criteria table as well as in the result table. Inserting a row in the criteria table is wrong.

I have attached the database for you to look at.

Thanks for any advice you can offer.

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Getting The Properties Of The Record Last Updated/inserted

Apr 27, 2006

New here, looks like a great resource.

I have a question about a form which has several fields on it. What I need to do is to capture the ALL the fields of the record I just entered(updated or inserted)

So, for example, if my form has fields for

RepID, RepName, Company

After I edit or insert a new record, when I click to the next line, is there a way I can use AfterUpdate event to capture ALL the fields that were just updated on the form, and do whatever it is I need to do with them? I hope I am amking myself clear. Thanks for taking the time to look.

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Queries :: Use Inserted Value Dynamically At Run Time

Oct 16, 2013

I am inserting a new record into a 'master' table. Primary key is generated using a sequence. Now using that newly inserted primary key value, I need to insert a new record in child table. These 2 insert queries need to run at the time of deployment. how shall I store that primary key in a variable so that I can use it immediately in next insert statement?Can I use a returning into clause?

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Tables :: Text Automatically Inserted?

Apr 24, 2013

I have a table of nursery school children, names, addresses etc etc. One field is Under 2? Is there a validation rule (or something like) that will automatically put Yes (or No) depending on today's date and the child's date of birth?

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General :: VBA Select Query With Inserted Value

Feb 13, 2013

With the following VBA code, I'm trying to select the text value from a textbox and fill that in a query to select the code from a person. (a password only login).

However, I'm getting a run time error 3078 at the '' Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("strSQL")'' line.

Private Sub Tekst6_AfterUpdate()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strBarcode As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
'strBarcode = Me.Tekst6
'MsgBox strBarcode

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Tax Calculation Cannot Be Inserted In Database

Oct 17, 2014

I have created a From with some Fields: Name, Surname, Netto Price, Tax (%) and Gross Price..... to make a invoice.

The Problem is that i cant insert the data from: Tax and Gross Price in to the DB.I have tried this:

select Tax Field--> Property Sheet -> Control Source: =[Price]*0,19

Netto Price: 100
Tax 19%-- =[Price]*0,19 = 19

Now I get the correct values ​​displayed in Field Taxes.But this this sum cant not insert in to the Database.I use MS Office 2013.

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Text Box Expression Inserted To Table?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a text box on my table form with the expression =([LINES]-[MISSED LINES])/[LINES] which gives me the results I want but I also want this total to go to the "On time %" column in my table.

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Wrong Year Inserted From Calendar Control

May 31, 2006

Hi there,

I have used Calendar controls before but this is a new one on me?!
When i click on the Calendar, what i am doing is inserting the date clicked into a textbox on another form.
The Calendar is set to todays date the system date is also correct and although i click on 31/05/06, what is being inserted is 31/05/20 ?????

Any ideas, because i dont?

Thanks in advance

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General :: Why Space Inserted When Export Report To RTF

Oct 22, 2012

I am exporting a report from access. The problem is after export to .rtf, all fields appears correct except a bar code field (CCode39). It adds a space after the text which makes text non-recognizable by bar code scanner.If I use other formats, then there is no problem. I tried by using plain text as well rich text format for that particular field.

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Modules & VBA :: Email Address Inserted From Non Related Table

Sep 4, 2013

I have a table that holds company information for the user - eg farm name, company name, manager, phone number and email address etc. Its simply used to provide headers for reports, so that the same generic database can be used on several farms. There is only one record in this table tblfarmdetails.The second table tblorder is for orders and receipts - I currently have code that allows the user to send an order request by email to the manager, and to also send notice of receipt of goods through to the manager. I would like the code to get the email address from the unrelated table.Can I reference this field in the vba?

Private Sub cmdemailorder_Click()
Dim orderdate As String
Dim stafford As String
Dim item As String
Dim itemamnt As String


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Requery Subform From Another Subform Both Connected To Main Form

Aug 8, 2014

I have a main form that has two subforms, subform1 and subform2, both connected to the main form. When I enter data into a field in subform1 I want subform2 to requery and update to show the calculated results from the new or changed data in subform1.

I found that if I do a refresh it works when changing the data but not when entering a new line of data in subform1. I tried some code in the after update field of on subform1, but cannot seem to get anything to work.


Does not work. It errors and says it cannot recognize subform2 as a field. I have tried a field name on subform2 but I still got the same error.

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Forms :: Moving A Subform Within A Subform Of A Form?

Aug 19, 2015

I often move sub forms up and down within a form using something like.


forms!MyMainForm! = 500

However, I am having trouble moving a subform within a subform of a form.


Forms!MyMainForm!!MySubform! = 500

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Forms :: Navigation Form - BrowseTo Command To Open Up A Form In Built-in Subform Module

May 3, 2013

I'm working on the Navigation Form template in Access 2010, which is new to me. It appears that one needs to use the BrowseTo command to open up a form in the built-in subform module. I'm trying to create a couple of buttons where each button opens a form in a different data mode; one in read-only and one in add mode. Here is the syntax I used for read-only:

DoCmd.BrowseTo acBrowseToForm, "frmSales","frmNavigation.NavigationSubform", , ,acFormReadOnly

frmSales is the Sales form I want both of the buttons to open and frmNavigation is the Navigation form. It seems to be ignoring the data mode part at the end however. It only will open in Edit mode. Is there something I'm doing wrong with this command?

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Forms :: Design Form That Looks Very Similar To Either Split Form Or Subform

Jun 2, 2014

Basically I need to design form that looks very similar to either Split Form or Subform. I have attached a print screen of what I roughly need. The form is split into two parts. In the first/top part there are some List Box/Date fields that act as filters to the bottom form, so the bottom form displays only records that match values in red. The second part of the top form has some field that require input from user and then these records are added to the bottom form. I was trying to use both Split Form and Subform and none of it is working,I have attached an example of database and this form would be based on data from Query1.

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Forms :: Requery Form And Subform After Popup Form Close

Aug 19, 2013

I tried all sorts of permutations of the requery command but apparently I'm too dense to figure it out.

Form 1
subform 1 > button to open pop up form
subform 2
subform 3

I'm trying to requery a combo box (inside of subform 1) based on a table that is updated from the pop up form.

On pop up form close, what's the correct syntax for re-querying subform 1?

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Forms :: Linking Form To Subform Set To Continuous Form View

Aug 22, 2014

How to populate the parent form's PK to multiple records in a child subform set to a default view continuous form?

In other words, how to auto populate the primary key to multiple records displayed the subform?

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Tab Style Master Form - Navigation Buttons For Each Subform Within Form

Jan 26, 2015

I have created a master form, which is a tab style. I have five additional forms that I want to use as sub-forms within each tab. I also want to include master navigation buttons that will work for each sub-form in unison. In other words if I navigate to record 10 on tab 1 and switch to tab 2, I want the new tab to show the information related to record 10. It would appear that I need to link them together in some fashion.

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Form,Subform,Sub-subform Help Please!!

Feb 18, 2005

I currently have a couple of problems with an input form set-up.

I have a main form (frmWebSites). On this form I have a TabBar and one of the Tab pages holds a subform (frmSiteDetails). Within this subform I have a simple option group to select between 2 further subforms that are themselves subforms on frmSiteDetails (these are frmWebSites_pgeSiteDetails_Features and frmWebSites_pgeSiteDetails_Membership). I have coded the option group to make one sub-subform visible and the other invisible and vice versa depending on what option is selected.

This procedure I call from the Click event of the option group, both the Current and Load events of the frmSiteDetails.

The controls that exist on each of the sub-subforms are bound to the same table tblWebSites as the controls on the main form (frmWebSites).

The selection between the sub-subforms works perfectly well between the 2 forms when I am on an existing record and am just viewing the data.

1. The first problem arises if I want to change the data on one of the forms.

If I change a value in any of the check boxes or combo boxes etc and then try and select the other sub-subform I get the Error message 'The data has been changed. Another user edited this record and saved the changes before you attempted to save your changes. Re-edit the record.'

I can OK this and select the option button again and the page changes as it should and the data has been updated.

2. The second problem arises with new records. If I try to enter a new record by entering details into controls on the main form everything is OK. I then try to enter further data on the currently visible sub-subform, but as soon as I then try and select the option to make this form invisible and the opposite sub-subform visible I get the following error.

'The field 'tblWebSites.SiteName' cannot contain a null value because the Required property for this field is set to true. Enter a value in this field.'

I don't understand why this is saying it is a null value as this is the first piece of data that is entered into the form. Furthermore I don't understand why it is looking at the value of this field at the time it does.

This locks me up. I can still enter data in the remaining fields of the currently visible sub-subform but not change to the other.

Any ideas where my problem lies??

Please be gentle with me, I am a complete new boy at this and this is my first Database.



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