Subform Troubles...

Jun 16, 2007

I have a form that I'm trying to make a sub-form for. I create the sub-form and link the two forms by a text field, but for some reason instead of being the contents of the field that links them being the same, it's the name of the Form, and thus any time I refresh the page the subform data gets lost in the table and is unassociated with any records I have on the main form...

I've done subforms before without a problem, so why are they messing up for me now?

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Report Troubles

Jan 17, 2007

First off, thanks to all who have helped me with my other posts :)

I have yet another question that y'all might be able to assist me with... I'm looking to create a report and am having trouble figuring out how exactly to format the stupid thing... And, like my other posts, this could be a little confusing... I'll do my best ;)

I've modified this a bit to figure one thing out at a time. If you have a solution to my original post (below) feel free to help out, but for now I am just trying to figure out how to get the variables in the report to go across the page instead of down. I would like my quantity field to be listed across the page with the price for the part below it:

1-9 10-24 ... 50K+
$$ $$ $$

instead of:






------ Here's my original post------
Ok, I've already got a query with all the data and computations needed. Basically I'm just trying to create a price sheet for our products here, but it's not quite that simple... I have 72 different part sizes, 12 for each of 6 voltages (3KV, 5KV...20KV), and a price for 13 different qty ranges (1-9, 10-24...50000+). I would like it to look something like this:

Qty1-9 Qty10-24 ... 50K+
Part 1 $$ $$ $$ $$
Part 2 $$ $$ $$ $$
Part 3 $$ $$ $$ $$
Part 4 $$ $$ $$ $$
Part 5 $$ $$ $$ $$
Part 6 $$ $$ $$ $$
Part 7 $$ $$ $$ $$
Part 8 $$ $$ $$ $$
Part 9 $$ $$ $$ $$
Part 10 $$ $$ $$ $$
Part 11 $$ $$ $$ $$
Part 12 $$ $$ $$ $$
Part 72 $$ $$ $$ $$

Parts 1-12 will be grouped by Voltage 1, Parts 13-24 by Voltage 2, and so on... Have I lost you yet? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Grouping by voltage can be left out for now if it add too much confusion...

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Icon Troubles

Aug 19, 2007

Hi, this is my first message on this forum ;)!
I have a little problem with my Access 2000 (with 2003 too on another compuer), in fact when I put an icon on a page of my Tab Control, the background of that icon is white and not transparent (the file I use is an "ico" file and so it HAS a transparent background, anyway I treid all the possible file types); the strange thing is that when I put an icon on a button, the icon is shown properly. Here is an image of my problem:

Thank you,


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Relationship Troubles

Feb 29, 2008

here is what i have:

tables - tblAssets, tblSites, tblManufacturers, tblModels

i have 1-to-many relationships set up as follows; tblManufacturers --> tblAssets, tblManufacturers --> tblModels, tblModels --> tblAssets, tblSites --> tblAssets.

what i would like to happen is if i add a new site in tblAssets it will add the site in tblSites as well. if i have "enforce referential integrity" checked then it will only let me insert sites that are on the tblSites table, and if i uncheck the box then it will allow me to put in a site that's not on the table, but it doesn't add it to the table.

i only have 1 form and it's just linked to the tblAssets table. please forgive my noobness, i've been having a rough time trying to understand relationships even though i've read about everything i could find on them, so could someone please point me in the right direction?


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Help!! Autofill Troubles

Dec 1, 2005

I created a form from a table (maintbl) with a combo box. The combo box retreives information from another table (model#tbl)and autofills it in the fields below. the information that is autofilled does not automatically get entered into maintbl. Theres probably a good reason for this but i cant figure it out. Anyone?? Im not very good with code but if thats what it takes thats what it takes.

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Totalling Troubles- Help!

Apr 4, 2005


I have hit a brick wall with my A-Level Access Project. Basically, I have a form for ordering where a user can select items from a combo box linked to a table that contains products. They then select the quantity and a subtotal is calculated for that particular item(s). By that I mean the subtotal generated is only for one selection from the combo box. Any subsequent selections have their own subtotals generated afterwards (I hope I'm not being too vague).
This is the form I am talking about:

The thing I am having trouble with is the final box; "Order Total". I have no idea how to set it to sum all of the above Subtotals to equal an overall total. I will send anyone willing to help a copy of the database via email or something if they need it.

I would be immensely grateful for any help you can give.


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Date Troubles

Feb 19, 2006


I have just started using access to design Data entry screens for our SAS databases.

One of our major fields in our databases is an update date field which is set up in this format 20062002. year day month.

Now I am trying to make a text box on our form that displays the date like this.

I know i can do =year(date()) to show the year but I cant work out how i can get it to display year, day month in that format.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Combo Box Troubles!

Oct 26, 2006


Im currently making my first database for a company i work for. As expected im having some troubles hehe im not sure im going about everything the right way. At the moment im trying to create a form which will get product information from one table, display the details in a few combo boxes and based on a selection will store the selections in a separate table. Ive done everything up till that last bit, i cant seem to be able to record the selections in a separate table.

i would appreciate some help as my bosses have to be kept up to speed on my progress and as you can imagine it doesnt look so good when you tell them you havent made any progress hehe.



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Troubles Calculating Sum For Decimals

Jul 7, 2005

Hi everybody,

I have to calculate somme totals for decimal numbers, and... I can't make it to work.
I have a report:

Quantity Unit_price Price_without_Taxes Taxes Price
2 1,62 3,24 0,62 3,86
2 2,13 4,26 0,81 5,07
TI: 8,91

TI it's the sum of Price, and here is the problem, because the value of TI should be 8,93 Euro (3,86+5,07) not 8,91. In this case it's a loss of 3 cent , but in other cases, if i have more value to calculate the sum for I can loss a few euro!

The values are placed in the detail section, TI on the footer section of the report. To calculate TI I used a Text box wich format is currency, Decimal places 2, Control source =Sum([Price]).

I make this same calculations on forms also, there the situation it's worst, the value it's rounding down or up in each case, in this particular case insted of 8,93 I got 8,00.

What's wrong with it? I'm making mistakes somwhere?
Any help is apreciated. I need it soooooo bedly! :)


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Linking Tables Troubles

Nov 21, 2005

Hi all,
I am a fairly new User to Access and have been charged at work with making some spreadsheets useful. I have 5 workbooks, with approx. 5-9 wkshts per wkbk, each with anywhere from 200-1200 rows. (CT Scanner Protocol information).

My Idea was to link all of the sheets to a reference excel spreadsheet and then to import that as a linked file to access. The problem is that I cannot change a linked fields property, among other things, and have trouble with some blank fields. i have been working on this for a while, searching the net and am still clueless.

Anybody have any Ideas on what I can do? I can email copies of the "sample" sheet I am using (a condensed version that way I don't goof up the main one, plus it is smaller and easier to work with) to anyone who might be able to help. Or any inout here would be appreciated.


Tony Blatnica

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Query Troubles (DuplicateDate)

Jan 4, 2006

Hi all,

I have a query that returned multiple duplicates of a record (3 or more) between a specified start date and end date (entered by the operator) and displays them into a report. I created the query using the duplicate wizard and changed >1 to >=3 and added "AND ((Guardcalloutsarchive.Date) Between [Start Date] And [End Date]))" to promoted operator to enter date range.

The problem is I only want the query to give me multiple duplicates from within the specified date range only. The query is returning multiple duplicates form the entire table.

Any input would be appreciated.

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DoCmd.OpenForm Troubles

Mar 18, 2005

I have a form(frmGetRecord) with a subform(frmSubGetRecord). frmGetRecord has a combobox cmbCNO to choose the patient. The subform displays the admit date and discharge date(if there is one). There can be multiple admit/Discharge dates for a patient. Based on the values from fields on the form and subform, I would like to open a data entry form(frmEvents) for the particular record. I have a command button to run the code to open frmEvents. I am having trouble with the criteria in the where condition.

stLinkCriteria = "[CNo]=" & "'" & Me![cmbCNO] & "'" _
And "[AdmitDate]=" & "#" & Forms![frmGetRecord]![frmSubGetRecord].Form![AdmitDate] & "#" _
And "[DischDate]=" & "#" & Forms![frmGetRecord]![frmSubGetRecord].Form![DischDate] & "#"

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , stQryName, stLinkCriteria, acFormEdit

When I click on the command button I get a type mismatch error. If I test the StLinkCriteria separately, the DoCmd.OpenForm will work for just the CNO field or just the AdmitDate field. If I test those two strings together, I get the type mismatch. Also, DischDate could be blank and I'm not sure how to add an IIf statement to the string to test for that in the where statement. I'm also not sure how to make sure it picks the correct record if there is more than one admit date. I would like to select the desired date record, then have the command button open the appropriate record.

Hope this makes sense. Thanks for any help.

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Troubles With Form Controls

Sep 1, 2005

I have a number of list boxes that dont show up in the VBEditor under the form name.

To be more specific, these controls do not show up in the drop-down list on top of the code window. If I try to assign an event procedure through 'code builder' to these controls, they refer back to a pre-existing module instead of the form under "Access Class Objects".

I have tried repairing and compacting the database to no avail. Can someone guide me? Please ask for more info if you would like some.

Thanks in advance.

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Search Form Troubles

May 8, 2007

Hi all - It's been years since I did anything in access. I'm trying to develop a membership database, and among other things, I want the app to launch with a search screen. I have 3 fields on the screen:
1. surname
2. firstname
3. childname

I want the user to enter anything (even partial info) in any of these fields, and when they hit the search button, a listbox - (best choice?) will display all records that match on any inputted info. If nothing is entered, and the search button is hit, I want all records in the members table to be displayed. I expect the query to be something like this:

if not isnull (surname field and firstname field and childname field) then

select surname, firstname, childname
from members
where surname like [txt_surname] or firstname like [txt_first_name] or childname like [txt_child_name]

else select surname, firstname, childname
from members

What I do not know is HOW to implement this through MS ACCESS 2003.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Conditional Statement Troubles..

Feb 14, 2008

Hi All,

I'm relatively new to Access and having some difficulty using conditional statements - if anyone could help I'd really appreciate it.

Basically I want to take an order summary table (OrderData) that shows total orders over different date ranges and expand them to show the average order per day for each product.

I'm using two queries to do this, the first finds the average per day for each record (Demand) using this formula: Expr: Sum(([OrderData]![orderamount])/([OrderData]![EndDate]-[OrderData]![StartDate]+1)) That part works fine.

The second query then needs to lookup each individual date of the year against the date range on the original data table, and if the date falls within the range, places the daily average from the prior query in a column.

I had been trying to use this - Expr: iif([Output]![Date] Between [OrderData]![Start] And [OrderData]![End], [Demand]![OptimalAverage],"0") but it's not working.

Any ideas?

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'Alias' And 'Order By' Troubles With Union Query?

May 10, 2007

Hello all,

Does anyone know (and would be willing to share) how one can order the results of a Union query in Access by something other than the returned values?

I have a simple Union query that would work perfectly - if I could get the thing to order the results in a particular order everytime:mad:. The query returns counts (all from one table) of separate select statements that each meet certain conditions (e.g. having state=Nevada, having state=California, etc.) as records - but since Union queries in Access order results in ascending or descending order by returned value, it puts my records in a different order every time the record values change. I need to have them ordered the same way (in the same order as they appear in the Union query, if possible) everytime so that I can return those values to specific cells in MS Excel. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

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Troubles With Aggregate Functions In Queries And Null Values

Jun 26, 2007

I'm having a problem with queries, and I can't seem to find a solution in books - I looked through about ten of them and none of them addressed the problem. This may be because it has a painfully obvious solution...

A little background:
I am designing a database for a debt-collection law firm. One of the functions it must have is to keep track of various different sorts of financial transactions which can pertain to a given debtor (ie, a received payment, a cost expended, and a few other things).

The problem is that, in generating reports, I need to use queries to find several sums of only those transactions which fall into specific categories (for instance, to calculate the amount a debtor has paid against his balance, it needs to sum only those entries which are both linked to that debtor's ID number and whose type field reads "payment", and then subtract from that those entries whose type field reads "cost"). The problem is this: not all debtors may have "costs" entries, and when there are none, the report comes up blank with a single "#Error" written in the name field and nothing else present.

I believe the problem is that the Sum aggregate is returning a null value when the query finds nothing that meets the criteria. I have been unable to find a way around this; the Nz() and IIf() with IsNull() functions don't seem to be helping.

The query runs as intended when there are entries for every relevant type; however, it is undesired to have to enter a "payment" of $0, "cost" of $0 etc for every entry just so that this function works.

Is there anything I can do about this? Any input would be appreciated, as I'm fairly inexperienced with the use of Office Access. (If it matters, I am using Office 2003).

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Forms :: Refresh Pivot Chart In Subform After Changing The SQL Of The Subform's Query?

Sep 16, 2014

I have a form, a couple of comboboxes and text boxes on it. When these are filled out, the SQL of a query is changed using these parameters.

There are three subforms on the form, all pivot charts, all based on the query being changed.

The goal would be to update all three according to the user-given parameters.

Right now the subforms only update if I close and open the form, which is probably not the best solution, since it's too slow.

I've also tried to requery and refresh them, with no result.

Then I tried to overwrite the recordsource of the subforms with the same text that was originally there. This got them to refresh their data, but then all of the charts disappeared and had to be built again, so this is a no go too.

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Forms :: Selecting Record In Parent Subform From Child Continuous Subform

Jan 26, 2014

I have two subforms on a main form. Both use similar queries and nearly the same set of records and PK. The first subform is for data entry and the 2nd subform is a continuous form that lists the entries in order that are made from the 1st Subform. (for entering in vacation days and appointments)

The continuous form cannot be edited, it is to be a list for viewing the information only.

I have an edit button next to each record on the continuous form. When the button is clicked, I want it to take the 1st subform to that specific record as well (same PK), so the information can be edited there.

I cannot figure out how to get the 1st subform to go to the record on the continuous form when the button next to that record is clicked on the continuous form.

I tried the DoCmdSearch for record and just keep getting object is not open errors.

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Subform Blues - Data Entry Setting Itself To 'No' & Requerying 1 Subform From Another

Dec 5, 2006

2 Subform problems

I have a data entry subform that is only supposed to show an empty record ready to be populated, and a display records subform that is supposed to show all the records. The subforms are both on the same tab of a tab control on my main form.

Problem 1:
The data entry subform shows all the records rather than a blank record. Something on my main form is causing it to show the records when it should not. Any ideas? The Data Entry is set to Yes.

To try to isolate the problem, I created a new form and added the subform to it where it behaves properly:confused:

I then added Me.DataEntry = True to the form open to see if that would solve my problem but it still sets the data entry to no.

If I have the properties box open when in form view of my main form, I can set the data entry to Yes and it works fine until I move to the next record of the main form when it resets to no. Teraing my hair out here.:mad:

My final attempt was to search the entire project to see if there is a "DataEntry = False" somewhere but there isn't. What is setting this property? Any ideas where I should look?

Problem 2:

After entering data in the first subform (data entry form), I want to re-query the second subform but I just can't get the syntax right. I have wrestled with the "Syntax for subs" document downloaded from (Microsoft MVP site) but to no avail.

My main form is called fdlgPrjDetails, the data entry is via fsubPrjCommentsUsersDataEntry and the subform I wish to requery is fsubPrjCommentsUsers.

None of the attempts below worked giving a cannot find control error.

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler


'DoCmd.Requery ([fsubPrjCommentsUsers])
'DoCmd.Requery [fsubPrjCommentsUsers]

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description & Chr(13) _
& Chr(13) & "Error in fsubPrjCommentsUsersDataEntry: Err 003"
Resume ExitHere
End Sub

Any Ideas?

Both problems have me stumped so I'll be grateful to anybody with a scoobie on this.:)

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Forms :: Calculate Subtotal On Subform And Display On Upper Subform

Jun 20, 2013

im having problems getting a subform to calculate another subform's total and display it as it keeps coming up with the #NAME?.Basically my database is like this

- tblOrders
- tblItems

and this is displayed on a form. so you can flick through clients, then flick through the orders and its broken down into the items inside each order.i have seen many answers that are only about calculating something on a subform and displaying on a form but this does not work when displaying on a 'parent' subform. the form structure looks like this

- sFrmCustomerItems
- sFrmCustomerOrders

i have a calculated control textbox in the footer of sFrmCustomerOrders with sums up all the prices using =sum([Price])and in my sFrmCustomerItems, i have a field called Amount (the total amount of all the items) and the Control Source formula i was using was =[Forms]![sFrmCustomerOrders]![sFrmCustomerItems]![txtTotalPrice] but i get a #NAME? error.

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Unbound Subform Counts Toward Two Subform Depth Limit?

Jul 26, 2006

I didn't know that Access is supposed to only have 2 subform deep. On my form, I have three subform deep. However, the master form is unbound, not linked to subforms, and nothing more than a container for tab pages which contains their own subforms and has no code directly associated with data. There is a code to move subform to new record when tabs changes, but that's all.

Does that mean there is really only two subforms deep from the topmost form on the tab page or the subform depth has been exceeded whether the master form has no role in data transaction?

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Filtering Field In 2nd Subform Based On Selection In 1st Subform

Sep 1, 2006

I almost have this form done.

I have a form with a combo box, and 2 subforms from it. When you select in the combo box (Group), it brings up the choices (Sections) for that group in a subform. Then there is another subform, that is supposed to bring up a series of questions that are related to the section that has been selected. The question field has a drop down to a list table, that has all the questions. Once the question has been selected, it stores in a Master table. The relationship is there. If you try to select any questions that do not pertain to the section, it gives you an error message.

What I need it to do, is when the section is selected, filter out the questions that pertain to that section, and have those questions be the only ones available in the drop-down list to choose.

I know that I need to have an After Update code once the section has been selected, but not sure how the coding should be.

I hope that someone can help with this!


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Filtering Field In 2nd Subform Based On Selection In 1st Subform

Sep 1, 2006

I have a form that is almost complete

I have a form with a combo box, and 2 subforms from it. When you select in the combo box (Group), it brings up the choices (Sections) for that group in a subform. Then there is another subform, that is supposed to bring up a series of questions that are related to the section that has been selected. The question field has a drop down to a list table, that has all the questions. Once the question has been selected, it stores in a Master table. The relationship is there. If you try to select any questions that do not pertain to the section, it gives you an error message.

What I need it to do, is when the section is selected, filter out the questions that pertain to that section, and have those questions be the only ones available in the drop-down list to choose.

I know that I need to have an After Update code once the section has been selected, but not sure how the coding should be.

I hope that someone can help with this!

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Forms :: User Select Subform Filters Other Subform

Oct 8, 2013

i have a form with 2 subforms. when the user selects a record in subform one. the date of that record filters subform 2. in the source query of subform 2 i have this under criteria


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Forms :: Automatically Updating Fields In A Subform From Another Subform

Feb 11, 2014

I am having trouble figuring out the method to automatically update some fields in SubForm from 2 other SubForms.I have attached 2 pics, the first GradeEntry1 shows what the tblTopic_Class_Grade form looks like after I manually enter everything into it. GradeEntry2 is what the form looks like when I fill out the Form starting at the top.

I'd like the tblTopics_Class_Grade form auto-populate the TrainingClassID (it currently does this), TopicClassID, StudentID, TrainingTopicID based off the entry from the above forms.My end goal is that I need to have a grade for each student on each training topic for each class. Like:


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