Subform With Data From 2 Tables.

Mar 9, 2008

Hi there (New to access design)

I have a subform (studentmodules) which should pull data from two tables (hea) and (hea courses).
Hea table contains the course code, title, level of study and award, Hea Courses contains the start dates, location, cost and tutor etc for each intake of the course.

When I enter data into the Student modules form I can type in the HEA number, and then have to choose the course title from a very long drop down list (which doesn't seem to work for some reason as values do not stick) and then enter the award and the level of study. I am able to enter the information relating to the course intake, and this automatically updates the information in fields relating to start date, coordinator etc.

How do I get Access to do the same for the HEA information.

Answers would be appreciated.

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Data From Multiple Tables In One Subform?

Oct 5, 2006


First of all, I'm kind of a newbie to all of this, but not entirely, bare this in mind please ;-) Also I'm from the Netherlands and my english might be a bit rusty, so bear with me if you please.... :-)

I'm having a problem for which I cannot seem to find a solution. Below I've outlined the situation:

I have a couple of tables up to now:


CustomerTable has got a primary key: Clientnumber
CaseDateTimeTable has primary key: Casenumber
CaseTechInfoTable has no primary keys.

CustomerTable only includes (apart from all adress info etc) the clientnumber field which is of importance in this case i think.
CaseDateTimeTable includes both Casenumber and clientnumber.
CaseTechInfoTable also includes both Casenumber and clientnumber. Only both other tables have Primary keys, and this one doesn't.

I've created a relation between CustomerTable - Clientnumber and CaseDateTimeTable - Clientnumber.
Another relation I've made is between CaseDateTimeTable - casenumber and CaseTechInfo - casenumber.

Now, I have made a form in which the name and adress data is fed into the database, in normal form view. Below these textboxes etc. I've created a SubForm in datasheet view in which the existing cases from the at that time selected/displayed customer should be displayed. At the moment only fields from the CaseDateTimeTable can be displayed, but I would also like to display some fields from, for example, CaseTechInfoTable in that same subform.

But how?

When I create a (sub)form via the wizard and for example select:
CaseDateTimeTable - clientnumber
CaseDateTimeTable - Casenumber
CaseTechInfoTable - Problem description

and display these fields in the subform as a datasheet, then the separate cases from each customer are not displayed. I have 5 clients in my test dbase, just about all of them have 2 or 3 cases associated with them. In the example above only the data from two clients is displayed and then only from 1 case each, not the actual amount of cases. So for example:

clientnumber 4 has casenumber 5 and casenumber 6. But only casenumber 5 is displayed. The same happens for clientnumber 2, he has casenumbers 9 and 3 but only casenumber 9 is displayed.

The strange thing is though, that when I create the same (sub)form in datasheet view, but only use fields from the CaseDateTimeTable all cases per client are nicely displayed in the subform.

Why? And how do I solve this problem? I need to solve it so that I can add data from other tables into the subform later on so a nice overview of certain important data can be given per customer per case, even before the case form(s) is/are opened.

I've tried making a query and base a form on that, but for some reason I can't get the query to display all my customers, let alone all cases associated per customer. In the past I have made another (smaller and simpler) database for which I also made a lot of queries. But now? Pff... I'm lost at the moment.


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Tables :: View Table Data On Subform?

Jan 1, 2013

i have a table that holds "course codes" with the corresponding Module title and module codes, and assessment titles and codes that are used in each of the courses, so I have a few records that will go against one course code. I have forms set up with subforms, with the same general details on the top of each as the main details, and each of the subforms giving different information. But, for four of my subforms, I need to pull information from this table with the module title, module codes, assessment title and codes. possible to have these certain columns appear across four subforms, and what is the best way to go about it, I was thinking of using lookups?

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Tables :: Datasheet View Of Table Inside Subform Not Showing Sorted Data

May 25, 2015

I have a linked table(tblxyz) having property set as ORDER BY ID DESC, ID is autonumber, so my table view gives me latest record on top.

Now I have a subform , where i am calling this Table.....

[Forms]![MainForm]![Sub_DisplayFm].SourceObject = "Table.tblxyz"

This gives me datasheet view of the table inside subform but its not showing sorted data

Interesting thing is it give sorted data view when my table is not linked and is in same access file.

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Subform Blues - Data Entry Setting Itself To 'No' & Requerying 1 Subform From Another

Dec 5, 2006

2 Subform problems

I have a data entry subform that is only supposed to show an empty record ready to be populated, and a display records subform that is supposed to show all the records. The subforms are both on the same tab of a tab control on my main form.

Problem 1:
The data entry subform shows all the records rather than a blank record. Something on my main form is causing it to show the records when it should not. Any ideas? The Data Entry is set to Yes.

To try to isolate the problem, I created a new form and added the subform to it where it behaves properly:confused:

I then added Me.DataEntry = True to the form open to see if that would solve my problem but it still sets the data entry to no.

If I have the properties box open when in form view of my main form, I can set the data entry to Yes and it works fine until I move to the next record of the main form when it resets to no. Teraing my hair out here.:mad:

My final attempt was to search the entire project to see if there is a "DataEntry = False" somewhere but there isn't. What is setting this property? Any ideas where I should look?

Problem 2:

After entering data in the first subform (data entry form), I want to re-query the second subform but I just can't get the syntax right. I have wrestled with the "Syntax for subs" document downloaded from (Microsoft MVP site) but to no avail.

My main form is called fdlgPrjDetails, the data entry is via fsubPrjCommentsUsersDataEntry and the subform I wish to requery is fsubPrjCommentsUsers.

None of the attempts below worked giving a cannot find control error.

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler


'DoCmd.Requery ([fsubPrjCommentsUsers])
'DoCmd.Requery [fsubPrjCommentsUsers]

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description & Chr(13) _
& Chr(13) & "Error in fsubPrjCommentsUsersDataEntry: Err 003"
Resume ExitHere
End Sub

Any Ideas?

Both problems have me stumped so I'll be grateful to anybody with a scoobie on this.:)

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Forms :: Display Data In Form As Select Record In Subform In Data Sheet View

Nov 11, 2013

i have a main form named(EMP) i have a subform named(SEMP)with EMPID i have an another form Named(SDetail) with EMPID i want to open form Sdetail with filter records for data select in subform (SEMP) ,EMPID field Subform SEMP in as datasheet view. i can open sdetail for selected records only

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Tables :: Linking Field Data Between Tables And Within Tables

Sep 26, 2012

Currently trying to build a database for customer management and order placement/tracking. Want to set a couple of rules so that if I for instance click yes of billing and shipping address the same that the database will automatically fill the shipping address with the data I inputted for the billing address in the same table.

The other issue I can see I'll run into is, I want to be able to select one of the company ID's (made up of a three letter abbreviation of the full company name) in the product ordering table and it will automatically fill in the rest of the customer data (phone, email, address etc) data into that form.

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Tables :: Two Identical Database - Importing Tables By Linking To Data Source

Dec 3, 2012

I have 2 identical database in terms of structure but it differs in data.

Basically I would like to import data from subDatabase to mainDatabase and ensuring that there are no duplicate records.

I have used the "link to datasource method" through importing the tables to have the "updating" function.

However, this method also means that the records in mainDatabase are also imported over to subDatabase which I do not want.

Is there a method to ensure that the records are shared/update one way only? (i.e. import from subDatabase to mainDatabase and not main to sub?)

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Tables :: Calculated Fields As Data Type In Tables - Calculating Total?

Apr 23, 2013

I am using calculated field as a data type in access 2010.

They are working fine.

However, I added a new field and now the final calc won't work.

I have Subtotal adding loads of fields together. Works fine.

Then I have a VATunit field which is a double integer, so enter 20 and my next field is VATTotal calculates the SubTotal + the VATunit by doing (Subtotal/100)*VATunit. This calculation is fine and gives me the correct amount.

The next field is a Total field. Which adds Subtotal and the VATTotal together. Howver, the Total is the same as Subtotal. It is not adding the VATTotal to it?

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Tables :: 2 Similar Tables / One Takes Too Long To Append Data

Jul 19, 2014

I have being playing with ms access but I really don't know much about it or databases in general.I have created a very simple database to gather twitter following/followers data for research purposes.One table (table01) has a field for the "boss" user (=the user who I gather data for), another field for "client" (=bosses followers or friends).Both fields are numeric and contain the users id's.In order to distinguish if the link is follower or friend there is a third field, called type which can be either 1 (=follower) or 2 (=friend).So the data would look like this:

boss - client - type
12345, 67890, 1
12345, 54321, 2

If user with user id 12345 had a follower (type 1) with user id 67890 and a friend with user id 54321...In order to avoid getting duplicate rows I also added a unique identifier which is of the form boss_id-user_id-type.So the above row looks like this:

12345-67890-1, 12345, 67890, 1
12345-54321-2, 12345, 54321, 2

That works just fine.For several reasons I also needed data of the form source - target.So I also made another table (table02) of this form.

67890, 12345
12345, 54321

In table 2 you don't need the "type" field since the position of the user id shows the type of relationship.Still, you need a unique identifier in order to avoid duplicates, so I added on with the form: source_id-client_id..So table02 lookes like this

67890-12345, 67890, 12345
12345-54321, 12345, 54321

Both tables also have a date/time stamp for each line.As you can see, table01, having also a type field is bigger than table02.The problem is when I try to append data, exactly the same data in both tables.Appending data to table01 is ok, while appending data to table02 (which is smaller, having one less field) takes a really long time, maybe 10 times as long as appending data to table01.To make sure that no query's are causing the problem I have tried first creating temporary tables with the data to be appended, no duplicates, nothing that would cause the database to make extra calculations and used a simple update query with no filters to append data.Still I get the same result, table02 takes a very long time to finish while table01 finishes in no time.

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Tables :: Data In Linked Back End Tables Not Saved From Front End

Jun 19, 2015

I have split database (B/E is in the SharePoint library, F/E has users on a local PCs). Sometimes, when I update/add data (does not matter if it is via form or directly in the table) it looks OK, but when I re-open the database, the data are gone.

Problem is that I cannot catch the moment when data were not saved (sometimes data are saved, sometimes not). I can point out this: if I re-enter the missing data, primary key continues subsequently, it looks like the data have never been entered. I tried to use script

If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False

on "On Close" form event, does not work.

B/E is linked by VBA code and it looks OK (no error, Link Manager shows correct path). I suspect interrupted connetion to the SharePoint but I don't know how to check it. I implemented VBA script co keep open connection to the SP but the issue persists.

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Tables :: Linking Tables With No Common Data And Different Numbers Of Observations?

Apr 15, 2014

I am doing a project where we are collecting home owner data and information on all the dogs in the household. The data for homeowner has an autonumber primary key because no field is unique or has been consistently collected. I am struggling to link the data for the dogs to the owners because an autonumber primary key will not work since not all homes have dogs. I need to have this set up so that people who are not tech savvy can look up each homeowner (or dog) and get the dog (or home owner) information. And to make things even more fun we need up to 15 potential dogs per household each of whom will have 18 different pieces of data collected.

It looks a little like this (and you can see my not matching ID issue):

Homeowner table
ID First Name Last Name...........Total Dogs
1 Max Maximus 5
2 Min Minimus 0
3 Mus Musculus 1

Dogs 1-5 table
ID Date Dog 1 Name Dog 2 Name .......Dog 5 Name
1 (Max's) 4/11/14 Bobby Billy Betty
2 (Mus's) 4/11/14 Jojo

Min will have no dog records at all, just home to link the dog's to the homeowners .

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Tables :: Keep Primary Key Consistent As Data Saved In Other Tables Will Use Field

May 1, 2014

i have 4 supplier tables with identical field names but different databases in sql.I want to have them all in one table and only want the information for reference i do not want to edit any of the data.I need to create a new primary key number for the complete table. The data will need to be refreshed as the data comes from MMS Sage looking at company PLsuppliers.

I have tried a linked SQL union view- but this has no primary key.I need to keep the Primary key consistent as the data saved in other tables will use this field.The overall goal is creating a Purchase order system and this list will be my complete supplier list.

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Moving Data From 2 Related Tables To 2 New Tables As An Archive

Apr 3, 2007

I have a form displaying the 11 fields of the parent/primary table using a selection from a combo box. I am using queries and vba code modules respective to form, combo box and command buttons. I have initial code that uses the two fields from the combo box selection to append same to a new parent/primary archive table. I now want to add to the append SQL the remaining fields to the parent/primary archive table. When I add the second sql string for the remaining fields to the same procedure and execute I keep getting 'null in primary key'. If I copy the primary record and paste same into the archive table it works.

Private Sub Command26_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Archive_Primary_Click

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQL2 As String

strSQL = "INSERT INTO ARC_289325045 ([Survey Point ID], [Survey Area Detail], [Date On Site]) " & _
"VALUES ('" & Me.cboAreaDetailDate.Column(0) & "','" & Me.cboAreaDetailDate.Column(1) & "'," & _
"#" & Me.cboAreaDetailDate.Column(2) & "#)"

CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError

'strSQL2 = "INSERT INTO ARC_289325045 (RecordID, UnitID, UserName, [TimeStamp], [Survey Point - Area], Measurement, NewArea, [EXIT Form] ) " & _
'"SELECT FORM_ID_289325045.RecordID, FORM_ID_289325045.UnitID, FORM_ID_289325045.UserName, FORM_ID_289325045.TimeStamp, FORM_ID_289325045.[Survey Point - Area], FORM_ID_289325045.Measurement, FORM_ID_289325045.NewArea, FORM_ID_289325045.[EXIT Form] " & _
'"FROM FORM_ID_289325045"

'CurrentDb.Execute strSQL2, dbFailOnError

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Archive_Primary_Click

End Sub

The next step is to do the same for the child table and append related records to the child archive table.

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Moving Data From 2 Related Tables To 2 New Tables As An Archive

Apr 3, 2007

I have a form displaying the 11 fields of the parent/primary table using a selection from a combo box. I am using queries and vba code modules respective to form, combo box and command buttons. I have initial code that uses the two fields from the combo box selection to append same to a new parent/primary archive table. I now want to add to the append SQL the remaining fields to the parent/primary archive table. When I add the second sql string for the remaining fields to the same procedure and execute I keep getting 'null in primary key'. If I copy the primary record and paste same into the archive table it works.

Private Sub Command26_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Archive_Primary_Click

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQL2 As String

strSQL = "INSERT INTO ARC_289325045 ([Survey Point ID], [Survey Area Detail], [Date On Site]) " & _
"VALUES ('" & Me.cboAreaDetailDate.Column(0) & "','" & Me.cboAreaDetailDate.Column(1) & "'," & _
"#" & Me.cboAreaDetailDate.Column(2) & "#)"

CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError

'strSQL2 = "INSERT INTO ARC_289325045 (RecordID, UnitID, UserName, [TimeStamp], [Survey Point - Area], Measurement, NewArea, [EXIT Form] ) " & _
'"SELECT FORM_ID_289325045.RecordID, FORM_ID_289325045.UnitID, FORM_ID_289325045.UserName, FORM_ID_289325045.TimeStamp, FORM_ID_289325045.[Survey Point - Area], FORM_ID_289325045.Measurement, FORM_ID_289325045.NewArea, FORM_ID_289325045.[EXIT Form] " & _
'"FROM FORM_ID_289325045"

'CurrentDb.Execute strSQL2, dbFailOnError

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Archive_Primary_Click

End Sub

The next step is to do the same for the child table and append related records to the child archive table.
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Tables :: Storing Query Data In Temp Tables

Dec 15, 2014

I'm looking into storing query data in temp tables for my reports run better. From what I'm reading, it seems best to have the temp tables in a separate db, and to break the links to avoid bloating of the FE database. I'm unsure how to do this with VBA, especially since my temp database will be password protected. When do I break the link - when I close the FE database?

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Tables :: Auto Deletion And Addition Of Data To Several Tables

Nov 28, 2014

In my Membership Database (Access 2010), I have a Table entitled [Foreigners] in which are stored the names of prospective members of the organisation and the name and ID of the Interest Group they are proposing to join.
When a formal Application to join is received their personal details are recorded using an Entry Form related to the main [Mail List] Table.

The current procedure then is to manually delete the entry from the [Foreigner] Table and finally to record their Interest Group data using another Entry Form entitled [GroupMembers]. This relies on an operator remembering to do the necessary.

It occurs to me that this process could be automated. I wondered whether it could be entirely automated or would be best effected with a button on the main Entry Form, such that on completion of data entry of personal details the button would be activated to do the necessary deletion and addition.

The [Foreigner] Table is an entirely stand-alone table, having no relationship with the other concerned tables. The only common factor will be the Member Name, which in the main table is a concatenation of First Name & Surname..

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Creating A Query / Report That Displays Data From Two Tables And Total One Set Of Data

Aug 10, 2012

I want a Text Box Query on my form to display the Status, Workshop, Time, Enrolled and Limit. The problem is these values come from two different tables and the Enrolled value comes from a single field that contains the different workshops.

What I mean is: In Table[Attendees] a row contains a customer's Number, First Name, Last Name, Workshop and Phone Number. The workshops vary for each customer so one row on the table could have John Doe attending Cover Letter Writing and the next row could have John Smith attending Resume Writing. What I want is to be able to count the different workshops within the Field[Workshop] and total them and then display the total in a Text Box Query. I have a Text Box Query set up displaying Status, Workshop, Time and Limit as these values all come from Table[Workshops].

So basically I need to Query to also display a result that is the Total for each workshop from Table[Attendees] and display the total for each workshop in a Query with data from Table[Workshops].

Here is a link to an Example Database [URL] ....

I'm trying to avoid putting things on different reports and the like because the people using this are basically computer illiterate and if they have to click a button (no matter how well labeled) they won't do it and the information might as well not exist.

And if there's a better way to do it, I'm all ears. The only thing is, I have to update these workshops month by month. Since they are dynamic, I want to avoid creating separate tables for each workshop.

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Tables :: Changing Field Data Type But Keeping Data

Oct 23, 2013

I have a field in a table that is comprised of mostly numerical data but some records are text.

I want to convert this field to numerical only and make a new field to put the textual data in.

However converting the field will delete the textual data. What is the easiest way to convert the field but save the textual data AND append the textual data to the SAME record that they were in originally in the new field?

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Single Data Form Put Data Into Separate Specific Tables

Jan 9, 2012

I am new to Microsoft Access. I have built two entry forms for product release information. I have a drop box under the label customer for each specific customer. I would like for this form to send the data entered in the form to the customer specific table from the customer names in the drop box. I have tried to research and execute this myself thus have been very unsuccessful.

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Subform Data To Mainform Data

Jan 9, 2006

Would like to be able to update a text field on the main form with information from a dropdown box on a subform when the subform data equals a certain value. Would like the main form field to update as soon as the subform information is selected from the dropdown box.

Example (sorry don't have code for it)

Mainform field = Mytext
Subform dropdown field = Newtext1, or Newtext2, or Newtext3

If Newtext2 is selected on subform, I would like Mytext to immediatly show the value in this field (mainform/mytext). Do not want either Newtext1, or 3 to ever show in Mytext but want it to remain in subform field

It can either be on Lostfocus from subform or onupdate from subform, etc.

Whatever works best/easiest
Thanks for the help in advance

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Subform Data To Mainform Data

Jan 9, 2006

Would like to be able to update a text field on the main form with information from a dropdown box on a subform when the subform data equals a certain value. Would like the main form field to update as soon as the subform information is selected from the dropdown box.

Example (sorry don't have code for it)

Mainform field = Mytext
Subform dropdown field = Newtext1, or Newtext2, or Newtext3

If Newtext2 is selected on subform, I would like Mytext to immediatly show the value in this field (mainform/mytext). Do not want either Newtext1, or 3 to ever show in Mytext but want it to remain in subform field

It can either be on Lostfocus from subform or onupdate from subform, etc.

Whatever works best/easiest
Thanks for the help in advance

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Split Db: Data Being Stored In FE Tables, Not BE Tables

Oct 12, 2005

I have created an Access 2000 Db, and have gone through the motions of splitting the Db via the Splitting Tool. Since I have done this split, I have added forms, queries, and reports to the Front End. I have left the Back end table structures alone.

This is where my problem comes into play. To enter data into the Db, I use the forms. After splitting the Db, I assumed that the data would be stored in the tables in the BE. An issue had just presented itself and I went into the BE table structure to add a field to a couple of the tables, and when I opened the BE table in the datasheet view, I noticed that there were no records. I then became curious because when I run my reports and queries, the information is present. So I opened the FE tables and what do you know, all the data I have input since the split is housed in the FE tables.

I already attempted to Update the Table Links, but that did not solve the problem, and the data is still in the FE.

Can someone, anyone please help or offer some suggestions on how to resolve this dilemna.

Thank you in advance,


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Tables :: How To Merge Large Data From Two Different Tables

Jan 1, 2014

So I have two tables,

table1: (company_name, company_code, year_month, rating)
table2: (company_name, company_code, year_month, asset, debt, equity,...)

What I would like to do is to call up all the data in table1, and then call up (asset, debt, equity,...) from table2 where the company_code and year-month are equal. What do you think is the best way to do this? Keep in mind a few things:

1. I'm dealing with hundreds of thousands of data lines
2. I may need to get more data similar to table2 in the future and call it up in the same way

I thought I should create a primary key "company_code-year_month"for both tables, but that method doesn't seem like a good one, and if I were to have another table, will have to create the same primary key for that table as well?

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Tables :: Compare Field Data In Two Tables

Jul 10, 2015

I inherited a database that has two tables that are structured identical; one called tblcurrentdata and the other called tblpriordata. The user wants a report or export query that only shows records that has differences between prior weeks data and the current weeks data. The tables have 12 fields of data in a record per quote number. The user wants a query or report to identify the QuoteNum and any changes between the prior and current records. The table structures are as follows:




QuoteNum 12345 field 5 (prioritycolor) changed from red in the prior week to green in the current week and field 7(POC) changed from Scott in the prior week to Jonson in the current week.QuoteNum 23451 did not have any changes therefore does not need to be listed in the query/report Unmatched query doesnt work because it does not compare multiple fields. I tried to structure a union query and use <> in each field but got too tedious and didnt give the expected results.

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Tables :: Appending Data From Different Tables Into A Form

Dec 10, 2012

I have 3 separate tables with the following fields: Year; Name of School; Emis No. (Primary Key); No. wrote; No. passed; Pass %. These tables were created in Excel and imported in Access.

I would like to do the following (see table below): 1. create a form that would allow me to view all the data per school in datasheet view and also allow me to enter new data annually; 2. create a new table where this information can be stored
YEAREMIS NOSCHOOLNO WROTENO PASSEDPASS %2009109964Bhuqwini4012302010109964Bhuqwini6126432011109964Bhuqwini6422342012109964Bhuqwini

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