Subforms Editing Help

Sep 6, 2006

Okay, I am ready to throw this database out the window but I am so close to being done that I want to see it through to the end so I guess I will continue plugging away at it.

I have a Contractors form and Contractors subform. I have made the allow edits, allow deletions and allow additions set to no for both forms. I made a command button for editing the forms. In the command button I made the onclick event to me.allowedits =False and it works great for my main form but it isn't working for my subform. I am still unable to edit my subform.

I have searched this forum too and found people with the same problem and have tried some of the suggestions but I am still not able to do it. I have attached my database for you to look at and hopefully you can shed some light on it for me.



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Forms :: Lock / Unlock Form AND Subforms From Editing Data

Mar 24, 2014

I have a form with several subforms within (tabbed subforms). I've used the code:

In the Current event of the parent form -

Me.AllowEdits = False
Me.AllowDeletions = False
Me.AllowAdditions = False

In the Current event of each of the subforms -

Me.AllowEdits = Me.Parent.AllowEdits
Me.AllowDeletions = Me.Parent.AllowDeletions
Me.AllowAdditions = Me.Parent.AllowAdditions

In the Click event of the button -

Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.AllowDeletions = True
Me.AllowAdditions = True

So the main form is locked upon opening and unlocked with the click of an unlock button. How to apply this to the subforms as well. They just stayed unlocked the whole time.

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How To Link Subforms To Other Subforms On An Unbound Form

Feb 4, 2006

I forum could someone tell me:

I have an unbound form on that form I want to put three sub forms one on a products table the other on a course start dates table and the link table that joins the other two together. all three are related to each other with Pk/FK links.

When I try to link them it says you cannot link items on an unbound form.

regards in advance

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Editing When Used By Others

Jan 23, 2007


I've got a somewhat urgent question;

When i'm editing in my database other users can't open the database and when they have the database open i can't edit it.

Is there a possability where i can make it possible to enable me to edit while others are viewing, something like a developers database and a user database that update eachother?

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More On Editing Db And VSS?

Jan 26, 2005

Hi there,

We have a 2003 ms access db that has multiple users 24 hours a day. There are two developers and changes being made all the time to the front end which is on a server.

The ONLY reason we need visual source safe (IF AT ALL...see below) is to be able to make changes even though not in it exclusively. We used to be able to do this with access 97 but not since we upgraded. We get the message: you do not have exclusive access to the database at this time. If you proceed to make chagnes, you may not be able to save them later"

And we never can even if someone is not even in that particular form.

It says: use microsoft visual sourcesafe add-in for microsoft office access"

Is this JUST an addin or do I need the software? I'm not sure what to do and I don't think we need all of the features of the full version.

Could someone advise the best way or where to get what we need?


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Problems Editing Mdb

May 11, 2005

Evening all,

I used to program access db's many years ago but it seems that I have forgotten my stuff and need some help.

I have 2 mdb's. One labelled client and one labelled server. They have been copied from an old workgroup network onto a new domain environment, but the problem was the plonker that moved the data did not think about the impact of the database.

Problem I have is when I open the client mdb now, I get the front form but none of the buttons work because it is looking for a network path for the server.mdb which doesn't exist. To add to this I don't know how I can edit the client mdb with the new network path as it removes the bar at the top so that I can't switch into desgin view etc.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance,

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Editing Report

Aug 5, 2005

how do i edit a report

i'm new to access

i'm working with this database that will output a report(letter in word document) when the user clicks on a command button
i'd like to edit the letter but i don't know where it's stored.
could someone please show me how to access the report


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Editing After FE/BE Split

Nov 21, 2006

I created a database a while back. It was complete to my standards at the time. I split it FE and BE to protect the data.

Since then, I have made several changes on my machine to the user interface and some of the back end tables and queries.

How do I insure that these changes are seen on all the different computers on my network?

They only seem to exist on my personal machine.

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Problem Editing

Jun 17, 2005

i created a database to place in order my movies collection with 4 fields in a form. the problem is that when i use the form, and accidently change a record and after that i exit the database, it saves the changes. i would like to know what i can do so it won't keep the changes except if i press the save button on the form and also allow me to add more records ( i tried to lock the field but after that i couldn't add any records...). i am not much of access user so please be as descriptive as possible.thank you all!

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Editing A Calculation

Sep 28, 2005

I have a form that calculates the total cost. It also as an option to revoke the transaction. The code used is below:

=DSum("Cost","tblTransactions","OrderID = " & [ID] & " AND Revoked = False")

I have since added in the option to Discount a product. It writes back to the same table but I can not work out how to edit the code so it calculates the sum correctly.

New fields on table:

Discounted – Yes/No
Discount – Number

I have used this method before:


But how do I put it all together so I get the correct calculation.

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Form For Editing Only

Mar 24, 2006

I set my form in Design view to Allow Edits but not Additions, and when I switch it to (or open it in) Form view, all the combo and text boxes and buttons disappear (the background color and header are all that's left).

All I want to do is edit existing records through the combo boxes. How can I correct this?

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Editing Menus

Nov 16, 2004

hello everybody
I've created 2 menus using macros and everything works perfectly.
The 2nd menu has 2 commands and I want the second command of the menu to be "activated" only if a specific form is open.Otherwise the command must be in the menu, but not enabled. I also want to put a line between these 2 commands. Is it possible? Thanks in advance

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Editing A Table

Apr 2, 2008

I am using a form with command buttons to allow an administrator with limited Access knowledge to update certain tables. This is usually done by opening a form that is linked to the table and allow for changes. For one particular table, I would like the Administrator to be able to make the changes directly in the table. I would like for them to access the table with a command button. Here is the code I am using to update the table through the form. How do I need to change it to open the table and not the form. I tried changing the DoCmd to OpenTable and changed the stDocName to "tblStaff" but I received a compile error.

Your help is appreciated.

Private Sub cmdPermission_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdPermission_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmStaff"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdPermission_Click

End Sub

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Editing Combo Boxes

Jul 27, 2005

Is there a way to edit combo boxes? I'm trying to add a null value to a combo box.

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Editing Records In A Form

Sep 4, 2005

Hi all
At the moment I have a form which links to a table, one of the columns in the table is called "Description" so the user can input a sentence or two. Basically I when I open this form (in Edit Mode as Im using a Switch Board)it will not allow me to edit a current record.

I can edit a record in the tabel but not in the form.... :eek: .. help

Any help would be superb


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Editing Text In A Report

Oct 5, 2005

I have a report in an Access file that someone created for me. I have
NO real experience in Access, it was all done for me, and now I want
to do some editing.
What I have is a letter with "letter head" at the top (text box 1.) This text is centered.
The date (text box 2),then body of the letter follows in the main
larger text box 3. This text is left justified.

When our Principals change I need to change the first text box sometimes
this means there are more or less lines in this box. I have done this successfully, although I'm not sure if it was "correctly" I have replaced names, and made the box smaller to get it to wrap so there is the correct amount of text (Name) on a line. I'm not sure what I would do if I had a line that I don't want to wrap that is longer than the line I do want to wrap. but that is working for now.

The first thing I'm trying to do is put the date in the third larger
text box instead of a seperate box. To do this I figured I needed to
add a blank line before the first paragraph of the 3rd text box, then
enter the current date code. I tried to copy and paste the code from
its current seperate box and paste it into the third box, but then the
report only shows the code/no date and the following paragraph isn't
aligned properly since the only way I could figure to move it down was
with spaces. I tried ctrl/enter, and that just gave me some pop up
dialog box with some tools in it that I don't know what to do with.

The second thing I wanted to do is bold only part of the text in the
large/3rd text box.

Some how I ended up with some blank space between 2 paragraphs so what
I did to get the bolded text paragraph I want is add another text
box, bold it and place it on top of the existing larger text box, but
I always have to move the 2 boxes (3 if you count the date) when I
need to shift the text up or down for any adjustments I do in the
first box. Is there a way to only bold one paragraph of a larger text
I have tried different things, and I have searched "help" as they like to call it, but it is NOT!
I hope this is clear.
Susan G

P.S. I have tried different things, and I have searched "help" as they like to call it, but it is NOT!

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Another User Is Editing This Record

Oct 14, 2005

Hi I was wondering if anyone could shed any light on this problem. I have a new database going live in two weeks. My problem is that I keep getting a message telling me that someone else is editing the record.. which is an impossibility as it is a stand-alone copy on my hard-drive at home! How is this possible? Will this problem be solved once I have this database on the sql server and the tables has been upsized to sql? Also this database is to be used by up to 100 people is this going to be a problem?

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Data Editing Locked

Oct 19, 2006

I want to make a field where data can be enterred but once its saved cannot be deleted or changed in any way.

Anyone have any ideas how this can be done?:confused:

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Subform Dissapears After Editing

May 11, 2007


I create a form using a wizard, then I go into my subforms and edit it to look more easy on the eye. I save the form and close it, when I re-open the form it looks fine except that the subform appears as a blank white space with
Name Subform in top left corner of the sub form??

Whats going on

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Log Creation For Editing On A Table

Dec 7, 2005


I have created a table containing jobs that need to be done from my team (IT production). Each time someone start or finishes a job, he must fill a box that updates a specific row in the table. I want to log the time of that action.

Any ideas of how I could set this up in Access? I have tried the Now() function in the Default Value of the field End Time, but this is updated everytime I refresh the table

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Editing Hyperlink Field

Apr 6, 2006

Is there any way to edit the hyperlink field in my table, I'm thinking along the lines of an update query?

The database has thousands of records and the user has not typed any text into the 'Display Text' part of the hyperlink. This means that the stored hyperlink is double size because if no text is entered into the display text part then access uses the hyperlink string. This is a problem for me later on in the design.

I have tried a simple update query and this updates the display text as required but also loses the hyperlink itself, which I want to remain unchanged.

Any ideas?

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Editing A Calculated Field

Mar 28, 2006

Hey all,

I have come across a problem with my database that I would appreciate some help with.

I have added to an existing table by creating a query with calculated fields (calculated from fields in the original table).
However, a few values in the calculated fields result in "error" or are null, this is due to the values in the original fields.

I have been given default values to substitute in for these error values, but I have found that I am unable to "edit" cells in a calculated field. (i.e. just trying to type a value in, replacing the "error").

Does any body know how I could go about putting these values in?

Or is it just a case that as they are known (not calculated), then they have to be included in the original table?
If so, how would I go about getting the calculated and non-calculated values in the same field?

Any help will be appreciated,

Thanks all,

Matt. :confused:

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Editing Query Results

Apr 10, 2006

I understand that trying to edit a query from multiple tables will not work as the link to the record is "broken". However, is there a way to filter a table and edit the results in a form view. In other words my table holds data for 42 supervisors. I would like to get a form view of the particular sup that is signed in. I can get the results into a form but the records appear to be locked. The Record lock feature to the form is set to "No Locks".

any ideas would be greatly appreciated


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Query Results Editing

Apr 27, 2006

hello. i have a database form which, through combo boxes, allows a user to enter variables and print their desired data in table form. the database searches a table that contains a lot of data. for example, you can find the number of people that speak specific languages in a certain country.

anyway, there are a lot of languages in my table and i do not have data for each specific language. what i want is the query to print only those columns from the table (that relate to the specific chosen country) containing data. if i use the IS NOT NULL command, every time a row does not contain a value, that entire entry is not printed.

anyone have any ideas? is what i want to do even possible in access? any help is much appreciated.

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Editing Information From A Query

Nov 9, 2007

I have 3 separate pages that display information from 3 separate queries, all from the same table.Queries 1 is on page 1Queries 2 is on page 2Queries 3 is on page 3My problem is I can't edit the information and I cant figure out how to make it editable. From what I read it should be. Can anybody help me?

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Editing Locked Fields

Feb 22, 2005

I have a form with a lookup, which when a product code is entered, the description automatically appears.

This is fine 99% of the time, but occasionally an unusual product needs to be added or the description slightly changed.

Is there a way around this problem, as when using the lookup, this field is then locked and cannot be edited at all



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