I am familiar with databases and basic SQL, but never used Access, so your help is greatly appreciated!
What I *think* I need to do here is take the results from one query, subtract another query from that, then create a table of the results, so that I can make a chart in a report. I say that I *think* I need do that because I’m not confident that this approach is the best but that’s a whole other story...
Please look at the following tables below for an example. The Item table has ItemCode as a primary key. The Bids Table has multiple rows for each ItemCode showing bids for the item:
Item Table
ItemCode Date Address
JH231 2008-Feb-20 123 Test St.
KH831 2008-Feb-21 512 Test St.
To make a pretty graph, I would like a table (so a query, or macro, or VBA or something?) that returns the minimum Amount for an ItemCode subtracted from the maximum Amount for an ItemCode based on the example above. What I would end up is something like this:
ItemCode Difference Between Maximum and Minimum
JH321 250
KH831 80.00
I hope this is clear. Any help on how to do this from you Access pros would be great, OR if I’m taking the wrong approach, suggestions on what I should try next. Thanks!!!
I have a field called DATE_END_DEERS which is in a format of YYYYMMDD (20060530). I need to run a query that shows 6 months subtracted from this date. I can never get an answer that is even close. Can someone please help? ACCESS2000.
Hello Everyone,I have a query where I am trying to pull records where the user took a class that is 2.5 years old or newer based on their license expiration date. Can someone tell me what I'm missing/doing wrong?SELECT tblCE_Details.LIC_NUMBER, tblCE_Details.Course_Code, tblCE_Details.Course_Date, sociwork1.expirat_dtFROM Sociwork1 INNER JOIN tblCE_Details ON Sociwork1.LIC_NUMBER = tblCE_Details.LIC_NUMBERWHERE (tblCE_Details.LIC_NUMBER = Forms![SW form]!SLIC_NUMBER) AND tblCE_Details.Course_Date >= (sociwork1.expirat_dt - Month(30))ORDER BY tblCE_Details.Course_Date;Thanks,Crhodus
I'm creating a sales system that allows customers to place orders using a customer account. when a customer completes an order the number items in the order needs to be subtracted from the stock numbers of each of those items stored in the system.
What I have so far is zipped and attached,
The way my system works should be easy enough to understand, there are four linked tables that store information on customers, products and orders. What I'm really struggling to understand is how to take the values in the records in the Invoice-Product table and take them away from the stock numbers for the products in the products table. But only new orders should take away from the stock number when a new order is placed.
If possible I also need to be able to add stock numbers for example if a delivery comes in, and if it's similar enough could that also be done here?
I'm trying to do a calculation in access that will allow a user to receive a discount in one field and show the results in another. The form looks like this. Having a hard time figuring out the line total. It's giving me a the wrong amount. The employee discount is $.20 and the price is $2.27 for example.. Thanks
Bound text box [UnitPrice] - Bound text box [EmployeeDiscount] x Bound text box [Quantity] = Bound text box [LineTotal]
Hi, I have a data base that is used to keep track of stock level. When i issue a stock item and move to the next record I would like the stock level to be reduced by 1, any ideas.
My new job requires me to use access so I'm learning as I go. :confused: I have already used previous threads from this forum to answer another problem I encountered. Thanks for providing this forum to the public!
I am attemping to run a query that will subtract military time. (I am not allowed to change the format of the times in the original tables. )
I found the following code on this site in a search for a method to subtract two dates ie [Startdate] and [EndDate] and display the result as a whole number. ie 2, 6 etc. This code finds the difference but displays the results as 1 year 5 months 2 days, where I need the equivalent as 17. Can this code be modified to produce the desired result and if so how would I go about it. Thanks for the help.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit
Public Function getTimeElapsed(StartDate, Optional EndDate As Date) As String On Error GoTo Err_Handler
If IsNull(StartDate) Then getTimeElapsed = "No startdate" Exit Function End If
Dim YY As Integer Dim MM As Integer Dim DD As Long
' use current day if EndDate is not supplied, ' + 1 makes both days inclusive. EndDate = IIf(EndDate = 0, Date, EndDate) + 1
MM = DateDiff("m", StartDate, EndDate) DD = DateDiff("d", DateAdd("m", MM, StartDate), EndDate)
' recalculate if DD is negative. If DD < 0 Then MM = MM - 1 DD = DateDiff("d", DateAdd("m", MM, StartDate), EndDate) End If
YY = MM 12 ' integer division. MM = MM Mod 12 ' remainder.
getTimeElapsed = YY & IIf(YY < 2, " year ", " years ") & _ MM & IIf(MM < 2, " month ", " months ") & _ DD & IIf(DD < 2, " day", " days") Exit Function
I have fields that are time formated 99/99/99" "00:00;0;_ and I want to subtract them.
I need to get the results in two forms; first in Days and second in Hours. I have used the obvious subtract one from the other and it gives me days in a rounded numbeer, but the hours is not working out.:confused:
I am looking to subtract number inside the same field. and then return the difference to a new field (column). This data is used to generate a graph and the this is currently done by hand. I know there has to be an easier way to do this.
Below is an example of what I am looking for.
I have a table called Numbers, and fields or columns called...
So what I am doing is subtracting row two from row one. The difference is then put in another field(column) in row one. The process repeats, row three from two, four from three, five from four, etc, etc. This occurs for hundreds of rows.
Is there a SQL statement that can do this? Your help is much appreciated!!!
My form consists of a textbox with a selected date. I have a combo box with integers 1-15. I have a table with 15 people and their birthdays.
I am trying to find the birthdays after a selected date by the integer selected in the combo box. For example, if I select 2/1/2013, and pick 7 in the combo box, the subform should show me people with birthdays 2/1 through 2/8.
I have a query with a datediff function. This is my query expression Expr1: DateDiff("d",[DateofBirth],[Forms]![Calendar]![Text1]) The criteria is <=[Forms]![Calendar]![Combo3].
It displays some data, but it's not consistent at all. I'm hoping to fix this without any SQL changes or form code. But if that's what I need, I'll do it.
I am having a problem, probably due to my inexperience with Access. Here is the seniero:
-I have a form/table set up for operators to enter numbers on a daily basis. -I am setting up queries/reports to display not only the entered data, but also calculated values from the entered values --I have no idea on how to subtract a previous day's value from today's value and report that value. - Since Access gives no "ownership" to any value I do not know how to reference yesterday's value in today's calculation.Any Ideas?
hi, i've been trying to find a solution to this problem but i can't seem to get my head around it. i have searched through the forums but found all the threads to be confusing although it probably is simple.
im a doing a project for a2 for a trailer tent company
got 2 tables where the problem lies in order stock
they only sell one trailer tent to a customer when a trailer tent is sold, i want to update no in stock in stock table i.e. trailer tent sold --> "no in stock"field for that particular trailer tent goes down by one. I would like the user to be able to change stock level any time as well so don't want it to be fully automated
sorry if i'm not making it clear, not really sure how to explain it
Hi I have two fields one which represents the time participants went to sleep, one when they woke up however I dont have any dates - it refers to what they do usually. Is it possible to minus sleeptime from waketime to determine duration of time in bed without dates? Or do I assign dummy dates to use date diff function?
I have an Access query which has 2 fields 'Sent Date' and 'Return Date'. Sent date is input by the user when they return an item for repair, return date is input by the user when the item is sent back to us from repair. What I need is a 3rd calculated field which will work out the number of days the item was away for repair. I have included the 3rd column 'Repair Duration' but I don't know how to type the formula in the query to work this out.
I have a query with years and sales column. I need to make a column that displays the difference in sales between years. My query is named "Qry" if that is needed. "Year" and "Sales" are the column titles if you need that for the SQL.
I'm trying to create an expense report based off two tables. I have a table for Bouts, and a table for Bout transactions. In the Bout transaction table there is a field that specifies whether the transaction is an expense or a revenue.
I'm trying to create a report that will split the transactions out by expenses and revenues, then in the summary show the total income, (income - expenses.) I have the report formatted, but I'm not sure how to get the grand total.
I currently have the report laid out as such:
Bout Name
Sample Revenue 1 $100 Sample Revenue 2 $50
Revenue Total: $150
Sample Expense 1 $100
Expense Total: $100
Net Total: (I would like to subtract the 150 from 100 here)
Is it possible to perform calculations across 2 adjacent rows in SQL?
At the moment, I have a running count that tracks the number of updates that go into our database against a specific JobID.
Is it possible to subtract the running count for a previous update from the current update.
For example, I would like my resulting table to end up looking like this
JobID Time Updates Since Last Update 1 10:10:00 1 1 1 10:30:45 3 2 1 11:15:10 9 6
In this example, the Since Last Updates should be found by subtracting the Updates at 10:10:00 from the Updates at 10:30:45 giving 2 and the Updates at 10:30:45 from 11:15:10 giving 6. It would continue like this for as many rows of data have the same JobID (which could be several hundred!)
What I would then like to do is use the 'Since Last Update' number to display only those updates that are applicable to a certain Time, perhaps using Select Top in SQL.
Am I approaching this from the right direction, or would it perhaps be better to try to do this using Time, as this will always be unique?
Jus thought I'd offer this code to the forum as spent a long time finding a suitable solution..
SELECT DischargeTime.ID, [Arrival Times].ID, [Arrival Times].[A&EArrivalDate], [Arrival Times].[A&EArrivalTime], DischargeTime.[Date of outcome], DischargeTime.[Time of outcome], DateDiff("d",[A&EArrivalDate],[Date of outcome]) AS DateDifference, [Time of outcome]-[A&EArrivalTime] AS TimeDifference, IIf([DateDifference]>=1,([DateDifference]*(1/24)*576)+[TimeDifference]*(1/24)*576,([DateDifference]*(1/24)*576)+[TimeDifference]*24) AS hours3 FROM DischargeTime INNER JOIN [Arrival Times] ON DischargeTime.ID = [Arrival Times].ID;
Basically I had an admission date and in a seperate box an admission time and then I had a discharge date and discharge time again in seperate boxes. The information was spread over two tables hence the join. How I solved the problem was by gaining both the days difference between and then the difference in hours and then I created an iff function and played around with it till it worked. Dont really know how i got it working in the end but it does so hopefully this code will save some1 alot of time!
(I know that if id shown my dates as date/time in 1 box the problem would have been much easier solved, however I dont personally like displaying dates and times that way especially when you have inexperienced people entering data)
Find below a result from the query
DischargeTime.IDArrival Times.IDA&EArrivalDateA&EArrivalTimeDate of outcomeTime of outcomeDateDifferenceTimeDifferencehours3 1119/06/200715:0420/06/200712:00103:0420.93