Sum Produces Negative Number - I Want Positive

Jul 2, 2005

What is the format to change the negative to a positive when:


Text box in report

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Queries :: Convert String To Positive / Negative Number

Feb 24, 2015

I have an expression that converts a string to positive/negative number. It seems to be working fine, however, it doesn't convert "00000000001}" to -10. It shows as 10.

This is the formula that I am using in my query:

PJUNAccrual: IIf(Right([PJ_ACCRUAL_ADJ_X],1) Between "J" And "S",-1,1)*(Val([PJ_ACCRUAL_ADJ_X])/IIf(IsNumeric([PJ_ACCRUAL_ADJ_X]),100,10)+(IIf(Right([PJ_ACCRUAL_ADJ_X],1) Between "A" And "I",(Asc(Right([PJ_ACCRUAL_ADJ_X],1))-64)/100,0))+(IIf(Right([PJ_ACCRUAL_ADJ_X],1) Between "J" And "S",(Asc(Right([PJ_ACCRUAL_ADJ_X],1))-73)/100,0)))*100

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Queries :: Purchase Order - Negative To Positive Number

Aug 14, 2014

This query tell me what quantity I am short of to make a part

diffqty: [StockQty]+[OnOrderQty]+[PendingQty]-Sum([OrderQty]*[ProductQty])

This will return a negative quanity iE -200

what I then would do is copy that to a purchase order but remove the negative sign can this can the formula be changed in anyway to give the positive number .

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Convert Positive Number To Negative Number

Nov 22, 2011

This has to be a simple way to convert a positive number to a negative number. For example, convert 5 to -5. The field is quanitity and I wanted to convert to negative number. I tried to use negative = "-" & [quantity] but it doesn't work.

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Forms :: Textbox With Exclamation Mark If Value Is Negative Or Actual Number If Positive

Nov 5, 2014

Is it possible to format a textbox such that a negative value doesn't show numerically but in some other form (like a cross or exclamation mark from the Wingdings font, for example?)

I have a couple of textboxes which take their values from a function. The function is designed to return a long integer value which should always be greater than or equal to zero (the function counts the number of outstanding e-mails in a given Outlook folder, hence it should always be zero or higher)

However, as part of my error handling, if the function can't connect to the Outlook folder for whatever reason (for example, if the user does not have the appropriate permissions, or they do not have it mapped etc.), then it returns -1 (so I have some sort of value to identify a fail)

So currently, if such an error occurs, my textbox(es) will show -1 (and I can use conditional formatting to highlight this)

But it would be nice if it showed an "X" or "!" instead, and only showed the numerical value for 0 or positive. Is this possible?

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Tables :: Convert Positive Number To Negative Based On Another Field In A Table

Jun 1, 2013

I am trying to create a table for income and expense [catergory] and would like the amount being entered into the [amount] field to have a negative or positive value on entering based on the category chosen.

so in my table I have

[catergory] which is chosen from a look up table ( which is either an INCOME or EXPENSE )
[amount] which is entered in the next field ( which has to return a positive or negative value based on the catergory choosen upon entering the data)

I would like to go one step further and indicate this negative value in red is possible in my FORM.

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Positive And Negative Amounts

Dec 20, 2005

I need to make a coupel of statements that display the total (sum) of negative amounts and positive amounts from a single list of results which comtains both negative and positive values. The two answers need to be displayed in the footer of a report.

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Making Negative Numbers Positive

Feb 4, 2006

I have a query where I have some negative numbers (f.e. -403,26) which I like to make a positive (i.e. 403,26).

How do I do this??

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Separating Positive And Negative Numbers

Jan 24, 2008

I have a field on my report that contains positive and negative numbers. I'm trying to find a way to Sum the column twice for two different fields (one for positive sum and the other negative) To make this easy let me give a small example with explanation of the issue I am having. 14 rows of data containing positive and negative numbers in a field called [Rooms]:

1) -1
2) 1
3) 1
4) 1
5) 1
6) 1
7) 1
8) 1
9) 1
10) 5
11) 1
12) -5
13) 1
14) 1

The positive numbers represent confirmations, the negative numbers represent cancellations. I need 2 fields to separate these. The first field's control source is Sum([Rooms]). No problem there. Access does the math and comes up with "8" confirmations which is correct. Then in the second (Cancellation field) I try something like Sum([Rooms]<0) to get the negative numbers which should add up to -7 (-1+-1+-5), but instead I get -3 because it's not summing the values, it's really returning the number of rows that has a negative number. Is there any way this can be done at the ControlSource Property of a report field? Or if I could do a "Where" clause in a ControlSource I could acheive it another way, but I don't that is possible. Is this just something I'm missing with the way I'm stucturing the ControlSource or is it not possible. Or alternatively, is there a way to separate it in the query and have a separate query field for positive and negative going into the report. I can do one or the other in the query but I can't seem to do both without showing values of each type in both query fields.

Thanks for your help!

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Compare Negative Values With Positive

Jun 5, 2013

I am trying to to find a way to show all the positive values with nagative, in order words, if the value is 10,000 is should be followed by corresponding -10,000 so that the user could investigate if the entry is a reversible GL.

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Comparing Positive To Negative Values

Jan 20, 2014

I'm doing a bank-rec database, so on the one hand I'm comparing positive debits, to negative credits. How do I query to get, say, "Bank1 -$1000, Bank2 $1000"

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Reports :: Negative Numbers Show As Positive

Aug 28, 2013

I am trying to have a number that is negative hold its negative value but show as positive when it is displayed on a report.

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Queries :: Sum Positive And Negative Values In Same Field

Jun 18, 2015

I am trying to get sum "+" and "-" Values in same Field. I created new Expression Builder in Query and i wrote there :

A: Sum([tablename]<0)

of course it did not work.

How shall i update my expression to work this thing?

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How To Change Negative Total To A Positive One In Report

May 30, 2013

I have a report which is counting and totalling numbers, but in the numbers show as negatives - I need them to show as positives.I managed to change the total in one counting field to positive but I've forgotten how - or where I put the code....

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How To Make Negative And Positive Values Affect Queries Differently

Jul 10, 2014

I have created an Access 2010 Database for tracking inventory. As parts move to each location, quantities automatically subtract from the previous location. I now realized that some parts are destroyed.

The problem is the if I simply enter a negative value to indicated that a part was destroyed at one location, it appears as a positive value in the previous location. Is there a way to make negative values not affect a specific query?

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Query For 1 Or 0 In One Field According To Positive Or Negative Numbers In Another Field

Jan 13, 2015

I need to create a query in Microsoft Access to enter 1 or 0 in a field based on whether numbers in another field is positive or negative. Here are the details.

1 entered in a "late" field if "TotalHoursAheadOrBehindScedule" field has a positive number
0 entered in a "late" field if "TotalHoursAheadOrBehindScedule" field has a negative number

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Setting A Negative Number To 0

Jul 26, 2007

Hello all, i have a calculation in a report that sometimes results in a negative number. is there anyway to make that negative number = 0 or equal to a specific text?

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If Value Is A Negative Number, Display 0

Dec 14, 2006

On my "timesheet" for my volunteer database, I have a textbox called HoursRemaining. It's control source is =[HoursRequired]-[HoursCompleted]
That works great. Occationally however, the volunteer will complete more hours than required. Instead of displaying a negative number, I would like HoursRemaining to display 0.

Can this be done?


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Queries :: Display Negative Number As HH:MM

Jul 9, 2015

I'm converting minutes to display as HH:MM but have an issue when the number is negative. How to write this so I don't end up with a negative in front of the minutes?

Format([Variance]60,"00") & ":" & Format(([Variance] Mod 60),"00")

i.e. -193 gives me -03:-13, whereas I would like -03:13

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Question On Printing A Negative Number In Brackets: -5 -&gt; (5)

Sep 7, 2004

I want to print negative numbers in brackets without the negative sign:
-5 beccomes (5)
I am doing this on a control that I am summing on. Currently this is what I am doing in the "Control Source" field.
IIF(Sum([field]) < 0, "(" & -Sum([field]) & ")", Sum([field]))

This works, however, I would assume it is running the sum 3 times (I do not know access internals, I may be wrong and would like to be corrected).

Is there a way to do this using the "Format" field??

Thank You
newbie and learning

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Modules & VBA :: Order By Produces Duplicates

Jun 25, 2015

I need to be able to assign a title to a set of dependents that is not what they are normally called. As in, every dependent is either called "Dependent" or "Step Child", but I need to call them "Child1" "Child2" "Child3" etc, for however many children an employee has.

I have a function that does this, however, I need the oldest child to be Child1 and so on, but every time I add an ORDER BY clause to my sql, it duplicates the records. I confirmed this by adding the child's name to the end, and instead of this:

Child1 Martha (eldest)
Child2 Edward

I got:

Child1 Martha
Child2 Martha
Child3 Edward
Child4 Edward


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Format Of Field Produces Error In Query Calculation

Apr 24, 2005

I have a query that add up the numeric values in a value list assinged in a combo box in response to each question, the row source for question 15 for exmaple is as follows:

ROW SOURCE: 0;"I have no idea";5;"I indicated that I wouldn’t have time today";0;"Was mentioned early on and then not offered again";5;"The salesperson said the vehicle wasn’t available"

I then run a query that adds together the responses to 3 questions, including question 15, the field in the query appearing as follows:

LS5: ([q14]+[q15]+[q16])

It was working fine but has stopped working, the fault lies with q15, if I take it out it works again. So I looked at the table as I am sure it must be the way it is set up, why it worked before I don't know and I attach a screen shot of how the field is set up in the table, which is no different to q14 and q16.

Anyone got any ideas?

One last thing is that it makes no difference if the fileds contain a number (including zero) or are blank

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Forms :: Form Produces Error After Creating Query From 3 Tables

Feb 11, 2015

I have 3 tables:

BalanceID PK

GasID FK? not sure

ElecID FK? not sure

I created 1 query from all 3 tables, then created the form from that 1 query.Now when I enter data into the form and click to save it , it produces this error message:The Microsoft Database Engine cannot find a record in the tblGas with key matching fields 'tblMain_GasID.The tblGas does contain a field GasID, but does it mean that the field should be tblMain_GasID

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Forms :: Expression On Click - Event Property Setting Produces Error

Nov 24, 2014


The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Procedure declaration does not match description of event or procedure having the same name

Now this is the error message that I am constantly getting from any command button I hit on a certain form. Here is the code of the form.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public inputCSV As String, ORG As String

Private Sub CopyToTableBt_Click()
Debug.Print "Sub Execute calling ImportCSVForConfederation inputCSV="; inputCSV; " ORG="; ORG
ImportCSVForConfederation Me.CSVs, ORG

[Code] ....

I changed the names of the buttons, reconstructed the code under those names, went to the modules and changed names, made sure that a sub o function name is not duplicated in the project... But helas the error is still there. It used to work and suddenly does not work.

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Reports :: MS Access 2010 Report - Exporting To Excel Produces Blank Xls File?

Jun 27, 2014

My report (rptBilling_STS_Summary) has three subreports (rptBilling_STS_Summary_Install, rptBilling_STS_Summary_Rental, rptBilling_STS_Summary_LDRate) that return values that are grouped by customer and calculates a total for each customer.

I need the report to export to excel for our client but every attempt has produced a blank XLS file. I have tried every export method I can think of. This is what I have tried:

Export button from external data ribbon
Export from print preview
Export via macro
Export via VBA (DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptBilling_STS_Summary", acFormatXLS, , False, , , acExportQualityPrint)

All this has produced the same blank excel file... Very frustrating...

I have searched and found a lot of information on 2007 and it requiring sp2 but all I can find on 2010 is instructional information.

Update: I copied the database to my local PC and when I export the XLS file it opens in protected view.

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Reports :: Query Based On Linked Tables - Report Produces Multiple Copies Of The Same Record

Jul 22, 2013

My report produces multiple copies of the same record. I know why, but don't know how to fix it.


With a one to many relationship with TrainingTable (via employee PK as FK in trainingtable).

Training table has a one to many relationship with a table called Range.

Report is based on a query that picks up the Employee/Training/Range (range just describes the training unit).

However, If I have more than one range expressed organized a training unit, the report spits out several copies of the Employee record to display all the ranges.

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