Sum Function At Footer Of Form Rounding Issue

Jan 14, 2008

I am having a small problem when using the Sum function on the footer of my form. I am using the following:

UnitCost is a currency and UnitQty is a number

This is working except for one senario. Sometimes the quantity is a decimal. For instance, 27.75 X 0.5 = 13.875. It appears that when the sum is totaling this, it does not round up to 13.88 like I need it to. I also tried the following with no luck:


Any ideas?


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Reports :: IIF Function In Page Footer

Sep 27, 2013

I am struggling with building and If Then statement in my Report Footer. I have a report that pulls data from two tables...Students and Homeroom. This gives me a list of the students in each homeroom class and they are separated by homeroom. I would like to use a function in the page footer that counts the number of students who are members of our PTSA organization and then returns a percentage based on the total number of students in each homeroom class.

In the Report, I have on each page:

Page Header: Homeroom, LastName, FirstName, FamilyID

Details: LastName, FirstName, FamilyID

What I need is for the function to look at the FamilyID field and determine is there is any value entered. Then I need a count the total number of records in that homeroom and the total number of records with a value, so I can then get a percent of how many students actually belong to the PTSA in each homeroom.

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Problem With Rounding With DateDiff Function

Dec 11, 2005

Hi all

l'm running a query that has a field with the following formula;

[LastPayToDate]= In this case is 25/11/2005

To_Anniv_wks: IIf([Anniv_date]<[Forms]![DateEB]![NextEBDay],(DateDiff("w",[Forms]![DateEB]![LastPayToDate],[Anniv_date])),0)

The result returns 13. However l know the answer should be 14. Coz when l enter the information in excel l get 13.71.

l've tried using the round function with no luck. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Form Footer Like Report Footer

Aug 25, 2006

I have some reports which lay my data out perfectly.For example,Report headerPage headerDetailsPage footerReport footerNow, I'd like to have exactly the same layout on some forms but with various buttons, etc. for manipulating data.The only problem is that when I put something on the form footer, it appears at the bottom of the viewable screen area no matter whether the detail area should overrun or not ?Is this due to form size or something else?Ideally I'd like to have it appear right at the bottom of the form and allow the user to scroll down the form to see the footer.

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Queries :: Rounding Function To Always Round UP In MS Access?

Oct 10, 2014

I know the Round function exists in MSAccess, but what I need is one that will always round up, and never round down!

Easy enough in Excel, but I can't find one in Access?

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Tables :: Turning Off Rounding Function In Calculated Fields

Jan 22, 2013

Is there anyway to turn off the rounding function in calculated fields - I need to divide a currency amount by a whole number to calculate the number of full coin bags that will be needed (bags contain different totals according to the coin value) - a whole number.

Then the result is used to calculate how much loose coin will remain.

But regardless of the field type and/or the format, the number rounds when I reduce the decimal places to zero. I need the result to be the whole number and to calculate as the whole number.

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Reports :: Count Number Of Monthly Calls - Average Function In Footer

Jul 7, 2014

I have a report that counts the number of monthly calls. What I would like is an average of the monthly calls in the report footer.

My total for a particular month is =Count([Date]) and I named the unbound control MonthlyTotal.

This is in the DateFooter section of the report.

I then put an unbound control in the report footer and used the expression = Avg([MonthlyTotal]).

Of course when I changed from design view to report view, it asked me for an input of [MonthlyTotal].

I then tried =Avg([Reports]![qryLetterWritersbyDate]![MonthlyTotal]) and while it didn't ask me for an input, there was nothing in the ubound control in the report footer.

I have search for an answer, but all I find is using a query. Is what I am attempting to do possible? If so, how?

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Sum In Footer Of Continuous Form In ADP

Aug 16, 2006

I apologise if this question has been answered elsewhere but I have tried looking and can't find anything that helps.
I'm in the process of upsizing an access database to an adp front end and a sql server back end. One of the forms in my original database was a continuous form with some calculated text boxes in the form footer. One for example had the formula
which worked quite happilly.

I've now changed my forms recordsource to a stored procedure which works fine, however none of the calculated text boxes in the footer of the form work. I have read that complex expressions might not work in adp's and that I should use CASE instead of IIF, which I've done. I've taken the iif part of the formula and added a calculated field to my underlying query so all I need to do in the calculated text box is an =sum([aField]) but I still get a #Error.
Even if I do a =count(1) or something really simple like that I still get #Error.

Can anyone see where I'm going wrong?

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Calculation On Form Footer Help

Jul 22, 2004

i have a subform that has a field that has this (=Round([TotalHoursPoss]*[PercentField])*0.27) in the control source. the form is set to Continuous Forms. it then have a field in the form footer that i need a total of what ever numbers show up in the field from above. for example.


form footer:


but every time i try to put this "=sum([BudgetedNumberofSales])" in the field in the form footer it gives me an error.

any ideas of what i am doing wrong.


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Form Footer Calculation Error

Sep 6, 2005

I have a simple tabular form with the following:


The AfterUpdate for txtQuantity = Me!txtExtended_Price = Me!txtItem_Cost*Me!txtQuantity, which puts the extended price in the control.

In the FOOTER of the form, I have txtSub_Total. It's Control Source is:

As far as I can tell from reading, when placed in the form footer and used in 'continuous form' layout, this ought to give me the total cost of ordered items.

Instead, I am getting #error. Can anyone help me with this?

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Footer Not Extending In Form View

Jun 23, 2014

In Form Design, my form is fitting properly; however, when I select Form View, the form overextends as seen here:

Form View:

Design View:

The footer is not extending all the way in Form View. I've tried fitting to grid, resizing it manually, and a couple of other things.

There has to be a quick fix for this right?.. Forgot to blur out other Logo.

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Forms :: Sum Of Calculated Field In Form Footer

Mar 12, 2014

I have a form with three fields named 'quantity' (numberfield), 'service' (combo box) and 'amount' (calculated field with controlsource =[service].[Column](2)*[quantity].

I try to sum the amount field in the formfooter with =Sum([service].[Column](2)*[quantity]) but I receive an error.

Somehow it does not get the value for [service].[Column](2)

How can I do this?

The table for the form is called customer_detail

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General :: Sum (column) In Footer On Continuous Form Not Updating?

May 19, 2014

My form is setup with Continuous view, with data feeding from a table. The structure is straighforward (excel style). AgentID, workHrs, holidayPaid, holidayUnpaid, sickHrs etc. The structure is not normalized, and I know the risk. This is basically only for human interpretation, not really a structure that will cause instability or patched up working of the DB.

I have the continuous form view, so it can be viewed in one single display, I have placed a Totals at the footer, which is populated by nothing but a simple = Sum(columnName). This works great in most of the computers, except one. My boss's computer. Which is where it actually needs to work. I am baffled, because I have tested it on almost every single computer in my office, everyone's work. Just his computer is playing up. I am unable to pin point the problem. The status bar keeps going "Calculating..." but even after giving it a solid 5 minute it does not seem to work !

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Forms :: Preventing Decimals From Rounding In Form Display

Mar 26, 2013

I have created an Access 2007 database that uses a form for data entry. While the data is stored on the table exactly as entered, the data entry form rounds up and only displays the whole number.

In the properties of that form field, I have the format as fixed, with decimal places as set to 1 and is visible. However, the number still rounds. What do I need to do differently to make the number display as entered on my data entry form?

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Forms :: Continuous Form - Calculated Total Field In Footer?

Apr 6, 2013

I have a form that is displayed continuously and there is a text field in it (Text12).In the footer of this form I would like to add a textbox that is the sum of all Text12's on the form.I tried =Sum([Text12]) in the textboxes control source but that is just displaying an error when I run the form.

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Forms :: Sum Field Values In Form Footer Returns Error

Oct 22, 2013

On a form I have the following field:

Name: PaymentsMade
Control Source: =DLookUp("SumOfPrePaymentValue","qryInvoicePrepaym entSum","InvoiceId = " & [InvoiceId])

In the form's footer I have the unbound text control:

Name: SumOfPaymentsMade
Control Source: =Sum([PaymentsMade])

SumOfPaymentsMade returns #Error

How do I get it to return the sum of PaymentsMade?

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Reports :: Footer To Bottom Of Page Or Page Footer To Last Page Only

Oct 23, 2014

I am trying to create an invoice report. I want to add all the costs from the detail section in my footer. I have accomplished this in either the Report footer and/or the page footer, but the problem is that the report footer doesn't go to the bottom of the page, and the page footer doesn't go to just the last page. I have tested a bunch of suggestions that don't seem to work.

1. Print page footer with Report header = NO - only works if your report is two pages or more.

2. Private Sub PageFooterSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If Page = Pages Then
Me.[TextBoxName].Visible = True
Me.[TextBoxName].Visible = False
End If
End Sub

The Page functions worked, but it did not change the results from page to page. If it was a two page report, then the if statement is false and the text box was not visible on page 1, but it also was not visible on page 2.

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Report Footer

May 20, 2007

How do I print a different page footer on different pages? Please help.

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Footer Calculation

Aug 22, 2007

Hello. I think is going to be very challenging for someone to assist with. In Access 2003. I hope this makes sense.

In a grouped(?) footer of a report I have the following calculations in text boxes, and they are working well:

Column1: =Sum([pays])
Column2: =Sum([fuel])
Column3: =Sum([osa])
Column4: =(Count([fit(i)])+Count([ag(i)])+Count([azg(i)])-Count([loc_id]))/4
Column5: =Sum([pays])+Sum([fuel])+Sum([osa])+(Count([fit(i)])+Count([ag(i)])+Count([azg(i)])-Count([loc_id]))/4

Column5 is the grand total of columns 1-4

In the report footer I have the following calculations going on, and they are working well:

Column1: =Sum(Abs([main Zone]=1)*([pays]))
Column2: =Sum(Abs([main Zone]=1)*([fuel]))
Column3: =Sum(Abs([main Zone]=1)*([osa]))
Column4: (blank)
Column5 (blank)

My problem is this: I would like Columns 4&5 of the grouped area to carry to Columns 4&5 of the report footer. I can get Columns 1-3 to carry to the report footer, but not Columns 4&5. Again, Column5 being the grand total for that zone. If I try to combine the count expression with Sum(Abs(... expression, I get 'Cannot Aggregate...

Thanks in advance.

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Jan 8, 2007

In My Table I Want To Type A Number (4.2) But I Cant Get Access Not To Round That To (4.0) Any Suggestions

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Feb 12, 2008

I am trying to write a query, it needs to multiply 2 numbers from separate columns, then, I need it to Round the value UP to the nearest 0.25? Does anyone know how to write this formula in a query?

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Feb 9, 2005

I am having some problems with rounding numbers. I have a DB using forms and i want the user to enter a weight and it rounds to the nearest half KG, so either ?.5 or ?.0 depending on what the number is. I know i can enter a range check in the table validation or say => 5 AND <= 10 but i am stuck on the rounding validation. I think this must be enterd into the text box of the form but as to what the syntax would be i am lost.


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Jan 8, 2007

I Want To Type 4.2 And Access Is Rounding It To 4.0...ive Tried Changing The Format To General Or Fixed But I Cant Get Access Not To Round

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Rounding Up

Jul 23, 2005

Have the need to Round up to the next whole. If I have 1.2, I would like it to Round to 2. Is this possible? :

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Rounding Up

Dec 15, 2005

I want to round up to whole number based on U. the else needs to round up to the nearest cent. i.e. 1.64 rounds up to 1.65.

The first part works but I can figure out how round up the cents in the else part.
IIf([Item type]="U",+1*Int(+1*[Gross]*1.03),([Gross]*1.03)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Rounding Up

Oct 13, 2006

I have the following expression in a query. This gets the order due date takes away todays date then goes through a series of calculations to work out the period in terms of a number of months (Assuming they are all 4 weeks, wrong I know)

((((([Blanket_One]![Due Date]-Date())/7))*5)/20)

My problem is fairly simple I think. I need the output from this expression to always round up to the nearest whole number.

Example (1.0009 would round up to 2)

In excel I can use the function Roundup, is there an equivalent in Access?


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