Sum Of Subform Field

May 21, 2006


Just to give you a bit of background to my database...
A job (project) can be created and purchase orders can be attached to it. The customer may pay for the job when the work has been carried out or pay in installments.

So each job can have a number of payments against it.

Here is my form:

I'm trying to get the 'Total Payments' box to add together all the payment amounts of the subform (datasheet) using =Sum([PaymentAmount]) but this comes back with #Error.

Anyone know how to do this?

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Forms :: Populate Subform Field When Open With A Subform Field

Sep 4, 2014

I have a form called frm002_PAF_MonitoringMAIN and on this form I have a subform called frm002_PAF_Monitoring. The subform has a button to another form for contact details called Contact_Details. The Contact_Details form opens with the details of the person who I have selected on frm002_PAF_Monitoring. There are some fields on frm002_PAF_Monitoring that I would like to be populated on Contact_Details when opened, like FirstName and LastName. How can I do it?I have tried on afterupdate event on Contact_Details below but those don't work:


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Filtering Field In 2nd Subform Based On Selection In 1st Subform

Sep 1, 2006

I almost have this form done.

I have a form with a combo box, and 2 subforms from it. When you select in the combo box (Group), it brings up the choices (Sections) for that group in a subform. Then there is another subform, that is supposed to bring up a series of questions that are related to the section that has been selected. The question field has a drop down to a list table, that has all the questions. Once the question has been selected, it stores in a Master table. The relationship is there. If you try to select any questions that do not pertain to the section, it gives you an error message.

What I need it to do, is when the section is selected, filter out the questions that pertain to that section, and have those questions be the only ones available in the drop-down list to choose.

I know that I need to have an After Update code once the section has been selected, but not sure how the coding should be.

I hope that someone can help with this!


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Filtering Field In 2nd Subform Based On Selection In 1st Subform

Sep 1, 2006

I have a form that is almost complete

I have a form with a combo box, and 2 subforms from it. When you select in the combo box (Group), it brings up the choices (Sections) for that group in a subform. Then there is another subform, that is supposed to bring up a series of questions that are related to the section that has been selected. The question field has a drop down to a list table, that has all the questions. Once the question has been selected, it stores in a Master table. The relationship is there. If you try to select any questions that do not pertain to the section, it gives you an error message.

What I need it to do, is when the section is selected, filter out the questions that pertain to that section, and have those questions be the only ones available in the drop-down list to choose.

I know that I need to have an After Update code once the section has been selected, but not sure how the coding should be.

I hope that someone can help with this!

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Populating Subform #2 Field With Subform #1 Field

Jun 1, 2006

I have a mainform. I select from a couple of combo boxes. Based upon these selections, it pulls up appropriate info in subform #1.

There is a field in subform #1 which I want to populate a field in subform #2 with (automatically).

What kind of "event" is this? After/before? I tried everything, nothing works.

Let's try these naming conventions:

Main form = mainform
Subform #1 = subform1
Subform #2 = subform 2
Field Subform #1 = fieldsubform1
Field Subform #2 = fieldsubform2

Help me write the code and help me locate where to put that code. It's been troubling me for a long time.

Thanks, I hope someone can help me out.

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Forms :: Copy Value From Field In Subform To Field In Main Form During Data Entry

Jul 18, 2013

How can I get the value from a field in one table (in the sub form) to copy/insert into a field in another table (in the main form) when adding a new record?The main form and sub form are linked using parent/child linking, and the sub form is in a tab.I have table A (Visit Dates) in the main form which is used to record the date of a visit to a church. Table B (Quarters and Peals) is used to record an event that took place at that church during that visit. Note that not all visits in table A require a record to be created in table B - but half or more do.

In tables A and B I have a field called "QuarterOrPealID" and these are both primary keys, though the field in table B is set to 'no duplicates' and in table A it's set to 'duplicates allowed', as table A has its own auto number/pk. They are both linked in the relationships.

So, when I add a new record to table A using the main form, I might then need to click on the tab in the sub form to create a new record in table B, which has to be linked to the same record in table A. When the "QuarterOrPealID" auto number/pk is generated in the sub form (table B), I need that value to update to the "QuarterOrPealID" field of the main form (table A), so that when I'm viewing these records the form pulls all the information nicely together.

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Modules & VBA :: Filter Subform Data - Only Show Records Where Field A Is Higher Value Than Field B

Oct 24, 2013

I want to filter my subform data, to only show records where field A is a higher value than field B.

Me.MySubform.Form.Filter = "A > B"
Me.MySubform.Form.FilterOn = True

This way it doesn't find field B.

Me.MySubform.Form.Filter = "A > " & MySubform.Form!B
Me.MySubform.Form.FilterOn = True

This way it seems to filter all record to the field B value of the first record.

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Forms :: Move Focus From Last Field Of Subform To Another Field On Main Form

Aug 19, 2015

I am currently stuck on set focus property. I have a main from with nested subform. I am trying to move the focus from last field of the subform to another field on the main form.

Customers(mfrm)....>Addresses(sfrm)...>Orders(sfrm Add)......>OrdDetails(sfrmOrders)

Now I have a field name [Securedesign] in frmOrderdetails and I want the tab order to navigate to field [CustomerID] in frmAddresses which is a subform to frmCustomers.

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General :: Update Main Form Field Value After Updating Field Value In SubForm?

Feb 12, 2015

I have a main form and a subform.

Both forms have the field called JobID in common.

Both forms have a field called JobStatus.

Any easiest solution so that After I Update the field called JobStatus in the subform, it changes the field called JobStatus in the main form to the value which was selected from the subform?.

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Lock A Field On Main Form If A Field On A Subform Is Complete?

Oct 24, 2005

hi, i would like to be able to prevent a user from being able to change a field (lock a field) in a main form if a field in a subform is complete. (the field in the subform is named: "new_weekly_base" if this is complete then i would like the field: "weekly base" to be locked on the main form. is this possible?, please help.

the main form is named: "SCREEN-MAIN"
the subform is named: "SCREEN-SUBFORM"
(the main form has a button on it which loads the subform.)

ive tried the below code but it doesnt work, any help would be excellent.

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If [NEW_WEEKLY_BASE] >= 0 Then

.Visible = True
.Enabled = False
End With
End If
End Sub

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Rowsource Of Lookup Field Dependent On Field Value In Same Record In Subform

Jul 6, 2014

I want to create a different rowsource-query for a lookup field (field1) in each record in a subform. The rowsource changes dependent on the value in another field (field2) in the same record. How can this be done?

- I tried to change the rowsource-query in an eventmacro when the focus is set to field1, but this ofcourse changes the rowsource for all field1's and makes the allready selected values unvisible.
- I think I have to include the value of record 'field2' in the rowsource query, but i cannot find a way to include that value in the query.

Something like:

Lookup field1 in the subform contains this rowsource
WHERE (CUSTOMER.AGE= me![field2]);
me![field2] however does not function

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Forms :: Data From One Field To Fill In Field In Subform

Nov 26, 2013

I am doing this all as a bound form

My main form got a field named 'PersonID'.

My subform also got a field called 'PersonID'

The subform 'PersonID' populates however the mainform 'PersonID' does not.

I just need to write code, or maybe do something that will copy the number from subform and paste it in the mainform field, maybe at the click of my save button.

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Set Value From One Field On Main Form To Field On Subform

Nov 2, 2012

I need to choose a value, which will be a number from one field (TaxRate) and have it update a field on my subform which also is a number (TaxRate)

TaxRate set subform TaxRate to value chosen

main form is named AddProducts and subform is named AddProductsSubform

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Modules & VBA :: Sum Of Field Of A Field In 2 Different Subform

Jul 20, 2015

I am trying to create a simple budget planner. So far, I have the following table:

tbl_account [id|acc_type|acc_name|balance|memo]
tbl_expense [id|exp_date|exp_amt|exp_acct|exp_payee|exp_type]
tbl_expense_cat [id|cat_name|cat_type]
tbl_income [id|inc_date|inc_amt|inc_acct|inc_payee|inc_type]
tbl_income_cat [id|cat_name|cat_type]

The relation now are:

[tbl_account:id] ---> [tbl_income:exp_acct] --> [tbl_income:id]
|_______> [tbl_expense:inc_acct] --> [tbl_income:id]

I have 3 subform on the main form:

I have set all them to continuous. Now I have added 3 account in the tbl_account.

I wonder how to SUM all the income of certain account, and minus all expense of certain account, and have them showed in the subform tbl_account.

Here is the attach pics: Untitled.jpg

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Reference A Field On A Subform

Feb 26, 2005

I have 10 fields on a subform. they are named value1 to value10 consecutively. I would like to loop thru them, and get their values to use in subsequent events. I tried the following to reference them...

Dim iLoop as integer
Dim fldVal as control
Dim ItemValue as string

For iLoop = 1 to 10
fldVal = ("Forms![Form 1]![Subform 1]!value" & iLoop)
ItemValue = fldVal
Next iLoop

I also tried a couple of other variations, but cannot get this **** thing to work. Any help would be appreciated.

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The Value Of A Field From A Subform Of Another Form?

Jun 22, 2006

I'm trying to link a form to open when a field is double clicked on the main form. When the form is opened it should open to the current record that is present on the subform.

In the opening form, I tried using a parameter query as the record source that references the current ID field on the subform. I think my problem is with referencing the value in the subform from the form that I am opening. I've read the FAQ for referencing to help me and so far this is what I've got as a parameter in the query for referencing is [Forms]![frmMainEntry].[Forms]![fsubWOArchive]![TrackingID]

The subform control on the main form is fctlWOArchive
The subform itself is fsubWOArchive

How do I get the value of the TrackingID field from a subform of another form?


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How To Update A Field In A Subform?

Jul 19, 2006

I have Form1 with two subforms in. They are both on subform1 level (not nested).

From one of the subforms i can ask the parentform for a value in a textbox on parentform: Me.Parent!Controlname.Value


How can i succeed updating a subforms textbox (called "textbox1"), when being on main (parent) form?

I have tried with this syntax: Me!Subform1.Form.textbox1.Value = "test"
Neither does: Me!Subform2.Form.textbox1.Value = "test" work..

Thanks for your help ;) I've spent hours with this one..

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Subform Field Setfocus

Apr 8, 2005

When I open the “FrmStudentEnrollment” form in the attached db and enter a license number in the License number field (this field is inside a subform) that is not in the db, the “FrmStudentInfo” form opens allowing student information to be entered. After entering student information in the “FrmStudentInfo” form I have a close command button to return to the “FrmStudentEnrollment” form.

This is where I need help! I would like, when returning to the “FrmStudentEnrollment” form for the focus to be on the “AttentDate1” field located in the subform “FrmStudentInfo”. I used the LicenseNo Combo Box NotInList VB from Northwind db but there seems to be problems here too.

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Forms :: Get A Field Of Subform

Mar 29, 2014

I have a Main Form. Then I have a SubForm that have other two subforms and a button.These button open a new Form.I need a field of the SubForm in the new Form.I try with these, but doesn't works. I thing I try all the possibilities but nothing:

Me.Id_Episodio = Forms!Paciente!Subform1.Episodio_Sub!Id_Episodio

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Add A Value To Same Field For All Items On Subform At Once

Sep 29, 2011

I am using Access 2000 to build a database of car parts, and the cars they are currently installed on. I can assign each item on the "parts" table to a particular car listed on the "cars" table (or to its current location if it is not on a car). I can look at the cars individually, and have a subform that shows the parts currently assigned to that car in a list. That much is great, and is exactly how I want it.

Here is my question:

One of the fields in the "parts" table is "hours." Every time I use a particular car, I would like to increment each of the parts assigned to that car with the hours they were used. Ideally, I would have a form called "Use Vehicle" or similar, and in it I could select the particular car from a dropdown, and a subform would show the particular parts assigned to it. Then, I want to either: a) push a button with a particular time increment (like 0.25 hours) OR b) just enter a value in a box, which would then ADD that number to the "hours" field for every part in the subform.

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Open Outlook From Subform Field

Dec 13, 2005

I want to open Outlook with the recipients name in the To: box by clicking on the email address held in a subform list field...

Any ideas?

Dave E

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Make Field On Subform Not Visible

Mar 17, 2005

I have a form with a subform. I would like to make a field on the subform not visible if a field on the primary field is null. Can anyone help? Thanks.

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SubForm Hiding Text Field

Jun 15, 2005

Ok this is a bit long winded and I will try to explain,

I have a main form, with a title at the top, then a row of buttons underneath and underneath the buttons I have a sub form.

Some of the buttons can have a dual function (or multiple function) so rather than open up another form I have hidden text below the button, so that when the mouse moves over the button, the text becomes visible. this gives the impression of a drop down menu off that button.

However I cannot get the text to appear over the top of the subform, it only appears behind it.

To give an example of what the buttons and drop downs are for, one of the buttons is a reports page, rather than open another form I can have a list of the differnt reports I wish to run (currently they are text boxes with an on click event).

any advice woudl be much appreciate and even an alternative to what I am doing if anybody has one.

Many thanks


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How To Require Entry In A Field On A Subform?

Aug 8, 2005

I haven't been able to figure out the code to require entry (for a new record) in a field on a subform - anyone can help with this?

The situation is a contacts database, and each new contact should have a (or multiple) Person Roles entered as well, which is their relationship to the organization.

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Subform Tab Control - Copy 1 Tab Field 2 Other

Aug 16, 2005


I have read through this forum and found some help on this but can't get it working.

I have a subform


Contains a tab control with two tabs

Activity Details - Persons

I want to copy the address field from Activity Details tab to the Address field on persons tab

Code for the on click even twon't work. Can't find errrors. I know it is because I haven't referenced it properly.

Me.txtpersonBuildingNameNo = Me.txtactivityBuildingNameNo

Any help :)

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Field/tab Order On A Form With A Subform

Aug 31, 2005

Hi all, i have a form with a subform, the main form has a field named: "shiftname" and i would like it so that when the form is opened the cursor is on that field but instead the cursor is on the first field of my subform. Ive tried changing the tab order on the main form (selecting form header, then shiftname) but this doesnt seem to work :( is there a bit of code i can use to force the form to open with the cursor in the "shiftname" field instead?

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