Summing Records Based On Criteria...
Mar 25, 2006
I am not sure if this possible, the methods I have looked up on the Internet take ages for the query to open but I'll give it a shot.
What I need to do is count (and increment) how many records are returned in a query for each person.
So if 1 person returns 4 unique records, in these records it shows 1,2,3,4 in each record.
The way i have tried is by using DLookup to check the next record and evaluate it using IIF but this takes about 25 seconds to return circa 50 records.
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Sep 26, 2005
Dear all,
I would like to seek your help on this problem.
I would like to do a search for my records based on 2 different criterias. If found, the function should just return a boolean value so that I can act further based on the boolean value.
The reason I'm doing this is that I have 2 similar tables that contains EventID and AttendeeID and these 2 tables cannot have the same EventID and AttendeeID. So before I can allow a record to be inserted in the 1st table, it must check that there is no record in the 2nd table that has the same EventID and AttendeID. If there is, then i cannot allow the record to be inserted in the 1st table.
The same thing applies when I want to insert a record in the 2nd table. It must now check the first table.
Recordset.find seems to be only catering to 1 criteria, not 2.
Pls help. Codes are most welcome too.
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Aug 16, 2005
I have a table that stores records by "return date". I would like to create a delete query that removes all records that fall outside of the date range entered on a specific form (frmMainMenu).
I can deleted the records that match the form criteria, however that is not what I need. The criteria used to delete the records was:
Between [Forms]![frmMainMenu]![from date] And [Forms]![frmMainMenu]![to date]
Let's say that the frmMainMenu contain the date range of 8/1/05 to 8/10/05, however the table contained data from 6/1/05-8/14/05, I would like for the query to delete all records that have a date 6/1/05-07/31/05 and 08/11/05-08/14/05.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help![/SIZE]
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Sep 20, 2005
Hello all,
I'm having some difficulty obtaining the answers I want from my query. I'd have been more comfortable using filters in excel to find the answers, but my dataset is too large in this instance.
I devised a query which I thought should achieve the results, but based on a subset analysed in Excel the answers are significantly different.
My table has about thirty fields, the query I've produced is this:
SELECT AH_orphans.Product, AH_orphans.Comments, AH_orphans.ESP, AH_orphans.[ESP Parts],
<snip, all other fields in table>
FROM AH_orphans
WHERE (((AH_orphans.ESP)="n") AND ((AH_orphans.FRU)="y") AND ((AH_orphans.EntitlementName) Like "*uptime*") AND ((AH_orphans.Account) Like "nation*") AND ((AH_orphans.Type) Like "Primar*") AND ((AH_orphans.[Is a parent?])="#n/a")) OR (((AH_orphans.ESP) Is Null) AND ((AH_orphans.FRU) Is Null) AND ((AH_orphans.EntitlementName) Like "*uptime*") AND ((AH_orphans.Account) Like "nation*") AND ((AH_orphans.Type) Like "Primar*") AND ((AH_orphans.[Is a parent?])="#n/a"));
What I'm hoping for is the subset which match the following conditions:
- ESP field is not "Y". Possible values Y, N, null
- FRU field is not "N". Possible values Y, N, null
- Only those records from EntitlementName which include the substring 'uptime'
- Only those records from Account which start with the subtring nation
- Only those records from Type which include the substring primar
- Only those records from [Is a parent?] which equal #N/A.
Asking the same questions in Excel I get around 1.5k records. If I use the quoted query on the same dataset in Access I get precisely 11.
Thanks for reading this far! If anyone can spot the flaw/s in my query, or indeed advise that I'm going at it completely the wrong way I'd be very grateful of some advice.
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Jul 10, 2007
i am querying a single table that contains card numbers and corresponding transaction codes (amongst other things). a single card number can have multiple transaction codes.
i want to select all card numbers that have both 0100 and 0802 transaction codes.
if i use a select query with ="0100" Or "0802"as the criteria, it returns all card numbers that have either 0100 or 0802 transaction types. if i then change the query to crosstab and group by card number, it is clear that some cards have both transaction types.
when i try to change the criteria to ="0100" And "0802" it returns nothing at all.
i'm sure the solution is something really simple - any idea what i'm doing wrong?
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Jun 3, 2013
I am trying to create a delete query that, for a given person, deletes records in Table B that do not have a corresponding record in Table A.
Here are the relevant tables:
tblStates holds StateID, StateName, and RegionID (RegionID is a FK to tblRegions).
tblPeopleStates is a junction table between tblPeople and tblStates.
It lists states assigned to people. It has 3 fields: PersonStateID, PersonID, StateID.
tblPeopleRegions is a junction table between tblPeople and tblRegions.
It lists regions assigned to people. It has 3 fields: PersonRegionID, PersonID, RegionID.
For a given PersonID, I need to delete records (i.e., states) in tblPeopleStates whose RegionID is *not* in tblPeopleRegions.
For example, pretend that tblStates shows that State IDs 1, 5, and 6 are all in Region ID (i.e., all have a RegionID = 10).
If Joe (PersonID = 200) has StateIDs 1, 5, and 6 in tblPeopleStates, but doesn't have a record for RegionID = 10 in tblPeopleRegions, I need to delete his three records in tblPeopleStates (i.e., the ones where StateID = 1, 5, and 6).
PersonID will be found on [Forms]![frmMain]![subform1].[Form]![subform2].Form]![PersonID]
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Jun 16, 2014
This seem to be simple for single criteria but i am not able to do it multiple. I want to restrict user to customer list they r able to see in form combo box drop down list.
users are in employee TBL
employee group criteria is in tbl_Groups which contains value Admin,Read Only, manager etc
employee r grouped through tbl_AssignUsersToGroups.
customer r grouped in customerType TBL. i.e class1, class2 etc
created EmployeesClassTypeRestriction TBL to store restrictions for employees
Restrictions criteria:
1-employee can view only specific class which includes all customers in that class
2- employee can view only specif customers in a class only.
3-employee can view only specif customers in a ANY class.
4- No criteria No restrictions and can view all customers in all classes( For Admin )
Tried to used Tempvar criteria in customer combo box qry but it works for above point 1 only.
Attached accdb sample also.
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Sep 21, 2015
I need developing a new delete query criteria to add onto existing delete duplicate queries for deleting duplicate values. I need the new delete duplicate query to take precedent over the other two so that those values retained in the first query are kept retained after going through the second and third delete queries. Attached is a document laying out the request.
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Nov 14, 2013
I am trying to sum the values in a textbox on a subform using a textbox in that subforms footer. Currently I have the textbox's control source to be this:
This isn't filtering the appropriate records and is instead summing everything.I want to sum payment amount only if the chkinvoicesent box is checked off. Is the proper way to do this with a Dsum? I wanted to do it with the sum because it is faster and more elegant, or so I thought!
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Jun 5, 2014
I have a report that I am trying to complete based on several queries. I am trying to count the number of records based on certain criteria and using the following DCount.
=DCount("[Calculated time]","IPG1","[Calculated Time] <= 0.04" And [Ship-to party] In ("SN00207PJZ","SN09162XXX","SN09324XXX"))
I want to count the number of IPG1 records that are under .04 and have the Ship-to party of the ones listed. I have tried everything that I can think of to get it to work but can's seem to get it to. I figure it's something easy but I don't see it.
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Aug 28, 2013
I have a table with Zip CODE field. I uploaded my information to this table form an excel file. There were over 120K rows of data so no way i could do this in excel.
So I found that some of the ZIP codes are either blank or have less than 5 digits.
Can I build a a query with the ZIP code field that will return all zip code records with less than 5 characters or blank. I'd like to repair these zip codes and a update query will be my next step.
I repeat excel is not an option because when I try to sort by the Zip Code column my computer explodes (okay not literally) ....
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Aug 24, 2015
I want to delete certain records based on the selected date. However, I come across with this is error - Run time error '3464' (Data type mismatch in criteria expression).This part is highlighted in yellow. I even used the debug.print to test out if the sql statement is executed properly.
DoCmd.RunSQL DelSummarySQL
Here is my full code
Private Sub cmd_Delete_Click()
Dim DelSummarySQL As String
Dim StartRange As Date
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Jul 31, 2006
I am trying to create a sum of a field called ec2mo where mopp is between 0 and 2 and then another sum when mopp is between 2 and 4, etc... I've tried a number of different things, but it doesn't seem to work - instead i get a single value for each field (i'm assuming because there are different values for mopp and many other fields)... I've attached the db with just that table.
Thanks very much for your help!
P.S. I'm not really at all good with using SQL so anything that can be done in a regular query would be most helpful!
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Oct 4, 2013
I have a sales form. The sales form has many Call, Meetings and Emails linked to each sales record. I want to total all the number of calls, meeting and email records related to the sales record to give a total- Touches.I've created 3 queries;
1 - Counts Calls
2 - Counts Emails
3 - Counts Meetings
These all work fine however when I combine them to attempt to count the results it doesn't produce the correct results.I have a second query as well (no pun intended).
I am trying to sum together a column that has values in Time. The results displays as a decimal. How can I have the result display as a Time i.e. 1:20 (1 hour 20 minutes).
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Jun 27, 2006
Hello Everyone,I am trying to perform a sum of records for the table belowSeatType| Ext rent | |Internal rent | Work Transfer 2 2VendorOther 2 3LOB BRF GTI BRF 2 5Displacement so that when I run the query I get the following followingSeatType| Ext rent| |Internal rent| | Total |Work Transfer 2 2 4VendorOther 2 3 5LOB BRF GTI BRF 2 5 7Displaceme What I mean is that from the first table how is it possible to get the results below. The query would generate a new column and place the sum of the data in the each row(record) in the same row in the total column. I would be really grateful. Have been bashing my head all day over this. PS I dont know any VBA. Is it possible without VBA?Thank you.
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Dec 29, 2004
Hello & thank you in advance.
I am fairly new to using Access and would appreciate any help.
I have a file with 50,000 records
Karen Shoes
Karen Sports
Karen Collectibles
Karen Cars
Bob Music
Bob Sports
Bob Cars
The results that I am looking for are a sum of the total category purchases by each name.
Karen 4
Bob 3
Is that something that I can do via Acces?
Thank you
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Jul 24, 2013
I have a query which displays sales and cash deposits for the day. I want a sum of all cash deposits.
So it looks like this..
Date________________Amount_______________SumOfAmou nt____________Exp1
17/7/2013___________$55___________________$55__________ __________$55
17/7/2013___________$22___________________$22__________ __________$22
I tried doing it by two methods.. neither of which are working.
In the Amount field, I put it as a Total: Sum. I also tried creating a new field which is an expression which sums up the Amount field. Neither are summing it and just displays the value.
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Jun 19, 2006
:confused: Hi everyone,
I have one table that I want to query. It's a basic table that contains:
1234430, 100
1234435, 200
1234435, 100
1264435, 300
1264430, 200
1154435, 100
1154435, 219
1294430, 983
2010, 845
........ so on and so forth
Now, I simply want to GROUP MyKEY ENDING with 4430 and 4435 into one line and SUM the AMOUNT, thus showing like this:
1234430and1234435, 100+200+100 --> (123 being the first common group)
1264430and1264435, 300+200
1154435and1154435, 100+219
etc etc.
i tried using simple sum and group by but does NOT work:
WHERE MYKEY LIKE ('*4430') OR ('*4435')
It does NOT ROLL-UP the 4430 and 4435 together.
QS: do i need to use VBA for this?
QS: do i need to have subqueries?
QS: please help?
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Mar 28, 2013
I have a report I am grouping by a category, and I want to put the total number of records in that category in a textbox in the group footer.
How would I go about doing this? I have searched high and low with no avail...
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Jan 4, 2014
I need to count records based on multiple criteria from two different tables. I have two tables (i.e. "tblTasks" and "tblTaskHistory"). The tables have a one-to-many relationship based on the "TaskID" field. "tblTasks" has a field called "AssignedTo" and "tblTaskHistory" has a field called "TaskStatus". I need to know how many tasks have been "reopened", the "reopened" status is located in the "TaskStatus" field in "tblTaskHistory". I need this count against a unique listing of employees which can be found in the "AssignedTo" field in "tblTasks".
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Mar 22, 2005
I have a small database with 4 tables that I am using for the current problem.
The tables are call, parents, mailman, orders.
Call and parents are related by the call ID (a primary key in the Call table.).
Mailman and orders are related by a Unique Id (a primary key in the mailman table.).
Forms involved are frmmain and frmsub.
Frmmain contains the call table information in the main form and parents information in the subform.
When a user enters a call with call ID and enters the operator name and parents information in the sub form,
When a user clicks the OK button on the main form, necessary changes should take place
if they enter the case type in the sub form part of parent information as ‘missing information’ or ‘missing link’ then the parent information with fields first name, lastname, case type, operator information should be inserted into mailman table in appropriate fields.
Simultaneously a record should be inserted into orders( after the record is first inserted into mailman, since both tables are linked with unique id) with the following information.
Orderid being autonumber.
Uniqueid from the mailman table.
Orderdate system date.
Ordertype should be “Mailman”
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Jul 18, 2013
I have a couple different reference files that get updated each week. Sometimes there are missing data elements, so I'd like to structure a select query to show me those records that have blank elements but I'd like the similar records to be pulled in as well, so I can make a determination as to how to populate the blank records..
See attached example: I have a client ID reference table that gets populated with forecast owner names (individuals responsible for the customer) from a couple of different sources. Sometimes there are names attached and sometimes the field is blank.
How can I structure a query to show me just those Client ID's that have multiple entries with blank AND non-blank forecast owners? I'd also like to exclude single/multiple records where there are only blank records...
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Mar 20, 2013
I have a report that gets its data from a query. I need the query to run before the report based on criteria based from two combo boxes on a form.
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Apr 17, 2014
I have two queries which pull fuel uplift figures by airport from a master table, each query for a separate airline.
Each record is made up of Airport, Fuel Uplift, Month and Airline. I want to create a query that will show each Airport per month with the total fuel from both airlines. To do this I've created a new field titled AirportMonth and then applied a JOIN command. This works to a point but initially only returns records where the same AirportMonth value appears in both tables. I can alter the join properties to show all records from one of the tables but I need all records from both tables. Below is the SQL I have so far.
SELECT JAFyr.Airport, JAFyr.Month, [JAFyr]![Fuel Uplift USG]+[TFLyr]![Fuel Uplift USG] AS Expr2
FROM JAFyr LEFT JOIN TFLyr ON JAFyr.AirportMonth = TFLyr.AirportMonth;
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Aug 18, 2005
I have table with filed with jobs that our IT’s have done for that day, the table is updated daily, based on my table I have created my query, I have set some criteria for some fields though, as follow:
Month = [Forms]![DailyWorkForm]![commonth]
Year = [Forms]![DailyWorkForm]![comyear]
ITName = [Forms]![DailyWorkForm]![comit]
Day = [Forms]![DailyWorkForm]![comday]
on my form I have commonth, comyear, comit, comday and a command button that will open a report based on the query which will be based on my 4 combo boxes on my form, ok I hope I didn’t make you all really confused, this is the question what if the user inputs on 2 combo only, meaning that if month = may and year = 2005 and left ITname and day empty, I still want the query to run, how can I do that?
Thanks a lot.
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Feb 15, 2006
Hey guys, apologies in advance for a question which you may have answered many times, I have searched the net, my textbook and these forums but to no avail.
I have a table, 'tblStock'.
I have two fields within this table, 'Stock Level' and 'Minimum Stock'.
I want to run a query on this table, finding all records where the value in 'Stock Level' is LOWER than the value in 'Minimum Stock'.
How would I go about setting up this query? What criteria would I type? I have tried typing <"Minimum Stock" in the criteria for 'Stock Level' but it didn't work.
Thanks in advance... this will be a big help. :)
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