Summing Totals In A Query

Sep 22, 2005

SELECT Commissions.TransactionID, Commissions.OriginatorID, Commissions.AmountPaid, Commissions.DatePaid
FROM Commissions
WHERE ((Commissions.DatePaid)> DateAdd("d", -32, Date()));

I want to add up commissions paid in a month using a simple query and im not sure how to proceed from here. This example will pull records for the last 32 days, but now how do I do the sum commissions.amountpaid to work?

Thanks for any help.


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Queries :: Summing Query Totals Together

Mar 17, 2014

I have a number of querys which search by month and year, I want to be able to sum up 3 of the querys together and display this in a text box on a form... I have tried dsum etc but I can't seem to do it...

So basically I want the totals which are dsumed into the same form to calculate together in a different query if required... This would be simple except one of the months if from the previous year...

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Summing Totals In A Form - ? Table View

May 1, 2005

Would someone be kind enough to look at the following two attached mini databases. I have this recurring problem when I set things up that I cannot get some figures to appear in the table - only on the form.

In Example 1 I am trying to get the Total Score to show up.

In Example 2 I am trying to get the corresponding score to the description to show up.

I think it is something to do with me referencing the field not the look-up table but I really don't know any more.


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Totals Query/sums/grand Totals

Sep 4, 2007

Hey all! This is my first post. Been searching through the net all day trying to find a solution to this problem. Basically i have a table that looks like this (regular text is what i have and bolded text is what I need:Name Date Qty MOBrad 12/12/2007 23323 4423John 12/11/2007 3445 4432 John 12/11/2007 344 4432 John 12/11/2007 45 4432 John 12/11/2007 44 4432 John 12/11/2007 3445 4432 Grand Total: (Qty)And then I'd like to be able to carry this over and display a grand total at the bottom of every page of a report that I would need to generate. Our company produces forms and we sometimes have 60 - 70 people working on a single job. We want to see their hours individually but we would also like to see a grand sum of all their hours. If someone could help with this or needs more info let me know. Thanks for all your help!

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Modules & VBA :: Summing Multiple Queries And Summing Time

Oct 4, 2013

I have a sales form. The sales form has many Call, Meetings and Emails linked to each sales record. I want to total all the number of calls, meeting and email records related to the sales record to give a total- Touches.I've created 3 queries;

1 - Counts Calls
2 - Counts Emails
3 - Counts Meetings

These all work fine however when I combine them to attempt to count the results it doesn't produce the correct results.I have a second query as well (no pun intended).

I am trying to sum together a column that has values in Time. The results displays as a decimal. How can I have the result display as a Time i.e. 1:20 (1 hour 20 minutes).

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Summing Query.

Aug 18, 2005

hello there...ive a question...i have a summing query which searches for the word "processed" in a specific column of a table...currently if "processed" is not found within the column the query will not return there a way to have the query return a zero instead?

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Query On Summing

Feb 15, 2007

When i'm summing up values in a column like "Hours:[production]+[nonproduction]" how can i have access treat blanks as zeros? I tried
"Hours: IIf([nonproduction]="",0,[nonproduction])+IIf([production]="",0,[production])" and it just gave me a #value error

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Summing #s In A Query

Sep 8, 2004


I'm trying to sum numbers in a query. The table that Im summing from is set up as follows. The 1st column is just an autonumber. The 2nd column is an individuals. The third column is a date. The fourth column is a transaction (Buy or Sell). The fifth column is an amount (in $). and the 6th column is an Account (RRSP or RESP).

I would like to sum all the buys for each individual for each account. However I'm finding this difficult to do. Here is what i have so far. It sums all the 'buys' for the entire table.

SELECT Transactions.[Customer ID], DSum("Amount","Transactions","Transactions.Transaction=1") AS Expr1, Accounts.[Account Type ID]
FROM Transactions INNER JOIN Accounts ON Transactions.[Account ID] = Accounts.[Account ID];

Thanks very much,


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Summing Two Fields In A Query

Jul 17, 2007

I have 2 fields, Accounts, Accounts CMO. I need those two fields to show in the same table in a new field called Total Accounts. I am summing them, but getting irregular results, some are right, and some are 4 times more than they should be? How would you go about doing this, maybe I am missing something.

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Summing Column In Query

May 2, 2005

I have a query and one of the fields is numbers. When I run the query I would like for that column to total the numbers. How can I do this and the have the total appear in the Query?

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Summing Multiple Columns In The Same Query...

Oct 27, 2005

Hello! I'm new here, and I'm back into Access after a few years of not using it.

What I'm trying to do seems simple, but I can't seem to get the sytax down.

I have 6 columns that have dollar figures in them. I want to get the totals for all 6 columns to show in one field. I'm using the sum([field]) to total the individual columns, but I can't seem to get all of them together in one sum. Is this possible?

Thanks!! :D

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Plz Help! Query For Summing Individual Records On Their Own

Jun 27, 2006

Hello Everyone,I am trying to perform a sum of records for the table belowSeatType| Ext rent | |Internal rent | Work Transfer 2 2VendorOther 2 3LOB BRF GTI BRF 2 5Displacement so that when I run the query I get the following followingSeatType| Ext rent| |Internal rent| | Total |Work Transfer 2 2 4VendorOther 2 3 5LOB BRF GTI BRF 2 5 7Displaceme What I mean is that from the first table how is it possible to get the results below. The query would generate a new column and place the sum of the data in the each row(record) in the same row in the total column. I would be really grateful. Have been bashing my head all day over this. PS I dont know any VBA. Is it possible without VBA?Thank you.

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Summing Mutiple Items In A Query

Apr 2, 2008

I have a sum query issue I am trying to work out and I have trouble trying to coordinate it.I am trying to build sum queries inside one select query that would allow me to sum point values in a separate table. The problem I am foreseeing is that I have three tables all connected with realationships. The structure with the fields is below:

Test Case


Group (Run)

Table1.Test_case-->Table2.test_case ( 1-many)
Table2.Run--> Table3.Group ( 1-many)

I want to be able to sum the total amount of points in a test case. Currently I am able to sum the number of points per run by doing a sum query on SUM(Table3.Points) in a select query that queries Table2 and Table3. But I try to do that with select query for Table1 and Table2 the query returns the same sum for all test cases. That sum is equal to the point total for the 1st entry in Table1.
Can I add a criteria somehow to make the sum work for each Test Case entry in Table1?

Also in regards to this same summing issue I spawned a second issue. I wanted to run a sum query on Table3 that would allow me to sum all the entries in that table that had valid entries in the Date1 field. I tried the following criteria.

Not IsNull([Date1])

The query came back with the same output as the above sum query.

What I am trying to accompolish essentially is the to get two sums out of the query. The first sum would be to sum all of the points totals for each Test Case. The other being able to sum point totals based of if a Date1 Field being filled in for each Task.

I am pretty sure I can do this in one query and just manipulate the data in the form of expressions and sum queries.

I am still searching through this forum for valid suggestions. But any thoughts will be welcome.

Thanks in advance.

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Crosstab Query And Reporting - Summing

May 11, 2005

I have a crosstab query that pulls revenue the first month after the start date of the program.
Some of that revenue is in January, some February, etc. I am trying to combine them to be in one field, either in
the query itself or in the resulting report. How do i do this? Currently I have tried this: =Sum(Nz([1],0)+(Nz([2],0)+Nz([3],0)+Nz([4],0))) in the report but it hasn't worked.

Thank You!

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Summing In Query By Multiple Characteristics

May 12, 2005

I'm trying to sum revenue by unit by program by segment but it's seem to be summing it by all units or all programs. my joins
are the first option egaual to both tables. it's a select query and only has two tables. the unit, program, segment are all 'group by' and the revenue is 'sum'. could my joins be wrong or is there another reason i'm not getting the sum by unit by program by segment?

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Queries :: Summing Records In A Query?

Jul 24, 2013

I have a query which displays sales and cash deposits for the day. I want a sum of all cash deposits.

So it looks like this..

Date________________Amount_______________SumOfAmou nt____________Exp1
17/7/2013___________$55___________________$55__________ __________$55
17/7/2013___________$22___________________$22__________ __________$22

I tried doing it by two methods.. neither of which are working.

In the Amount field, I put it as a Total: Sum. I also tried creating a new field which is an expression which sums up the Amount field. Neither are summing it and just displays the value.

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Queries :: Summing Data In Query

Jan 28, 2014

Creating a Query that would give me results showing in the attached file column D. I am trying to build volume incentive database to track how much we are going to save once we hit certain volume and rate drops.

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Queries :: Dataset - Group By Query Without Summing

Jan 15, 2015

I have a a dataset that has recorded encounters with a number of Banded (identified) animals. It is currently setup so that each encounter is its own row; with all the information, including "Band_Num" repeated, but "Encounter_Date" being unique. I wanted to query the table and get it to display the results as "Band_Num" on a row, followed by x columns for with each unique "Encounter_Date" represented. I thought a "Group By" function would work, but that requires a sum, which is not useful.

Complicating this is the fact that not every individual is seen a set number of times, so Animal 1 might be seen 3 different dates, but Animal 2 only on 1 date.

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Queries :: Complex Query Sorting And Summing Amounts Breakdown

Jan 28, 2015

I have a shell of my database in the below link for reference. I am trying to create a query for a report that will allow me to track charges and payments per client. Each charge has a ChargeID and each payment has a PaymentID. Multiple payments can be applied to one charge so the same ChargeID can show up multiple times with a different PaymentID. Payments that are catagorized as Third Party Payments will have not only a PaymentID, but a TPPaymentID.

What I need to do in the query and final report is track the total charges (even though the ChargeID may show up multiple times, I only want the charge itself to be calculated once and the charge to only be listed once for each client) and track the total payments as well as sum the total payments for each charge for each client.

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Totals In A Query

Jun 23, 2005

I have a table. The table stores a workers name and information such as Primary Station Verified.
The Primary Station Verified is a yes/no checkbox. It also has the dates that each worker is verified.

I want to do a query that will show me the total number of people and out of that total number of
people how many are verified. Then I will turn that data into a graph.

How do I do the Query to show me (example) There are 50 people and (example) 25 of them are
verified? I know how to do the query to show all of the people and who are verified but I just want
the numbers.

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Totals Query

Jul 6, 2005

I'm needing help with a totals query. I have a table with a Department field, a charge field, and a charge code field.

I'm running a query that first groups by the department, then uses the max function to give me the highest charge within that department. For the third field of the query, I want to return the charge code that aligns with the highest charge, unfortunately none of the general totals seem to work and I can't figure out an expression to work either

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Totals Query

Aug 21, 2006


Im very new to MS Access so bear with me.

I have a table containing travel claims data. In some instances there are multiple claims attached to certain policy numbers. Currently the Table has a seperate line of data for each and every claim. What I need to do is to ensure that there is only ever one line of claims data per policy number and that columns containing data such as: Total Reserves / Total Paid / Net Reserves / Claims fees are totalled on that line.

The reason I need to do this is that I then want to run a query that compares total claims per policy against total premium per policy.

I would be grateful for any help.



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Totals Query

Dec 4, 2006

I have a table that I want to sort by the by class year. But i have like 20 options that are yes/no that i want to count the total of each so that i can do charting in excel.I have no idea how to create the query. I know that I only have to count the yes's.Bascially I need to my query to show me something like thisYear AE ALD TUTOR FS2006 3 5 8 12007 5 5 9 0Year is a numberAE, ALD, Tutor, FS are boolean yes/noi don't want the select to find what is true for all just count each field individually but display it together.Does that make sense?I am really lost please help.

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Query Totals

Feb 7, 2008

I need a query to show me totals, but I just need the totals on one line and not an entire column of totals. Any suggestions?

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Running Totals Query Help

Jun 23, 2005

Hi - Once again I'm asking for your assistance. Ideally, below is how the form (and eventually a report) would look; the first three fields (ID, Date & Vol) I currently have in a table (tblMaster):

ID Date Volume YTDTotal Q1Total CurrQTDTotal Q2Total
A1 Jun-05 10,000 77,000 40,000 37,000 37,000
A1 May-05 15,000 67,000 40,000 27,000
A1 Apr-05 12,000 52,000 40,000 12,000
A1 ------ ------ 40,000 40,000

(Sorry, I couldn't get the above data to line up right :confused: )

How would I build a query such that I could show the above in a form/subform (and eventually a report)? Help is greatly appreciated.

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Totals Query Problem

Jun 24, 2005

I want to do something fairly simple. I have 2 tables that are structured as follows:

Table_FormLogInfo (Table #1)

* Note that the field "FormReceived" can be set to 1 or 0.

Table_AreaAbbr (Table #2)

I'm trying to set up a totals query where I do the following:

AreaAbbr is in column 1 with Total set to "Group By"
FormReceived is in column 2 with Total set to "Count"
FormReceived is in column 3 with Total set to "Where" and Criteria set to 1

The query is working correctly but not exactly how I want it to. It returns only those "AreaAbbrs" where the "FormReceived" field is set to 1 and it counts them. What I would like it to do is return ALL "AreaAbbrs" and set the count of "FormReceived" to zero instead of omitting those that do not have "FormReceived" set to 1.

Can I accomplish this?

Thank You,

Becky McDermott

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