Super Easy Newb Question/s

Mar 4, 2006

I am brand new to Access/VB as of Thursday. I am an aspiring programmer still in college. My proficiencies are more to the c++/HTML side of things right now, but I am in dire need of some assistance. I was recently given a series of projects to determine if I am qualified for a particular job. I have completed them all but one. I am modifying an invoice form in Access. I have accomplished all but two of the tasks on this last project. I need to modify the invoice form so that whenever a payment amount is entered, the payment date box I created populates with that date. I know I'm really close to it, but I keep getting errors and the only thing populating the box is #Name?. I also need to open up the print/preview mode of the invoice report when I click the print button as opposed to the current form it opens up to print from right now. If anyone could offer any assistance/advice on anything...even a tutorial that might point me in the right direction that would be excellent. I have until Tuesday to figure this out =) Thanks a bunch in advance!

P.S. This is where I thought I needed to execute the update for the payment date since it is where the payment is entered. If this doesn't help at all then I apologize.

Private Sub I_Payment_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Me.I_Tax = NullToZero(Me.I_Subtotal * Me.I_TaxPerc)
Me.I_Total = Me.I_Tax + NullToZero(Me.I_Subtotal) + NullToZero(Me.I_ShipChg)
If Me.I_PaymentLock = True Then
' Me.I_Payment = Me.I_Total
End If
Me.I_Balance = Me.I_Total - NullToZero(Me.I_Payment)
End Sub

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Access 97 And Windows 98 - Super Slow

Jun 6, 2005

I have one PC running win98,acc97 and Access is CRAWLING. I'm seeing this on ONLY this one PC, and in multiple databases.

Any ideas? Possible places to look to fix this? I've tried reinstalling Office, I'd rather not have to rebuild this pc.



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Super Complicated Query - Can Anyone Simplify?

Jul 25, 2005

Well Super Complicated to me. I have setup two queries as follows,

Query 1

The function of the query is basically as follows.

1. If Field 1 is blank do nothing.
2. If Field 2 is blank then Add 7 days to Field 2.
3. If this falls over a weekend then Add another two days.

The expression I have added to do this is,

IIf(IsNull([Field1]),"", IIf(IsNull([Field2]),DateAdd("d",DateDiff("ww",[Field1],DateAdd("d",7,[Field1]),7)*2,DateAdd("d",7,[Field1]))))

Query 2

This query check whether the result of query 1 is a Weekend and if so adds another two days to it,

IIf(Weekday([Field2]= 1 Or Weekday([Field2])=7,DateAdd("d",2,[Field2]),[Field2])

My biggest problem is if I try and do any filters on this information then I get "Expression to complex" errors.

Am I over complicating things here?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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Super Snazzy Search Functions Needed

Feb 5, 2008

This Forum is a God Send and everyone is so helpful. Ghudson's Audit Trail code saved me many hours of hair pulling :) Anyone out there who may be able to help with my Audit Trail Query?

Anyway, I've been developing a database for the last 2 weeks (night & day it seems!) to track "bugs" found in the code we (not me) develop, suggestions & new requirements and just when I thought I'd got it cracked they came up with the next requirement they'd forgotten to mention!! :eek:

I need a super snazzy search function. The top half of the screen is a form with various combo boxes of which some or all of the values can be selected i.e reference no. author, between dates and a keywords field (a bit like the search page at the beginning of this forum!). On clicking the 'Select' button all the records that meet the input criteria appear in the bottom of the screen in a data sheet view (Ref No. Description & Date). The user can the Double Click on the record they wish to view and they will be taken to the full record in the DataEntry Form.

I'm sure this isn't as complicated as it seems to me at the moment but I am so stumped I don't even know when to start. I've been writing databases for years using the wizards within Access but only recently started to experiment with code. I would really appreciate any assistance forum members can give me but as I am new to these complications please provide 'idiot proof' answers so I can understand what I am doing. :)

Thanks in anticipation


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Need A Bit O' Help - Nothing Big! [newb]

Mar 20, 2008

Hoihoi, Well, Hello..Never thought I'd register on an Access forum, but, hey, why not!I'm new to Access, never really liked it..but this assignment has changed me.. i really like Access and well DBA'ing in general!I need a bit of help with a few things:-----I hate registering on sites JUST asking for answers >< I hope to learn a lot of stuff from here!-------Just like to add it's for an Assignment at college, i KNOW I KNOW you people can't help with assignment work, BUT it's not like i'm asking you to do it for me, just need a bit of help Basically,I've got a database -It's based on a Mobile Library which visits nurseries.The nursery can loan a book, if a book is currently being loaned by a nursery and another nursery wants to loan that book, they can reserve it untill it is returned.Basically, I've got a few forms:21233I can do everything fine!Everything seems to work, i can loan and reserve..i can add books, nurseries and authors..HOWEVERwhen it comes to deleting.. it's a different story!On my delete_author form, I've got a Combobox which loads the authors and then i've got a Delete button which should delete the author which is in the combobox---- I've google'd for ages..and can't make much sense of any of the replies people have had..Is there anyone who can help me with this?Delete the author which is in the combo box..I can supply any details if people are willing to help :oWould LOVE to hear a reply from anyone!Cheers :)

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Newb Question/s

Jun 30, 2006

I have a form that I created using autoform from my main table. The form is just for the user to enter a new record. But when opening the form, how do I get the fields to be blank and on a new record by default, rather than starting on the first record with the fields already populated?

And then if I make a button that says "add" but just closes the window, the data should automatically save right?


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Newb Question I Think...

Dec 21, 2006

I am fairly new to access so please excuse my lack of knowledge. I am using Access 97

What I am trying to do is create a system where I ask for a zip code, then disply the closest 5 results to that zip code.

I currently have every single city with ZIP code in Michigan. I also have the list of results with their zip codes.

Since you cant relay on ZIP codes going in order, I also have the Latitude and Longitudes for each ZIP code. Of course I have the lat and long for my possible results.

How can I get the 5 clostest results based on two different factors (Lat & Long)? Would I want to construct a Query to do this?

Any tips or sites you can refer me to would be great! Thank you!

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Newb- Normalization Problem

May 12, 2006


Am new to the forum and it seems a good place for help,

Am having some big problems with a database that i am using for a company. The problem being that users need to enter ref numbers for each record on to the database called "c3" numbers, there could be a unlimited amount of these numbers(they do need to be able to reported on though) per record

At the moment i have a serperate form linked to my original form with a lot of seperate fields labelled like "c3number", "c3number1", c3number2" and so on which the user enters the c3 numbers into ans saves

however it is becoming very hard to do counting reports with it set up like this.

has anybody any ideas's on how i could make the setup simpler?

many thanks


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A Simple Relationship Question From A Newb

May 3, 2005

Ok, I have studied up on relationships, and read a lot of these threads but, I still have yet to find help. It seems a lot of the people on here have difficult problems that require dificult answers. Basicaly I have two tables Tblresort and Tbllifts, now there can be many chair lifts for each ski resort, so this would call for a many-to-one relation ship. Now, I create a relationship for the fields, and enforce refrencial integrity and all that. Now what do I put into the related field in Tblresort to get the lifts with ID#'s 1-8 to be related to the first resort.

I hope this all makes sense, so far I can only get one lift conected to the resort.

Thanks in advance

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Newb Help Formatting Table Data

Oct 5, 2007

I have to create a new table for some data I have from work. The data was imported within quotations though, so it won't let me copy and paste it untill the quotes are removed. I have over 3000 data values in each column, so I can't just go through and delete every quotation mark. Is there any way for me to select a column and remove the quotations around every value?

I have the XP version, by the way.

Thanks !

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Newb Question - Query Based On A Lookup?

Oct 3, 2007

Hi. I'm quite poor with Access, so sorry if this sounds dumb.

I have a table of customer records (tbl_customers), including name, address & postcode etc

I have a spreadsheet of customers their postcodes from a different system that shows customers who have bought a particular product.

Is there a way that I can create a query that lists those records in tbl_customers whose postcode is matched in the spreadsheet?


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Seached Forum For Automation Of Emails, But Still Stuck-cos Im A Newb

Dec 30, 2005


Sorry to add to the email threads, already posted on this forum. I have already searched on the forum for the relevant help but im still struggling. As am a newb when it comes to this sort of thing, and everythink is an on going learning curve.

Background, i work for a architectural firm, my boss would like the database to send out automated emails, to the local planning authority.

I have a query called "ApplicationEmailCouncilQuery" in this i have the following fields. ApplicationProjectID, ApplicationSubmitted, ApplicationRef, ApplicationDecisiondate, ApplicationContact, PlannersEmail, ApplicationEmployee, Email.

How do i get access 2k to automatically send out emails to each of the results individually as produced fromt he query, every 2 weeks.

I want the email to use the fields from the query.
To: "PlannersEmail"
Send: Your Application ref is "ApplicationRef" submitted on "ApplicationSubmitted"
Message: To ApplicationContact,
Please could you give me an update on the application "ApplicationRef" which we submitted on "ApplicationSubmitted".

Please reply to this following address "Email"

Yours Truly



Sorry for the long post, any help on the above matter would be greatly appreciated.



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Is There A Limit To The Amount Of Queries Used To Create A "Super" Query?

Apr 14, 2005

I have a number of smaller queries that I want to join together to create a super query to display on a report. It works fine when I have a dozen queries joined, but as soon as I add any more, the query takes at least 10 minutes to run (although it eventually works). Is there a limit to the number of queries I can include in a query or is there some other underlying problem?
NOTE : the smaller queries only contain half a dozen records with totals.

Any ideas?

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Connecting Super Type & Sub Type Entities With A Condition

Sep 21, 2004

hi friends,
i have tried had to connect sub type tabels (Saving, Checking, Loan... they have their own ids...) with super type ( has account id...) on the condition of account_type (either "S","C" or "L") attribute in ACCOUNT entity.
how to joint them??? with query or with expression??
i expect help from you.........please.

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Should Be Easy

Jun 1, 2005

I want to have code that disables fields based on the value of the contents of one of the fields. I wrote this code which goes on and on but it doesn't work. Can someone help?

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Dim Item_Number As String

If Me.Item_Number = "300123C" Then
Me.Batch_Lot_Number.Enabled = False
Me.Issue_Date.Enabled = False
Me.Production_to_BPT.Enabled = True

Elseif blah blah blah

else blah


End sub

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I Know This Must Be Easy!

Mar 22, 2005

I don't normally work in access so I am sure I am asking a really easy question.

I have a table that is connected to a form where users enter survey data. Currently they have a drop down form to mark the responses to the survey as "Fully Completed", "Partly Completed", etc.

On the table I want to add the text "Awaiting Completion" to all those without any entry so that we can find out how many are left to do.

I can filter the table to give me the correct records, and assumed I could paste the text directly into the column (as with Excel).

Can anyone please let me know how to update the column easily.

Thanks for your advice.


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Should Be An Easy One...I Think!

Mar 30, 2006

Warning - Complete newbie post!

Hi all,

I have 2 Access databases setup, each containing 1 table. Let's call them A and B. These two tables contain some of the same fields.

Table A is used for collecting new client registration info through our website and gets updated by SQL.

Table B is on a different server and is used for company newsletter mailings.

Table A is the one which is automatically being updated so I don't need to do anything with that table. Also, some fields in Table A are auto-incrementing numbers so we can differentiate a clients interest and provide a more informative newsletter for them specifically on their selected interest.

Whenever an entry in certain fields of Table A is made, I would like the same fields of Table B to be updated with that same information automatically. For example...

Client subscribes to our newsletter on our site and selects their interests, the email field now contains the subscribers email address and the various 'interest' fields contain a '1' telling us they are interested in that particular area of our business. As this takes place on Table A, it needs to be also replicated to Table B.

Surely this is possible, but how?

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This Is Probably Easy To Do

Apr 18, 2006

As I am an SQL novice I need some help

I have 3 tables

Table - Fields
SalesLedger - TransactionID, ProductID
Vouchers - TransactionID, Voucher_Ref
Products - ProductID, Product_Description

The Salesledger has fields TransactionID and ProductID

The Salesledger is linked to the Products table by the ProductID field

The SalesLedger is linked to the Voucher Table by the TransactionID field

How do I produce a query to list all the items in the Salesledger but if there is a Product in the Products Table matching the ProductID the Product details, and if there is a TransactronID in the Voucher Table list the VoucherRef.

At the moment, it only shows transactions if there is a corrosponding TransactionID in the Vouchers Table

Probably not explaned this at all well. I will try to elborate if required.

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Easy If You Know How

Jun 24, 2005

Hi all,

I am making a query which sorts birthdays into chronological order.

I have used the DatePart function to determine the month:

DatePart("m",[DATE OF BIRTH])

But I want to know how to display the month in CAPITAL LETTERS, i.e. instead of reading 1 it reads JANUARY

Thanks in advance

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Probably Easy To Do But.....

Feb 16, 2006

I have a list in Xcel of approximately 1100 client #'s that I have to match to our master list of 10000's.

I can create a query to pull these Clients, but I'd like it to only pull the 1100 requested. Is there a way to import an excel file to bump up against a query so that it only pulls the requested clients?

IE do I have to create a table and bring that data in then use them both in the query?

Sorry if this is a simple question, I'm just being thrown into the fire and have very little access background.

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Easy One...

Mar 2, 2006

To start: Running Office 20003. I have created a survey with Frontpages wizard. Basically It has a topic and the end user rates that topic on a scale of one to five like so:

1. Work Environment
a. I enjoy my work place. 12345
b. I think my office has a good reputation. 12345

1-5 are radial buttons. It takes the users input and stores it in an access database as im sure you all are aware. Looks kinda like this:

1a 1b 2a etc.
3 5 1

What i would like to do is this: When the users are done submitting i would like to go back and take results. I.e. we had this many users select option 3 for question 1a and we had _ number of users select option 2 for 1a, etc.
The thing is i was wondering if there was a way to create a query for it. I know i could just put =1 or =2 but that would require running 5 queries on each question.... not fun. Anyway, any help would be appreciated.



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An Easy One I Think ?

Mar 22, 2006

Hi - I think this can be quickly sorted.

I use the following code in my query to merge together my customers details to 1 field:

LeadName: [Title] & Space(1) & [FirstName] & Space(1) & [LastName]

I want to do it for their address, what do i use instead if SPACE so that i get a NEW LINE each time rather than1 space to the right?


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This Is Probably Easy To Do

Apr 18, 2006

As I am an SQL novice I need some help

I have 3 tables

Table - Fields
SalesLedger - TransactionID, ProductID
Vouchers - TransactionID, Voucher_Ref
Products - ProductID, Product_Description

The Salesledger has fields TransactionID and ProductID

The Salesledger is linked to the Products table by the ProductID field

The SalesLedger is linked to the Voucher Table by the TransactionID field

How do I produce a query to list all the items in the Salesledger but if there is a Product in the Products Table matching the ProductID the Product details, and if there is a TransactronID in the Voucher Table list the VoucherRef.

At the moment, it only shows transactions if there is a corrosponding TransactionID in the Vouchers Table

Probably not explaned this at all well. I will try to elborate if required.
Edit/Delete Message

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Probably Easy But I Don't Know

Dec 1, 2006

Hi all. I need to know if there is a way to show the last entry for a record. In my database there is a set of numbers i.e. 3000, 3001, 3002 etc which have multiple valuation figures with them i.e. 3000 could have valuation 1 £1000, valutaion 2 £1245. So as mention what i need is my query to show the last valuation entry for the selected reference number i.e. 3000 and valuation2 only.

Any ideas?

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This Should Be Easy???

Dec 28, 2007


I dont know if my brain is not working today....but I have a query that is prompting for user input....if the user clicks cancel it shows "Action Failed" "Halt". How can I get this to just close when cancel is clicked?


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Might Be Easy

Feb 21, 2008


I working with different business groups who have vendors assigned to them. I have table of vendor names for each business group. I'm getting data from different sources with vendor names that are unlike table. example: ABC company, ABC. Even through these are different they are they same vendor. Is there a formula, criteria, etc. to pick these up? I will be updating the vendor table occastionally.

Thank you

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