Suppress/Hide Blank Row In A Subform

Jul 27, 2006

I need to suppress/hide a blank row on a subform.
The Main form is based on a table, contains Site Header information
The Subform is based on another table containing Sample Details records

Site Header table to Sample Details table relation ship is one-to-many,
with two key fields SiteID and SiteVisitDate

The Form/SubForm is linked by SiteID, SiteVisitDate

The form adds one record to the Site Header Table.
Then adds mutliple records to the Sample Details table for that SiteID.
Some fields are populated with a script, while others are populated by user input

An empty/blank/new row always appears on the subform before & after the Sample Details are added. The blank row Before new records are added is not a problem but when it appears after new records are added is a pain

I've tried CanShrink etc,

Any help appreciated


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Hide Blank Fields

Nov 4, 2006

Hi Friends,

Sounds Impossible But i believe there must be a genius out there to solve this

I was wondering if there is a way to stop displaying fields on a form which contain spaces or blank values. I m using a query that takes data from a table named School

I have a table which have 5 fields. lets say: Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, Field5

My fields from 1 to 3 have data but field4 and field5 do not have a value in it. What i wish to achieve is to show only those fields which have a value in it. Blank or field with spaces must not be displayed. Is It Possible.



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General :: Hide Row In Table If Field Is Blank

May 7, 2015

I have run into some problems though. I have one main table where all the details of users are imported, I have created several queries for different types of courses users sign up for. I would like that when I select a query it only shows the users who signed up for certain course.So basically what I would like to do is if a field is empty or null to hide the whole row.

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Modules & VBA :: Cycle Through Several Records And Hide Field If It Is Blank

Feb 10, 2014

I have code that I want to cycle through several fields and check instead of coding for each individual field. I thought this might worked on an earlier project but Im lost. When I try to add my code in the "If MyControls Then", I want it to hide the field on a report if it is blank. It doesnt allow me to do MyControls.Visible.

If Len(Reports!RecallReport!QAW1 & vbnullsting) = 0 Then
Reports!RecallReport!QAW1.Visible = False
End If

but I want the below code to go through each field With QAW in it and hide it if it is blank.Or having it go through each field individual. There are 10 Fields With QAW THen there are another 10 fiels with ShipDist. I would prefer a simple solution to check all at once.

Dim MyControls As Control
For Each MyControls In Me.Controls ' Iterate through each element.
If InStr(1, MyControls.Name, "QAW") Then
If MyControls Then
End If
End If

I don't even know if I am on the right track or what.

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Hide Report Label When Text Box Is Null / Blank

Oct 29, 2013

I am attempting to use VBA code to make the label in my report hidden if the text box is blank. I am very new to coding, and am not sure how I would express this in code. I have been looking at a few examples of how to get this done, but it doesn't seem to work. Where to insert the code. Attached is the image of the properties for my label and text box that I want hidden if text field is blank. I al just lost trying to figure this out.

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Reports :: Hide Subreport If No Data And Remove Blank Space

Sep 11, 2013

I have a report which contains 3 subreports. Now I require to do the following:

1. Hide the subreport if there is no data.
2. Remove the Blank space created when the data in subreport is null.

I tried to Set Can Grow and Can Shrink to Yes but still the blank space was not removed.

When I reduced the height of the subreports in the design view the blank space was reduced but it was still there.

What can be done so that the complete report auto adjusts itself if any sub-report is null? Something like the whole page auto fits itself in the available space?

The option of reducing the size of sub report in design view to minimum is there but it makes the report very un-handy for future reference.

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Hide Subform If Criteria Is Met

Apr 12, 2006

I have a main form which has a subform with another subform in it. Subform 1 gives details of a loan and a balance field which is calculated in subform 2 after amt paid is entered - using a macro on exit.

If the balance is zero after amt paid is entered. I want the amt paid field in subform 2 to be locked or disabled - preventing the user from entering further payments by mistake.

How can I do this?

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Hide Subform If No Records

Jul 27, 2005

Is there a way to hide a subform on a main form if there is no records in the subform?

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Reports :: Hide Text Box If A Subform Is Empty

Aug 30, 2013

I have a report with some subreport in it. I have there on top a textbox with the title of the subreport. What I need is that if there is no data in the subreport, it should be invisible and only show up when there is data in the subreport.

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Forms :: Hide Subform Headers On A Report

Feb 28, 2014

I have a report which has a subform attached which I print it to a dot-matrix printer so I can use carbon paper.

The subform has shaded headers which look on the screen, but bot when printed with dot-matrix.

Can un-shade the headers or even hide them?

I attach a screen shot for reference.

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Modules & VBA :: Hide Subform When Main Form Opens

Jan 9, 2015

I need to hide my subform on load or open of the main form but am experiencing some weird results. I have tried putting Me.SubForm.Form.Visible = False in both the on open and the on load of the main form and it works only if the tables on which the subform have records in them. If the tables for the subforms are empty I get an error 2467 telling me that "The expression you entered refers to an object that is closed or doesn't exist." I find this strange because from all I can find the subform loads first.

How can I hide the subform when the main form opens no matter what records exist or don't?

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Forms :: Way To Display / Hide Information On Subform Using Check Box?

Jul 11, 2013

Is there a way to display/hide the information on a subform using a checkbox?So, when the checkbox is checked, the fields are blank but when the checkbox is unchecked, the information displays?

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Prevent Blank Row On Subform

Feb 9, 2005

I have a tabular sub form, which is just used to show the user data. It is not editable, and the user can not do anything on the form other than choose a record from the PK, and thenview the data.

How can I prevent the a blank row from automatically being added to the bottom of the subform. I only want rows with data in them to be shown.


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Blank Record In Subform

Feb 22, 2006

I have a main form with many subforms. The sub forms are all continuous but one and I want the editors to be able to put in more then one record if needed.
My problem is I have my tabs set up so that when the box is empty it will tab to the next subform. When I do this, a extra blank record is automatically saved in the subform above. How do I get rid of the blank record?
Thank you in advance for any advice shared.

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Subform Tab Fields Go Blank

Aug 17, 2007

ok, i have a subform and when i'm on the last field in the form and hit tab it clears the form, BUT if i go off that record and come back to it the datas there.

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Modules & VBA :: Hide Subform Footer Controls If No Records Present (AC2007)

Mar 14, 2014

I have a subform which lists a set of records. In the footer section of the subform, I have a number of controls which display calculations based on the records present.

The number of records in the subform will change (reduce). Basically, this is a review / approval function, the idea being that each record will be checked and approved, which will then remove it from the list.

So eventually, all of the records in the subform should disappear (the subform is requeried each time the user approves a record)

I want to be able to hide the controls in the footer section once the subform has been cleared of all records.

But not sure

a) how to determine when the subform's recordset reaches zero and

b) what event to use to fire the code to hide the footer controls.

This is my basic attempt :

Private Sub Form_Current()Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.FormFooter.Controls
ctl.Visible = Not (Me.Recordset.EOF)
Next ctl
End Sub

But it doesn't work (it only seems to fire when the subform is loaded, not when it is requeried after each approval?)

I've tried Form_Query, Form_DataChange and Form_DataSetChange but no joy with those either.

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Forms :: Show / Hide Main Form Buttons When Clicking Into Subform

Dec 11, 2013

I'm currently building a database in Access 2013. I've used Access many years ago, and not really in anger since maybe 2003, so I've been re-learning quite a lot. Here's an overview of my scenario, and issue:

The main purpose of my database is to allow engineers to log various bits of information when building, servicing and testing manufactured products for offshore exploration. Because some of the engineering team aren't so great with data entry etc, I've decided that, rather than deleting data, I'm going to use a 'deleted' flag: user clicks what he considers to be a delete button, but in reality an update query will simply update the flag and, because the form is built on a query which includes a 'where deleted = 0' filter, it'll no longer be shown. This will allow us more control over the data and will also allow me to check that everything is running okay.

My main forms include a number of subforms, including one which includes a second tier of nested form: Pin Maps for (electrical) Connectors.

What I need to achieve is fairly straightforward: as the user navigates around the form, I'd like a 'delete' button which is specific to that subform to become visible and for any other 'delete' buttons to become hidden. Once tested, the buttons would be 'stacked' in the same position at the top of the main form, so the user just thinks they're deleting the relevant record in the sub, or main, form.

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Blank Subform No Current Record Error

Aug 22, 2005

Hi all.

I have a small bug here which I can't seem to find a way round.

I have a subform setup to show Engineers assigned to a call. In the subform header I have a Command to add new Engineers. When this is pressed the form is changed to a Data Entry form to allow additions. This all works perfectly where there is an existing engineer on the Database.

The problem is with calls where there is no current engineer assigned.

With these calls I get an error popup saying "No Current Record" before the Data Entry screen comes up. Once the Data Entry screen comes up then an ID is assigned correctly and you can input fine so I am really just looking to see if there is a way to suppress the No Current Record popup.

Any suggestions appreciated.


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Subform Without Data Printing As A Blank Space

Nov 2, 2004

I have an Access 2000 form containing several subforms that needs printing on a regular basis, which works fine when the subform contains data, but sometimes the subforms contain null values. We want to print the subforms without the data to maintain consistency, but when printed they have disappeared and a blank space in the form is printed. The subforms view perfectly in print preview... any help would be appreciated, I have spent a good deal of time researching this issue without any leads

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Forms :: Subform Adds Blank Record?

Nov 10, 2013

I have a subform that stays in data sheet view for entry, the form this sits on is launched by a macro. This macro on the main form launches the form and adds in the linking numbers by a setvalue. The main form has the linked number on it and this number is then linked by master and child to the subform. The problem comes in when you start adding in data. The line of data is filled by using combo boxes and some text fields and ends with a time/date stamp Now(). The problem is, even if you dont fill the entire line if a user refreshes or closes the form it adds a blank entry with the linking number but all fields blank.

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Forms :: Subform Blank When A Field Is Null

Feb 21, 2014

I have a form with a subform. The subform is used to report a sales total, for today and for the month. When there are no sales today (a null result in one of the fields) the entire subform goes blank.

How can I make it report a zero in the field instead of blanking the entire subform?

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General :: Main Form With Two Lists Boxes - Show / Hide Datasheet Columns In A Subform

Aug 24, 2012

I've got a main form with two lists boxes. I want to show the visible columns in my subform (which is a datasheet) in one listbox and show the hidden columns in the other. Also I want to allow the user to hide / show columns using right or left arrow buttons between the list boxes. My subform is bound to a stored procedure using ADO.

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Subform Data Entry Problem Blank Line

Jul 7, 2005

I have a main form where the user chooses a BoxID. There is a subform on this main form that has a relationship between BoxID on the main form and subform. The users are entering data in the subform and when they have entered 10 lines of info I have a message that tells them to start a new box (I could not work out how to do it any other way as I lack VB skills). The user closes the form or clicks add new record to create a new box. If I view the previous record there should only be 10 lines of information in the subform but there are 11 as it takes the blank line as a new record....

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If Subform Is Blank, Dont Show Main Form..

Oct 4, 2006

My title is a little confusing, i have a form with a subform, what I want it to do is this say i have 10 records, 3 of which are missing any data in the subform... then when i show the form it only shows 7 records. This way all records have data in both the main form and the subform... is this possible?


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Forms :: Open A Form Which Contains A Subform With Blank Fields?

Sep 7, 2013

I have a [Order Central table] that compiles products from four different categories that employees can order from.

Employees using the database will select from four categories on buttons which opens up the order form EX: [Category 1 form].

They enter their order info on [Category 1 form] into a subform sourced from [Category 1 Table] called [Category 1 subform].

Is there a way that they could select the "Category 1" button, which would run a macro opening [Category 1 form] with the [Category 1 subform] having a where condition of 1=0 (or just so that the subform appears blank)?

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General :: Subform Recordset Clone / Certain Fields Blank

Jul 11, 2014

I have a form with a continuous subform whose RecordSource is a predefined query. There are a number of controls on the main form which allow for various filtering on the subform / query and a command button to export the data to Excel.Because I want to export exactly whatever the user has filtered using the form, I take a clone of the subform recordset and pass that as a recordset object to my export function.

I've just noticed, however, that a couple of the fields in the Excel spreadsheet are always blank, even though the corresponding records on the subform show values? I can't figure out why; there is nothing unusual or distinctive about these fields (2 x Text and 1 x Date/Time) other than the fact that the contents don't seem to copy? I do get the field names - just no data for them?

The data is visible in the subform, and when I run the query on its own, the fields are populated in the returned dataset as well? So why aren't they included in the RecordsetClone?

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