Survey - Multiple Answer Types

May 16, 2007

I am struggling with an answer table for multiple type answers. Some questions have yes/no answers, some have option group answers (agree, neutral, disagree), and some require text input.

I have reviewed posts on normalization on survey design. In it's simplest form I would have 3 tables.




If all answers required an option group value then I would use the structure above.

If all the answers were yes/no I would eliminate tbl AnswerCodes and simply have an answer field with data type yes/no in tblResponses.

But if an answer requires a user text comment, I would need either a memo field or a 255 length text field. This is where I get confused. It seems inefficient to use a memo or text field for all answers when most of the questions require a yes/no answer. I feel the answer is somewhere in setting up another table with answer types, but I am struggling with this.

On a further note I am struggling with the response data entry form. For an option group answer I could setup an append query for each new survey response. But how about for multiple answer (check all that apply). I guess I need a form based on a query linking tblQuestions to tbl AnswerCodes. This would be a subform on the master form for tblResponses. I keep getting all the answers for all questions. But handling multiple question types on one continuous form seems awkward.


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Table Setup For Survey DB Using Multiple Sets Of Questions

Sep 19, 2005

Good morning,

I am having problems figuring out how to set up my table/query structure for a series of surveys that are based on specific user groups. In a nutshell how do I set up the relationships for the Questions, Employees, and Answers if I have the following tables (simplified):

QuestionID (P)

EmployeeID (P)

AnswerID (P)

The functionality requirements are:

1. Create a set of questions for two or more user groups (each set contain different questions).
2. Assign Employees to a specific user group.
3. Employees are able to enter the DB to answer the questions within their user group.

What should happen is the employee accesses their set of usergroup questions and enter the corresponding answers. Each time I try to set up the relationships however, the answer field ends up being uneditable.

Any help you can give would save what little hair I have left.



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SURVEY Database - Problem On "survey Questions"

Jul 16, 2007

Hi, I have a survey database file containing the following tables

tblQuestions - contains survey questions
tblResponse - contains responses inputted by user
tblRespondents - contains info on user (e.g. Name, Add...etc)

Is it possible that answer to some questions are dependent on other questions?
for example:
Question 1 -True/false
Question 2 -True/false

Question 3 -True/false

If question1=false or question2=false then question3=false
(the response to question 3 is automatic and dependent on the responses of question1 and question2)

Thanks in advance for those who can give me some suggestions.

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Survey Db

Sep 20, 2006

I've been asked to make a survey db by someone. I was wondering what is the best way to go about this? The output spread sheet list several questions asked of the user. The user id and questions asked are in columns. So you could have a columns like the user id: date: when was the last time you reaed a book?:Did you like the book?: Was the book helpful? What type of book was it?. These are listed in many rows one for each survey asked. Is my best bet to just make each column a field name in a table and build off of that? Some of the question asked are very length? I can have the spread sheet altered to column names that are more relivant and shorted so when I import into access and populate them into a table it will be easier to follow. Just looking for a little guidance. All thoughts are appreciated. Thanks...

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Another Question On A Survey Database

Jul 1, 2005

Ok, I need further help with that my survey database. I wonder if somebody could help me figure this out. So, I have this survey database with questions for visitors of a certain park. I have several Yes or No questions. I created queries that will count how many Yeses or Nos I have for each question. But a problem is happening. Sometimes certain questions are left blank, with no answer. My query is showing the blank answers with a count of zero, even if there are more then one blank answers. How can I get the query to count the blanks? Or, can I fill the blank answers with the word "Blank" automatically somehow?


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Survey Database Design...

Nov 21, 2007

I am trying to set up a database that manages responses to a variety of survey questionaires, and I want to know if I am on the right track before I proceed. Sorry if this gets a bit verbose:

Here's the general 'business rules':

1) There are many different historic survey types. Some have also not yet been defined.

2) A specific question may appear on more than one survey type.

3) Each survey type can have a different number of questions.

4) The 'valid' answers to a survey question fall into two general groupings:
- multiple choice (variable number of choices)
- freeform text (and "other__________ " could be a multiple choice response)

5) There will be a lot of repetition in the multiple-choice choices. For example, there will be lots of "TRUE/FALSE" or "YES/NO" questions, lots of 'Rate the following on a scale of 1 to 5' type questions, etc.

6) Some of the multiple choice valid-answer-sets may be more unique, such as '200,400,600,1000,other'.

7) We (sometimes) want to capture such information as 'don't know', or 'answer illegible' or 'not answered' or 'don't care', but these can just be more 'pre-set' choices in the db that do not appear on the paper forms

After some whiteboarding, I arrived at the attached db structure....

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Survey - Check All That Apply

May 23, 2007

I will have the following tables:

QuestionID -PK
SurveyTakerID - PK

You get the idea - a normalized table.

Anyway for questions that state "check all that apply" I could either store in the Response Field a yes, or a no (or a number code for those answers) OR simply store the yes values for ones that are checked. Seems like the latter, but for querying later, will I run into problems? I have had different views based on reviewing posts.

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Subform Problem Is Survey Db

Oct 18, 2005

Hi, all--

Searched for posts related to this problems but didn't find anything.

I have a survey db to be used for data entry of returned survey responses. The main form is a tab control consisting of mutltiple subforms. Each survey question has mutiple parts but each response receives a numerical value.

I am using primarily option groups so the data entry looks similar to the hard copy survey. The enterer only has to click on the correct response.

The data source of each subform is a query with a numberical parameter corresponding to the appropriate question. Because of this, each subform (using continuous form views) has a blank "item" after the survey items. I have hid this on the main form and have tried to turn off the tab stops and removed all scrolls.

I can't keep from the blank item sometime appearing. When this happens, there is no way to slide up to first item.

I hope this is not totally confusing!!! If you understood this, do you have any suggestions?


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Test / Survey Table Design

Aug 25, 2005

Hey all, I'm trying to design a Test / Survey database.

Please look at the .jpg attached or download the sample database.

I have looked at some previous survey/tests design posted on this forum and had a good table design based off of a Pat Hartman suggestion. Now i am wanting more out of the database and need more advanced options.

Here is what i am trying to do. When a user decides to make a new question for a test/survey they will have to choose what type of question the question will be. For example say the user wants to make a answer grid question. They would choose Answer Grid from the tblquestionstypes combobox. Then they would have the option of choosing a type of answer grid (Dual Scale, Rating Choice, Ranking Choice) from the tblQuestionOptionTypes combo box. Say the user chose Ranking Choice then they would be presented with a list of options for the Ranking Choice. For example 5 sets of rankings, 4 sets of rankings. 3 sets of rankings. (These are just coming off of the top of my head but i think you know what i mean.)

Question, Is this close to being correct. mind you i have just started this and am just throwing ideas around.
Where could i store the correct answer for each question. Sometimes there will be a answer and sometimes there will not be an answer due to the fact that it could be a test or a survey.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

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Using PivotChart To Display Survey Data

Oct 31, 2007

I have this pivot chart (please see attached screenshot) that I was hoping to use to display results of a survey that was conducted by our nonprofit organization. I have it filtering by a few demographics (age, gender, parental status), and then the results of a few other questions below it. My problem is that I'm not sure what results I'm looking at -- whether they're totals of all the responses, just the "true" responses, or...?

The survey asked questions similar to what you see in the field list. Each question is a column header in my table. Then the row headers are each respondent. The choices for answers were "true", "false", or nothing. So in all the cells, i entered t, f, or nothing accordingly.

I'm not sure if I'm not using the pivot chart correctly, or if I didn't design the table for the data correctly.

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Calculate Percentages Of Survey Responses?

Apr 22, 2008

I'm setting up a database for student evaluations. Students have several options as to how well the instructor did for each survey question. I've been able to set up the data entry form to my liking, and I can use a query to average the total answers to each question, including a count of how many people responded. HOWEVER, I need to calculate the percentage of responses for each option. For example, I need to know the percentage of students who picked "Excellent" for question 1, how many students chose "Very Good", how many chose "Good", etc., so on and so on for every question. How can I do that? I'm completely stuck and a novice user. HELP!!:eek:

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Table Design For Survey Response Database

Oct 14, 2005

Hi, All--

I am designing a database to capture the data of returned surveys. I want to design the database to facilitate data analysis through crosstabs or other aggregation queries.

If I design a table where each record is the complete survey responses to all survey items in a returned survey, this is not friendly for such query analysis. (In this, each field would be a survey item). Call this the horizontal method.

The other way would be to have a reference table containing the survey items , and have responses entered in a seperate table linked by item id and response id (from a third table containing a record for each submitted survey). Call this the vertical method. This would take more time to set up but would probably be easier to query.

The item response table would become quite long contaiging every item response for every survey turned although each record is short.

Does anyone have any opinion on this, or perhaps a completely different approach that I haven't thought of that would be easy to set up but also easy to query?



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Developing A Customer Satisfaction Survey In Access

Oct 8, 2004

Hi -- my first time here...
Has anyone ever had to develop a survey (e.g., customer satisfaction survey) in Access? Does anyone have any advice?

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Tables :: Capturing Data From Pre-existing Survey

Jun 17, 2013

I've been tasked with creating a database for responses to a survey (that's already been created). There are several aspects most of which i've been able to handle (i.e. the Demographic portion)...The survey has 12 questions with pre-defined answers...What is the best way to set up the "question/answer" side of the survey.

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Modules & VBA :: Survey Form - Loop To Get Information

Sep 5, 2014

We have a survey form we are trying to get some information from, and I think I need a loop to get the information, but there isn't a ton of information that I have found for what I need to do.

I have a six question survey that has a range of answers and a comments section (I didn't write the survey):

1. Excellent, Okay, Poor, Very Good, Very Poor
2. Agree, Disagree, Neutral, Strongly Agree, Strongly Disagree
3. Agree, Disagree, Neutral, Strongly Agree, Strongly Disagree
4. Agree, Disagree, Neutral, Strongly Agree, Strongly Disagree
5. Agree, Disagree, Neutral, Strongly Agree, Strongly Disagree
6. Agree, Disagree, Neutral, Strongly Agree, Strongly Disagree

I have a simple query that will separate out the overall Positive and Negative reviews. The overall "Positive" or "Negative" ranking is manually assigned via a combo box on a form from a value list. Poor comments in the comments field can equate to a negative survey, even if questions 1-6 are neutral or better (good, very good, etc.)

What we would like to do is to poll through the responses to the survey and see how many of question 1-6 are consistently receiving Neutral or lower marks.

In my head, it makes sense to count through all the surveys and get a number of those responses. The response table (tblResponses) is setup with a combo box from a look up table that has the above responses. Actually, there are two lookup tables for for question one, and one for questions two - six.

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Survey Table Design, Have Searched Require Clarification.

Jan 12, 2007

Firstly hello, I'm new! :)

Sorry for creating yet another thread on table design/relationships for surveys, I did search just needed a bit of clarification.

From what I understand from my search the best way to create a basic db for surveys would be a question table, response options table, and response table, this is similar to a database I have implemented for a simple online surveying system. Now this works with Y/N, or even limited response questions.

However I can't get it to fit with my current project, and I don't think it will, but I thought I'd check to see if I'm being stupid.

I have a survey, 20ish questions expecting 200-250 responses.
The questions consist of a mixture of:

Yes/No answers
Select all that apply answers
Select one from list
Select one from list or select Other and enter it yourself

Because of the wide range of values, some completely unique and the possible number of answers per question per survey it seems the above method (and that implemented in At Your Survey which i've had a look at) would not work.

I only need to store responses (not questions), so I'm proposing a main table with related tables for those questions that require it.

So in essence a flat file response table with each field being a different question, each record being a separate survey response.
For those questions with multiple answers a separate table, related to the main response response table.

Data entry will be twofold, a web version of the survey automatically recording responses and manual entry into custom form within access for those paper returns.

Reporting will be faily widespread with a lot of cross referencing.

I know this is not a reusable format, and it is pretty much a one time only project anyway, relatively short lived. But I'd still like to create the most efficient product I can, within the time constraints.

Any views or help would be much appreciated :)

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Tables :: Survey File - Concatenate 2-3 Field Values In Table

Sep 6, 2014

I have a project that in Access. I'll be handling a survey file that will maintain answers per customer. The visit to customer is done monthly in a year, which means that a customer can have 12 visits in a year. My problem is that if I will maintain this project for the next five years or more, I have to maintain another field in my table that will block the duplicate entries.

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Forms :: Data Collection From Survey - Prepopulated Form Fields

Jun 11, 2013

I have a form that collects data from a survey. The survey has been undertaken before and the equipment being surveyed may carry an ID number and I have the original survey data in a table. If the old survey ID is entered into a field it automatically populates several other fields with the original data....neat!

But that data is not necessarily correct and for this survey I am going to great lengths to ensure the data is as "normalized" as possible so the data is prepopulated into a field with validation. Normally when something is entered into these combo fields I validate with a not in list event and ask if the entry should be added. If I prepopulate with a me.xxxxxx = oldsurveydata the entry is accepted without question. Is there some way to fire the not in list event? I've tried me.repaint, requery etc. but no success.

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How To: If Answer Is X Then Go To Y, If Not Go To Z

Apr 12, 2005

I have a basic Access Form that contains a small number of questions.

Question 4 is a Yes / No combo box

If the user enters Yes, I want the focus to go to Question 5
If the user enters No, I want the focus to jump to Question 4.1
Completing question 4.1 will take the focus to question 5

I'll be hornswaggled if I can figure out how to do this.

I would love someone to help me out!


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Oct 31, 2006

I have a receipts table with columns- Customer ID, Receipt #, Amount Paid, Date and in another table- customer Id, First name, Last name, Contact # ,Total Cost. How can I get the balance owing by a customer who have made several payments.

No question is stupid

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Anyone Answer A Simple Q For Me???

Jan 15, 2006

Hi all,

Just put some buttons together, and I notice when I click on them I get a box appear on the button itself. Strangely, some of the boxes are solid likes and some are dashed.

Just wondered what they are, and how to change/get rid of them.

See sample below



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Answer From 2d Array

Jan 29, 2007

Hi, totally new on MS access. Is it possible to solve this following task in Access. (using it in Excel today)


2d table?

Prod 1 Prod 2 Prod 3
Prod 1 0 10 20
Prod 2 10 0 30
Prod 3 20 30 0

Question 1: What did you just create?
Answer: Prod 1

Question 2: What will you create?
Answer: Prod 3

Then Access will show 30.

Probably explaning it bad but hope you understand and can answer me if this is possible to solve in Access....

The mission is to create a database with setup times between diffrent products, and make it possible to ask a question to get the answer.


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Top 10 Ways To Not Get An Answer

Feb 3, 2007

I've been here for two months and answered over 400 questions. I'm seeing a pattern here, and I have decided to post the best ways to make sure you are never answered.10) Blood, sweat, and tears are for losers. Spend no time figuring things out on your own.9) Announce almost ceremoniously that you have no VBA experience.8) Fail to use the search functions of this forum.7) Try to put every example you're given into a macro.6) Believe that this is the only source for answers, because Access Help provides nothing. Nothing, I tell you!5) Have us write your homework for you and then complain when you don't understand it.4) Post in German.3) Have a belief that your particular problem is the most important issue ever, and post in every sub-forum possible. Then bump it.2) Be vague, and then be belligerent.1) Have no appreciation for the people that are answering your questions in the first place. I know this sounds cold and mean and otherwise uncaring, but we are here to answer questions, not give you fish, as it were. This is a place to say, "I've done most of the work, but I need help over this hump," not "I have this crazy project/idea and I want you to write it for me." I've written over a dozen example DBs for people, and I know that I know what I'm doing. But, myself along with perhaps the majority of others that answer the majority of the questions, I'm asking on their behalf to please take the time to figure some of this out. If you can't do VBA, you are using 25% maybe of Access. If you can't understand your own DB, then asking us to fix it is a solution, but not a learning opportunity for you. If you can't understand what I'm getting at, it's that so many posts are the same. Again, I'm not trying to be an ass, but if you want to be a decent Access programmer and a programmer in general, then please, take the time to learn it. There are plenty of books (look at the bottom of this forum) and there are plenty of resources. I don't think any of us are teachers by trade, but the best teacher for something like programming is always trial and error. Programming is a language, a passion, a "something you figure out" if you will. If you're spoon-fed the entire time, you don't learn. I will continue to answer as I always do and I apologize if anyone was offended, but jeez, make sure you've tried everything offline before asking for help. And don't forget to search first, both here and Google.Sorry for the long read. :)

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Can't Find The Answer - Can Anybody Help !!

Nov 12, 2007

Hi Guys

I currently have a database and the powers at be want me to enable a button that will count how many times in the database a particular month is used. So for example how many times did we visit a particular place in September/october etc.

Is there a way of doing this that i can't see, I have tried searching the forum but to no avail.

my thanks in advance


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MTD, YTD, WTD (one Answer For Total)

Oct 13, 2005

Please Help. I am tring to get the Month to date, year to date and week to date total in a query. I added a parameter for a date range. Instead of giving me the mtd, wtd, ytd, I get the whole months daily total. Can someone tell me what query caculation do I need to just get one number instead of daily numbers?

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Please Answer Need Help Desperately

Apr 19, 2006

I have created a basic database but now need it to perform some difficult tasks (Well difficult to me) an havent a clue how to do this.

I need to be able to search the database for a vehicle type for a specific dat to see whether it is available or not?

and i need to be able to produc a list of vehicle & drivers that are not booked by entering a date?

Has anybody got any ideas on how to do this because its racking my brains


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