Switchboard Manager

Jun 21, 2006


Wondering if anyone can help me with a problem I'm having with the switchboard manager. What I want to do is open a form in pivotchart view from a switchboard. I've set it as the default view to see if this makes a difference. I've not allowed any other view, no difference. Exhausted all basic property solutions and can't think what else to try. Thinking of either adding a control to the switchboards form in design view and bypassing the switchboard manager or would it be better to put some code into the form that says when open, open in pivot chart view?? Anyone have any other ideas?

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Switchboard Manager??

Jun 14, 2006

I was wondering if there is a way to have a certain option in my switchboard only display if the user has administrative permissions to the database?

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Switchboard Manager Problem

Jul 30, 2006

I am trying to display forms to the user in datasheet view. The properties are set to datasheet as default and Form View to No. They work fine using the database window but are displayed in Form View when using the Switchboard. If the switchboard setting is Open in Add Mode no data is displayed. If it is Open in Edit Mode the data is there but in both cases they are in Form View. I am using Access 2000 and Access 2002. Can anyone help?

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Records Switchboard Manager,

Oct 29, 2007

I have made a database in access 2003 I have forms, reports etc, which all worked great! then I did a switchboard manager,which took me to two more switchboards and one of them was forms it works great but when I open a form I can not use the find comand, and it does not show all my records but it does up date the table and everything else works great.It is just the find and records on all the forms and only when opened in switchboard when I open them from the database window they work fine.

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Linking From Switchboard To Switchboard On Two Or More Databases

Nov 21, 2006

I am working on a database that will be an addition to an existing one on the company server. However, to make the overall layout not so complex and allow room for other additions in the future, I'd like to keep the databases separate. This will also ensure more efficiency, integrity and troubleshooting overall.

I have the original database with the name of "Cell MFG Screen" that contains a switchboard. I am now creating a db to keep track of manufacturing waste (which will also be on the same server when completed). That switchboard is called "Cell Waste Weight". Again, I want to keep these db's separated from one another as well being able to add future dbs. Now, what my plan is to make up a one db that consists of only a switchboard that will be used as the main switchboard to be able to navigate to other dbs that are located on the server.

Does anyone know how this is done?

Thank you in advance for your help,


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SQL Enterprise Manager For 6.5

Jul 3, 2007

Hello everyone,

I have MS SQL 6.5 for NT installed on an NT server and I have the SQL Enterprise Manager installed.

I'm new to Access and this is my first try at understanding SQL 6.5.

Where can I find the Relationship window within SQL Enterprise Manger? Is it called something else or am I missing it? :eek:

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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No Link Table Manager

Sep 6, 2005

I am working on a new system. Have been given Full MS Access but Link Table Manager fails it gives a standard security warning that this new system enforces it says Opening: CProg..FilesMSOfficeOffice11ACWZTOOL.MDE however on selecting OPEN nothing happens. If Cancel is hit then
long critical message saying in short " Can't find wizard , syntax error in delerations in VB. Likewise I cannot link to a spreadsheet without using the manager.

Question is there anything I can do or is it the fact that these are options were not installed and it is an administrators job?

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Linked Table Manager

Jul 29, 2006

Is there any way I can download the Linked Table Manager Utility as I need to install it and I've lost the Office 2000 CD


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Order Manager Database

Mar 19, 2007

Hi, I wonder if anyone could help. I'm in the planning stages of creating a order manager in access for multiple ecommerce sites.

Database will store data on Customers, Inventory, Invoices, Returns, Shipments, Credits, Quotes etc for all sites, and also custom reports. And the idea is to have the database generate the ecommerce sites automatically as static html, which can be uploaded. As the orders come in they will be stored online, and then periodically downloaded into the database.

The reason is we currently have 3 sites running and managing inventory and stock control is the hardest, as currently there are 3 databases controling stock! Also when a customer telephones its difficult to know which site they have ordered from which is unprofessional, and we have to log into every site just to find their order.

Future ideas:- Meaning we are going to setup more sites which will obivously make the situation worse. We also want to branch out in into eBay using the eBay API to download transactions and sales, and will therefore need a place to store the data.

Can anyone foresee any problems with such a system? Any ideas or examples?

Thanks for your time.

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Task Manager Problems

May 2, 2007

There are a few procedures that run when my Access database closes (backing up data, etc.). Since this can take a minute or two to finish (running over a network), one of the users here has started to use Task Manager to shut down the application.

This is not ideal, as the same user has also deleted the backend on more than one occasion. Should both happen on one day, we'd lose that day's updates.

Asking them not to do it doesn't work. Explaining why doesn't work. Telling them not to do it doesn't work. If I ask their supervisor to tell them not to do it, they just deny it. It's starting to look like the backup scripts aren't running, when they work fine for everyone else.

Is there any way of either
(a) Preventing them from doing this (unlikely, I'd have thought)
(b) Recording the fact that this has happened.

It doesn't necessarily have to be recorded in Access itself - although that would be ideal - if there's some other file I can access to get the info?

Any suggestions are gratefully received.

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Table Link Manager

Jan 31, 2008

I searched the internet and different forums, but could not find the solution for my problem. In Access 2003 I splitted the database and made a mde file of the frontend. When I copy the front and backend to another computer it cannot find the backend due to the original path is included. To solve this I would like the database to link the backend that is available in the directory of the frontend. No more and no less. Is this possible? I find a lot of questions in this direction, but could not destilate a solution.

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VBA Linked Table Manager

Jan 14, 2006

I have successfully automated the refresh of my linked tables using VBA (thanks to a post on this forum -- Cool). Anyway, what I would like to know now is this:

If my table collection does not have any linked tables, using VBA, how can I get that list of available tables to show? Assume that I will be connecting to the same database (Oracle) through an ODBC connection. I dont wish to change the connection - just want that window with all tables to shouw up.

Thanks guys/gals for the help.

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Help Accessing Task Manager

Aug 18, 2004

this has been "bugging" me for a while. everytime i access task
manager it opens for couple of seconds and then disappears. i heard
that this was some type of virus and/or spyware related. norton, spyware,
and adaware haven't seemed to solve this problem. please help

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Linked Table Manager

Aug 2, 2005

Does anyone know how to use a Macro or Module to refresh/update linked excel worksheets in an access DB. I used to delete all the tables then re-add them. There must be a better more correct way. Any ideas?

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Line-manager / Staff Relationship?

Aug 10, 2005

Hi all,

I'm a bit stuck with a db relationship design.

I need to hold information in a staff table about a person's Line-manager.

My initial idea was to just have the Staff Table and use the PK of a member who is a Line-manager as a FK in the Line-manager field in the same table for their staff.

I then came across a problem.

I need to be able to select all the staff under a Line-manager. For example a head of department may have 3 team leaders who each manage 10 staff. I need to know all of them, not just the 3 team leaders who are directly managed by the HoD but their staff as well.

As it happens there is no rigidgly defined managment structure per se for this organisation which makes things even more difficult.

I assume there is a reasonably standard way of doing this as all organisations have some form of line-manager/staff relationship. Anyone care to enlighten me?



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Reports :: Page Breaks At The End Of Each Manager

Jan 22, 2014

I have a report based on main database that list all "Sites" by Manager, when i open the report it gives me all the details that I want, what I would now like to do is page break at the end of each manager, in addition the each record as a "completed" and "active" field I only want to show on the report the "Active" Records. ie:- After it reports all the Active marked sites for 1 manager is starts the second manager on a new page, can this be done? and how do I do it?

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Multi-user Contact Manager, Any Ideas??

Jul 8, 2005

I'm in the process of recreating a contact manager for a group of salespeople at an office I work for... What I want to do is be able to consolidate all of the contacts in a single contact database on the back end. Then the records will have specific users specified to each record, and what I want to happen is that the users will open up their own database, and they will only see the records pertaining to them, and they can't change who gets the records.

Here's where it starts getting tricky. I want the manager to have access to all of the records, and I want him to select which user's contact list he wants, and it brings up those contacts. I want him to have a combo list on the screen where he can select who gets which contacts, and he can change them throughout the different users.

Related to each of these contacts is a subform, called CALLS... When this button is clicked, any information regarding past calls is brought up, and the user can add information about a call that is made. This checks the previous form that is open to find out the ContactID so that it can open up the corresponding CALLS entries in the CALLS table.

Here's what I did: I created a new contacts form for each salesperson (there are 5 salespeople). Then I had to create a new subform for each salesperson for the CALLS, and then the information will be gathered from the proper subform to the users contact form.

I can do all of the above, but it seems kind of redundant to do this for all of the users, and I'm wondering if there is an easier way to do this. Also, in the future if more salespeople are added and I'm not here for the company to set up the new users, I would like to see if there is an easy way for them to set it up (like adding a new value to a few different spots)...

BTW: One difficulty is that they are already using a previous contact manager (not designed by me) that has hundreds of contacts, but each user has their own separate copy of the contact manager which is just copied and pasted onto their local drive when a new salesperson arrives. I will also need to import all of their previous contacts, and I would like to maintain as much of the original structure as possible to avoid dealing with user compatibility problems.

If you need to see the contact managers, please let me know. Any questions, i will be glad to discuss. Thanks.

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How To Create Backups/failsafes For Replication Manager/A97?

Jan 22, 2007

I have tentatively gotten an indirectly synchronised database system to work on a testing basis, in the following way:

1. Design Master - resides on network.
2. Replica Master - replica of master, resides on network
3. Local replica on the windows desktop of my laptop (as one of few folders with write authority). These three are managed by a synchroniser running on my laptop.
4. Other people (3-6) also have synchronisers running - managing the Replica Master, and a local copy on their desktop only.

This appears to work. It was done as we did not have access to get a synchroniser process running on a server, just folder access (I am amazed IT accepted this without oversight, anyway..). I would be happy to describe the procedure.

However, does anyone have any advice on potential things that could go wrong and how to avoid them? What problems could crop up? I don't believe database size would be one of them. How about backups? I know that the network is backed up daily and can be restored to any day - but would this method of backup create any problems if restoring? How rare are collisions/conflicts?

Also, is there any limitations to using the Compact utility in Access on either the replica master on the design master? Would this cause changes to get lost?

Would be grateful for advice.

Edit: Addition, just as I was submitting this, my synchroniser appears to have gone into a loop... From the log file:

Time = 2007-01-22 01:23:55 PM
Log Type = Close exchange
Replica = \afsukhofs02N_Dept[Folder names]Replica master.mdb
Exchange ID = {D4C646CE-140A-4DE0-B164-FE924A44C7A3}
Result = Failure

Time = 2007-01-22 01:23:56 PM
Log Type = Cancel exchange
Replica = \afsukhofs02N_Dept[Folder names]Replica master.mdb
Exchange ID = {D4C646CE-140A-4DE0-B164-FE924A44C7A3}
Reason = More than one synchronizer is managing the replica

This looks to be a problem... Is it caused by having multiple synchronisers managing the same replica? Does it work to set them to manage the local one only? Advice GREATLY appreciated. :P

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Is There A Linked Table Manager In Access 2007?

Nov 27, 2007

Hi folks

Is there a linked table manager in access 2007?


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Linked Table Manager In Access Runtime

Feb 12, 2007

Database with front- & back end.
From mdb to mde to Runtime.

The linked table manager is grey if the access application is installed in a different folder then initially set.

I have no idea how to solve this.

Help is welcome.


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Creating Financial Portfolio Manager Using Access

Dec 2, 2012

I'm new to Access and would like to ask if it's possible to create a portfolio manager to track and report financial market holdings - buys, sells and current holdings. The current software managers on the market don't offer what I'd like to see so I'm looking to create my own.

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Create Explorer (File Manager) Style Drill Down

Dec 6, 2006

Hello, I am wondering if there is an efficient way to create an explorer style drill down for a location/equipment table I have



I have used the tree control to acomplish this but the major drawback I have found is it becomes WAY too slow when utilizing large amounts of data due to many embeded loops. Does anyone know an alternative or a way to program the tree control to only add nodes once a selection is expanded?

Basically I want this to operate as a drilldown of infinate levels with the speed of windows explorer. Unfortunatly all the code I have seen requires that all nodes are designated/Created when the form is loaded.

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated

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Linked Table Manager Doesn't Relink ODBC Tables.

Sep 15, 2006


The scenario. Two PC's, one older than the other, both running Windows 2000 (SP4) and Office 2000 (SP3). I use Access as a front end to a MySQL database, connections are made using ODBC.
I recently altered the structure of a table and attempted to re-link the table in access using the Linked Table Manager on the new PC. All that happened was the hourglass came on and never went away. I tried to do this on the old PC and it worked fine first time.

Any ideas why I can't get it to work on my new PC? It's quite important as I won't have the old PC with me much longer :-(



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General :: Access 2007 Link Table Manager Don't Work

Dec 13, 2012

I have an Access 2007 application where don't work the link table manager.

I also try to complete reinstall the Office 2007 and also I register the Accwiz.dll in the office folder (regsvr32.exe Accwiz.dll) but the module still does not work.

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Linked Table Manager File Path View Truncation Problem

Sep 30, 2005

How do you get to see the entire file path in Access Linked Table Manager of linked tables that are located in a folder with a long path? The problem is that you can only view the first 64 or so characters of the table’s path. This is a real problem when these linked tables need to be updated and you don't know where it’s stored.


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General :: Timesheet Manager - Report Based On Date Range Given By User

Jul 7, 2014

I have the following project that works as a timesheet manager:

Users enter in a form the employee name/date/hours worked/role/overtime (yes or no)/rate... on a daily basis. At the end of every week, they must create a report depending on the dates given in a query.

I have only one table (tbl_EmployeeHours) and a query to calculate the number of hours between two dates.

At the moment a report gives me all the information above (employee name/date hours worked etc..) but what I am trying to is a bit different.

I need Access to create a report (based on a date range given by the user) that would give me: per unique name, the number of normal hours worked in total, next column, the number of hours worked as overtime (rate 1.5), then, the number of hours worked as overtime (rate 2).

This means there are 3 different totals. For example, in the date range given, someone might appear twice but in the report he will appear only once with 3 different totals...

My guess:

I would say I need to create a different query for the 3 different totals (normal hours, overtime 1.5 and overtime 2). For each query you would need to ask the user to input the date range (which would not be so user-friendly I agree...). Then, I am not sure how access would create that list of names and combine the 3 different results from the queries...?

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