Switchboard Not Available In Access Database

Aug 29, 2005

As a newcomer to Access programming I have just shot myself in the foot!
I unticked all the start-up boxes and the switchboard no longer appears. My database works fine (thanks to several articles in your amazing forums) but I don't know how to access the switchboard as I need to add a delete record button to a form.

Silly but true, I seem to remember that the switchboard can be unhidden by pressing a few keys?

I would be grateful if someone could spare a few seconds to advise.

Ralphie :o

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After Splittting The Database(switchboard)

Mar 16, 2007

thank you all for helping out with the above mentioned subject. i did split the database well. i have the back end and the front end. i am in a thin network enviroment, the network that doesnt have hard drives.
my first question is , where do i put the front end part?
second question, when i open the front end it opens the forms ,queries instead of the switchboard. do i do the same procedure to have the switchboard open when we click front end apllication .
i thank all you for your response in advance.

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Copying Switchboard To Another Database

Jan 14, 2005

Can you copy the switch board (and all of its properties) from one database to another? how do you do this? i tried copying and pasting the switchboard from "Forms" But none of the properties in the switchboard manager transfered with it. How do you do this?

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Backup Database By Use Of Command Button On Switchboard

Sep 3, 2004

Is it possible to create a command button on an Access switchboard that will automatically backup a database? What code would I need? The command button wizard doesn't handle this task.

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General :: Use Hyperlink Command In Switchboard Database

Apr 17, 2015

I have a number of databases in my system and I created a database that only has a switchboard form in it. This switchboard form has links to all of the various databases I have created and opens their default input form. This works fine but now I wish to place a button on the switchboard to run a report that is located in one of the databases.

I tried to use the hyperlink command in the switchboard database but that will not show me the information in the other databases only the switchboard database. I assume I have to link the databases and create a connection to the other database and its report.

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Unable To Find A Valid Switchboard In Database

Jan 10, 2014

Here's the issue:
Access 2010 Database with a Switchboard
SharePoint 2007

After I moved the tables to the SharePoint site everything is working correctly except the Switchboard Manager. When I try to the Switchboard manager i get error that is was unable to find a valid Switchboard in the database and asks me to create one. If I click Yes I get error that Table 'Switchboard Items already exists.

My Database has the following:
1. Switchboard Items Table
2. Switchboard form

I can access both of them and attached screenshots of the errors and tables in the database.

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Microsoft Word Mail Merge - On Database Switchboard

Mar 9, 2008

I've got a mail merge letter in word using a booking system which I've built in Access, and I want to be able to access the mail merge letter (or the letter template) through that switchboard. Is this through running a certain macro, and if so, can anybody tell me what it is?

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Cannot Move Database Up To Front View Behind Form Switchboard

Apr 13, 2012

Hard to see the image but basically, I can't seem to bring the database behind the form to the front to view it when I click on it. I've never encountered this before.

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Switchboard Access

Apr 12, 2007

I'm sure there probably an easy explaination for this, how do you make the main switchboard a desktop icon instead of going into the database so that all they have access to is the switchboardand the forms etc.

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Access 07 Switchboard HELP!!

Feb 27, 2008

Pretty much ive became stuck in access 07. i have made all my forms and i have made my switchboard but when i when i looked for the "startup" option as existed in 2000 i couldnt find it.

Basically i am setting up a database as part of my alevel coursework and unfortuanatly i am the first person to reach the stage of wanting to run the switchboard on startup. I would greatly appreciate it if any one could shed any light on how to run a switchboard automatically on startup. i know it is probably something reli simlple that i have just over looked so any help at all would be just great :D

cheers, Paul

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Can I Access A Query From A Switchboard?

Apr 14, 2007

I am trying to access a query from a switchboard. I see that the Switchboard Manager shows you only reports and forms - no queries. How can I run a query from a switchboard?


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Access Switchboard Problems!

Feb 18, 2007

Im creating a acccess database system as part of my A-level ICT project. Im having problems with the switchboard, which i designed using the Switchboard Manager. it comes up with the following error message:

Run-time error ‘2465’:

Pass-It Driving School can’t find the field ‘Option8’ referred to in you espression.

Then when clicked on 'Debug' it displays the VB code as follows:

Private Sub FillOptions()
' Fill in the options for this switchboard page.

' The number of buttons on the form.
Const conNumButtons = 8

Dim con As Object
Dim rs As Object
Dim stSql As String
Dim intOption As Integer

' Set the focus to the first button on the form,
' and then hide all of the buttons on the form
' but the first. You can't hide the field with the focus.
For intOption = 2 To conNumButtons
Me("Option" & intOption).Visible = False
Me("OptionLabel" & intOption).Visible = False
Next intOption

' Open the table of Switchboard Items, and find
' the first item for this Switchboard Page.
Set con = Application.CurrentProject.Connection
stSql = "SELECT * FROM [Switchboard Items]"
stSql = stSql & " WHERE [ItemNumber] > 0 AND [SwitchboardID]=" & Me![SwitchboardID]
stSql = stSql & " ORDER BY [ItemNumber];"
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open stSql, con, 1 ' 1 = adOpenKeyset

' If there are no options for this Switchboard Page,
' display a message. Otherwise, fill the page with the items.
If (rs.EOF) Then
Me![OptionLabel1].Caption = "There are no items for this switchboard page"
While (Not (rs.EOF))
Me("Option" & rs![ItemNumber]).Visible = True
Me("OptionLabel" & rs![ItemNumber]).Visible = True
Me("OptionLabel" & rs![ItemNumber]).Caption = rs![ItemText]
End If

' Close the recordset and the database.
Set rs = Nothing
Set con = Nothing

End Sub

Private Function HandleButtonClick(intBtn As Integer)
' This function is called when a button is clicked.
' intBtn indicates which button was clicked.

' Constants for the commands that can be executed.
Const conCmdGotoSwitchboard = 1
Const conCmdOpenFormAdd = 2
Const conCmdOpenFormBrowse = 3
Const conCmdOpenReport = 4
Const conCmdCustomizeSwitchboard = 5
Const conCmdExitApplication = 6
Const conCmdRunMacro = 7
Const conCmdRunCode = 8
Const conCmdOpenPage = 9

' An error that is special cased.
Const conErrDoCmdCancelled = 2501

Dim con As Object
Dim rs As Object
Dim stSql As String

On Error GoTo HandleButtonClick_Err

' Find the item in the Switchboard Items table
' that corresponds to the button that was clicked.
Set con = Application.CurrentProject.Connection
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
stSql = "SELECT * FROM [Switchboard Items] "
stSql = stSql & "WHERE [SwitchboardID]=" & Me![SwitchboardID] & " AND [ItemNumber]=" & intBtn
rs.Open stSql, con, 1 ' 1 = adOpenKeyset

' If no item matches, report the error and exit the function.
If (rs.EOF) Then
MsgBox "There was an error reading the Switchboard Items table."
Set rs = Nothing
Set con = Nothing
Exit Function
End If

Select Case rs![Command]

' Go to another switchboard.
Case conCmdGotoSwitchboard
Me.Filter = "[ItemNumber] = 0 AND [SwitchboardID]=" & rs![Argument]

' Open a form in Add mode.
Case conCmdOpenFormAdd
DoCmd.OpenForm rs![Argument], , , , acAdd

' Open a form.
Case conCmdOpenFormBrowse
DoCmd.OpenForm rs![Argument]

' Open a report.
Case conCmdOpenReport
DoCmd.OpenReport rs![Argument], acPreview

' Customize the Switchboard.
Case conCmdCustomizeSwitchboard
' Handle the case where the Switchboard Manager
' is not installed (e.g. Minimal Install).
On Error Resume Next
Application.Run "ACWZMAIN.sbm_Entry"
If (Err <> 0) Then MsgBox "Command not available."
On Error GoTo 0
' Update the form.
Me.Filter = "[ItemNumber] = 0 AND [Argument] = 'Default' "
Me.Caption = Nz(Me![ItemText], "")

' Exit the application.
Case conCmdExitApplication

' Run a macro.
Case conCmdRunMacro
DoCmd.RunMacro rs![Argument]

' Run code.
Case conCmdRunCode
Application.Run rs![Argument]

' Open a Data Access Page
Case conCmdOpenPage
DoCmd.OpenDataAccessPage rs![Argument]

' Any other command is unrecognized.
Case Else
MsgBox "Unknown option."

End Select

' Close the recordset and the database.

On Error Resume Next
Set rs = Nothing
Set con = Nothing
Exit Function

' If the action was cancelled by the user for
' some reason, don't display an error message.
' Instead, resume on the next line.
If (Err = conErrDoCmdCancelled) Then
Resume Next
MsgBox "There was an error executing the command.", vbCritical
Resume HandleButtonClick_Exit
End If

End Function

[SIZE=3]Could someone kindly help me with this problem as im not a very experienced user with VB. Any Help would be appreciated. u can email me on [B]atiqskool at yahoo.co.uk

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Access Switchboard Command To Run Query

Oct 31, 2004

I'm working on an Access file. I know how to create a swtitchboad and have it appear when the file opens. The switchboad will have three commands. The commands will be:

1. Open a form called "FORM1" in add mode.

2. Run a query named "Query1" so that it will run a query that is the only query in the file. The query only lists ten items of information entered in the ONE most recently completed entry in ONE table.

3. Close the switchboard and then close the file.

I know how to do the first and third commands. Does anybody out there know how to write the code, or the macro, or whatever it's called that will do the second one?


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How Can I Show Switchboard Only (i.e Access Doesn't Appear To Be Open)

Jul 19, 2005

Does anyone know if I can just show the switchboard only so that it looks like a program, or if I can use an existing MDB to create an .exe??

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Linking From Switchboard To Switchboard On Two Or More Databases

Nov 21, 2006

I am working on a database that will be an addition to an existing one on the company server. However, to make the overall layout not so complex and allow room for other additions in the future, I'd like to keep the databases separate. This will also ensure more efficiency, integrity and troubleshooting overall.

I have the original database with the name of "Cell MFG Screen" that contains a switchboard. I am now creating a db to keep track of manufacturing waste (which will also be on the same server when completed). That switchboard is called "Cell Waste Weight". Again, I want to keep these db's separated from one another as well being able to add future dbs. Now, what my plan is to make up a one db that consists of only a switchboard that will be used as the main switchboard to be able to navigate to other dbs that are located on the server.

Does anyone know how this is done?

Thank you in advance for your help,


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User Security Access 2013 For Switchboard Items

Aug 3, 2015

I have user security level setup with username and password.I have set forms and tables etc to security levels.what i am having trouble with is setting user security levels to command buttons on the switchboard.Example if you sign in Mary Jones and you click on the command button (open Tom Smith switchboard) button on the main switchboard and your not tom smith you get a message access denied.

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If Forms!frmLogin!cboUser.Column(4) <> 2 Then
MsgBox "you cant open this form"


it is a switchboard page. and putting CoCmd.OpenSwitchboardPage that does not work either..when you look at the event on click of the command button a macro opens up but I dont see how you can edit it.

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Switchboard Front Page - Users Able To Access Forms For Data Input

Dec 8, 2011

I have created a switchboard 'front page' through which I hope for users to access the forms for inputting data.

Within this front page I have an 'enter' button - successfully created - everything.

However, I am unclear as to how you activate this, or any other button. I have linked it to the appropriate form and stated the action I want it to undertake, but nothing is happening.

What further instructions do I need to provide ...and where?!

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Best Way To Import SQL Database To Local Access Database?

Dec 25, 2005

I'm new to Access and VBA, for the record. What I need to do is copy a SQL database (table structures and records) and save it as a local Access database, so that the user can query and make any changes on the local file without editting the SQL database.

Looking around, it seems like the best option would be to use the TransferDatabase method with the acImport option. Does this sound reasonable, or can someone with more experience suggest a better way to go about it? Thanks.

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How To Access Ms-Access WorkGroup Tables To Change Database Login Password

Apr 13, 2007

This is Kishore, working on VB Project which is using MS-Access95 as backend.
Now, i want to change the Database login Password.
Could anyone guide me in this context.


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Using Access's User And Group Accounts Or Using A Login Form To Access Database?

Sep 9, 2005

Using Access's User and Group Accounts or Using a Login Form to access database?

I've been researching on how to make a database secure. How to create User and Group Accounts on access, I see the step by step instructions and tried it out myself.

I also saw some sites where they give an example of a Login Form and how to create one.

My question is do you need to create both. First create the users and groups to permit or deny access to certain forms and then have a login form?

But would that mean that they'd have to login twice? Once when the database opens because it activates the db security that was created and then login again in the login form that was created?

Also when the user logins in and clicks on the cmd button on the form which opens up another from, frmWorkLog, I have an Employee field. This field I want it to have the user's name entered automatically and "locked". So that info, employee name, is extracted from the user's login. So then the user can only see his or her records only and no one elses.

How would I go about creating that. Hope I made my explanation clear.

Thanks in advance.

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Locking User Access To Database Objects (MS Access 2000 And 2003)

Apr 15, 2007

I have two database applications and they are:
- the (A) application is for administration use.
- the (B) application is for normal users use.

the idea is that: I made the (A) application for administrators who have full control over the database objects (tables, forms, queries, and so on ...).

the (B) application I have created for normal users who will have only to use forms to insert some data and display data only.

but the two applications has a respective table called "vacation request" table. where I linked them, so the both administrators and users can share the data.

The real question is that: How can I prevent the users from seeing the database objects in their application. I used the database options which have helped me in hidding the database objectives when the users open the application, but unfortunately they managed to access to the database objects by pressing the special keys.

I would like to have an access to the (B) application when I want to make some modifications to the forms and then lock it from users where they only have to use the forms for requesting vacations and view the vacations.

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Access 2000 Database Not Working Under Access 2003

Dec 7, 2005

i am trying to use access 2000 database onto to access 2003. When i try to click design mode to change something it gives me this message:

You dont have permissions to modify.

If i run it on access 2000 it runs fine.

Someone please help.

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Convert Access 2000 Database To Access 2003

Sep 27, 2006


A few years ago I’ve made an access database on access 2000. The problem is that now I’ve installed the office 2003, and I can’t make the database work properly.

At first says that are missing those files: “tshoot.ocx”, “msioff9.ocx” and “msowc.dll”; so, I’ve copy them from another computer using office 2000 and now only complains about “msioff9.ocx” saying that my database contains a reference incomplete to it.

Is there no other way to convert my database do work properly with access 2003? What can I do?


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Access 2003 To Access 2007 Split Database

Mar 8, 2007

Hi All,

Background Info: I developed our main department's Access 2003 split database which is on a server for 15+ Users. I've now been given Access 2007 for development -- Users still have 2003. There are also 2 other smaller databases that are not split (.mdb).

Problem: In the split database, I've saved the Application .mdb as 2003, relinked and made a new .mde. But the Users still cannot open the database. (I did this in a copy until I figure out the nuances with 2007.) The 2 other unsplit databases can be saved as 2003 version and Users can open OK.

I'm grateful for any suggestions on working with Access 2007. I've been trying to tackle the ribbon which is a whole other question.

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Access 2003 Database Not Functioning In Access 2007

Mar 30, 2007


I have an Access 2000/2003 database which opens up and displays correctly in Access 2007, but when I go to use the File>Print command, or for that matter any of the other pull down menu's nothing happens?

Has anyone else experienced thisproblem, or does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Any help greatly appreciated.



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How To Gain Access To The Database From An Access Application?

Jan 10, 2007


I have this Access application. Now I want to see the databases and fields defined.but when I open the access file, it straight opens the access application.
Then when i press Alt+F11, it opens VB Editor. Then when I click on Design mode it comes back to access in the design mode, but still does not shows the design mode for databases and reports and all.

I can remember there is one more step I need to do after getting into the design of the form.But I cannot remember that

Could anyone please help me out


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