Synchronise 2 Sub-forms

Aug 7, 2006

Please see the attached zip.

I want to synchronise the data in the Sales subform so that, when a different record is clicked, the data in the subfrmSales2 changes.

IE, when a user clicks on OrderID1 in the Sales subform, then the data for OrderID1 shows in subfrmSales2. And when a user clicks on OrderID315 in the Sales subform, then the data for OrderID315 shows in subfrmSales2.

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Synchronise Multiple Forms

Jul 29, 2005


Scenario - I have one main form containing all the customer details. From this I can open several other forms, containing various other information about the services that they have applied for, and the stage of their application.

Some of these forms also have forms that can be opened from within them, so there can be at times three tiers of forms.

When I add a new customer on the main form, I then open the second form, add more info, then choose from another selection of forms. So at this stage there are 3 forms open. The final form contains a command button to run a report.

However to get the report to work, I have to shut down the last two forms and re-open them, even if I refresh the data on all of the forms.

Is there any way I can create a command button on the final form that will synchronise the data on all of the forms that are open and make the report work first time? Is there a way of doing this using Macros?

Hopefully this all makes sense, thanks.

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Synchronise Ms Access 2003 With Sql

Jul 5, 2007

I need to some advise on which is the best course of action.

I have a MS database with an SQL back end as a client server application.

Now the next step is to give stand alone versions (with a mdb back end) to off-site laptop users, to make updates or entries when not connected to the office network.
Hwr upon returning to the office or when connected on-line through a VPN connection, I would like the databases to synchronise.

I tried exploring the replication options in access but that doesn't seem to work.

What advise and or softwar tips could one offer me.

(ps .net web application is not an option yet as this means a complete revamp of the program, with no .net knowledge available yet)

Thanks for any assistance

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Synchronise Data In Access

Mar 18, 2008

Hi all,

I hope you might be able to help.

I have today setup an Access database for work as we were using Excel but it has become far too hard to manage.

We receive a list of properties which are empty every month in an Excel spreadsheet. I've managed to import my first set (March) successfully into Access. The idea is that we'll supplement Access with investigation notes etc having one access record per property (each property has its own unique ref. number).

However, next month (April) I'm going to receive a new list of empty properties which will include some from the previous month and some new ones.

I want to import this into Access but tell Access:

- Not to import ones which are duplicated (as there will already be case notes on file). I presume it'll be able to check the unique reference number;
- Insert non-duplicated entries (i.e. any new properties which have come on);

However, I also need to be able to identify those which are no longer empty and mark them as non-empty BUT not delete them (as we need the records on file).

That means that running a report in April will give me the same number of empty properties as the Excel spreadsheet.

Is there a way to do this (not manually as we're talking about 2,000 records per month!) or is it going to become too complicated for Access?


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Can Anyone Recomend The Best Way To Synchronise Different Versions Of Same DB

Jun 23, 2005

Hi I am trying to find the best way to synchronise several different versions of the one database, two of which are used by remote users so i can't really set one database on a central server, I am trying to come up with an as automated a process as possible as it will need to be done on a regular basis, has anyone any ideas??

it is a microsoft access 97 database

I will be updating it to a newer version as soon as possible

all help is greatly appreciated


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Database Won't Synchronise - Search Key Not Found

Jan 7, 2008


I have a database which I have replicated and I am trying to synchronise the replicated copy with the design master - both at the moment are stored on the same network share.

Whenever I try to sync from the replicated copy I get an error message saying the "search key was not found" and the database won't sync.

What should I be looking for to correct this?

running Access 2003 - Win XP SP2

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Is It Possible To Synchronise By Exporting And Importing Database Objects?

Aug 14, 2007

I'm desperately searching for a way to synchronise different copies of the same access 2003 database i created. I have tried brief case synchronisation, and I have also tried the replication manager that comes with access but they both haven't been much help.
My experience with them leads me to believe that they both work best with a LAN or internet connection.
I'm seeking a solution that will work without a LAN or internet connection. Something that will copy my tables and other required objects to a folder that i can copy and move to another pc where another copy of the database resides. It should then import the same tables and objects and hence synchronise the copy of the database.
I recently saw a visual foxpro database that has the kind of synchronisation solution i'm looking for. I think it works this way;it exports all the tables and necessary objects to a folder that it creates allowing you to copy or move this folder via portable storage device to another computer. It then synchronises by importing the tables and other objects from this folder into the database resident on that computer.
I think there might be a way to do this using macro's or VBA but alas my knowledge of these areas of access is very weak. Is there a way to recreate this functionality in access 2003 using VBA code?

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Synchronise Main Form With Sub Form

Sep 13, 2005

I have a main form with combo box used for selection criteria. On the same form is a datasheet subform which show the records according to combo box criteria. I have also managed to insert (All) into the combo box to show all records but when I click "All" nothing happens. It does work for all other criteria in the combo box.

I attach the mdb so you can see what I have done so far.
Can anyone help me on the matter. Thanks

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Forms :: Find Hex Or RGB Value For Blue Color That Access 2010 Uses By Default For Buttons On Forms?

Sep 5, 2014

Where can I find the Hex or RGB value for the blue colour that Access 2010 uses by default for buttons on forms? I need to change some buttons to yellow (I know the code for that) but later change them back to the previous shade of blue, which is shown in the Properties pane "Accent 1, Lighter 40%".

By clicking in the standard colors area at the bottom of the colour chooser I can find a very similar blue #D6DFEC but it doesn't look quite right. And the "accent" colour does not give me a Hex value.Is that "usual" blue even one colour? How can I reset a button to that style having changed it?

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Forms :: Number Of Buttons Which Open Other Forms And Filter Results Using Embedded Macro

Apr 6, 2015

I have a bit of a problem with a database in Access 2013. On 1 of the forms, I have a number of buttons which open other forms and filter the results using an embedded macro. All has been well until a few days ago when error 2950 pop up box started appearing. After fiddling around for a while it all works OK (without actually changing anything) until next time the database is opened. I checked to make sure the location is "trusted" and all seems OK.

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Forms :: Continuous Forms - Looping Through Records / Manipulating Fields On Form

May 29, 2015

I have a bound continuous tabular form,However, based on data content in one field of a record, I want a checkbox in the same record enabled, so the user can check it if necessary. I have created a record set using the form as shown below, and I am looping through each record. To show that my code is referring to the field with required data content, I display it as a message box and it works, yet my checkbox does not enable.

I have the code in the form_load event, however, for testing purposes I have it behind a button.If I am seeing this properly, the code behind the button enables the checkbox for ALL records once the criteria in the required field is true, and based on the last record, which has no data content, it disables the checkbox in ALL records. I also have the PK ID for each record hidden in the form. Can I utilize that to target the checkbox of each individual record??

Form Detail
-Form does not allow additions or deletions. Edits allowed
-All fields are disabled and locked
-I only want the check box to unlock if data is found in the "RequiredField" as referred to below. I have also tried if not isNull(requiredfield.value) then -enable checkbox, which yields the same results

Here is my code


Dim rstMyForm As DAO.Recordset
Set rstMyForm = Forms!MyForm.Form.Recordset
Do While Not rstMyForm.EOF
If Not RequiredField.Value = "" Then


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Forms :: Editing A Forms Control Source To Update A Field In A Table

May 28, 2013

I have created a table for installer invoicing, and have a field for invoice amount. I have created a user input form that allows a user to fill in certain pay rates for different aspects of installation, and would like to know how to make the invoice amount a calculated control that will auto update the field InvoiceAmt in my table. I can't figure out how to do this in the property sheet.

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Forms :: Default Property / Using A Control Of Main Form Without Using Names Of Forms?

Nov 8, 2013

In the default property of a subform control I want to use a control of the main form without using names of forms, but using me and parent.

I used in default property of cboVATDetail: =Me.Parent!cboVAT, but it is not accepted. My aim is to use cboVAT of parent as default in cboVATDetail of child.

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Forms :: Subform Control Event - Identify Parent And Child Forms

Jun 20, 2013

I have a listbox on a subform (or a subform within a subform).

When it is clicked I want all other listboxes to unselect.

There may be listboxes on the mainform, on other subforms, on other subforms of subforms.

I imagine I'm looking at a recursive function of some sort, but I'm not entirely sure of syntax to identify parent and children forms...

pseudocode so far:
loop all controls
if control = listbox, unselect all
if control = subform - recurse: loop all subform controls
if control = parent... err... Fail.

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Forms :: Button Click Event To Choose Between Forms To Open Based On TextBox Input

Jun 7, 2013

Making a small database, Got 1 Table.

1. ContactDetailTable

Got 3 forms.

1. ContactIDForm
2. ContactInfoForm
3. NewContactFrom

In ContactIDForm it contain 1 textbox name 'TextBox' with Button Name 'Btn'

In ContactIDForm there is only 1 Text Box ContactIDTextBox and 1 Button. User Enters ID in TextBox and On Button Click Event it should check data from TextBox in Table name (ContactDetailTable) in field ContactID and if there is record matching, ContactInfoForm should Open else NewContactForm should open with ContactIDTextBox value in it.

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Forms :: Permit Only 50 Group Leaders To Input / Edit Data On Password Protected Forms

Jul 29, 2015

I am building a very comprehensive Membership Management Database with extremely useful facilities initiated by some 20 or 25 Queries..

The database includes 5 Tables which store data relevant to members, another which stores details of Interest Groups and a 3rd which stores which members are affiliated to which Group or Groups.

Currently the database is accessible only by a very limited number of persons and data can be entered/edited by only one person. The database, using Access 2010, is maintained on a desktop computer and synchronized to a copy on a Cloud.

My requirement is to permit some 50 Group Leaders to input/edit data on a Password protected Group Members Form such that that is the only element of the database that they can access. The Forms would have only 2 fields from which the user would select entries from drop down lists.

My query is ; is such a procedure feasible in principle and would I be correct in assuming that the user would require to have available a copy of Access.

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Forms :: Pull Calculated Values From Approximately 10 Forms Into Another Form

Mar 21, 2013

I need to pull the calculated values from approximately 10 forms into another form. This is a summary form that should have all the totals pulled from the other forms.e.g. Form A has a textbox that reflects the sum of the amount. This is the total balance of form A.Form B, Form C, etc. all have a total Balance.Now, i need to pull all these totals into a summary form

-Form A Total Balance: x
-Form B Total balance: y, and so forth.

How and what is the best method to approach?I have tried using Forms![Formname]![Total] to get the data. This necessitates the need to hide all these forms and I ended up with blank forms, etc.Even so, the total sometimes appear and sometimes it does not. so it is very unstable.

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Forms :: Form Working Properly Alone / But Gives Error When Combined With Other Forms

Jun 5, 2015

I have a form "NewMetalF" that has three combo boxes. The first one is used to choose "Precious Metal" or "Base Metal". The second one shows all the metals based on the first combo box. When I open the form in form view alone the combo boxes work flawlessly. I run the form "NewMetalF" within another form "NewExternalPartF" by clicking a button "AddMetal". When the button is clicked "NewMetalF" opens. The first combo box is selected, and when the second combo box is clicked the error "Enter Paramater Value" "Forms!NewMetalF!cboPreciousOrBase".

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Forms :: Mixing Forms Overlapping Windows And Tabbed Documents

May 22, 2015

Is there any way to mix together on a db based on tabbed documents some overlapped forms?

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Forms :: Relating Information Between Main Form And Navigation Forms

Apr 11, 2013

New to the navigation form: I need several forms in the navigation form to all relate to the same client ID field. I have this information on the main form but the form with in the navigation form will not pick it up.

I have tried =[Forms]![Frm Client Information Navigation Panel]![ClientID] But just cant get it to pick up that information...

I would like to have something like the master link fields and, child link fields but when I add a form to the navigation form this option in not available.

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Forms :: Creating New Rows For Data Entry In Access Forms

Dec 26, 2014

I am creating a simple data entry form wherein the user will enter the product id and on change the product description and retail price must be displayed.

When the order quantity is entered, the total cost need to be calculated. I am able to do this using DLookUp and simple multiplication.

However, after doing the above, I need another row to appear so that I can accomplish the same for another product.

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Forms :: Synchronizing Access Forms In Multi-User Environment

Dec 8, 2014

I am developing a small database for use in a multi-user environment: I have split the tables off and am testing with two copies of the front-end on different machines. All seems to work well except on one form.

On this form, the value of a bound control (exposed as a number of radio buttons) is used to make related controls on the form visible or invisible. I use the AfterUpdate event to trigger appropriate VBA code to accomplish this; it works well.

However if two users have the same form open at the same record (unlikely, but not impossible), and User A changes the value of the control via the radio buttons, Access will eventually propagate the change to User B's copy of the form but the AfterUpdate event will not be triggered and the form becomes inconsistent. I understand that events are only triggered when a user makes a change to a control; how can I be alerted when Access makes a change?

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Forms :: Access 2007 - Staying On The Same Record ID When Switching Forms?

Nov 26, 2013

Two forms have matching fields (ContractID), and each form has different data displayed from different tables (SQL views, actually).

I want Access 2007 to stay on the same ContractID when the user switches to a different form.

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Forms :: Access Form With Tab Control Pages Each With Embedded Forms

Apr 13, 2013

I have an access form with tab control pages each with embedded forms.In one page I have a list of records as a datasheet form with the record identifier field configured as a hyperlink. When I click on this it passes its value to a form field in the form in the following tab page (works without the hyperlink but its a useful way of highlighting which field to click) which is a display/edit form of the details of the individual record. The Subroutine which does this sets the focus on this field it is passing the value to on the other form and the 'On Got Focus' event in that triggers the query that fills the editor form.

When I click back on the following tab to select another record to view/edit, the identifier value of the other record is passed to the other form but the data displayed in the rest form doesn't change. I understand this is because the field with the 'On Got Focus' never lost focus and so the query function was not called. To correct this I tried adding the same function call to the 'On Change' event however this does not work (the field is a text box set to 'locked' if that is relevant).I can get the form to do a new query properly if I click on a different field in the form before going back to the list tab or (as this is removing the focus allowing the On Got Focus to work again) if I click on a button to select a different record (which just takes me back to the list form).

Is there any way I can get this to work without having to manually remove the focus from the problem field? I have tried setting its On Got Focus event to move the focus to another field after the query function call however this prevents the Setfocus line in the code in the previous form from working. Here is a snippet of my code below.This code is for the list form and passes a value to the editing form:

Private Sub SalesID_Click()
Forms!Mainform!Sales_Admin_Form!Sales_Admin_SalesI D.Value = SalesID.Value
Forms!Mainform!Sales_Admin_Form!Sales_Admin_SalesI D.SetFocus


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Forms :: Combining Split Database Or Easier Way To Update Forms?

Aug 5, 2015

I've split my database into a front end and back end which was relatively easy. I did this so that multiple users can have their own front end. But if I have to go in and change the back end and front end, does that mean I have to remake all the front ends? Right now I'm finding that if I delete my linked tables on the front end and then import them into the back end again and change everything on one screen and then split it again is the only option I know of.

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Forms :: Query Criteria Used For Same Subform In Multiple Parent Forms

Apr 11, 2014

I have a sub form that shows me a companies history. This subform is used on 2 different Parent forms. The record source for the sub form uses a criteria that looks at a companyID field on the parent to determine which records to return. My question is how do I have the query criteria depend on which form is currently opened? The criteria would look something like this:

[Forms]![frmCompanyHistory]![txtCompanyID] OR [Forms]![frmCompany_Project_Details]![txtCompanyID]

If I open the form with this criteria, I will be asked for a value in txtcompanyID for whatever parent form is not open. How do I properly do this without making multiple queries that are almost identical?

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