Synchronization Of Database Setup And Form Design

Jun 7, 2013

I have recently created a database meant for managing inventory. I have started writing queries and building forms, and a lot of it is running smoothly, but I am having a few snags.

To give a brief background, I am currently designing a form in which a user will fill out when an incoming part comes into our company. The form NEEDS to ask the user for at least the PartNumber and the PONumber, but the way I have my relationships set up, I am not exactly sure how to design the forms (not the physical layout, but where the data goes). So when I have an incoming part, will I use the PartPOID to figure out which part number and PO number it is? I am not exactly sure how to make a form for the user that is not confusing.

Attached is a picture of my relationships and my database.

New Compressed (zipped)

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Synchronization Failure And Design Change

Apr 30, 2007

Hello. i'm working with 10 replicas and a design master, but when i tried to add new tables and forms i get the message (Error 3492) " The synchronization failed because a design change could not be applied to one of the replicas" and after that, i cant synchronize anymore!!!
i don't understand what could be the problem.
thanks if anyone can help.

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Design Master Reverts To A Replica After Synchronization???

May 15, 2006

Hello I have a perplexing problem …

I have been using replication successfully for years. Recently the PC where my Design Master resided crashed taking the hard drive with it. No problems I thought, I used a replica to recover the design master and placed it on the new hard drive (the OS and Access was upgraded from 2000 to XP, however the Access 2000 file format was retained – there are still a couple of laptops with only W2000 software). I understand that moving the path of replicas or design masters is no no, so I proceeded to start from scratch and create a complete new batch of replicas based from the new design master.

Everything was going to plan UNTIL a replica was routinely synchronized with the design master. The design master reverted back to a replica. I recovered the design master again, everything looking fine until again a synchronization causes the design master revert to replica.

Next plan of attack to hopefully fix a potential corruption problem: create a new blank database, import all (non-system) tables, compact and repair, and create a new replica from scratch. From the design master, I created the complementing replicas and sure enough the Design Master again reverted to a Replica after a routine synchronization.

I repeated this “start from scratch” procedure, and the same results prevailed. I am at a loss especially since I verified that the hidden system MSysReplicas table had only two entries after the Design Master and Replica were first created.

I would greatly appreciate any ideas of where to go next with this problem.

Thanking you for your time.

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Forms :: Synchronization In Form With Subform

Jun 15, 2013

I have created a form with sub-form and I would you tell me how I should do in order to screen data in sub-form transferred from main form. It looks like:

Main form




It's about printed words. How should I do this properly?

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Help With Database Setup

Aug 24, 2006

I have a database for an event with 2 main tables.
Parents and Children of the parents with a one to many relationship.
I need to be able add the table number that each parent and child will be at (not the same table as parent). I could add another field for the table to each database but not all the entries are attending the event.

Could someone point me in the right direction as to the best way to design this.


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Combo Box Synchronization Between Main Form And Subform?

Jul 17, 2005

I have a main form with a subform. On my main form, I have a combo box set to "find a record on my subform, based on what I select in the combo box." This works great! At the same time, I want to use this main form combo box to synchronize with a combo box in the subform to display a value based upon the value selected in the main form's combo box. I have tried several things and searched Access newsgroups without success. I am using MS Access 2002, producing an Access 2000 database. Has anyone got any ideas? I could really use some help. Thank-You.

Denny G. :confused:

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Database Setup: Use Access Or Excel

Sep 5, 2006

I have just begun learning MS Access and have some information already in an excel spreadsheet that is getting too big and I am trying to decide if converting the whole thing would be beneficial or jsut a waste of time.

The issue is the current excel file is a workbook of about 150 separate worksheets that are all hyperlinked to each other. It does everything I want, but I feel like it is getting to big and cumbersome and really all I want is to add one sheet/record and have all the totals/averages/"reports" update themselves. That is why I think Access might be better. Currently it takes a good minute to update the file when saving. The Excel file is about 13mb.

The data is basically all times from a mens & womens cross country team. I have one form I take to each meet and record mile splits, places, final time, etc. Then I return and currently put those times into excel. I have 4 years of data for each runner. I also have 10 years of team data that needs to be able to be recalled usefully. My spreadsheet also looks through all past meets and keeps a list of the top 50 times for both men and women. And compiles every practice/workouts for the past 8 years, etc. Plus a lot of other sheets/forms/reports/.

I started a database and have one table for Athletes, one for MeetEntry. I also created a report for the meet entry to send to media. I then started working with relationships between different tables and became overwhelmed with how to best set up the entire database. I came up with a list of things and organized them into what I thought would be best suited for Tables vs. Forms vs. Queries vs. Reports. With the limited info, any ideas on setup would be appreciated. Maybe I just leave it in Excel and forget Access.

I think with the complexity, this is much better suited to my needs but it may be just a bit over my head. I do not know an VB so that is also an issue.


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Setup Database In Access That Collects Information

Sep 9, 2015

setup a data base in Access that collects information from the attached spreadsheet pictures from A1:FO26...Spreadsheet is macro enabled and updates automatically with data.have tried to setup Access data base but when Excel Tab updates it copies over the data that was last copied into Access.

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General :: Database User Level Security Setup

Jul 2, 2015

I have a database whereby users already have to sign in with a username and password, using a form which them allows them to view a front page. The front page allows them to access data and add/amend it.

I now have to adjust this setup as we have directors who want to view the system, but we don't want them to amend it.

Is there anyway to change the current setup that I already have or do I have to scrap it and start again?

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General :: Finance Database - Setup Categories Per Transaction

Sep 8, 2013

I'm developing my own personal finance database and the part stumping me on the design is how to setup the categories per transaction. For example a primary category would be "home" and the secondary category would be "furnishings". How do I set this up? I'm getting stuck on how to tie it into the transaction table.

I'm familiar with writing SQL queries, but this is really my first stab at database design.

The relationship diagram is attached. The transaction table and the category tables are to the right of the diagram.

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Modules & VBA :: Database Setup - Send Email From Alternate Account

May 30, 2014

I currently have two e-mail accounts on my computer. One is my default e-mail address with my name on it. The other e-mail account is a generic account with the department name.

I have a database set up to generate and send e-mails to our technicians notifying them when an order they placed gets put on back order. This database could possibly send twenty or thirty e-mails out each time it is run. My manager has requested that the database send the e-mails from the generic e-mail account instead of the default account. That way, when the field replies to the e-mail, they won't bombard my account.

Is there a way to tell the database which e-mail account to send an e-mail from?

I am currently using the below module to send the e-mails:

Option Explicit
Dim appOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim namespaceOutlook As Outlook.NameSpace
Sub Outlook_SendMail(sEmailAddr As String, sEmailSubj As String, sEmailBody As String, Optional sAttach1 As String, Optional sAttach2 As String)

[Code] ....

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Table/Form Setup

Mar 20, 2008

Alright, so here's my layout. I'm working on creating an inventory database with forms to enter new data and edit that data.

I already have a table for the new data, and a form to enter the new data into that table. Each new entry has it's own unique ID.

Now here's the tricky part.

What I would like to do is this:

Part 1
I want to create a sub-table of any EDITED entries. Each of these entries would be tied to it's original entry but it would have it's own unique ID number. So, for example, if Part 1 comes in, it would get an ID number like 134. Each time Part 1 is edited, those new entries would get ID numbers like 134 A, 134 B, 134 C, etc.

Part 2
I want to create a form based on a query that will search based upon part number, and once the entry is found that needs to be edited, it will do one of two things. If there are no edited entries yet, it will use the original entry as a base and create an edited entry based upon it. OR, if there IS an edited entry, it will pull up the most recently edited entry (by date) and use THAT as a base for another new edited entry.

It would then save the NEW edited entry to the Edited Entries table.

So, if Part 1 hasn't ever been edited, the form would pull up Part 1 and store any edits to it in the Edited Entries table with ID 134 A. Now, if Part 1 was edited AGAIN, it would pull up the edited entry 134 A instead of the original. It would then save any changes to that entry as 134 B.

I know what I want to do, and I'm pretty sure it can be done--I'm just at a loss as to how to structure it.

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Form To Table Setup

Jul 25, 2005

I am trying to build a very simple but effective database that I can use to monitor who is working where within my factory.

I have set up a series of tables have linked them up the best way I know how, I dare say I have done this wrong but I have done it anyway (open to suggestions on improvements).

What I am trying to do ultimately is to be able to calculate how many people I have in each area etc… to calculate if I have any vacancies…

The set up is as follows:

Each employee has a job role
Each employee has a shift
There are three shifts associated with each Production line
Production lines are based in a specific Dept
Dept are based in specific areas

The only things that will really change is the employee, they may get moved from one role, line, dept etc…

As I said I have put some tables together, but am not sure If I need another table to store all the info for each person, by this I mean…..

Do I need to create a table to store each persons info, dept, area, line role etc…

I want to have a form that I can enter each populate, which will let me make the relevant links between people, lines etc…

Can anyone help me with this please…….if someone would prefer to do this as a freelance project I am happy to listen to offers



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How To Setup FROM Email Address When Opening Outlook Through Access Form

Dec 9, 2013

I am opening a new mail message in outlook using a button in a form.I want to change the "from" email address to a specific inbox (NOT personal email). Even though the email address is switched, after I hit sent and check my sent items - the email is actually sent from my personal email address and not from the inbox email address i wanted it to be sent from. I have access/permission to sent emails from the other inbox.

Is there a way to make sure emails are sent from specific email addresses and not ONLY personal inbox.What I read online is probably because of some "network" connection issues. Is there a way refresh connection between access and outlook? I am not even sure what the problem is.

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Queries :: Form Setup - Allow Users To Select Parameters Using Combo Boxes

Apr 3, 2014

I'm wondering is it possible to create a multiple parameter query which will return results even if you leave some of the parameters blank ?. I'm trying to set up a Form which will allow users to select parameters using combo boxes but at the moment you need to fill them all in or you'll get no results...

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Tracking Synchronization

Jan 25, 2008

Is there any way in access 2003 or 07 to track when a database was last synchronized with any one of it's replicas?

It would be useful to know and be able to store this in a table.

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Combo Box Synchronization

Nov 13, 2004

I'm totally stuck creating a form because I don't know how to set up my combo boxes. The database is about tiles and the forms for data entry to create an invoice with one combo box to hold the tile range eg: White, blue, etc. I want the second combo box to hold the details on the tile names of the range chosen in the first combo box. eg: if 'white' is selcted in the tile range combo box, then only the names of the white tiles should appear to be selected from in the 'tile name' combo box.I then have a separate field to display the price of the tile depending on the range chosen.
This is for some exam coursework and the guidelines specify that I'm not allowed to use VB or other code. Could someone please tell me how exactly I can sort this out so that the three are linked (2 combo boxes and the price field)?(queries?adjusting form properties?) All the details on tiles are stored in one table. Any guidance is greatly appreciated.Thank you so much.

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Synchronization- Search Key Not Found

Aug 16, 2005

We are running Access 2002 on Win2k. The database has been split into front and back ends, and synchronization occurs directly over LAN with 7 replicas. During synchronization I received a failure message "The search key was not found in any record. (Error 3709)."

I have tried several things found on Microsoft KB and other forums-- Compact and repair, removing indexes from memo fields, updated Jet and Microsoft Data Access Components-- but nothing has worked. Does anyone have any ideas on this one?

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Internet Synchronization Error

May 23, 2007

I have an Access 2002 database (about 120mb) which was replicated using Replication Manager (version unknown). It is set up to use Internet Synchronization. We use it on state government LAN and WAN as well as the Internet. It works well in most cases, but on a few computers we get the error "Http address not found" when synchronization is attempted. The address is indeed visible to those computers. We have determined that reloading Windows (XP Pro) will usually solve the problem at least for a while but when GIS mapping software is installed it reappears. More worrisome is that some brand new laptops with factory-installed Windows are showing the same problem, which means it could get worse as we upgrade equipment.

Has anyone else encountered this error?

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Synchronization Between MS Outlook And MS Access?

May 22, 2012

MS Outlook contacts to MS Access database table to get in,MS Outlook contacts to an Access database?

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Synchronization Problem - Error 3709

Nov 7, 2007

Trying to sync between a back end database and one of the replicas we use. Getting the error "The search key was not found in any record" Error 3709 while peroforming ISAM Seek.

Does anyone know how to find the offending record that is causing the problem? It's not related to an indexed memo field either. The only field that is indexed is the AutoNumber Primary Key field.

The only other option I see is to bring up both tables, manually input the differences, and create a new replica.


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Forms :: Subforms / Drop-down Box And Synchronization

Aug 30, 2013

The subform, which is in datasheet view, contains two dropdown boxes, Country and District (1-n). I want the district dropdown to only display records based on what's selected in the country dropdown. There will only ever be any content in District if one country is selected (let's say country 'A').

I've used the code below (one of many attempts!) to try to achieve this, but it doesn't seem to have the effect I want. It seems that if I select country 'A' from the country dropdown, the District rowsource is as expected for that particular record. However, the rowsource for every other District in the list of records in the subform also now has the same rowsource even where the country <> A.Similarly, if I select <>A from Country, the rowsource fro every district is now empty, even if the country selected in another row is A.

Dim strSQL As String

strSQL = "SELECT DistrictID, District, DistrictOrder "
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM tblDistrict "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE CountryID = " & Me.cmbCountryID & " "
strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY DistrictOrder"
Me.cmbDisctrictID.RowSource = strSQL

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Anyone Willing To Help Me Design A Database?

Nov 8, 2005

Hello everyone. Im relatively new to access, i've only been using it for a few weeks. There are certain aspects that I cannot get my head around.

Is anyone willing to let me email them what I have done so far and the criteria for the database I am making and advise me where I am going wrong and where I need to be heading to get it right?

Thanks very much. Any help will be very much appreciated.

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Database Design

Apr 15, 2007

When creating a database is it true that ideally i should avoid using the lookup wizard at table level and instead do that with combo boxes at form level ?


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Database Design

Feb 13, 2008


I have three tables

1 tblAssistFMWork in which is stored the fields JobNumber, SiteRefNumber, SurveyorNo
2 tbltable1 which has the field SiteRefNumber, Address1, Address2 etc
3 tblAssistFMSubJobNumbers which has the fields JobNumber, SubJobNumber.

JobNumber is the relationship between tables 2 and 3 and SiteRefNumber is the relationship between tables 1 and 2. There are other fields in each table but these are the relevant ones for this question.

Each JobNumber will have a minimum of one SubJobNumber but may have many. Each SubjobNumber starts at 1 for each new job so this may look like this in the table

JobNumber SubjobNumber
0001 1
0002 1
0002 2
Each SiteRefNumber may have one or many JobNumbers

I wish to enter the date a SubJobNumber is completed and have been struggling with pulling the record into a form using a combo box because of the need to enter the JobNumber and also the SubJobNumber. So I decided to create a new table tblAssistFMJobDateCompleted which has the fields

JobNumber, SubJobNumber, DateJobCompleted

I need to report on a jobs status ie done or not done, but when I created the query for this it would only pull the records which have a completed date on them.
Could someone please give me some advice as to a way forward.



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Help With Database Design

Feb 20, 2005

I have been reading other posts, and this where i should have started from the beginning,I am not very experienced with access (or forums as yous propably know) but can learn anything in no time (hopefully).

I would like to design a database to store all the info about a drag racing event including;

• event info (Event name, track name, event date)
• car info (Car name, gearbox type, diff ratio, engine name,)
• driver info (driver firstname, driver lastname)
• Engine info (make, model, engine compression, carburetor, front carburetor jets, rear carburetor jets, fuel pressure, engine timing at idle, total engine timing)
• Race info (track temperature, relative altitude, milibars, humidity, air temperature, tyre type, tyre size, tyre pressure hot, tyre pressure cold, stage RPM, shift RPM, reaction, 60foot time, 330foot time, 660foot time, 660foot MPH, 1000foot time, elapsed time, elapsed MPH, comments.)

My issue is design of tables and relationships. as you can probably see, obviously cars will do many runs at each event, and there engine setups and car setups(diff ratio) can differ each run. there might also be different drivers for the same car. weather info like track temp etc also change from race to race so I think it is possible I might need some sort of race time as-well. My main reason for the database, apart from organizing all my results would be so that I could do a run at an event and search previous races by the current runs weather info (relative altitude, milibars, humidity, etc) as to set the car up similar to keep it’s elapsed times consistent. Please, please, please help as I am at a total loss.
Thanks in advance!!

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