Synchronize To A Design Master With A Button

Aug 2, 2005

I appologise but I am useless with Access but am trying to learn.

I have a datababse that we use to log calls onto, There are five members of our team and each member has thier own replica of the datababse. At the end of each day we have to re-sync our replicas to the design master.

It would be nice if we could put a button on the form we use to do the synchronization for us. Is this possible and how do you do it? bearing in mind that I am not too good with access so I need laymans terms.

TIA all

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Design Master Problems

Nov 27, 2006

I have a problem retrieving my Design Master. I regularly backup my DB onto a separate hard drive. And in doing so have lost my designing capabilities. I have tried replicating and retrieving the DM per the help section, but I receive numerous error messages telling me Error accessing file, network connection lost rollback error, etc. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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Moving The Design Master (replication)

Jan 3, 2006

Hey, Happy New Year to all.

I have a replicated access database, and I want to move the design master to another computer. I have tried using the Windows 'Copy and paste' command, and the 'Save as' command, both result in creating a replicated database.

I have also tried chnging the design master status to a replicated database, but then I am unable to view any VB code behind the controls when I go to design view.

Can you help?!!!

Cheers, Adam.

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Can't Convert Dbase To Design Master

Dec 19, 2007

I am trying to replicate a database for mobile working. When I attempt to 'create a replica' I get this error:

"MS Access can't convert to design master
Cannot make the Table "[TableNameHere]" object in tables container replicable."

The table in question is fairly large and has 248 columns and is linked to 3 other tables of similar size as well as 3 smaller ones. Got about 2000 or so records and set to cascade deleted and updated records. 248 columns should leave enough spare columns for replication though, shouldn't it?

Any suggestions as to what I should look for to fix this?

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Access Closes In Design Master Mode

Mar 27, 2008

I have an application that when in design master shuts down when I attempt to open a certain form. I have traced the problem to a linked field from another table, by creating a new form and ommitting the said field, problem is its a required field!

If I copy the database (Backup) and run it as a replica it does not happen, if I then convert the replica to design master it happens.

Any suggestions please??


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Design Master Reverts To A Replica After Synchronization???

May 15, 2006

Hello I have a perplexing problem …

I have been using replication successfully for years. Recently the PC where my Design Master resided crashed taking the hard drive with it. No problems I thought, I used a replica to recover the design master and placed it on the new hard drive (the OS and Access was upgraded from 2000 to XP, however the Access 2000 file format was retained – there are still a couple of laptops with only W2000 software). I understand that moving the path of replicas or design masters is no no, so I proceeded to start from scratch and create a complete new batch of replicas based from the new design master.

Everything was going to plan UNTIL a replica was routinely synchronized with the design master. The design master reverted back to a replica. I recovered the design master again, everything looking fine until again a synchronization causes the design master revert to replica.

Next plan of attack to hopefully fix a potential corruption problem: create a new blank database, import all (non-system) tables, compact and repair, and create a new replica from scratch. From the design master, I created the complementing replicas and sure enough the Design Master again reverted to a Replica after a routine synchronization.

I repeated this “start from scratch” procedure, and the same results prevailed. I am at a loss especially since I verified that the hidden system MSysReplicas table had only two entries after the Design Master and Replica were first created.

I would greatly appreciate any ideas of where to go next with this problem.

Thanking you for your time.

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Design Master - How To Store Under Source Code Control

Jan 25, 2008

I am using Access 2003. I have developed a split (front and back ends), replicable database. As I make changes to the design master, I want to either keep old copies of the design master or ideally, maintain the design master under source code control (e.g.:CVS). This would allow me to be able to retrieve older versions of the database. The problem occurs what I make a copy of the design master, or when I try to pull out of my source code control system (CVS) an older version of the design master. When I open any of these copies, Access thinks this database is a replica and will not let me make any changes to the design.

Is there a way around this problem?

Or am I trying to do something in Access that does not make sense?

Thank you for the help.


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Forms :: M2M / Master Child Form Design - Trigger Event?

Oct 14, 2013

How to structure some MS Access 2007 Forms for the following scenario.

My table structure is as follows:

ID (pk)

ID (pk)

ProductID (fk)
TagID (fk)

I want to have a main form that allows me to search for and displays a list of all products (and the dozen or so attributes for each product) that meet that criteria (I'm thinking a continuous form view of products).

So far so good. No problems.

Now I want a "tagging" form to the right of my continuous forms product list that is linked to the product which currently has focus. The tag panel should always show a complete list of all Tags. I want a checkbox next to each tag that I can switch on and off whether that tag applies to the currently selected Product. I also want to be able to add tags on the fly (without leaving the main form).

I think I have three forms in play :

Main Form
Product Form (subform to Main) my product search criteria is probably on this form header.
Tag Form (also subform to Main)

But with this approach I'm have trouble linking the two sub forms to each other. Actually, I'm having huge trouble figuring out how to display the list of all tags with a check box that when checked on and off creates / deletes a record in the ProductTag table and I really want Access to do as much of the CRUD as possible. I would prefer to avoid writing screeds of SQL INSERTS/DELETES on events. Am I asking too much of Access?

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Button Design

Sep 28, 2005

Hello all,

How can I re-design my form command button? I mean, how can I change the back color from the standard access command button ? Or how I can let it transparent.
Is it possible to create a round button instead of a square one ?

I'm always using the tool box and so, the command button option to create them. I don't know if there is another way to do that...

Thanks in advance

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Design View & Control Button Errors

Oct 12, 2006

Can anyone advise why I am getting these two error messages in attached image.
I am running Access 97.
The first message refering to fDesign appears each time I have something open & click on the Design View icon.
The only way I can go into design view for a form or table etc is when I am in the tab windows for the table or form highlight it and click on Design.

The second error message refering to the refresh appears whenever I try to run a refresh command button created via the wizard.

I have the same refresh command buttons on other forms I created earlier on & have no problems with them when run. If I create a new refresh command button on same form it works. But any new forms I create I get this error.

Can anyone please advise what I am doing wrong or which settings I should look at as I have tried most settings.

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Forms :: Command Button Spacing In Design View

Jul 27, 2015

How do I equally space buttons on my forms using the property sheet in design view? I have been using the ruler, but it can be a pain sometimes.

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Oct 13, 2005

Hi all,

I want to make a synchronize function in access.
I have two methodes, and i dont know what is best, since i have no experinece with synchronize functions.

Its about meeting information.

An employee has a meeting. He creates his meeting in the database. This way his meeting id is reserved. The employee goes to a client. Takes his laptop with the program. Fills in the information. Goes back to his company. push the botton, and the files from his latop synchronize with the main database under the reserved meeting id.

for example:
meetingID 7 is reservated.


The employee comes back:

MeetinID and Action ID are PK.

Now the question. I can also create a unique field for the action table. So that actionID and MeetingID wil be no long PK, just one field that identifies. But for the synchronize function, is it harder to program? Or does it make no difference? can you simpy add them ? or is it better to keep using the 2 pks.

please help



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Synchronize To ALL Replicas

Jan 30, 2008


Is it possible to synchronize to ALL replicas using a command button in one shot from the Design Master?? I've read various posts, and it doesn't sound like anybody has found a solution for this. Found solutions for doing it one at a time, but was wondering if anybody has found a way to synchronize to all replicas without any user interaction other than hitting a button.


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Synchronize Splitted Database

Mar 23, 2007

Hello mates,

I was wondering (once again :D) is there a way to synchronize splitted and replicated database programmatically from users front end when they close database? I've "Data" & "Interface" databases both in users pc and in server as well.

If this sounds a bit odd, please correct me? Is there a point add back end database to users pc as well or only front end database, which is linked to back end database tables in server?

Thank you! :)

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Synchronize A Combo-box And A Text Box

Jan 27, 2005

I've a form with a combo box "OrderNumber" (to allow the user to select the correct order) and a text box "Date" which displays the date of the order selected.
The problem is that I don't know how to synchronize the boxes.
I know the procedure to do it with two combo-boxes (cmboDate=Null & cboDate.Requery in the after update property of the cbo "Order Number"), but is it possible that when I change the order selected in the combo-box, the text box shows the correct date?
Thanks for your help!

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Synchronize Three Combo Boxes

Dec 29, 2004

Ok, here's my dilemna. I'm new to Access and have been struggling to learn this all day long.

I have mastered how to syncrhonize 2 combo boxes, but am having trouble for 3. I would like to do it using Events/VB Code (I guess that's what you'd call it)

Say I have a Car Manufacturer, Model, and am looking for a particular part in the database.

I want a form with combo boxes that has a list for "Manufacturer" (Pkey = ManufacturerID) which is related to "Model" (PKey = ModelID) which is related to "Part" (Pkey = PartID).

The first combo box takes info from the Manufacturer table and gives me some choices, I want to pick one and have it restrict it to the available Models for that Manufacturer.
Then I choose the model and the last combo box restricts me to parts available for that Manufacturer/Model.

Is there a way to do this with the "AfterUpdate()" event? Need more details, or anything? Please help, this is making me go insane.

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Synchronize Three Combo Boxes

Mar 3, 2005

HELP PLEASE. I'm fairly new to access and would like to synchronize three combo boxes. My table are; tblDepartments, tblDivisions, tblTitles, tblDeptDiv, and tblDivClass. The last two tables are junction tables because I have many to many relationships one department can be related to many divisions or a division to many departments and the same goes for divisions and titles. I can manage to synchronize two combo boxes.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you.

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General :: Synchronize 2 Or More Databases?

Jan 21, 2014

I want code to synchronize 2 or more databases. The databases are the same, but in different media,like in mobile flash drive,backup drive and main system

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General :: Synchronize 2 Or More Tables?

Jan 21, 2014

I have 2 or more identical tables in Access 2010.I need to synchronized both table at intervals automatically using code. how can this be done?

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General :: Synchronize Four Combo Boxes

Dec 26, 2012

I am new ussing access already with issues surprice no.I have four tables Section, Ducument, Description, Origin.I nees to Synchronize four Combo boxes, my first combo box code work fine

Private Sub cboSection_AfterUpdate()
Me.cboDocument.RowSource = "SELECT DocumentName FROM" & _
" [Document] WHERE SectionID = " & Me.cboSection & _
" ORDER BY DocumentName"
Me.cboDocument.Enabled = True
End Sub

When I select a category from my first combo box the secon combo box get populated with the correct Data.But when I select the second box the third combo does not get populated with any data here is my code for the second combo box.

Private Sub cboDocument_AfterUpdate()
Me.cboDescription.RowSource = "SELECT DescriptionName FROM" & _
" [Description] WHERE DocumentID = " & Me.cboDocument & _
" ORDER BY DescriptionName"

Me.cboDescription.Enabled = True
End Sub

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Error On Synchronize Now For Replication Version: 2003 (11.0)

Nov 29, 2006

I am getting the following error when Synchronizing Now for Replicated database. The total database size is only 22 megs (contains reports and forms). This just started happening recently, otherwise it was fine before. My machine is running WinXP Pro SP2 (with latest service pacs) on an AMD DualCore 3800 with 1gig RAM. Once you hit the OK it continues and competes successfully (at least it look OK). Any ideas what this could be or to eliminate it popping up? I run the database with minimum of programs at the same time.


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Is There Any Method To Synchronize Two Access File Which In Desktop And Network Drive

Aug 14, 2007

Here are some background . My company got a access file in a network drive.The data entry simply open the file in the network drive.But once the data has increased (~400mb) sudddendly,all process slow down. Like search , using report etc.Is there any method to imporive the situation?Some guys suggest me to copy the data file to the desktop and sync them.Can it it work?IF works,how to do that?

thanks gratefully for any ans

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Queries :: Crosstab Design Is Slow When Opening And Saving In Design Mode?

Oct 6, 2014

I have had to use my first crosstab queries.

I now understand that when opening and saving crosstab queries Access (2010) runs that query to ascertain the column names. Unless you hard-code them. Running the query takes at least 20 minutes.
I have hard-coded where I can, but one report takes arbitrary dates so I can't hard-code them.

I believe that turning off AutoCorrect might make a difference to whether the query runs - but I don't want to turn it off.

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DATASHEET --- Allow Design Changes: Design View Only DOES NOT WORK

May 18, 2007

I have a sub form in DataSheet view and I would like to lock the design so that the User should not change the layout

Even when I set the property of the Datasheet “Allow Design Changes: Design View Only” users are able to unhide the hidden columns and they can also change the size of the column by dragging the column end line

Does any one know how to lock the design of datasheet ( I am using this sub form datasheet for data entry but do not want users to change the layout)


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Master Query

Feb 10, 2008

Dear all,

I have a table "Project Master Code", contains: Project code, Cost Code, Description, Budget Amount, Total Purchase, Left to Complete.

For each project, we enter all above field except Total Purchase. Total Purchase to be taken from Transaction table.

What I want is that, I want to creat a query based on Project Master Code table. I will call all field from Project Master Code and in Total Purchase column I want all Purchase from Transaction table.on based of Project Code & Cost Code.



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Looking For A Master Event..

Aug 4, 2005

Hi there,

Is there an event for a form object, which is triggered whenever any control in that form is changed/altered?

I have tried the suspect looking ones, but to no avail.


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