Synchronizing 2 Comboboxes (not The MS Northwind Style ...)

Sep 26, 2005

Hi There,

I want to synchronize 2 comboboxes (actually 3, but let's start with 2)

On a form I have 2 comboboxes:

- CompanyType (FK fkCompanyTypeID in table Contacts)
- Category (FK fkCompanyCategoryID in table Contacts)

Let's say we have companytype CT1 until CT10.

For CT1, CT2 & CT3 I want to choose a catagory, so the combobox must be 'enabled'.

For CT4 until CT10 the Catagory combobox must be disabled, so that I cannot choose a category value.

Actually I want to choose 2 catgories (2 comboboxes) for CT1 until CT3.
But I think that an explanation for the example above is sufficient for me.

Both comboboxes are filled by a Select Query, and the values are filled in a separate table. (Table CompanyType (PK pkCompanyTypeID) & Table CompanyCategory (PK pkCompanyCategoryID)).

Can someone please help me on this issue? :confused:

Thanks in advance for your reply,



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Forms :: Access Style And Window's Style Form Border?

Nov 15, 2014

In my current database there seems to be two different types of borders in my pop-up forms! The best way to explain it is that some forms will have the Access style border while others have the glass style border that you see in windows. I can't seem to find any settings that will change this or even determine what causes it.

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Northwind Database With Graph Example

Jul 3, 2005

A while back a colleague at work (who has since left my company) showed me an example of a graph within a Data Access Page in the Microsoft Northwind database. The Northwind database that I've downloaded doesn't contain such an example. Does anyone know of a Northwind DB with an exmaple of a graph embedded into a Data Access Page?

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Northwind Database Accuracy

Oct 20, 2005

I am just wondering how good of an example Northwind is?

I have been playing with the database and noticed that the number of units in stock doesn't decrease after I have created an order. I am trying to build an inventory database and would like this feature.

Am I wasting my time with Northwind?

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Simple Northwind Query

Nov 3, 2005


I am re-visiting access for the 1st time in a couple of years to develop a quotations system and I am just messing around at the moment with Northwind trying to work out how it all works.

I have come across a problem that is baffling me....

When displaying the order details table (referenced from products), the product ID is disoplayed in text form, not as a number. Whenever I try and do this with 2 similar tables using the query builder I always get just the other tables number. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong as every field, attribute, join etc seems to be just the same as the sample tables.

Please could someone help a duffer? :)

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Regarding A Query In Northwind Sample DB

Aug 10, 2007

In the Northwind DB, there is a query of the "Ten Most Expensive Products"

After looking at it, I can't figure out where or how it knows to only pull the 10 highest price products. It's probably right in front of my nose...but it's making me crazy!

Thanks for any replies...

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Jul 30, 2007

When I synchronize my replicas not all the data is being updated. What would cause this and how can I fix this?

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Access 2007 Northwind Sample

Feb 5, 2007

Wow! I just looked at the Access 2007 Northwind database sample and they have revamped it and given it some cool stuff. It is definitely not the "old" Northwind.

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Replicas And Synchronizing

Dec 21, 2006

hello. can anyone help me with replica conflicts?
i need to work with 10 replicas and synchronize with a master, but anyone can make changes and modify the records on the other replicas. is there a solution for that? why access doesn't recognize the changes as a conflict?
Thank you all.

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Synchronizing Tables

Jan 26, 2006


I'm a student learning how to use Access for my class project (Information Technology in a Global Society), and I chose to work with databases (even though, frankly, I'm technologically challenged). I've already finished making a very elementary database (tables, form, and a macro or two), but I was wondering if there's any possible way to synchronize the material in each table in such a way that changing the information in one would automatically update information in the other.

(I have one main table, and several other sub-ones with the exact same information but only parts of the main table. By this, I mean I created a main table with every student's Extended Essay topics, along with their supervisor as another field. Each supervisor oversees an essay for several students, so I created sub tables for each supervisor with the information of only their students.) What I'd like to know is if I can keep one main table with every supervisor's information and separate tables for each supervisor -- while, at the same time, having the main table update with the information that's added to the sub-tables by the supervisors.

I considered using Relationships, but after going through the threads here concerning relationship issues...I got even more confused.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

<3, Patti

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Synchronizing Sub-Forms

Feb 12, 2006

Hi, Could anyone please help me!

I am trying to create a sub-form which achieves the following.

When you select a vendor from a combo-box, only the software that is manufactured by that vendor appears in a data-sheet form view.

I have tried to create a secondary form which shows all the software and saved this. And then created another main form which has a combo-box for listing and selecting a software vendor. I have then dragged the secondary form into an area of the main form. Now i am just trying to figure out how to synchronize the two forms so that when you select a vendor, only software manufactured by the vendor is shown.

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Synchronizing Combo Box

Mar 20, 2006

How do I make the name appearing in my combo box to change to match the name displayed when the record navigation buttons are evoked. Currently, when I use the navigation button, the form scrolls to the next record, but the name in the combo box does not change to match the new record?


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Problem With Synchronizing

Jul 16, 2007

I have a database that is replicated and in my attempt to synchronize a message keeps popping up "Synchronization between replicas..... and ....... failed. The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.

The problem is I don't know what field in what form or in which replica this is referring to. Please help!!!!

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Conflict Errors When Synchronizing

Feb 14, 2006

We have multiple users using the same database as local copies on each of their PC's. they are entering information in specifically assigned areas and no one is overlapping in their work areas. The users then synchronize to a master database that is on the network to transfer their info.

When synchronizing we are beginning to conflict errors, and the message is hard to decipher. Below is an example:

"Update/Delete conflict: Another replica also updated this record. This record lost the conflict. Either resubmit your update or delete the conflict record."

It then shows two columns. Column 1 has the option to "Keep exisiting data" an dcolumn two has the option to "Override with conflicting data".

Technically, when synchronization happens, data of the user who is synchronizing overrides existing data in the master database in the same record(s). In that spirit, what is the 'existing' and 'conflicting' data referred to in the message?

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RecordsetClone Problem On Northwind's Customer Phone List

Feb 16, 2006

When attempting to select a letter in a form copied from the Northwind's Customer Phone List Form, I am now getting an error message that says "The object doesn't contain the Automation object "RecordsetClone'".
I never had that problem before.
Appears to be something in the Option Group that has gone awry, but I cannot access the Visual Basics behind the Macro.
Is there a way to suppress this message? It does not appear to be a problem in bringing up the sought after page.
:confused: :confused: Please help!!

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Invoices Filter In Northwind Sample And Replication ID Type

Feb 5, 2008

Hi guys,

As you all know, in the Northwind sample database there are the Invoices and Invoices Filter query. The Invoices Filter query adds a criteria to select only items that belong to the current order. OrderID is integer.

However, if I change OrderID to Replication ID, it stops working.

Any idea how to make it work? Currently I work around this problem in my DB by adding a criteria to filter by Date and Customer ID, but IMO this is less than ideal.

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Big Trouble: Lose Data In Synchronizing

Oct 22, 2004

This is very bad. We're losing data changes when we run a synchronize on an Access database.

A client wanted to use replication so he could have several people using the same database and then update everyone's changes. (It turns out that he's not used that feature.)

The client was unable to get the replica to work on his machine, so he uses the master version.

Instead, we've used replication to allow me to make changes in the database structure while he makes changes in the data. (Obviously, it would have been better to split the database in two parts, but it's too late for that now.)

Here's my process when I need to update his copy:
1. Synchronize between my master and replica.
2. Copy master to CD-R. (We're not on a network.)
3. Synchronize between client's master and replica.
4. Send a copy of master to client.
5. Open my new version of master on the client's computer and synchronize with his replica copy.

When we do that many of his recent changes disappear.

Why is that? They don't even show up as conflicts.

What are we doing wrong? Are we totally abusing the concept of replication or what??

I'm stumped. I appreciate any suggestions or thoughts.

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Synchronizing Data Between Two Table Fields On A Form

Nov 22, 2004

I have a form with a text box from a table (cus. ID) and when I input that cus.ID into that text box I would like for that data to be stored in the appropriate table (customer) and also in the bridge table (customer purchases). Is there any way to input the data once into a textbox on the form and have it recorded into two different tables? Please let me know. Thanks

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I Want A Form Like In Northwind Sample Database: Summary Of Sales By Year Report.

Jan 9, 2006

I have a problem with form design,
I want a form like in Northwind sample database: Summary of Sales by Year Report.
It use Sorting and Grouping for Footer that I can't find it in Form design.
Is it any other way to do it in Form design so I can get the same result like in Report design?.
The reason why I want it, because I want to control the size.
thankyou in advance for your help.


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MsgBox Style

Mar 11, 2007

I just wanted to ask how to change the msgbox style, for example, put a Critical or Information picture on the side of the message box

Thanx in advance

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XP Style Buttons

Nov 7, 2006

How do I use XP style buttons like the "Inventory Management Database" example? I am using Acess 2003...

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Tree-like Menu Style

Nov 3, 2005


I need a help.
I would like to (if possible) to place into Form an object that could create a Tree-like menu structure. The source from this object should be table/query.
Is this possible?

Many thanks.

Krava :)

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Grocery List Style Entry

Feb 12, 2005

Hi all,

I am not sure how to search the forum for info on this issue as I don't know the key words (Lingo) that would be used, so I decided to just ask...

I have a table called tblProducts with a one to many relationship with a table called tblTransactions.

I also have a paper form, much like a grocery list, that has known types of products to purchased on the top have and the bottom half has blank line to enter products purchased that are not listed above (or are unknown). The list is much larger and takes up more than one sheet of paper, but is done on a weekly basis. Here is a short "Grocery list" style example:

Ice Cream:....................Milk:
....Vanilla......___Gal...........Whole......___Ga l.
.......................................Nonfat...._ __Gal.
Bread:..............................Pork.......___ lb.
____________ ___ ___........____________ ___ ___
____________ ___ ___........____________ ___ ___
____________ ___ ___........____________ ___ ___
____________ ___ ___........____________ ___ ___
I want to create a form that you can enter data into exactly like this and have the data find the product in tblProducts and then create a new transaction for that product in tblTransactions. If the product is new, then it would create a new product and the transaction. The date also has to be entered into each transaction, and most times the data is entered weeks after the paper is filled out, so using "today's" date won't work, it has to read it from the entered data.

Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated. I haven't been able to find anyone else doing this, but then I may not be searching with the right key words, as I don't know what you call this type of data entry.

Thank you.

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Copying The Style Of A Form From One Database To Another?

Feb 20, 2005

How do I copy a form from one database that have reports and quaries linked to it to another so that I can change the information in the new database and keep the form style in the old database?

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Puttin A Subform In A List Style?

Jan 10, 2006


In the subform i have the layout i want with the text boxes and so on.

Now i have that in the main form the sub form is fairly big, but the problem i get is the subform only displays 1 record at a time. Is there a way i can get the subform to display all the records and for it just to add a verticle scroll bar.

So it is a list effect.


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WindowsXP Style Command Buttons

Mar 6, 2006

does anyone know how I can get the Windows XP style command buttons to work in Access 2000? I'm on an actual XP pro machine and I'm sure there's an active x control somewhere... just don't know where to look

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