TRYING To Create A Simple Select Query

Nov 14, 2005

i've created a database for city permits to be issued (which works perfectly thanx to alll your help), but now i need to be able to print out 1 permit at a time when it is issued (immediately after the data has been entered into the forms). i have 3 tables & 3 forms: contractors/owners, permtOrders (which has tabs for the different types of permits), and permitOrderDetails - each form has a button to open the next. now i need to be able to print an actual permit (like the carbon copy, landscape kind that usually tears out of a book). once the user enters the information into the forms, i need a little bit of that info from each form to be carried onto the actual printable permit. i've tried to create a query w/data from the 3 tables, but it isn't returning any results. the relationships between the tables were crreated w/the wizard & i've tried created the query a couple of different ways. help :confused:

also (i know...i'm dumb), if someone could tell me how to take a snapshot of my query it would help w/my explanation of this problem. i only know how to do this w/a report.

thanx in advance :)

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Queries :: Combo Box On Form That Passes Criteria To Simple Select Query

Sep 22, 2014

I have a combo box on my form that passes criteria to a simple select query. There are four possible selections to make from the combo box. For some reason, when I select the first option on the list the query runs perfectly. However, if I select the second, third or fourth option from the combo box, the query returns no records, even though I know there are records in my table which should be returned.

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Create Table AS Select Query

Oct 25, 2007

Hello all,

Is there anyway to create a table from a query like you can in oracle?

Create Table [B_match] AS
FROM [B_All]

Take care

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Modules & VBA :: How To Create And See Results Of SELECT Query

Mar 22, 2015

I was beginning to think I had got the hang of creating queries on the fly in VBA. After several hours I have just learned that docmd.runSQL does not work for simple SELECT statements. I'm not going to worry about why that would be. I'm sure there's a jolly good reason.

So... I am able to dynamically create the SQL string for the SELECT statement that I need.

How do I run it? It just needs to return results as a datasheet so I can see them. I'm running Access 2013. I've been searching on this subject for quite a while and found many references to DAO, ADO, ADODAOD, YODELAEYYOUDELAYIO! and other things I don't yet understand ...

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Query That Will Select All Tables In The Database And Create One Table

Sep 16, 2007

I have a rotating number of tables that are created from excel spreadsheets that are imported. The Tables will change, but when they are there I need to be able to create a query that will merge them all together so I can run one query against all the tables. In SQL I know you can use a * to say Select *
From Table_1

Is there a syntax for the From portion so I can say:

Select *
From * (AKA all the tables in the Database)?

I have searched for a wildcard for the FROM statement that works like in the select statement but have been unsuccessful at finding an answer. Can anybody help? I'd list the Tables in the from Statement but there are 266 of them. Unless someone knows how to say:

Select *
From All tables in a folder with 266 excel spreadsheets

Thanks for your help

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Queries :: Create Parameter Query To Select Which Column To Calculate Weekly License Info

Mar 2, 2014

Basically, I have a database table that is maintained every week. It is about e-mail account licenses for Office 365.

Each column represents a week of license data for every mailbox account which is about 10 000 plus users with the date as the field headers( something like "License information as of 06122013").

Basically, I have created 52 queries based on the license type I require to be calculated & I have a form created to control it. However, right now it is all output only as I have yet to create any user parameter to specify on any of the queries about the date I want

As I am currently unsure how to specify all the queries to use one field date header which I want the user to specify via drop down list in order to calculate all the licenses on this specific date.

For example, if I want to see the license information for 06/11/2013, I would choose "License as of 06112013" & it would then run all the queries based on the header specified earlier & output that information on the form.

Right now the queries are all configured as the "Select" type.

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General :: Create A Simple Database?

Aug 27, 2014

I want to create a simple database so that I can enter childrens names and then add dates to these that they will be attending our Breakfast Club. Out of this I want to be able to create a daily register of children.

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Simple: Create A New Record, Update Old Form

Apr 12, 2005

Hi... I searched quick, didn't find anythign, but you guys are so responsive... :D

Part 1. On TimeSheet form, I want to click to "create new job", and the Jobs Form opens, at a new record. Currently it opens at record 1.

Part 2. I foresee that when I return from the modal job form, the old form (timesheet) would not have updated the combobox to show the jobname I just entered.

I guess this is what subforms are, because I keep reading about them, but dunno what they are.



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General :: Create Simple Audit Trail In Database

Sep 2, 2013

I am trying to create a simple audit trail (which I got directions online) in my Database (and have posted a copy here) but am getting an error on the second form (and this will be a subform eventually) -The Audit Trail instructions say to put four fields in my table which feeds the form - CreateBy=Text, CreateDate=Date/Time and default to =now(), ModBy=text, and ModDate=Date/Time.

Then to add code to the Current and BeforeUpdate events on the form as you will see in my forms attached. I created a test database with very little data (called AuditTrackingTest2DBLp-attached). I created the first table (tblCustomers) and then created the form (FormCustomerInput) and then I added code to this form on the Current and BeforeUpdate as I was instructed in my notes and it recorded my changes perfectly in the tblCustomers.

I then created a new table called tblCustomerOrders and then a form (FormCustomerSubOrders) based on this table and added the same code to this form and it is giving me an error message in the code Compile Error: Variable not defined.

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Modules & VBA :: Create A Simple Report But Remove Duplicates

Nov 4, 2013

I have a simple spreadsheet:

Ref# Rev
97 b
98 c
99 c
99 e
100 c
100 b
101 a
102 b

I need to create a simple report but remove the duplicates (ex. Ref# 99,100). I need to delete the older Rev's (Ex Ref# 99 Rev C, Ref# 100 Rev B).Is this done throughRecordsets? will an SQL query do the trick?

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Forms :: Select Multiple Records In Subform To Create New Table

May 21, 2013

I need to create some new records based on main form data and a selection of records from a sub form. The main form and sub form have different sources. I wanted to show the source fields in the sub form along with a check box to allow the users to select individual records. The record source for the sub form contains >1000 records, so the user will first enter data in the main form, use filters to find the records he wants to 'assign' to the main form data, click those he selects, then click a command button in the main form to create the record(s) based on the main form data and the selected records from the sub form. The new records will be appended to a new table.

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General :: Select Item Number From Drop Down Box To Create A Report

Jun 27, 2012

I'm currently working on fixing an older 97 database that I've updated to 2010. I have just populated the Drop down box with about three fields. Ideally what I want to do is after having selected the item number from the drop down box I then hit the button that creates a report with the information about that item number.

At the moment...If the box is blank it reports all the item numbers, however if i fill the box(select an item) it returns nothing i.e the report is blank.

I've looked at the query that builds the report, there are only three fields that populate the. location, part number and description. from a tbl called MainDetails

the only other thing:
If([Forms]![frmReports]![FLoc] Is Null,[FUNCTIONAL LOCATION] Is Not Null,[FUNCTIONAL LOCATION] Like [Forms]![frmReports]![FLoc])
it has a criteria of <>False
*FLoc is the drop down box *functional location is the location field.
I believe all the above does is populate the report if Floc is empty.

What can I put to make the report generate what ever I pick in the drop down box 'FLoc' source the three fields from the 'MainDetails table'.

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General :: Create Multi-select List Box For All Records In Access 2010 Form?

Jun 3, 2013

I would like to create a multi-select list box for all the records in an access 2010 form.

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Queries :: Select Query To Gather Results Of Other Select Queries

May 11, 2014

I'm fairly new to Access. 's various select queries containing useful and useless results. I want to create a select query that will pick out all the useful figures into a 1 row table that can then be pasted into Excel.

e.g Existing Select Query 1 returns 1 row showing Average Age, Average Price, Total rainfall
Existing Select Query 2 returns 1 row showing Average Weight, Average Salary, Total snowfall
Existing Select Query 3 returns *2* rows: It returns Distance from London, Hours daylight and population for Town A and Town B

I want a select query that returns 1 row showing (6 items):

Total rainfall, Total snowfall, Town A Distance from London, Town A Population, Town B Distance from London, Town B Population.

I've been able to handle getting Total rainfall and Total snowfall. But I cant figure out how to get Town A Distance from London, Town A Population, Town B Distance from London, Town B Population to appear in the same row of the same query results as Total rainfall, Total snowfall.

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Simple Like Query

May 11, 2005

Hi there,
I have a really simple question.
I have a field in a table that contains comments (text format). I want to run a query where I can get only the records that contain the word "high" in the comments. There may be some typos so I would like records returned that also contain something like "high". High is not the only word in the comments.

Does this make sense?


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Simple Query..

Jul 26, 2005

Hi guys, wondering if you could help me, I can't seem to get this right..

I have two tables in question:

Items: StyleTypes:
------ ------------
ItemID ItemType
ItemType StyleType
Lots of Attributes

ItemType is a list of items (Table, Desk, Bookshelf, Chair)
Style is a type of style for the item (Circular table, Radial Desk)

I want to create the Items.Style field based upon a query of the StyleTypes. So if a user types "Desk" in Items.ItemType then the Items.Style field will be limited to only those Styles which match that selected item within the StyleTypes table.

Think thats clear enough, but my attempts have all failed, hope you guys can give me a push in the right direction, thank you!

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Probably A Simple Query....

Apr 5, 2006

Hi all,

I have very little knowledge of databases and even less about writing queries.

The problem:
I have a database that lists cities (such as Paris, London, New York etc) as rows and employment status (Full-time, Part-time, Unemployed etc) as columns.
I need to go through each city and record which employment status is greatest (for each city) and present it in a new column. I can do this manually but I’m sure a query can be created to automate the process.

Hope that all made sense. Can anyone suggest ideas on where to start?

Many thanks,


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Simple Query..need Help If Possible

May 6, 2006

have just designed a rather simple music database for my dad to use at home as he has large collection.
have a table with the heading"artist" and another one with "album" problem is that on the table there maybe 1 or more instances with the same artist but with different albums...when i run a simple query for ..say artists starting with the letter"a" i may get about 10 cases of the same artist appearing in my query when all i want is one...(depending on if i may put in say one artist like abba having 10 albums etc)...i am entering each artist with the album each time so i may enter the artist in say 10 times....depending on how many albums etc

if you understand all that...i would be grateful if someone could help me with a simple query

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Simple Query

Jul 4, 2006

I have a query that returns the uncompleted jobs from a single table ( its a calls database)
all i need is query that returns the amount of uncompleted jobs onto the switchboard I.E whatshername has X amount of uncompleted jobs , i have done a search and most of the solutions are very complicated for what i want to do .....anyone any ideas ?? pls

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Simple Query, For You - Not Me

Jul 6, 2006

Thanks in advance to anyone who helps.

SQL and Access are both new to me. I have purchased some books (which are still in the mail), and have gone through this forum (which seems to be a little more advanced for me at this moment).

I have a database that contains Business_Unit (Store Numbers), Post_Date (Last Date of Inventory), and other misc. stuff. Anyways, My goal is to pull the latest date of inventory for each individual store before the last ninety days. What I have so far:

SELECT DISTINCT informix_shrink_head.business_unit, informix_shrink_head.counting_event_id, informix_shrink_head.post_date, informix_shrink_head.delta_cost, informix_shrink_head.delta_count, informix_shrink_head.count_reason_cd, pcw_loc_master.closed
FROM informix_shrink_head, pcw_loc_master
WHERE (((informix_shrink_head.post_date)<=Date()-90) AND ((pcw_loc_master.closed) Is Null))
ORDER BY informix_shrink_head.business_unit;

However, I get the same store multiple times and for multiple post dates.
I do not even know if this can be done in one simple swoop, or if I need to create another table and re-query that? Any assistance or comments would be much appreciated.

A Gator

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Simple Query

Sep 11, 2006

Hi guys. I have been away a while and boy am I rusty.

I would like to show how many available licenses there are. Here is what I have:
Software (Office 2003)
license purchased (8)
license used (2)

I added an expression along the lines of:
Available: Sum([tblSoftware]![Number of licences purchased]-[tblPC-LicenceRelation]![Number of licences])

This gave 14 and not the desired result of 6!!!
Simple I am sure!! :o

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Please Help - Simple Query

Sep 26, 2006

Hi Guys,

I have a database that collects information on products when engineers return them, what I need to do is when they have submitted the form, email it to 3 people so that the paperwork can be raised.

I understand that I will need to create a query to display just the last record and then email it.

So the idea is when a record is created and the engineer clicks submit the last record then gets emailed to the three people.

Please be gental with me im still quite new to all this.

How do i create a query that just displays the last record?:confused:

Thanks in advance.


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Simple Query Help

Nov 21, 2006

I built an update query that adds two strings of text together with a _ inbetween.


field1 = Hello
Field2 = Jamie

after update= Hello_Jamie

This works fine but when i attempt to run the code in SQL on an after update instance i can't get it to compile

The SQL straight from the working Update query is:

UPDATE tblPID SET tblPID.PIDPIDNoRev = (tblPID.PIDno)+"_"+(tblPID.PIDRev);

I have tried quite a few different ways and believe it to be a probelm with the speech marks or underscore

DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE [tblPID] SET [tblPID].PIDPIDNoRev = (([tblPID].PIDno)+"_"+([tblPID].PIDRev));"

anyone got any ideas? i'm sure it's pretty simple

Thanks, Jamie

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Simple Query Help

Dec 29, 2006


I am sending ZIP file in attach with files in it. I would like some help to change the 'Q_test' query so that I can get the result shown in the excel file.


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Simple Query Help

Jan 4, 2007


I think i am being a bit thick, all I want to do is create a report of projects without products....

I have a table of Projects (customer name, details etc...)
I have a table of Products (product name, config, details etc....)

Every project will eventually have one or more products allocated to it...

How can i query the database for:

'select all projects created without any assigned products... yet'

I'm having a post xmas block!!!


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Simple Query

Mar 9, 2007

Hi there..

I need a simple query...

I want all the records to appear which have some text in that particular field. So if there is no text in that field, it won't come up. What would I need to write under that field in the query?

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