Tab Control Formatting...

Jun 16, 2006

I was wondering if anyone was fairly familiar with tab controls and how to format the look and feel of them? I was wondering how I can change it from being "sunken"? I don't see an obvious option when I click on the tab control. Also, is there a way to move the location of individual tabs along the top of the subform? Maybe even disconnect them as buttons altogether? anyone know? thanks a bunch

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting In Tab Control

Nov 28, 2013

I have a Tab Control "box" on a form called PatientUpdate.

I would like to apply a conditional format on the second tab named Grp Bkg. In its properties, the Page Index is 1.

In the Tab resides a subform called Patient_GroupBooking which contains the field GroupBkg_Name.

CONDITION: if [GroupBkg_Name] is not null, make the tab Grp Bkg's font color red instead of the default black.

How to write this in Form Design Tools, Format, Conditional Formatting or other.

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Conditinal Formatting For Control (continuous Forms)

Jun 29, 2006

I have a continuous form and want to display 6 buttons. I want the buttons to display depending on if there is a value in a certain field or not..

fields "DocNum1" thru "DocNum6" from TCD_RequestedCRDB

I was told that the Visible property doesn't work for individual records on continuous forms (that it will affect all records).

Is this true? i tried and couldn't get it to work..

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Forms :: Formatting Calculation In Unbound Control

Sep 17, 2013

I have an unbound text box with the following control source:

="The scores below are based on the number of total evaluations (" & Sum([TitleIDCt]) & ")."

I set the formatting of the control to Standard. It reads:

The scores below are based on the number of total evaluations (1718).

I need the comma to show up so it reads like this:

The scores below are based on the number of total evaluations (1,718).

Can this be done?

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Queries :: Formatting A Text Box Control For Use In Query Criteria?

Dec 11, 2013

I have a totals query that provides an avg for each month. i'd like to be able to use a text box control (named "Date") on a form (named "Report Runner") to show only a certain month and it's avg.

I tried using this as criteria on the "MonthGroupPMC" field:

Format([Forms]![Report Runner]![Date], "yyyy-mm")

but the results came up blank.

how can i filter the results of this query to show only one month, specified by the [Forms]![Report Runner]![Date] control?

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting Of Control On Continuous Form

Feb 2, 2015

I have a continuous form on which where each record has many controls, including control (A). I wish to set the colour of this control based on the contents of another control (B). Control B is a memo format and is placed behind another control making it hidden. The idea being that the user can then click on control(A) and look at supporting information from Control B on another form.

Conditional formatting cannot be used since this only allows conditions based on the control (A), not (B). Event procedures cannot be used since they all depend on making a record the current record, and I want the user to immediately see when further information is available. When I apply VBA code using an 'on load' event it is action for all records on the form in a way that if only one record has extra information, all records are flagged in this way.

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting On Actual Data Control

Apr 1, 2013

I inherited an Access 2000 (2002?) database that uses a textbox behind another to change the background color based on two different fields.

The Format property is set to: "[Green];"[Yellow], the Data ControlSource is set to:


I understand the IIF(), but what's happening with the crazy characters? (It works the text changes from yellow to green). I tried replacing it with conditional formatting on the actual data control. That only changes color when I click on the control. The above shows the color all the time.

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Reports :: Change Text Formatting Of Control In Report Based On Boolean

Jul 10, 2015

I would like to change the text formatting (color, italics, bold etc) of the contents of a control based on a boolean value in the underlying datasource of the report.

For instance, I have a report that generates a "Proforma Invoice" i would like to ability italicize the prices of certain items based based on a boolean value (EstimatedPrice) in the underlying datasource.

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Forms :: Default Formatting Option In Conditional Formatting Dialog?

Aug 1, 2014

Need to confirm whether the Default formatting option in the Conditional formatting Dialog won't work in datasheet view of a form. Please note that all conditional criteria are working fine but not the Default Formatting option - only in the Datasheet view (In Single Form view the default formatting is working fine)

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Forms :: Invalid Control Property - Control Source

Sep 24, 2013

I added a new field to one of my tables and query, but when I try to add a control for that field into my form it is not recognising it and the field isn't appearing in the sources for the form, even though the table is sourced to the form? Or am I going to have to do the usual and redo the entire form because I made a minor adjustment?

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Forms :: Web Browser Control Inside A Tab Control Display

Jun 18, 2014

I have a form with a tab control, inside the tab control I placed an ActiveX control (Microsoft Web Browser). These are at the bottom of the form.

Everything displays fine if the entire form fit on the screen but if the form is too long and I scroll down the browser control is getting obscured by the tab control and getting chopped off (the contents are covered). It is as if the browser control is staying in space where it was and moving behind the tab control as I scroll.

This problem does not occur if I place the browser control directly on the form. Also I note that the browser control is sitting correctly within the tab control.

I have been through all the settings and properties of both controls and haven't been able to fix it. I searched all over the web but no one has previously stumbled across this one by the look of it.

See the attached image ...

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New Field Does Not Show In Control Source For Form Control

May 28, 2015

I have table that I had to add a new field to which we update with a form. I tried to add a control for the new field but the field does not show up in the list for the control source. I am trying to add a list box to the form with a blank and 5 options.

I have attached screen shots of the table design and the form. The table has the field in datasheet view and I have manually entered a few entries in it but it still will not show in the control source for the form control. The top section of the form is where we enter and select the data for the new records. The bottom section (circled in red) autofills the matching record, from separate tables, for updating with the new entries.

I have added form controls for modified fields in the past so I am confused about why this is happening.

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Reference A Control On A Subform In A Tab Control!

Aug 3, 2006

OK. I have searched and searched and every thread dances around similar situations but none seem to address this particular one. I am trying to make a control on a sub form visible/not visible depending on the condition of a control on a main form. The catch is that the control I'm trying to change the state of is on a subform located in a tab control. I've tried a thousand combinations and none seem to work. How do I reference the control on the subform in a tab control?

Main Form: frmMemberMain
Tab Control: TabCtl12
Tab Control Page: 2
Subform: frmChildren
Control on subform: txtRelationship

Can someone please help before my brain explodes!! Thanks! :eek:

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Control Validation For 1st Control

May 17, 2006


I have reviewed the posts for 'Control Validation' and dowloaded the sample database kindly posted by ansentry.

In the PaymentAmount example, a name has to be entered in the first control before an amount is enterered in the second control. If the controls and tab order are reversed, the validation doesn't work.

I have a form where the 1st Control needs validating before moving on. The code below doesn't work.

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If IsNull(Me.Employee_No) Then
MsgBox "Employee No Required", vbCritical, "Data required "
Cancel = True
Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

Any help greatly appreciated.


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Tab Formatting

Apr 13, 2006

Really simple one for all you folks out there, but I've just been struggling for 20minutes and thats it I've decided to to seek proffesional advice. Though its been said I need it in other areas of my life too (so my ex says but..), any way I digress.

I put a tab control on a form all I want to do is format the title of each individual Tab name, i.e. font size etc, type. Had a look at the properties but nothing there seems to register.

Is it possible?

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Tab Formatting

Apr 20, 2006

Hey do any of you guys know if its possible to change the colour of the tabs or set them as transparent in a form plz??? I know you can set the background as transparent, but i dnt know if you can do that to the actual tabs.

Thanks guys


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Jul 20, 2005

Ok, don't know what I should title this problem as, but maybe you guys can help. The data stored on my table is formatted as Currency, however, when I Queue up the data, I also multiply it by a factor (exchange rate). Which turns the data into just a regular number. When I display this data on my form, I reformat it into Currencies again. However, when I click on the field, it shows the number in its raw format. How can I fix this so that when the user click on the field, they won't see the raw number but just regular Currency format? Much thanks in advance.

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Help With Formatting

Feb 5, 2007


I am creating a database of private equity funds. I want to have a currency field for an input entitled fund size. However, I need to be able to display whether the size of the fund is in dollars or euros. How can customize a number/currency field to allow me to input the correct currency symbol?


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Nov 8, 2006

I have a database with multiple tables all linked together in various ways. I would like a master reset button that will delete every record in every table as well as resetting the auto number(s) back down to zero again. Can this be done and if so, how?
Thanks in advance.


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Help With Formatting

Mar 11, 2007

I'm trying to format a header in a report and need some help.

The following results in "Error" if placed as the Control Source :
=IIf(IsNull([Captain]),"","Captain:" & [Captain])

Is there another way to do this?

Essentially, I want to display the word "Captain: " followed by the name if there is an entry. If there is no captain, I want to display nothing.

Thanks for the help!

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Aug 24, 2007

In my report the data shows patients and which unit they are in so in the detail section it shows something like this depending on how many records there are:


I'm now modifying that report to show totals and I want to list the names of the units going across the page not down the page which shows all the records. I moved the field into a "Unit Footer" and now the report shows only one entry for each unit like this:


Within the Unit footer section I don't want the names of the units going down but across like this:


I know there must be an easy answer but I've looked and work on it for so long I can't see what it would be. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks so much in advance.

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Formatting Due Dates

Apr 20, 2006

Please see attachment. I have created a mini database which will hopefully help me in explaining the process.

Table1: Field1 - 8 rows/8 records

Form1: Field1 text box
So in this box I used conditional formatting to say- whenever the date is greater than 04/05/2006, turn red.
So now I scroll to record2, need to have new conditional formatting rules to apply to this record.
My understanding is that I can use the remaining 2 conditions for records 2 and 3.
But what about records 4,5,6 & 7.
For example in record 4 I need the date to be greater than 02/15/2006, and record 8 to be greater than 05/09/2006-and as you can see when you scroll down to record 8 it has already turned red because it is governed by the rules in record1!
Hopefully this makes sense!
Is there a way to get around this? Is conditional formatting the only way to achieve this?
If it's not what would I do?
Thanks in advance for your help!


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Formatting A ZipCode

Sep 7, 2005

I am having trouble formatting a mailing label zipcode using the xxxxx-xxxx format.

I am using the =Trim([City]&","&[State]&" "&Format([ZipCode],"@@@@@-@@@@")) for Access 2002

My program is Access 1997-is there a different formula and why isn't the above working?

The zipcodes that have an extension come out right but the ones that don't have an extension come out like 6-8894

Any help would be appreciated!

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Need Help With String Formatting

Dec 15, 2005

Hey everyone, I need some help with formatting a string for use with the DoCmd.RunSQL() method. I can't figure out how the hell VB deals with escape characters for the purpse of variables inside strings. I have this line right now.

strSQL = "INSERT INTO OS (OS) VALUES(" + OS.Value + ")"

This is supposed to insert one row into the "OS" Table, in the "OS" field. In my form there is a textbox called "OS" and I'm trying to insert that value into the DB table.

Two things.
1) Yes, I know, I have a lot of things named "OS"
2) Yes, I know I don't need to use a string here, but I'm just presenting this is an abbreviated example, in my full program I do in fact need a string.

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Access And Its Xml Formatting

Mar 7, 2006

hi all, first time poster, with an awkward question.

i'll save you my life story but suffice to say i'm just 3 weeks into a 6mnt work placement from college and i could do with a bit of help.

the company i'm working with has to generate an xml document (preferably with access) corresponding to this schema (

the problem so far as i can make out is that when i import this xsd into ms access - i'm presented with a rediculous number of tables and in turn these are not related, i.e. there is nothing to say that the e-mail address table is associated with the header table. (having them in one table makes more sense to me, but i'm not an expert, all i know is i have to comply with this xsd.)

when the data is exported to xml format, it's meant to look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<EUSavings formversion="1" periodstart="01/07/2005" periodend="31/12/2005" language="E">
<TaxNumber taxtype="4">1234567T</TaxNumber>
<NameDetails>Joe Bloggs</NameDetails>
<AddressLineDetails Type="Line1">Test Road</AddressLineDetails>
<AddressLineDetails Type="Line2">Test City</AddressLineDetails>
<NameDetails>Paul O'Neill</NameDetails>
<NameDetails>Tom Paul</NameDetails>
<AddressLineDetails>New Road</AddressLineDetails>
<AddressLineDetails>New City</AddressLineDetails>

everyone in this company is completely new to xml and seeing as i have a little experience with it from college i've got quite a bit of pressure on me to try and make this work.

so, my question is: how would i go about exporting data from access into a xml document which conforms to the xtd, and looks like the xml code above?

is access capable of doing this?

they want this solved programatically, but nobody here knows how to do it.

can anyone offer guidelines on how to tackle this? any help would be really appreciated, i'm in over my head

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Conditional Formatting

Apr 18, 2006

Hi Guys,

I've a question and I hope you can help me out.......
I'm trying to use Conditional Formatting Options on a Text box called "Date". I'd like that this box become Red if its value is between value1 from Text box "Start Date" and value2 from Text box "End Date" or Green otherwise (in this way the color change dynamically every time I change the values of Text Boxes "Start Date " and "End Date"). How can I do that? What I need to type in the Conditional Formatting Windows?

Thanks a lot for you help!!!!

Ciao Ciao

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