Tab Controls And Subforms

Aug 25, 2004

So I swear what I want to do isn't that difficult....ok so I can't get it to work, but I'm sure one of you gurus out there can. I hope =) At the very least tell me if it’s possible to do.

I have a form (Edit Expert) on this form is a combo box with a list of all the experts names. Below is a tab control with 2 tabs. Each tab has a subform on it with different info pertaining to experts. (contact info and education) what I want to happen is that when someone selects an expert, I want that experts info to be populated into the subforms. I have tried a macros (findExpert) that is attached to the after update property of the combo box. When there isn’t a tab control on the form and there is only one form, it works great, with tab control it says my filter isn’t based on a table or query and to use selectObject. However I have no idea what object to select. I have read the word doc that is floating around the forum about the syntax for main/subforms, but have gone in circles. However I am reasonably sure that that is were my problem is. I need to tell access to apply the filter to the subform on the tab control.

I tried to zip my db, but no matter what i do it's too big, so i hope this is enough info for you to go on. Please let me know if you need more information. Thanks a billion for your time and effort!! - me

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Tab Controls And Linked Subforms With One To Many Relationships

May 8, 2006

Hi there

I've got 3 tables related to one another with one to many relationships. They are:

where the 23_Indicator table has 22_SubCategory as its parent and 21_Category as its grandparent.

The forms wizard in Access has nicely developed a form with 2 subforms contained on it which does the trick for maintaining all 3 of these tables. The form itself displays 21_Category, subform1 displays 22_SubCategory and subform2 displays 23_Indicator. When I change the active record for either Category or Subcategory the subforms change their display as expected. All good.

My concern is that the form looks a mess and not very welcoming, too much info on one form, so I'd like to replace the 2 subforms (or even form plus 2 subforms) with one Tab Control. So far I can get the linking working correctly to the first page within the Tab Control but cannot link the second page child records to the active record in the first.

I'm using the Link Child Fields and Link Master Fields to do this. Even straight copying of the entries from my subforms which already work cannot get the Tab Control to behave in the same way.

Without wasting any more time on this, does anyone know whether it is easily possible or I'm missing something obvious? I suspect I've got something slightly wrong with either the Source, Link Child Fields, or Link Master Fields syntax, or referring to the wrong objects. Alternatively, Tab Controls just aren't designed to show one to many type records??

I'm not a VB Developer so if this isn't possible without writing a whole heap of code then I'll just have to cut my losses and use the crowded form I already have, though I'm happy to insert a few lines to get the Tab Control to work.

Thanks for your help in this. Apologies if this has already been posted loads before. I'm doing this as voluntary work for a charity and I'm a fairly new user of Access and VB (though I'm familiar with databases and SQL).

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Forms :: Referencing Controls On Subforms

Oct 23, 2014

In the attached picture has a representation of my setup.

My main form has a listbox search form (taken from this site). The search results populate data in subform1.

In the detail section of main form has subform1 with 3 cascading combo boxes. I have queries set up that run the cascading combo boxes.

In the detail of subform1, I have subform2 with a combo box.

Today I decided to merge my search form and the other forms so I wouldn't have two pages. Everything used to work with no errors - but I can't figure out how to reference everything properly now.

I've tried every combination from here to reference things properly. Somehow, I'm missing something.

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How To Link Subforms To Other Subforms On An Unbound Form

Feb 4, 2006

I forum could someone tell me:

I have an unbound form on that form I want to put three sub forms one on a products table the other on a course start dates table and the link table that joins the other two together. all three are related to each other with Pk/FK links.

When I try to link them it says you cannot link items on an unbound form.

regards in advance

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Apr 21, 2005

I need create controls with Controls.Add in one forms on event LOAD.

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Too Many Controls??

May 11, 2005

I have a form in my Access database that after trying to add another field to it today, I get the error "Microsoft Access can't create any more controls on this form or report."

I'm guessing I reached some type of limit that I was not aware of. How can I get around this?

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More Than One Row Of Tab Controls?

Jul 19, 2005

I read somewhere that you can have more than one row of tab comtrols on a form. I have searched the forum for any threads or posts on the issue but can't find anything. Does anyone know how to do it?

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Two Tab Controls

Aug 17, 2005

is it actually possible to place a tab control within another tab control? every time i try to put one on it ends up beneath? would be good to have because even with one tab control my forms still look very busy!!

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Tab Controls

Jan 27, 2005

Is it possible to put a tab control on a page of a tab control?

And if so, how?

Everytime I try to fix another tab control on an already existing tab control, it places it on the form, not the control.

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Jun 28, 2007

I have a form with 5 subforms in it.

I am using recordsets to step through a table that contains a field with the names of the subforms.

Depending on the code, I want to make visible or hide the subform for that particular record.

ie Table has 5 records with a field called subForm. the values are as follows:

Record1: Field1: Value="Yes" Field2: Value="subForm1"
Record2: Field1: Value="Yes" Field2: Value="subForm2"
Record3: Field1: Value="Yes" Field2: Value="subForm3"
Record4: Field1: Value="No" Field2: Value="subForm4"
Record5: Field1: Value="Yes" Field2: Value="subForm5"

When I step through the table if the code finds "No" in Field1 then id makes the subform referred to in Field2 invisible and if it finds a "Yes" it makes it visible.

Can anyone help me with this?

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Dec 13, 2005

Does anyone know how to have a datasheet view in a subform fill the top of the main form?
I want to be able to see the records in a datasheet view and when the record in the datasheet view is selected it prefills the top of a form ?

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Feb 18, 2005

This is a question from yesterday that a member had helped me out with.

I have additional questions while I am waiting for response from him. If anyone of you can help, I would really appreciate it.

1. How can I make a form that gathers information from multiple tables?
2. Lets say it is possible, how does this info get saved to these multiple tables when the user clicks on the next record button on the record navigator.

Thanks for the assistance!

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Aug 12, 2005

is it possible to have more then 2 subforms?


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Many-To-Many And Subforms

Sep 18, 2005

Heya --

So if I haven't scared everyone away with the post's title, maybe someone out there can help me. I need it.

I have a many-to-many relationship with the following tables:


I also have a query with the following:


Pretty straightforward. Now, I have a form to view Companies, inside of which is a subform listing Projects associated with the Company using the above query.

The issue that is stumping is that I would love to be able to add a new project from the subform. I thought it would be pretty easy, but I'm totally dry. I guess I need to grab the CompanyId from the parent form, and assign it to the new record before I can add any more data to the new record. But I have no idea how to do this, or even if it is the right thing to do.

Any help would be _greatly_ appreciated. I've been slamming my head against a wall with this for two weeks.


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Nov 29, 2005

I have 3 tables : Products, Description and ProductDescription. Products can have more then 1 description, Descriptions can be used by more then 1 product, that is why the third tabel ProductDescription exists (normalizing..:) ). The Productdescription table has 3 fields: id, productid, descriptionid.

I want a form in which you choose a product, then you see all the descriptions along with it. In this same form I want to be able to add a description, e.g. by pushing a button NEW. After that user enters description form etc. After returning to the mainform, a new record must be automatically added to the ProductDescription table and ofcourse a new record has been added to the Description table. I thought I would use subforms to realize this but it isn't working..:( . I have tried so many things that I dont know anymore what to do, i am totally confused. I know how to program in VB and ACCESS, but for now i don't see it anymore. Can someone please help me with this?

I just need to know how to start, what to use as subform and what as masterform, which links between fields, etc


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Jan 17, 2005

Just a quicky.
I am trying to design a form with three subforms.
I keep getting tblXXX not in recordset.
Is there perhaps something wrong with my relationships?

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Help With Subforms`

Nov 22, 2006


I hope someone could come up with a solution. I have a form and 2 subforms. The form contains the person id, address and phone number. The subform1 contains a list of skills that person has which is derived from a query. I have to be able to delete any of the skills that person has. I am not sure how to delete the skills but I know when I type a skill, it automatically adds (can grow = yes). In subform2, the skills that the person DOES NOT have are listed derived from another query again. We should be able to click on any of those skills so that it will be an addition in subform1. I do not know how to do this.
Thank you for anyone who comes up with the solutions.

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Need Help With Subforms

Oct 17, 2007

I am designing a student registration system in MSAccess. It consists of tables such as Applicant,Courses,Department,Qualification,Employe r details..the applicant has to choose only 3 courses. i have already designed all the tables and relationships. I need to create an application form which allows the user to imput the personal, qualification and employment details of the applicant. i have used tabs for this part. now i have to create a form where the user input the 3 choices of the applicant. i have used a subform in my application form. my problem is how do i restrict the user to input only 3 courses and how do i link the subform with the main?how do i make sure that when i select 3 courses, it is linked to that specific applicant?

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Nested Tab Controls

Oct 3, 2005

I have placed a tab control within a tab control (which I have done before). The problem is that the sub tab control appears on every page of the main tab form (encountered this before). I fixed it in the past by placing code on the on open event to make the sub tab control not visible unless the appropriate tab is selected. That worked fine.

I have tried this in the new program and find that when I set the value of the main tab form to 4 (the page index of the tab) the sub tab form will not display at all. However if I set it to zero it will display regardless of which tab is selected. Confusion has now set in :confused: . Any thoughts out there on what I have done incorrectly.

[/CODE]Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

'Me.OrderBy = "RankNo desc"
'Me.OrderByOn = True
If TabCtl44.Value = 4 Then
TabCtl144.Visible = True
TabCtl144.Visible = False
End If
End Sub[CODE]

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Calculated Controls

Jan 24, 2005

I have a main form which shows customer personal details including their budget and a subform which shows the costs for each course they book. The sub form has 4 boxes which I use to capture course fee, travel fees,subsistance and other expenses (along with other details such as course code etc). These cost details are stored in the table study_leave_recs in the respective 4 fields. I show on the subform the total spend for each course being booked using a calculated control. On the main form I use four dsum statements added together to show the total spend per customer.
=DSum("[COUR_ACT_FEE]","study_leave_recs ","BUDGET_HOLDER_ID=[study_leave_recs].[Form]![budget_holder_id]")+DSum("[COUR_ACT_TRAVEL]","study_leave_recs ","BUDGET_HOLDER_ID=[study_leave_recs].[Form]![budget_holder_id]")+DSum("[COUR_ACT_SUBSISTANCE]","study_leave_recs ","BUDGET_HOLDER_ID=[study_leave_recs].[Form]![budget_holder_id]")++DSum("[COUR_ACT_OTHER_EXPEN]","study_leave_recs ","BUDGET_HOLDER_ID=[study_leave_recs].[Form]![budget_holder_id]")

It works ok but is there a better way of doing this? Also is there any way I can use the resultant output to calculate / show the remaining budget (the budget is held in the general table "people"? I'm having trouble using the above statement to subtract the calculated spend from the budget box shown in the main form!!

I would appreciate any help, I seem to have spent ages on this on! Thanks in advance. Regards Peter

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Creating A Map With Some Controls In It

Jan 28, 2005

I wanna know if it's possible to use an access 2002 form to create some controls(icons) on top of a picture (a map) so that i can click those icons to display some info. The trick part is that those icons positions are generated by x,y coordinates from the db itself. Plus a zooming control wold be a plus...

So what are your opinions on my little project.

Thank you all in advance.


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Is It Possible To Group Controls?

Apr 19, 2005


I have a pretty standard form to enter data about contracts. Depending on the type of contract, the user will answer a yes/no type question, and the result will determine what set of information needs to be entered next. Since the variables are grouped intrinsically, I would like to make them visible or not depending on what is necessary. I know how to do this with just one control, but not several at a time. Is there a way to treat them as a group, and have the form make the group appear/disappear as needed, or do I have to list out each control everytime i need to do this? Any help would be much appreciated.


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Active X Controls

May 3, 2005

I have application made in MS Access 2000

I got crazy with one Active X Control on one PC. On every other PC works fine but on this one I have error "Object is missing or does not exist".

I tried delete - copy - paste couple times, unregister and register control couple time, but error is still there.

Reference looks fine, I put control on the form and everything looks great.
I tried delete control from the form and put again.

When I try to assign some data to the control I have error "Object is missing or does not exists".

It's look like my Access programm see just as read only or something like that.

Does anybody have idea why my Active X Control does not work on this PC?

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Calendar Controls

May 18, 2005

I am currently using a popup Calendar in Access "Calendar Control 9". I mousedown on a field and the Calendar pops-up. I select the date and it populates field1. So far, so good. After I select the date I need I would like for field2 to populate with a date that is exactly six months out from the date I selected for field1. Any suggestions.
I hope this can be done as it would help immensely.

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Form Controls

May 28, 2005

Hi guys,

please give me some directions.

Recently I designed a form with several controls including both TextBox and Combox. Before I submit data by clicking the button, I use VBA to validate the values of those controls (textbox and combox). If the value is not valid, the system will eject a msgbox and automatically set the focus on that component. In order to tidy the code, I use a GoTo statement, which refers to a group of code to display the message due to the value of parameters

But it seems VBA doesn't recongize the control I set through the parameter.

The code as the following:

private function validation () as boolean

Dim ErrorMessage as string
Dim ErrorComponent as String

ErrorMessage="Please select the shop Name"
ErrorComponent="ShopName" // ShopNameis a combox

GoTo ExitFunction

ErrorMessage="Please set the start date"
ErrorComponent="StartDate" // StartDate is a Textbox
GoTo ExitFunction

msgResult = MsgBox(ErrorMessage, vbOKOnly, "Error Message")
validation = False
Exit Function


As I tested for seveal time, I'm sure there is something wrong with
msgResult = MsgBox(ErrorMessage, vbOKOnly, "Error Message")

but how can I fix it?

Many Thanks

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Tab Controls - Two Forms

Jun 2, 2005


I want to use a tab form where the user can click add, search, and edit records all from 3 tabs. The problem is I only want to be able to add data on one form, edit data on another, and just read only on the search. This seems to cause a dilemma, how can I specifiy them to add, edit, and read only on one form using tabs?


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