Tab Order With Sub Forms

Feb 17, 2005


I have a form with 2 sub forms and when I tab through the first form (the container) and get to the last record, the cursor pops into the first sub form which is just what I want, however when I then get to the bottom of the first sub form and tab to the next sub form but it doesn't work, what does happen is that the cursor goes back to the begining of the first sub form.

I have been testing various combinations of the cycle option but none of these got it working and I've gone through the tab stop / tab index and everything looks ok there.

I can move from the first sub form to the second by pressing ctrl + tab but was wondering if there's a work around so only the tab has to be pressed?


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Forms Tabbing Order

Jul 27, 2005

Is there any way to change the order that the tab button cycles through the different fields in a form? Right now mine jumps ALL over the place and in some case even misses a field.

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Sort (order) Data On Forms

Apr 12, 2005


This is related to "Old_value, new_value" thread I posted yestarday (Module&VBA).

I have a problem i missed yestarday. The code it's vorking great, but it allways takes the showed new_value and makes it old_value for the new record, and this is a problem, because the showed record is not the last for that customer.
So, I was thinking that if I make a new Autonumber field in my table, I could sort descending the values and this way the input form will allways show me the last entered data for that person.
As I noticed from a long time ago, if I sort a table that allready has a form, the form won't show the records sorted. Why? It's necessary to make the form again? I tried to order the data on the form from Properties window ->Data->Order by, but the ordering is Ascending and I need it Descending!
Can enybody help me?


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Forms :: Order Of Data Refresh?

Apr 9, 2013

I have a graph on my form, an Update/Refresh button, and a textbox that display a calculted value.

The textboxes controlsource is "=GetMyValue()"

Now when I click the Update button on the form, I would like to have the graph to refresh first, and then the textbox should update its value by running the GetMyValue function. But it works the other way around.

I've even tried to reset and set the textbox controlsource in the click event but it still get's preference above the refresh of the graph.

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Forms :: How To Calculate Order Detail

Apr 28, 2015

The problem that I am having is how to recalculate all order detail item.

Main form = Tblorder : orderID, CustumerID, TotalSquare
Sub form = TblOrderdetail : orderdetailID, OrderID, itemname, unitprice, total

Example: if I set up the totalsquare FIRST = 10 and I select the the itemname, it will calculate the total = unitprice * totalsquare this work fine.

I have 20 item in sub form orderdetail and every item was calculate based on totalsquare = 10. For some reason, I have to change the totalsquare = 20.

How do I make so that it will recalculate all 20 items in subform/orderdetail instead of deleting all item and re enter it again?

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Forms :: Tab Order With Subforms And Subdatasheets

May 31, 2013

I have a continuous form with a bound subform in the footer section. Is there a way (with VBA?) to set the tab order so that it tabs down to the subform in the footer after a few controls in the main form and then back to the main form after going through the subform?

Also I have a form with a subform in datasheet view. Can I have the tab order set so that it tabs through a few fields in the datasheet view, expands the subdatasheet and allows you to tab through it, then tab back to the main datasheet?

I want users to fill out a few fields in the main form, go the subform easily, enter the data there, then go back to the main form easily and enter the rest of the data before going to the next record in the main form.

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Forms :: Drop Down Menu In Order

Aug 6, 2015

1. I have a drop down menu with numbers 1 thru 15

How do I have the drop down menu go 1,2,3,4, etc.

Right now it goes 1,10,11,12,13,14,15,2

Also I have two fields where the user enters money

2. How do I set up the form so when the user types in 430 it is 430,000.00 and not 430.00

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Forms :: Setting Tab Order On Forms

Jul 2, 2015

I have a form which contains a sub form. I have set the tab order on both forms and set the Tab stop to those I don't want. when I open the Form the cursor flashes in the sub form and I cannot find where or how to have the cursor flashing on the main form. It needs to be there because I want to select data that will edited in the Sub form.

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Forms :: Displaying Records By Order Number

Jun 25, 2013

I am on code want to display records on the form by order_number, but i am unable to do it.

Private Sub Combo63_AfterUpdate()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim intcount As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Master_Log WHERE Order_number = " & Combo63.Value & "", dbOpenSnapshot)

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Fields Missing On Tab Order Form

Apr 9, 2015

am trying to change the tab order but have noticed that some of the fields are missing from the tab order form. I am attaching a screenshot to show which tabs are missing.

Screen Shot 2015-04-09 at 21.44.55.png

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Forms :: Textbox For Order ID Input By User

Jun 21, 2013

My table have orderid along with other columns, i want to create a form where i am having a textbox for order id input by user. Firstly when user sees the form its only with the textbox and table fields, when i put the order id in the textbox the listing should be made.

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Forms :: Custom Sort Order In Subform

Apr 28, 2015

I have a subform with year and month, subform shows result of a select query.

When I open query separately it show data as required order but when i show data in subform related to this query, data show in rearrange order.

How can I set order in subform as query result.

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Forms :: Datasheet Column Order Not Saving

Feb 8, 2014

Why Access 2010 does not save the Datasheet order?? I keep setting the order and it puts it back again

I have set the order in the design. I have set the tab index individually for each item. I says in the tab order that they are in the correct order. I reorder them in the datasheet and click on save. Nothing sets that order. It will revert it back to the order that IT wants every time.

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Forms :: Cascading Form - Numerical Order ID

Apr 2, 2014

I have a problem with a cascading form, which writes back to another table. The scenario is:

There are three tables. Users, Departments & SubDepartments.

Each table has an Autonumber set as the primary key .

The form is to write back to the user table, and within the user table there is a Department & SubDepartment field. These are linked to the relevant tables and all that works.

For the form I have two combo boxes for Department and SubDepartment. Department simply pulls from the Departments table and displays/writes back to User table correctly.

The SubDepartment is the one I am having problems with. I have got it to cascade correctly but here is the exact issue:

On the existing records the subdepartment is being displayed as a number (the primary key autonumber). The drop down list displays the text of what the subdepartment is (which is what I require) but then when that is selected it throws up the error that the value entered isn't correct for that field. I guess it's because it wants to write back the numerical record ID rather than the text from the other field.

The row source query is SELECT [qrySubDepartment].[SubDepartmentName] FROM qrySubDepartment ORDER BY [SubDepartmentName];

The table fields for the subdepartment table are SubDepartmentID, SubDepartmentName, DepartmentID and SDID.

SDID can be ignored for the purpose of this question and DepartmentID links back to the main department. Just to confirm visually the cascading form does work in terms of when you pick a department it only displays the subdepartments associated to it.

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Forms :: Order Form Pasting Data Into Table

Aug 20, 2013

Okay I have an Orders Form, which generates a SubTotal Price (ex VAT), VAT, Shipping & Freight Charge based on an IIF statment of being under a 50.00 order apply 20.00 charge. And finally a Order Total with it all added together. This works fine, however I cannot seem to find a way to post these prices in my Orders Table. When I click on Datasheet View for the form, all the details appear as they should.

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Forms :: Comments In Descending Order In Memo Field

May 5, 2015

Having some trouble with a memo field. For each record, the notes field is present on the Form.... I added an unbound text box (txtMemoAdd) and a command button (Add New Note). When the button is selected, it adds the note to the Read Only Notes Field and adds a timestamp using the following code:

Me.Notes = Me.Notes & vbCrLf & Now () & VbCrLf & Me.txtMemoAdd
Me.txtMemoAdd = ""

The note is added to the bottom, and I was wondering if there was a way to make the new note go to the TOP of the field (Descending Order rather than Ascending).

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Forms :: Non Alphabetical Order Of X-Axis Label On A Chart

Jan 4, 2015

I have inserted a bar chart onto a form using a totals query. The query is grouped by days on stock, eg. '0-30', '30-60', '60-90' etc. which is therefore the labels on the x-axis.

The chart displays the correct data, however, the chart automatically displays the categories on the x-axis in alphabetical order... '0-30', '120-180', '30-60' etc.. Is there anyway to adjust this order to be eg. '0-30', '30-60', '60-90' etc?

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Forms :: Column Order In Subform Datasheet View

Nov 22, 2014

I have a subform in which I display a table in Datasheet View. The problem is, I cannot figure out how to place the columns in the order (i.e. from left to right) I want.

For some reason, right-clicking on a column header in Form View and selecting Freeze Fields will shift that column to the left but I can find no consistent pattern to it and no other way of shifting a column. Reordering the columns in the table itself seems to have no effect on the order they appear on the subform and moving the controls around in the subform in Design View also seems to have no effect.

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Forms :: Date Sort Order - Newest To Oldest

Dec 17, 2013

I have a combobox (cbo_FileNames) that is unbound and gets fed on activate from a folder

Set SourceFolder = FSO.GetFolder("c:GundogManagerBackUp")

My problem is that the file names are as follows:

GundogManagerBackUp 02_12_13.xls
GundogManagerBackUp 03_12_13.xls
GundogManagerBackUp 07_08_13.xls
GundogManagerBackUp 16_11_13.xls
GundogManagerBackUp 17_12_13.xls

As you can see it consists of the name and a date of the backup. When it populates the combobox I want it to go in date order I newest to oldest. At the moment its going of the first number.

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Forms :: Limiting Order Amount Based On Available Stock

Feb 26, 2014

I have an inventory database with a few tables:

1 with product info
1 with customer info
1 with incoming stock
1 with outgoing stock (orders)

I also have 3 query's:

Total incoming stock per product
Total outgoing stock per product
Total current stock per product (based on the 2 above queries)

I'm trying to make a form through which orders can be placed, and I want to limit the amount that can be ordered based on how much stock there is.

I've been told I can use the 'before update' event on the form to achieve this, but where to start. Do I use a Macro, an Expression, or do I need code?

Also, currently the record source for this form is the outgoing stock table, but I guess I'll need to add my 'current stock' query to the sources before this can work? And maybe even my other 2 queries because my 'stock' query is based on the other 2? But I can't really seem to get that to work either.

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Forms :: Design Mode - Changing Tab Order Does Not Work

May 28, 2015

I am going into the Form Design mode

Click in the subform

I then set tab order by selecting the box and moving the field up.

Looks correct and then I click okay.

The subform does not change.

I go back into design mode, click in subform and select tab order and it looks correct????

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Forms :: SubForm To Display Test Results In Date Order

Oct 7, 2014

I am having an issue with the sort order on a subform.

Basically I have a main form with Client Details and a subform hich displays the associated test results for this client. Each client can have multiple test results which should be displayed in date order.

Initially the form was based on the table 'TestResults' and I set up the form with the Orderby property set to the field 'TestDate' and OrderByOnLoad set to True. This didn't work and the records were displayed in random order.

Next I tried setting up the form based on an SQL query with the field 'TestDate' sorted in Ascending order - same result. Tried this with OrderBy and OrderByOnLoad both set/unset as a pair and individually - always the same result.

How can I get the subform to display the test results in date order?

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Forms :: Data Types Match And In Order But Getting Syntax Error

May 9, 2015

The Data Types match and they are in order. I get a syntax error.

PHP Code:
      strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblHour (Hours, WorkDate, SickDay, SickDte) VALUES (" _
   Me.AbsenceHrsID & ",#" & Format(Me.AbsenceDteTo, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#,True,#" _
   Format(Me.AbsenceDteTo, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#)"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError 

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Forms :: Setting Sort Order On A Form With Multiple Subforms

Mar 4, 2014

I have a tabbed form. The main form is titles ContractDtlsFRM. There are 3 other subforms in separate tabs. The first field in the ContractDtlsFRM is Contract No. I would like the form to sort in ascending order by this number.

I tried entering the following code in the Forms Order By event but it didn't work

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.OrderByOn = True
Me.OrderBy = [Contract No]
End Sub

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Forms :: Dataset Based On A Table - Order Of Added Records

Aug 9, 2013

I have a form with a dataset based on a table. (there are a number of buttons on the form with code so it's important I don't delete the form and start again with a new one)

The data displays correctly but the order is wrong. It displays the last record added as the first record when viewed in form view.

I want to reverse this order, how do i go about it? It seems very simple but I've yet to find a solution.

I also don't want to base it on a query because of the code mentioned earlier.

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Forms :: Access Pivot Chart - Specify Order Of Categories On X-Axis

Jun 19, 2014

I have a pivot chart based on a crosstab query. I would like the items on the category axis (x-axis) to appear left to right in the order that they appear in the query results.

Some specifics:
FreqID (PK, Number, Range 1-7)
Frequency (text)

RespID (PK,Number, Range 1-5)
Response (text)

ResultID (PK,AN)

TRANSFORM CInt(Nz(Count(tblResults.ResultID),0)) AS CountOfResultID
SELECT tblFreq.Frequency
FROM tblResp INNER JOIN (tblFreq INNER JOIN tblResults ON tblFreq.FreqID = tblResults.FreqID_FK) ON tblResp.RespID = tblResults.RespID_FK
GROUP BY tblFreq.Frequency, tblFreq.FreqID, tblFreq.FreqID
ORDER BY tblFreq.FreqID
PIVOT tblResp.Response;


Which I suppose is alphabetically ordered.I am unable to use OrderBy in the forms property sheet because tblFreq.FreqID is not an available field, even though it's an expression in the query.

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