Tabbing Through Form Creates New Record

Jan 24, 2006


I have a form with a number of fields and buttons on it. The form is opened in "add new record" mode. I have noticed that when I move from the last field in the tab order to the first field in the tab order it saves an entry in the database.

This is causing me problems because when users move from the last field in the tab order to the field in the tab order an entry is saved to the database but it by passes all the data checks ensuring that certain fields have been filled-in etc.

I don't know why the movement between these two fields is causing an entry to be saved. I don't have code associated with either of these objects. I aslo changed the last field in the tab order to a different field and it still happens.

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: Form That Creates A New Record In A Different Table?

Jul 29, 2013

I have a form that uses a text box to search for a specific record in a table.(Cotton12) This works perfectly. What I would like to implement however is if the user so wishes he can edit the data he is shown, whithout editing the actual data in cotton12 and then with this new info create a new record in cotton13.

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Forms :: Passing Field Value From One To Another Form That Creates A New Record

Mar 13, 2013

I have several different sub-forms that have a button that opens a new form which creates a new record. Each of the different sub-forms have a field value that needs to be passed to the new record when the other form is opened. I've tried a few solutions, but to no avail. Right now I'm using the macro functionality as follows for one of the subforms:

RunCommand SaveRecord
OpenForm frmDocumentNew, Form, , [AssociatedClientTracking]=[Forms]![sfrm_ClientTracking]![ID-ClientTracking], , Normal
OnError Next,
GoToRecord ,,New,
MsgBox =[MacroError].[Description], Yes, None,
SetProperty [AssociatedClientTracking], Enabled, Me.ID-ClientTracking

The problem I think is that I'm creating a new record so the value doesn't get passed. The new record is only created after the user begins to enter data in the new form that was opened.

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Modules & VBA :: Event Information - Deleting Record Creates A Blank Record

Sep 8, 2013

I have a form set to the table Client Information with a subform set to the table Event Information. Client Information has a one to many relationship to Event Information.

There is a button that deletes the current record in Client Information--also deleting the related records in Event Information--then closes the form. The code works fine but a blank record in Event Information is apparently being created before the form closes.

Here's the VBA that I'm using:

Private Sub CmdDelReturn_Click()
Dim CmdDelReturnMsg As String
CmdDelReturnMsg = MsgBox("Delete event & client then return to front?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, "Delete and Return?")

[Code] ....

It's not a big deal because the button won't be used often and I can manually go into the table to delete the blank record. But if there's a simple solution to prevent this that would be nice.

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Hit (cancel) But Record Still Creates?

Jul 31, 2015

When I launch my modal, I want the user to be able to 'cancel' without creating a new record. It's not doing that and creating extra 'junk' in my table. How do I prevent that?

Here's my code:
Private Sub Btn_Exception_SubModal_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Frm_Exception_UpdateModal", acNormal, , acFormAdd
Forms! [Frm_Exception_UpdateModal]![clientnmbr].value = Me![clientnmbr].value
End Sub

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Updating Subform Creates New Record In Parrent

Jan 12, 2007

I have a form that has a main for, a subform, and then another subform inside the 1st subform. The form works like this:

Conact info
--->Call info and notes
---> Orders worked

Each of those being nested as they appear. The problem is, the user usually jumps strait to putting the order number in "Orders worked" before entering in any notes or info... So no record exists in it's parent form to tie to. How can I have the database create a new record in its parent form when the user types in the subform?


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Forms :: Hitting Next Record Button Creates A New Job Instead Of Stopping?

Dec 28, 2014

I created a basic database in Access 2013 to keep up with jobs, and each job has a job number assigned to make each job unique (Primary Key).

At first I had it where I had to enter the new job number manually for each job. I have updated it and now it takes the last job number and adds 1 to it and then fills in the Job Number field automatically.

The problem is when I clicked the Last Record button, it will go to the last existing record, but if I click the Next Record button while on the last record, it will create a new record. It creates a new job instead of stopping at the last record. I assume it has to do with the auto numbering I have setup for the job numbers, since it didn't do this before, but I am not sure why. I ONLY want to be able to click the New Record (Blank) button to create a new job, NOT by also clicking the Next Record button.

Is there a way to force only the New Record button to add a new record? I still need the Previous and Next Record buttons to maneuver through the existing records. I just don't want to create new jobs accidentally by clicking the Next Record button when I'm at the end of the existing records. It should just stop, or say last record or something similar.

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Forms :: Subform Field Entry Creates A New Record

Oct 8, 2014

I have a main form with several tabs. One of the tabs is a subform with just one number control, driven by a select query. The control shows a number, and you can type in a new number, which then updates the field in the table.

BUT, the control then shows a zero, it has moved to a blank record. If you enter a number again, it will attempt to write it to a new record.

So how do I display the number, and allow a new number to be entered that will update the SAME record, and not moved to a new record?

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Tabbing Through A Form

Feb 2, 2006

Hi Guys & Gals,

I have 2 main forms for my database, both with multiple page tabs (I will call them pages to avoid confusion with tabs) and subforms.

I can set the tab order for the various pages to go through the fields and jump to the subform ok. 2 small problems I haven't been able to sort out are:

1) Once I have tabbed into a subform, in datasheet view, the tab takes me through the fields and then to a new record when it reaches the end. I can't tab out of the subform back to the page I came from and onto the next object.

2) When I tab from the last control on a page I want the focus to go to the first control on the next page of the form but what actualy happens is the next record is opened.

Neither of these are a big deal but it means using the mouse when I would rather navigate with a quick click. If I cannot set the tab order to get what I want for item 2, is it possible to put a control button on the page with some code behind it to move me to another page of the form in the same record?

Many thanks in advance.



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Tabbing From A Subform To Main Form

Jun 29, 2005

everytime i try to tab from my subform, it creates a new record for that subform. Also, about the subform, the control that links the main form and sub form is unique.
I have now set my Cycle property on my subforms and forms to Current Record. How can I tab from the subform to the main form and vice versa?


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Tabbing Between Main Form And Subform

Nov 18, 2005

Hello all,

This is my first post to these forums, however I have leeched so much information off of all you guys that I can't even begin to express my gratitude. So, now, onto my problem...
I'm developing a form for our call centre people to enter information regarding customer returns. Customer orders are placed on one of two systems. In my form, when the person is entering info, I have a drop down box to choose between the two systems, which calls up a respective subform to enter system-specific information. The problem I have is that I can use tab to enter the subform, however I can't use it to get out. There are two records in the subform - order date and order number. After I enter info into these 2 textboxes and try to tab out, it seems that the subform goes to a new record. How can I get my form to tab into the next required field on the main form? Hopefully this makes sense, I just read through it and its kinda questionable. Thank you very much in advance.

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Form With Join Creates Two New Records

Aug 15, 2006

I have a form that uses the following join as its control source:SELECT * FROM [Purchase Order]
LEFT JOIN [Work Orders]
ON [Purchase Order].WorkOrderID = [Work Orders].WorkOrderID;
I also enclosed a small picture of the relationship between the two tables. This is the problem I'm getting when using my purchase order form.

What I Want:
When I type in the "Work Order #" it will lookup the most recent work order with the same number and put its ID into the purchase order record.

What I'm Getting:
When I type in the "Work Order #" a brand new work order is created and the "Work Order ID" field gets the next number in the sequence.

Make note that I'm not using code for any of this. This is happening all on its own. I think the join is messing things up here. Any ideas?

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Dependent List Creates Parameter Value Error With Navigation Form

Aug 14, 2015

I am attempting to create a customized task manager. I have created a form that has a combo box that list a series of categories. This list is pulled from a query. I also have a sub-category list that is pulled from a separate query. The relevant section of the subcategory query looks like this:

CategoriesID / subCateogiesID
1 / 1
1 / 2
1 / 3
2 / 4
2 / 5
2 / 6
3 / 7

The query has a criteria that sources the combo box on the task creator form. This filters out all other primary categories. I have a macro that auto refreshes the page after the primary category combo box is updated. The sub category combo box then displays the related sub categories.This works great as a stand alone form. However, when I attempt to use a navigation form or use the tab navigation window I get the error message "Enter Parameter Value." I know am getting this message, because the related categories query is looking for a category in the combo box on the form, which at this point in the process is missing. It also does not update once it is moved to a navigation form or tabbed window.

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Tabbing Amongst Subforms

Feb 2, 2006

Hi guys

I have a form with a large amount of subforms on it.

The problem I am having is that I cannot tab between subforms when entering data.

The cursor just moves within the subform and browses off of the current record (Creates a new record, like when scrolling the mousewheel).

Anyone know how I can set it up so that I can tab betweek all subforms across the entire form and not create a new record?

In addition, I know access 2000/97 users had to use custom code to disable the mousewheel, but I read something somewhere saying that you can disable it in Access 2003 without using code? How do I do this?



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Mar 29, 2006

I am trying to setup 3 text boxes to autotab once the required input has been put in.

I have in the table assigned each field the max number that can be inputted, which is 3, 4 and 5. Now when inputting it stops and you have to manually tab to get it to move over which is fine and good...but who I am designing this for wants it to tab. I could use input mask but it uses place holders which I dislike greatly.

I am looking how to do this in code, I am not sure which commands to call up. Right now I have this:

Private Sub Branch_Change()
If Branch.length = 3 Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdTabOrder
End If

I am still learning my code, so laugh at will :) cause I am sure none of that is right. Thanks.

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Tabbing Between Subforms

Oct 22, 2004

I have a form with two subForms (A and B)

Each of the subForms has three fields on it. (1,2, and 3)

The problem with the way tabbing works is that it keeps the tabbing within a subForm.

If you go to this form and hit the tab button you cycle through the first subForm

A1 -> A2 -> A3 -> A1 -> A2 etc

Is there any way to have the tab effect from field A3 go to B1

I hope this is clear


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Forms Tabbing Order

Jul 27, 2005

Is there any way to change the order that the tab button cycles through the different fields in a form? Right now mine jumps ALL over the place and in some case even misses a field.

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Tabbing In Forms/subforms

Feb 21, 2006

I have search the forum and have found many solutions to this same problem but so far none have worked for me. I am fairly new to Access so maybe I am just not understanding properly.

I have a form with a main form and many subforms. All subforms but one are continuous and the other is a single form that does not allow additions.

1. I can tab from the main form to the first subform but can’t get the next subform.
I have tried this on the exit of the first combo box in the subform

Private Sub EventInitialActionTaken_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
If IsNull(Me.EventInitialActionTaken) Then
End If
End Sub

This works until I open a new record from one of the subforms and then I get an error.

2.Then, my last subform is the single form with no additions and I want it to tab to a command button on the main form. Right now it just goes in circles throughout the sub form

3.Also, if I ask to start a new record while my cursor is in one of the subforms, the new record will open with my cursor in that subform field. How do I get it to default to the first field in the main form? I tried Me.EventID.Setfocus on the On Load Event of the main form but this didn’t work.

I think that if I get the answer to question 3 then the code I previously used in question 1 might work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

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Automatic Tabbing Question

Jun 19, 2006

Hello all,

A quick search yielded no results, so here goes. What is the easiest way to automatically tab to the next field once a user has entered the maximum number of digits in the current field?

For example, I have a form with the 3-digit area code in one field, followed by the 7-digit phone number (this was set up originally by someone else, I don't know why the area code and phone number are split up). Since these fields will always be the same length, what I'm wanting to do is automatically set focus to the next field once the user has entered 3 numbers in the area code field, without their having to hit the 'Tab' key. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance...

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Textbox Populates Only After Tabbing Past

Sep 20, 2005

I have a combobox where users can select classes. In the AfterUpdate event for that combobox I have the following code:

Me.ClassCode = DLookup("[ClassCode]", "Classes", "[ClassID] = " & Me.ClassID.Column(0))

I want to populate the Class Code field based on the class they select. The code works fine except that the Class Code field does not update until after I tab past it. There is a field in between Classes and Class Code so I have to tab 3 times before the textbox populates. I expected the textbox to populate immediately after I selected the class. I also tried putting the code in the On Click event of the combobox but that didn't work either.

If I just keep clicking on different classes I'd like the class code to change each time without having to tab to another field. Is that possible? What am I doing wrong?


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Tabbing In Forms/ Continuous Subforms

Feb 22, 2006

I have searched this site and tried several things over the last 3 days and am getting frustrated. All of my forms are built from existing tables.
I have a main form (frmevent) with the primary key being EventID. I have many "continuous" subforms e.g. event type, initial action taken, initial outcome that the user can enter more then one record.
My Event Type continuous subform has a cascading combo box. One combo box displays the Event Category and the other combo box displays the Event Types. I have the cascading combo working so that when the category is selected on those types that apply to it show up.
If the user tabs to the next record and doesn't enter anything in it I want it to tab to the next sub form.
I tried (please note that EventInitialActionTaken is the first field in the form)
Private Sub EventInitialActionTaken_LostFocus()
If IsNull(Me.EventInitialActionTaken) Then
End If
End Sub
I am getting a run-time error on the form '2452' The expression you entered has an invalid reference to the Parent property.
What does this mean and can anyone help.
Thank you in advance.

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Tabbing & Displaying Full Page

Jul 23, 2007

I have a main form with one child form. This child form also has a child form. This last child form has two tab controls it. When I tab through fields on the form, I have to reposition the form so that I can see these last fields. Otherwise I have to tab blindly through them. How do I get the form display the fields as I tab to them ? I have to design the forms on the larger size because the users like that. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
thanks !

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Tabbing Data Access Pages

Jul 24, 2007

Is there a way in data access pages to have where the user tabs to a numeric field in an existing record, that it highlights the data? Or....... is there a way to have currency values null instead of $0.00 in an existing record on a data access page?

The problem I'm having is: For my data access page, the user queries to pull up an appointment. The user then enters various amounts in different fields. I have the tab order set up ok, but when they tab to a field to add an amount collected, it tabs to the end of the $0.00 which makes the user have to backspace 3 times to enter data, or highlight and delete and then enter data....... All of this, of course, is time consuming.

These values are null, but show as 0 in my data access pages.

How can I get these to remain blank, or how can I get it to highlight the data in each field on tab?

Thanks in advance.

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Tabbing To Next Line In Detail View

Dec 11, 2007


I created a form based on head/detail/foot kind of setup.

Now in the detail I have a combo box and a textbox. Is it possible for me to set focus to the next line textbox after the combo box fires onExit trigger?

so for instance:

form is empty. Fill in textbox, choose from dropdown, and then on Exit the focus is set to the next line textbox.


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Forms :: Tabbing And Setting Focus On A Button?

Oct 21, 2013

I have a form with a tab control on it. The input for respective fields are placed inside the tab control, and I have the "Confirm" button placed outside, on the main form. Now I wanted to be able to navigate my focus from a control from inside to tab control, out to the Confirm button on the form, to allow smooth flowing data entry.

However, it seems like Access separates the tab indexes for the controls in the tab control and outside on the main form, so setting tab index does not work. I tried using the code ON LOST FOCUS and SET FOCUS;

Private Sub txtPurchaseNote_LostFocus()
Forms![frm Imported]![cmdConfirmPurchase].SetFocus
End Sub

But then a dialog box appears:

Run-time error '2110'
Microsoft access can't move focus to the control cmdConfirmPurchase

(cmdConfirmPurchase is a button control)

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Queries :: Query Stopping When Tabbing To Another Program

Aug 5, 2013

I have an interesting Access problem. When doing a query, and it does not matter which Access file it is all of them do it, if you tab out or click to another screen, sometimes, the query will stop. I have tried many different network related fixes but no luck. I am thinking the issue is with Access. I have no issue with Excel on Access files.

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