Table Design And Relationship And Data Form

Apr 28, 2005

First of all, I want to say Thank you to everyone in this forum I have been reading just about every question in each Topic and I have pick up a lot more than I tough I knew. [Thank you]! I not sure how to ask this question or better yet write it. Here is my Situation I work for the NAVY as an Enlisted Personnel station in (New Orleans, LA) I have created a few databases for my workcenter and were simple enough that I managed. Now, I been task to help create a Call Center DataBase to keep track of Phone Calls and Issues the Agents(Employer received Daily) As well run other reports.

I am Including a copy of what I done so far. Can someone advise me about my Database Design? Does it makes sense? Are the Relationship seen good?
my frmCustomer is based on query (qSupport) I would like to know if the form and the SubForm are set up ok where I can have the Agents input data.
And one more thing on the frmMenu I have a few Text Boxes where I would like to display the total Amouth of Phone Calls received - as well the ones pending and Close? Any Criticism or Suggestion are more than welcome.

I hope my Question / Request makes sense. Thank you ....


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Relationship Design

Nov 29, 2005

I am designing a db from an excel file that a volunteer org uses, i am the treasurer and I believe what they do in the spreadsheet would be easier in Access. I am familiar with tables, queries etc.
Where I am getting stuck is the relationships and getting it to work properly.
The database would need these tables based on the attached spreadsheet;
Students, Tutors, Workshops, Events, Student Payments, Tutor Payments.
NOTE: check the comments in each sheet in the spreadsheet for how the sheets work, but it is self explanatory.
I think the db would need to be based on the students and from that the workshops and events that they attend, the workshops need to be linked to the tutors, where it gets tricky is that tutors can also attend events.
Basically it would be a registration database, I've looked at the template from called event management and it is sort of what needs to be done but not quite.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Relationship Design

Oct 1, 2005

Hi there

I have found this forum so helpful in the past I thought I would try my luck with getting a few more ideas for my next project.

I am designing a database used to track a persons working history and timesheet information for each of the jobs the person works in.

I work for a company that employees a heap of temp staff that often change jobs.
I would like to have a db that I can enter a person in once and be able to track all their details using a form with subforms for each of the relevant tables.

The basic design so far is I have 3 tables.
tblPersonalInformation tblBookingInformation tblTimesheets

tblPersonalInformation is as the name of table suggests contains all the persons personal details.

tblBookingInformation contains all the booking information for current past and future jobs.

tblTimesheets will contain the weekly timesheets.

I way I look at the design is that a person can have many bookings.
Simple create a join between tblPersonalInformation & tblBookingInformation.
A booking can have many timesheets again create a join between tblBookingInformation & tblTimesheets.

What I suspect to be a problem is that with using this design

1. I will be unable to add a booking without a person been associated with that record. This will cause a problem as often I will have booking that have yet been filled with a person.

2. A person will have many different timesheets from different bookings.

My questions are how can I design the tables so I can have bookings that are not associated with a person.
How do I create a join so I am able to pull all of a persons timesheet information or will my current idea of a join work to be able to show all the required information

Thank you for taking the time to help out.

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Relationship Problems In Database Design.

Sep 20, 2005

I am trying to design a database that would help track the daily supply of natural gas on multiple contracts. Each contract has a supply side and a delivery side which are equal in volume (when fuel is taken into account). My problem begins with the fact that each contract has a different capacity. That capacity is a total of the capacities of each point on the contract. Some points are on multiple contracts so they have different capacities on different contracts. I can’t figure out how to setup the relationships in order to make this database successful. Any hints?

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Design Table So That When A Box Is Checked Data Is Transferred To Another Table

Mar 23, 2012

I am designing a database for my organisation. I have done most of it but am stuck on this. Ideally I would like to have a check box (in a table) that when checked a load of data is carried across from that record to a record in another table.

Given that I can't and don;t want to use VB is there anyway that this can be done easily?

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Table Relationship - Cascading Data Into Multi-Tables

Apr 27, 2013

I'm currently using Access 2010 and I'm working on a database project. My question is related to table relationships. Within that project I do have a table that is related to other three tables where that table is the parent. The problem here is that once that table is updated or have a new value it never cascades it down to the other tables.

1- How to have multi relationship to the same field on the same table from different tables?
2- how to cascade the updates to the related fields?
3- Is there any way to force the data update to other tables?

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Queries :: Design View - Unable To See Relationship Tables At The Top

Sep 10, 2014

While viewing the query in design view, I am unable to see the relationship tables at the top.

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Fields In Table Created With Relationship / Lookup Data Type

Jul 17, 2014

I created a table in MS Access using a Lookup & Relationship data-type. This means that my record cells call upon a particular table for values. It creates a LIST of values for that cell.When I query a particular value in this table I get every possible combination of the value. My query and code are below:


SELECT MainT.Content.Value, MainT.Source, MainT.[Entities Impacted].Value, MainT.Update,
MainT.[Divisions Impacted].Value, MainT.Announced, MainT.Effective, MainT.Stakeholders.Value,
MainT.[Ref#ID], MainT.[Issuing Agencies].Value
WHERE (((MainT.Content.Value) Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchF]![ContentCB] & "*" Or (MainT.Content.Value) Is Null)

[Code] .....

This means that if I query STATES: "California", I'll get back every possible combination that exists with the name California in that particular field.The issue with this is that I'll get MULTIPLE primary key values rather than just 1. So, if one record, under STATES has California in it, but the other fields in that record have the Lookup & Relationship data-type, then every possible combination of that record will query instead of the multiple field-values form that you'll see in the table I am querying.

notice that my primary key (REF#ID) is repeated numerous times! This obviously causes problems with generating records and forms concerning information for 1 particular primary key. Is there a way around this problem other than specifying search criteria down as much as possible?! Perhaps there is some SQL code.

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Table Design - Export Field Name, Data Type & Description

Feb 9, 2005

I was wondering if there is a way to export the Table Design Structure:

1) Field Name
2) Data Type
3) Description

Into a Spreadsheet.

I was able to do this a long time ago, but can't seem to remember. I'm using Access 2000.



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General :: Exporting Data From A Table Keeping Current Design

Sep 16, 2013

I want to export details from a table in access to a word document or any other document that will keep the current design and let me make changes afterwards.

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Tables :: Relationship - Client Data Is Not Populating Into Routing Form

May 20, 2015

I have created 2 tables: Client and Routing.

Each client record is unique. A client can have 'several' routing records.

Key field in Client is 'Client ID'.

Routing table has foreign key of: Client IDFK

I created a relationship of one to many from Client table 'Client ID' to Routing table 'Client IDFK'.

I created a form for the Client table and works.

Where I am having issue is: Client data is not populating into the following Routing form.

* I want a 'Routing form' that you can lookup client info and place it into that form.
* The bottom of the form will be all the routing table fields. The new routing info will be entered into it.

My client needs that form printed for the driver. Client will have many routing forms(records) but only one client record. The driver will have one completed form for each time he picks up client.

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Table Relationship Lookup In A Form

Oct 1, 2005

Hi all,

I am wandering if anyone can help me here. I have a form which is linked to a table called tbl_File. Within in this form & tbl_File there is a field called Country_Code. In the Country_Code field the user places a number that corresponds to their country they want.

Now Country_Code & the corresponding country is defined in a seperate table called tbl_CountryCodes.

What I would like to do is in my form once the user has inputed a number in the Country_Code field (it will be a combo box), a label or textbox in the SAME form will then do a search of the corresponding Country name in tbl_CountryCodes and then display it to the user.

Any ideas will be greatful :D


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Forms :: How To Design A Form That Can Pull Multiple Invoices Data

Apr 17, 2015

how to design a form that can pull multiple invoices data related to the same purchase order number?

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How Do I 'copy' A Form Design And Apply It To A Different Table?

Sep 23, 2006

I am making a form that will be composed of two subforms. Each subform will be based on a differrnt table, however the tables are identicle as far as the number of columns. I designed form_1 to be based on table_1. Now, is there a way to copy form_1 (which will be changed to form_2 in the copied version) and redirect it to table_2?

I tried copy and pasting form_1, opened it in design view, looked at the Form properties, specifically: Data-> Record Source, and changed it to table_2, but.....the form didn't pick up table_2 field names, values, etc. I am guessing this is not the way to do this but how does one do this?

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Closing Form / Table While In Design View

Oct 13, 2014

I have several Access DB's that I work with and all of them have a close option(x in the upper right corner) on forms/tables/queries except for one. This is one that I did not create. So, when I open a form in design view to modify it, the only way to close it is to close down the DB?

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1-to-1 Relationship For Supplemental Data

Dec 1, 2005

:D I am trying to make an accounting database that includes 3 (problematic) tables.


AccountID (key)

AccountID (key)

The idea is that ALL ACCOUNTS have the information in table 1, and specific SETS of accounts have the ADDITIONAL information in each supplemental table (at the same group level). A one-to-many relationship would not be correct here, and I've tried to use a 1-to-1 relationship.

PROBLEM: When I make a new item in tblAccounts or (for example) tblLoanAccountsSupplemental, I want it to autocreate the KEY and make it the same for both tables.

My intuition may be wrong with the 1-to-1 relationship. What should I do? :(

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Tables :: Many To Many Relationship - How To Add New Data

Jun 16, 2014

I have created a many-to-many relationship but am now having trouble figuring out how to add new data.

I have a table PEOPLE:
ID First Name Last Name
1 Participant A
2 Participant B
3 Participant C

And I have a table BEHAVIORS:
ID Behavior
1 Yelling
2 Grabbing
3 Smearing feces

And I linked these together in a many-to-many relationship in a table PEOPLE_BEHAVIORS:
ID Participant Behavior
1 A Yelling
2 B Yelling
3 C Yelling
4 A Grabbing
5 B Grabbing
6 A Smearing feces
7 C Smearing feces

All that's good to go. But now I need a table so I can count how often these behaviors occur every day. I need to link PEOPLE_BEHAVIORS to a new data table that will count how often I see the behaviors linked to the people every day. So my table should look like:

ID Participant Behavior Date Frequency

But I should only document the frequency of the behaviors linked to that participant (so for Participant A, I should have a space for yelling, grabbing, and smearing feces whereas for Participant B, I,d only have a space for yelling and grabbing). Is it possible to create a table that will basically partially create records for me? So if I open the table to add data today, I'd see the following and fill in the frequency blanks?

ID Participant Behavior Date Frequency
1 A Yelling 6/16/14
2 B Yelling 6/16/14
3 C Yelling 6/16/14
4 A Grabbing 6/16/14
5 B Grabbing 6/16/14
6 A Smearing feces 6/16/14
7 C Smearing feces 6/16/14

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Autopopulate Data Based On Relationship

Feb 21, 2013

I am trying to create a 2-table database where we can enter our survey data. I want them to be linked by "head"# so that the "Temp" "Date" "island" and "site" are autofilled into the "time dep"table from the data I entered in the first "perm"table.

I would also like if the lookups were filtered so that, for example, when I choose "Cat Island" my only two options are "fishbowl" and "Cuda" then from there depending on which of those I choose, The "head"# can be chosen from a dropdown as well. There are about 22 coral-heads per site, and two sites per island. I don't want to have a giant dropdown of 80+"head"#s, but at the same time, if we are typing them in, it increases chance of error. limiting the options of head number to be site specific would be ideal.

I feel like I may be going about this all wrong, and need a form? But I cannot figure out how to make the form data fill the datasheets that I have created.


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Populate Data After Creating Many To Many Relationship

Apr 17, 2014

I have about 600,000 records in an excel sheet and tried using the table analyzer but I run out of memory. Instead i have broken up my giant table into a few other tables with their own primary keys and have populated from a maketable query. I related the tables together in a 1 to many and many to many table and one of the subforms is working great. The problem i am having now is with the many to many table (WorkedJunctionTbl). I don't want to have to manually input thousands of lines of data, so is there a way i can populate the data from the original data correctly using the new autonumber primary keys?I can't seem to get an append query to work correctly.

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General :: Achieve Data From One To Many Relationship Database

Mar 10, 2015

I am using Access 2007, I need to achieve some data from my database, what is the best way to do this.

I have a one to many relationship database, so 1 customer could have many orders, how would you achieve this data?

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Make-Table Query With Relationship To New Table

May 31, 2005

I've got a problem with a make-table query that creates a new table which is then populated with new values that relate back to the original table the trouble is the make-table won't run with that relationship in place.

Is there a way to delete the relationship then reinstate it after the query? or any other way round that someone can think of.

Thank You

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Queries :: Filter Data From A Table Using Query (from Data Input Form)

Dec 30, 2014

I would like to filter data from a table using a query (from an data input form). The objective is to output all results if input form field is empty and to output results higher or equal to the type in the field if field is not Null. The query code is as follows:

IIf(IsNull([Forms]![Form2]![MaxDiffInput]);[Maximum operational pressure (bar)];[Maximum operational pressure (bar)]>=[Forms]![Form2]![MaxDiffInput])

However, is not providing any result when the input field (MaxDiffInput) as a value.

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Can A Table Have A Relationship With Itself?

Jun 6, 2005

How can I have table data refer to other data in the same table? For example: If I have a table of people I know, and I want to 'link' family members together, and these other family members are also listed in the table of people I know.
Table: People
Field#1: PersonID
Field#2: PersonName
Field#3: FamilyMember1 (using the PersonID)
Field#4: FamilyMember2 (using the PersonID)

I hope I've explained myself clearly.
Thanks for any help.

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Table Relationship

Aug 29, 2006

Hi, I have 2 related. In the first table I have a primary key number and another ID number.

On the 2nd table which is related by the PrimKey I want the ID number to come up automatically. I can't remember how to do this. Can anyone help?


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Table Relationship

Feb 1, 2007

Hey guys

Access rookie here (and I mean ROOKIE).

I have two tables.

One with details of people's information (mothers).

We also need to enter information for their babies.

Basically I have set up a form with the info for the mother's details, and she has a Mother ID. The baby also has an ID which should be the same as the mothers (linking the two tables).

When I enter the info into the form for the mothers details, I hit the command button that opens the baby's details, however it has not created a baby ID that is the same as the mother's ID, therefore there is no relationship. If I enter in the baby id, and fill out the form - I goto the table and see that it has made the link and the information is complete. However, I don't want to have to enter the ID each time.....I just want the mother's ID to carry accross to the baby's ID field, hence linking the two.

Why isn't this working?

Thanks for your help!


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Cannot Add Another Table And Relationship

Mar 7, 2007

Hi there,

Hope you can help...

I am having problems with a current database i have designed which was initally for Products/Stock. I now want to intergrate Services into the equation. I have attached a proposed design, but whenever i add the Services table and relationship, everything, in the sense of data disappears.

I can upload my Database if needs be.


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