Table Structure Problem For Courier Db

Apr 12, 2006

My database as per the table/relationship structure attached (& below) works fine as far as capturing data goes & displaying certain queries, however the crucial part doesn't work & I suspect it's the table design structure that may be the culprit.

I therefore need someone to please advise & help me to normalise my table structure.

(Rates Table)
RateID (PK) -> Customers Table RateID
Overnight by 08h30 (Different values per RateID)
Overnight by 11h00 ( " )

(Customers Table)
CustID (PK) -> Shipment Details CustID
Cust Name etc..

(Shipment Details)
ShipmentID (PK)
ServiceTypeID (from Combo Box-populated from field headings from Rates Table)
WaybillNo etc..

With the structure as it is I can't seem to pull a value for a selected service type by customer.

Thanks in advance for your advice on this.

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Structure Of A Table To Make A Temp Table

Apr 20, 2015

I'm trying to copy the structure of a table to make a temp table. I'm using CopyObject (which also copies the data). So when I delete the data from the temp table, it also deletes data from the source table. Is the data linked? It should just be deleted from the temp table. Below is the beginning of the code. I've stepped through, and at the last step shown, the data in the source table deletes.

Dim strFile As String
Dim temp As String
Dim tbl As String
Dim db As DAO.Database

' error handle
On Error GoTo F_Error

[Code] .....

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Need Help With Table Structure

Oct 28, 2004

Here’s a little scenario:

An engineer requests that “x” amount of computers are ordered for the company. The estimated costs of the system(s) are determined. The estimated cost of the systems is forwarded to a manager, and the request must be approved by a manager before the order is placed. Once the manager approves the request, the order is placed through the ordering company. After the ordering company approves the order, an order number is assigned and serial number(s) specific to each computer is associated with that order number. At this point it is possible to track the order status via existing programs using the assigned order number and serial numbers. After it is determined through the existing software that the order has been shipped, invoiced, and received by the Receiving department, I need to physically go pick up the systems and submit them into my Central Inventory. From the central inventory, systems will be checked out to employees as needed, checked back in when testing is finished, or transferred internally between employees......

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Table Structure

Nov 15, 2004

Hi everybody,

Please, I really need some help with my normalised tables and relations:



3. ParentContactID

4. CycleNO

5. DisciplineID


7. ExamID

8. Results

I have a feeling this relationship, is still a bit messy?

I also need to keep track of students daily class attendance, at the end of the tern, or year to find out how many students dropt out of a particular class etc. Is this a new table?

thanks in advance.


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3nf Table Structure, I Think, No What?

Dec 15, 2004

I have been reading up on normalizing table structures. I have this database that I am working on, to work as a hiring database. It should hold information about people applying to the law firm I work at.

I am looking for advice on if this table structure is normalized and sound. I am also looking for specific help on creating good forms.

Thanks for any help that can be given!

ps. I am attaching a zip that has a jpg view of the tables and their relationships, as well as the db with the table structure.

I would love any and all advice. I want a very clear concept for this db before I do anything!

Thanks again!

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Structure Of A Table

Apr 27, 2005

I was having a discussion with a friend of mine about this... and I couldn't come up with the best explination. Hopefuly someone here can point me in the right direction.

He has a table

Recipies(Id, name, item1, quantity1, item2, quantity2, item3, quantity3, item4, quantity4)

I don't believe that this is the proper way to create a table. What happens if you happen to come across a Recipie that needs 6 items?? or more??
After researching it, I believe it violates 2NF. Is this correct?

Instead I think a better structure would be

Recipies(Id, name)

RecipiesIngredients(Recipies.ID, Ingredients.ID, quantity)

Ingredients (Id, Name)

The problem my friends sees with this method is the fact that the Xref table will get giant.

In the example... Speed is of utmost importance, as the tables will most likely contain thousands of records and be queried against frequently.

Thanks for any input.


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Table Structure.........

Aug 27, 2005

hello this is my 1st posting....... :o
please help me .........

I have 3 tables.....

Table : Customers

CustomerType (i.e. 1st Allottee, 2nd Allottee etc.)

Table: Apartments

File# (every apartment has unique file#)
Discounted (yes/no)
DiscountRate %

Table: Receipts

RecType (Down Payment, 1st Installment, 2nd Installment...)

one customer can have more than 1 apartments, and one apartment can be transfered to another customer (file# same but customerID changed)
one customer is paying different types of payments against his apartment.

please help me to manage tables and relationships.

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Table Structure Help

Jan 29, 2006

I need some help trying to setup tables on a new database. I want to setup a house analysis database where I can evaluate each room for it’s condition broken down by feature. I can’t seem to figure out a good way to tie all the rooms and evaluations back to that house’s address (primary key). I want the fields to work as shown below with the room evaluations tracked to each room and house address. If possible I would like to be able to enter the as many room names as needed for each address.

House Address

Bedroom 1______________Bedroom 2_______________Bathroom 1

Ceiling condition –Good____Ceiling condition-Fair____Ceiling condition- Good
Floor condition – Fair______Floor condition – Fair____Floor condition - Fair
Wall condition – Good_____ Wall condition – Bad____Wall condition - Good

Can someone please explain to me how I should structure the tables to work. As a novice Access programmer I am out of ideas. Please help me!!

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Table Structure

Jan 30, 2006

What's the best way to setup this db?

I have the following information:

Company ID
Program A
Program B
Program C
Program D
The years indicate the year the Program participated in the company. For example, Program A participated in Company Z from 2000 to 2005, Program D participanted in Company Z from 2001 to 2002.

Should I have a table with the Companies and Program A and the years from 2000 to 2005
and a table for the Companies and Program B and the years, etc? I was going to add a yes/no field for each program, too. There must be a simplier way.

I want to be able to query participation of workers in any of the programs.

What is the best way to set this up?


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Table Structure

Apr 14, 2006

I've got some tables, and I want to make sure I relate them in the best possible way.

Table1 has a one to many relationship with Table2
Table1 has a one to many relationship with Table3
Table2 has a many to many relationship with Table3

Would it be best to set them up this way or is there another way that would be better?

Fields for Table1

Fields for Table2

Fields for Table3

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Is My Table Structure Ok?

May 14, 2007

Thanks for taking time out reading my thread!
I want to start entering data, but i'm not to sure weather my relationship structure is good enough to start inputing.

Heres a pic of my relationships


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Help With Table Structure

Sep 4, 2007

i have been asked to design an access databse for a friend who is a bricklayer. He wants to use it to store all the work he does so he can produce his timesheet quicker.

He works on building sites and has to show a plot number next to all the work he does. He wants to be able to search for a plot number and see what jobs he has already booked in for a particular plot number.

For example, if he is working on a block of flats, each flat will have individual plot numbers. If he is working on the outer wall of the flat his timesheet has to show all plot numbers for that block so he will normally show this as plots 100-110. however, if he works on an internal wall in one of the flats he will have to show just one plot number on his time sheet, for instance plot 104.

my problem is that he wants to be able to search for plot 104 and have it list both jobs he has done even though one job is shown as plots 100-110. How can i structure the database tables to allow this to happen.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

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Table Structure

Oct 10, 2007

hi everyone,i'm new to access and despite reading quite abit im just not grasping how to set up tables and relationships for what im wanting to do.I need a customer contacts table/form to keep track of my customers info (name, address, etc) & who's placing orders, easy enough.Now with some of my customers its always the same person who places the order but with others it can be anyone of up to about 15 different people who place the order each one can have their own direct phone no.So what im wanting to do is create a customer contact table/form and then linked to that who in that company placed the order with their phone no. Ideally i'd like it so once I have entered the info I can just use drop down menu's to select the company name then it opens up a list of all the people who I deal with in that company so I can just select the person/phone no who is placing the order.Can anyone help & advise me through best way of doing thisthanks alot

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Table Structure Help

Nov 14, 2007

Hello, I want to fix a database I built and I needed some help on the table structure since its saving the data and not the ID number. I have it done and it works but its not correct since I dont understand normalization very well I took the easy way out and now its killing me and I want to fix it. Please take a look and give me some advise or show me a structure on what I need to do to normalize the DB... This would be my first DB so bare with me....

The comments section of each category will have a list of positive phrases and negative phrase equal to the subject like Safety, Quality, Quanity ect. "I didnt pur the phrases in each table yet"


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Help With Table Structure Please

Dec 9, 2007

Hi peeps,

I'm creating a simple db to stor project details. Each project has a unique name, and is part of a programme. Each programme name (ie SIG023) can have multiple projects. these projects recieve numerous support plans, guides and tto plans. I also want to store comments on each project.

Does my relationships and table structures look ok? am i starting in the right lines?

Has anyone come accross a similar db?

Appreciate any advice.


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Help On Table Structure

Jan 18, 2008

Good morning,since this is my first post I hope I'm not making to many mistakes.I'm making a database for school in Access 2003. In this database I have 2 parts.. A part for Patch connections and a part for PC repairs. The PC repair part is doing okay. The patch part is where I'm having some trouble.I don't exactly know how to start with it, and I'm hoping someone here can help me out.The form, I want to make based on tables should look something like this:A ComboBox filled from a table with about 10 entries in it. (Patchkasten)A textfield in which I have to enter something like this: XX-00 (x stands for alphabetic - 0 stands for nummeric)(Patchnummer) This will have around ~3000 entries.Those 2 should somehow be connected in a table as 1 field. (if that is possible offcourse)If not, is there another way to do something like this, because the combination of (patchkasten)and(patchnummer) has to be unique.. And at last a combobox (ruimte) with around ~ 150-200 entries.Now my question is if someone could help me setting this up somehow. Help would be appriciated.Thanks,F3dde

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Table Structure

Dec 10, 2004


I have a big MS access database with many tables. Now I want to print out all this tables including there fieldname and the field description.

Does someone know how to do this in VB?



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Need Help With Table Structure

Jul 20, 2006

i am currently working with a human resource outsourcing company. we deploy contractual employees to different companies.
we usually use ms excel in keeping records of our employees, now my boss wants me to create a database using ms access. this is my first time in creating database using ms access.

here are the headers that we used with our excel database:

- ID number
- Account number
- First name
- Last name
- Middle initial
- Start date with the agency
- Start date with the company
- Status (active, end contract, resigned, terminated)
- Previous contract start
- Previous contract end
- Present contract start
- Present contract end
- Company
- Outlet location
- Position
- Pay class (daily or monthly)
- Basic Rate
- Allowance
- Total Pay
- Home address
- Home tel. no.
- Mobile no.
- Civil status
- Date of birth

what i did was divide the headers into several tables for ms access as follows:

1st table (Personal Info)

- ID number
- First name
- Last name
- Middle initial
- Home address
- Home tel. no.
- Mobile no.
- Civil status
- Date of birth

2nd table (Company info)

- Company ID
- Company Name
- Company address
- Contact number
- Contact person

3rd table (Position info)

- Position ID
- Start date with the agency
- Start date with the company
- Status (active, end contract, resigned, terminated)
- Previous contract start
- Previous contract end
- Present contract start
- Present contract end
- Pay class (daily or monthly)
- Basic Rate
- Allowance
- Total Pay

4th table (Outlet Info)

- Outlet ID

5th table (Status info)

- Status ID

6th table (Pay class info)

- Pay class ID

7th table (Pay class info)

- Civil status ID

are these correct? please feel free to comment or suggest. i do apologize for the inconvenience. i am just a newbie and i need to finish this project. i appreciate your response. thank you in advance.

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Printing A Table Structure

Mar 15, 2007

Is there any way to print an Access table structure?


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Report Of Table Structure

Nov 8, 2004

Hello, I need to make a report of the structure of the tables. In Access only I can make report of the table information (contents) but I need a simple table in Word width de table structure (name of field, type, descriptión). Do you know a program o tecnique tu make this automated?


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Setting Up My Table Structure.

May 30, 2005

I have a contact list about 20 people strong. These contacts are related to a certain CostCenter. Each costcenter will have multiple contacts. I want a combo box on a form where I can select a contact from the combo box' list and send them an e-mail. I also want a list box on the form that shows each costcenter and the contacts related to it. I also need to be able to add or remove contacts and have the new info shown in both the list box and the combo box. I'm stuck with setting up my table structure. Anyone wanna give this a go?

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Table Structure Idea Help

Aug 4, 2005

I need help with table structure, They keep way too much info. Now that I have said that here is what I need help with. I have been asked to make a small "Ha ha" Database this is what small became. Most of the data for this is in a spreadsheet now I know I can import it where I want it. The main concerbn is that the main piece of information would be the Job Address. Because of all this other information I was not really sure how to setup the tables here is what I have started .

Buyers Information (tbl)
Address City State Zip (with a look to qry)"cool zipcode code"
Phones (3)

Buyers Realtor Info (tbl)
Company Name
Address City State Zip (with a look to qry)"cool zipcode code"
Phones (3)

Sellers Information (tbl)
Address City State Zip (with a look to qry)"cool zipcode code"
Phones (3)

Buyers Realtor Info (tbl)
Company Name
Address City State Zip (with a look to qry)"cool zipcode code"
Phones (3)

Job Information (tbl)
City (Filled in by Zip)
State (Filled in by Zip)
County (Filled in by Zip)
Zip (with a look to qry)"cool zipcode code"
RoofType (With a lookup to A list tbl)
RoofCondition (With a lookup to A list tbl)
Job Notes (memo)

Appointment Information
Time (now real sure how these time and date will work)
Date ( " )
Appointment Type (With a lookup to A list tbl)
Contact Name
Salesman (With a lookup to Salesmen Table)
Appointment Results (memo)

As I mentioned this data is in a spreadsheet and most every row has all of the above information ("ha ha, small") but I wanted to get some other Ideas and see if anybody had a better one before I tryed to make it all work.


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Can Anyone Help With This Simple DB Table Structure?

Jan 26, 2006

I really suck at table design and coding, and access. I'm a techie that usually stays away from all this development stuff; it makes my head hurt. I'm a lot happier knee deep in an Exchange migration than developing even the most basic of databases as I suck at it (think I mentioned that already) However, i've been roped into doing a tiny little project for a friend. Below is the process I went through for the data / table design. When I started to create the relationships it got messy with the many to many relationships. Am I over complicating it or am I on the wrong track? Any assistance from you super-clever developer dudes would be greatly appreciated and would affirm your superiority over us humble techies yet again. :)

I started with the raw data:

Supplier (e.g. Builder's Supplies Co.)
Item (e.g. Plywood, Sharp Concreting Sand)
SupplierItemCode (e.g. WWE3428X)
Unit (25KG, 9x2440x1220mm)

Here are the main relationships:

A Supplier can have many Items, SupplierItemCodes and Costs
An Item can have many Suppliers
An Item can have many Units (e.g. Sharp Concreting Sand comes in many different weights (Units))
A Unit can have many Items (e.g. the unit of 25Kg can have several different types of sand or other items associated with it)

So what I did was to create four tables (* - primary key, ( ) foreign keys):

I created the ID fields in each table even though Supplier, Item, Unit and SupplierItemCode are all unique values that could be used as primary keys (or would that be bad practice; I told you I sucked at this?).

Supplier Table

Item Table

Unit Table

SupplierItemandCost Table

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Table Structure Query

May 17, 2006

I am creating a little database for members and there role, does this structure look write.

If so I can't seem to create a form that will allow me to entere member details and select a role name and link it to though the tables.

Would appricate your help advice!

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Table Structure Issue

Jul 19, 2006

i am currently working with a human resource outsourcing company. we deploy contractual employees to different companies.we usually use ms excel in keeping records of our employees, now my boss wants me to create a database using ms access. this is my first time in creating database using ms are the headers that we used with our excel database:-ID number-Account number-First name-Last name-Middle initial-Start date with the agency-Start date with the company-Status (active, end contract, resigned, terminated)-Previous contract start-Previous contract end-Present contract start-Present contract end-Company-Outlet location-Position-Pay class (daily or monthly)-Basic Rate-Allowance-Total Pay-Home address-Home tel. no.-Mobile no.-Civil status-Date of birth-SSNwhat i did was divide the headers into several tables for ms access as follows:1st table (Personal Info)-ID number-First name-Last name-Middle initial-Home address-Home tel. no.-Mobile no.-Civil status-Date of birth-SSN2nd table (Company info)-Company ID-Company Name-Company address-Contact number-Contact person3rd table (Position info)-Position ID-Start date with the agency-Start date with the company-Status (active, end contract, resigned, terminated)-Previous contract start-Previous contract end-Present contract start-Present contract end-Pay class (daily or monthly)-Basic Rate-Allowance-Total Pay4th table (Outlet Info)-Outlet ID5th table (Status info)-Status ID6th table (Pay class info)-Pay class ID7th table (Pay class info)-Civil status IDare these correct? please feel free to comment or suggest. i do apologize for the inconvenience. i am just a newbie and i need to finish thi project. i appreciate your response. thank you in advance.

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Table Structure Dilemas

Oct 15, 2006


I am having trouble conceptualising how to pull this together.

Firstly I have data that comes in each month from various locations. At the intial stage all I want to do is enter the data for each location which consists of collection and reporting dates and a series of fields, some of which are common to all locations and some of which vary. From this a report will be produced each month for each site illustrating the results, easy.

The trouble is next. I want to have a query in the above process that flags data if it exceeds a nominated level. For each location and each of the series of fields this will vary??

Secondly once this has been achieved, I want to pull the data together in 3 ways as a review each quarter. Firstly a quarter review of the data from each site individally, including highlighting of data that has exceeded the nominated levels.Second, grouping some of the sites together on a form, possibly with tabs that again reviews last three months. Thirdly, I want to be able to review all of the various fields individually to see if they have exceeded nominated levels at at which locations for the quarter.

This will then need to be worked into reports which ideally have the capacity to review against last quarters and same quarters from previous years.

I know this is a bit vague but just looking for tips on how to overall structure something like this, not detailed as such


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