Table Design - Setting 3 Decimals Rounds Down To First Decimal Then All 0s

Feb 20, 2014

I'm setting up a table that has several percentage fields, for which I want to display 3 decimal places in datasheet view (and later in forms and reports). I've tried to set up the fields in a variety of ways, but either I don't get a percent format, or I get 3 decimals with 2 zeros at the end. For example, 73.913% shows up as 73.900%. This, of course, causes problems in calculations, so that for a total percent field I'm getting things like 99.900% instead of 100.000%. I've tried various combinations of formatting properties for these fields (Field Size, Format, Decimal Places, and Scale) but I have yet to hit on the right one to simply display the correct value in the format of a percent.

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Forms :: Decimal Entry Rounds Down - Want To Round Up

Mar 20, 2015

On one of my Access forms, a specific textbox rounds a value down if the user enters the decimal. The table field bound to it, is a long integer as to not accept decimal values.

For example = user entered .5 rounds to 0
user entered 10.5 round to 10

I would like this to behave in the opposite manner and always round up, but how??? Since users are estimating their hours for specific tasks, I would prefer any decimal value to round to the next integer. I have tried many adjustments to get this working to no avail. I did come across something about key press for decimal and to disallow user to even enter a decimal in this textbox. I would be fine with that solution as well, but could not implement as seen.

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Setting Up Form To Allow Decimals

Mar 23, 2006

I need to have a field on my form to accept the user keying in the number in this fashion: 200200.1234 but as I currently have it set it accepts only the 200200 portion of this part number. I am a beginner so I am sure this is an easy question for some of the pros out there.

As a footnote the table design has the bin no. as data type - text and I added an input mask of 000000.0000;0; the field on the form is a combo box. Maybe that will make a clear picture for you.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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Setting Design View Password

Apr 12, 2006

Hello to all,

Can you tell me please is there any way to set password to form design view button in a .mdb database? I have seen it somewhere that a guy set password if you want to view his modules in a design view. Is it possible to do the same with forms, reports etc. Any help is very welcome.

Best Regards


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Need To Have A Number Field Save 999999.99 But It Always Rounds

Sep 18, 2006

I have urgent report to send and thefield must be numeric and read 999999.99 but as integer or even double, it won't do it. Double with 2 decimal places set, gives 999999.00

What can I do?


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Round Up Decimal Point To 4 Decimal Places

Jun 2, 2005

Hi there,

I am not sure the best way to do this,

I have a field with values that look like: 1.69553366385509 or 0.0061705541157596

I want these values to look like: 1.6955 or 0.0062 (4 decimal places [rounded up if possible])

Thanks for your help with this


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Getting 2 Decimal Points In A Table?

Jan 28, 2008

This is probably an easy question, but I can't figure out how to get a table to show numbers in 2 decimals points when they are inputted with 2-5 decimal points. I changed the DATA TYPE to Number and DECIMAL PLACES to 2, but when I do that, it just rounds it to a whole number. Please help, thanks!

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Queries :: Table Of Expenses - Too Many Digits After Decimal

Jul 27, 2013

I have a query that is pulling from a single table of expenses the sum of expenses for each quarter. I am using only three fields: the quarter, expense type and amount paid. I am using - Qtr: DatePart("q",[PostDate]) - to obtain the quarters, grouping by quarter and then by expense type. However, the record returned for the 4th quarter shows this result: "3.0026" It should not have four digits after the decimal.

Results for the other three quarters in the same query return correctly with two digits after the decimal point. The query below was suggested to me in order to make the sum returned have only two digits after the decimal:

AmtPaid: Sum((SELECT FORMAT(PymntAMOUNT, 2) FROM tbl_expenses))

The result of this was a curious information box that said: "At most one record can be returned by this subquery." The query returned nothing. I have checked the formatting in both the table and the query itself and the format is "Standard" for both. So, I can't figure out what is producing this 4 digit problem, and why it is only in one record while all the others have two digits after the decimal.

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Problems With Decimal Place In Query, Table And Report

Aug 9, 2007

i want my data to have only 2 decimal places. So i change the property of the table to only allow 2 decimal places and i did the same to the report and they are still all over the place....for example a field would say 8.12233444 and another 1.17.....what do you think is the problem?

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Queries :: Decimal Format In Table Which Shows Latitude And Longitude

Sep 17, 2014

I have an Access 2010 table which shows Latitude and Longitude. However instead of it being in a decimal format it is displayed as 4000000000. I need to add a decimal point so that it looks like 40.00000000. If I configure the Field Properties to Decimal with a scale of eight and decimal places set to eight I can manually convert all of the data to the correct format. But I would like to have this happen automatically from a query.

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Queries :: Group Financial Data To One Main Table - Round To 2 Decimal Places

Feb 25, 2014

I have about ten append queries to group various financial data to one main table.

I have used the round function (iff (Round(Nz([FIN_data]),2)) in the queries to round the original data into 2 decimal places but there is still one or two lines exceeding 2 decimal places.

What is the better approach to have only 2 decimal places for all append data?

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Setting Up A Table

Nov 9, 2007


I feel really stupid for asking this, but I am so stressed at the moment, I can't concentrate!

I have a database that stores land locations and information relating to it. In the database, I need a form that asks 13 questions and answers are given in drop down boxes (about 3 answers to each question). Each of these answers relate to a score, which I want to be able to show automatically.

What I would like to know is how to set the table for it. This table has to use the ID from the land locations table (which is sorted by the way).

Please see the attachment for a simple design of what my 'boss' wants it to look like. The form for this table will be a subform on the main form for land locations.

Please can someone help me? I would really apreciate it :)

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Access Rounds Down At A "5" And Not Up.

Jan 5, 2006

I have a query that uses the round function as follows:


This should multiply that LOANAMT field by 1.25%, and round that answer to two decimal places.

1.776 rounds to 1.78 - That's good
1.774 rounds to 1.77 - That's good


1.775 rounds to 1.77 - Why? Didn't we learn in school to round up on a five, not down? Can I change this setting, if it is one?


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Design Table So That When A Box Is Checked Data Is Transferred To Another Table

Mar 23, 2012

I am designing a database for my organisation. I have done most of it but am stuck on this. Ideally I would like to have a check box (in a table) that when checked a load of data is carried across from that record to a record in another table.

Given that I can't and don;t want to use VB is there anyway that this can be done easily?

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Setting Field Value To Table Value

Apr 4, 2008

I have tblDefaults that has only one record, containing default values. Next I have tblWebpages that has a Memo field that holds my html data. Lastly I have a Form called frmCreate with a field called Webpage. This Form is based on a tblCreate table.

Whenever I click a command button on my Form, I want to populate the Webpage field on my frmCreate Form with a template from tblWebpages. The template to chose will be based upon the WhichTemplate field in tblDefaults.

In brief, tblDefaults tells me which is the current webpage template and so the field should be populated with that html data.




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Setting Feild Value To Table Value

Nov 28, 2004

I have a form and subform which have the total value of subscriptions made for the month on them.

The subform has the individual values, and the mainform has the total value for that month.

how can i then assign the value of a feild on the mainform, to a value in one of my tables?

whats the best way to go about it?


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Setting Up My Table Structure.

May 30, 2005

I have a contact list about 20 people strong. These contacts are related to a certain CostCenter. Each costcenter will have multiple contacts. I want a combo box on a form where I can select a contact from the combo box' list and send them an e-mail. I also want a list box on the form that shows each costcenter and the contacts related to it. I also need to be able to add or remove contacts and have the new info shown in both the list box and the combo box. I'm stuck with setting up my table structure. Anyone wanna give this a go?

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Setting Property To Yes/no Using Alter Table

Dec 4, 2004

I want to add a column to an existing table using the sql statement Alter table. The new column needs to be a yes/no type. The following code almost works but it only sets the column to a general logical type not specifically the yes/no check box .

DoCmd.RunSQL "Alter Table TblIssues Add [" & Issue & "] logical;"

Any ideas?

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Setting Up A Table For Sales Figures

May 6, 2005

Dear All,
My boss wants me to create a budget report as follows:

Rep Cust ActM$ BudgetM$ VarM$ ActMProfit BudgetMProfit VarMProfit

ActYTD$ BudgetYTD$ VarYTD$ ActYTDProfit BudgetYTDProfit VarYTDProfit

I have a table with the following headings:

Date State Product Prod Code Customer Cust Code Category Jan Feb Mar etc

State has the domain Vic, NSW, Qld
Category has the domain Sales GP

Question 1:

To the field Category, should I either

A: add to the domain actual sales and actual profit? I can past these into the table at the end of each month.


B: set up a separate table for the actual sales and actual profit for the month?

I think A.

Question 2:

Instead of having a separate column for each month, should I either:

A: just have a heading Month and put the figures in that column


B: Have the sales figures in separate columns for each month?

I think A

Question 3:

When I have set up my table correctly, and assuming the answers to my questions above are all "A", I am now unsure how to create a query which will give me the data for the report my boss wants.

Can someone please give me some help?


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Setting Field Size In A New Table

Nov 15, 2011

how to set the Field Size in a new Table. I need the user to be able to type in 17 characters (as in a vehicle VIN). I don't want the user to have the ability to type in anything less than 17 characters or anything more than 17 characters.

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Hiding Decimals

Aug 31, 2005

Hello,I was wondering if anybody knew if it was posslble to show an aproximated value of a field with decimal records. I would like to see only integer values on my form.

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Decimals And Rounding

Oct 27, 2005

I have a field that holds a unit price. I can't use currency as the data type because the currency type is different for each client. I have another field that specifies the currency type for each department. Up to now I've been using a double format with a 2 decimal places. We now need to increase the decimal places to 4 but don't necessarily want to see all four places if only 2 are required - 1.5000 against 1.50. However if I make the decimals as auto, if I have 1.50 it rounds to 1.5.

Any other way to give a bit of flexibility to this?



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Rouning Decimals

Feb 23, 2005

I am trying to round decimals to either .5 or 0 right now i have it set to 1 decimal place and it rounds to to the next place. So if a user puts in 1.23 it would round to 1.2 instead of 1.0, is there a simple way to solve this issue?

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Return Age With Decimals?

Oct 18, 2012

Is it possible to return an age as: 21.45 or 64.93?

I have done some searching and can't find any formatting or code to make it work.

I have changed the field format to Fixed and then it gives: 21.00 or 64.00

I like the 2 decimal places for quick at-a-glance-knowing of the age.

Of course I have a formula that returns an age with decimals in EXCEL, that's why I think it should somehow be possible in Access.

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Setting Table Field To True When Exporting To Csv

Sep 21, 2006


I export a query as csv to upload to another database on a web site. When that csv file has been exported I'd like the query to be emptied, so that the next time I export I don't export duplicates. What's the easiest way to do that?

I've been thinking of having a field in the table with a check box that is checked when the file is exported. The query then selects only those records where that box is not checked.

But how can I check those boxes on Export rather than when I run the query? The reason being that I may want to preview by running the query, without having that affecting the check box.

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Make Table Query Setting A Primary Key

Feb 26, 2007

I am trying to create a new Table using a MakeTable Query

using the following sql:

Code:SELECT qCPPlannedStopsOnTargetTotals.WeekNumber, qCPPlannedStopsOnTargetTotals.Line, qCPPlannedStopsOnTargetTotals.Description AS Above, qCPPlannedStopsOnTargetTotals.[%] INTO mkCPPlannedStopsAboveFROM qCPPlannedStopsOnTargetTotalsWHERE (((qCPPlannedStopsOnTargetTotals.Description)="Above"))ORDER BY qCPPlannedStopsOnTargetTotals.WeekNumber DESC;

However i want the new table to have a Primary Key, (Week Number) can i set this as the table is made?

Please help


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