Table Help -- Getting Started

Jul 13, 2006


I am having some difficulty starting my database. I have worked with Access 2002 and have massaged data into useful information for other databases. I am having trouble determining useful tables and eliminating redundancy. I have attached a.bmp file.

So far I have 20 different "Features". Each one of these features can belong to one or more "Groups". Each "Group" for a particular "Feature" will have a selection list of Multiple "Causes" a user can select from. Once the user selects a "Cause" -- then each "Cause" has a list of "Corrective Actions" the user can select particular to that "Cause".

If anyone would be so kind as to possibly point me in the right direction as to what I should do as far as structuring my tables properly, I would be appreciative. Thank You in advance.

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Need Help Getting Started...

Feb 9, 2007

I'm fairly experinced with computers... and I'm a quick learner... so lets get started...

I need to make a library of information. This information will then be used in a clinical note.

What I want the form to do is this:

The form will have a place where you can choose a 'Doctor's Diagnosis.' Once you select the Doctor's Diagnosis, in this case lets say we selected 'Arthritis' Below in a new drop down box or something of that sort, It will be the 'Nurse's Diagnosis' and it will give you a diagnosis according to what was selected under Doctor's Diagnosis. Once you select something from the Nurse's Diagnosis box, It should give you the apporpriate information according to what you have selected. Basically what I need is for the form to only display the information according to what the user inputs under Doctor's Diagnosis and Nurse's Daignosis. A good example of this would be, Lets say we are on a website it asks for 'Country,' you select 'United States' then under that it has another drop down box and it asks you to select state and it gives you the states of the United States. But if u where to select Canada it would give you the states of Canada.

Can Someone please give me some direction to follow and give me some good info on this because i am completely lost.

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Can't Get Started

Apr 28, 2005

Good morning,

I am trying to create a simple form that will run reports based on certain criteria.

I have two plans (MD and DC) and I want the user to be able to select whether they
want to run MD reports or DC reports. After that selection, I want them to select
the period (Jan - Mar so far). Based on the two criteria above, I want the appropriate
tables/queries to load so that they can run the specific reports. Each month has it's own
table, so I have six tables all together (MD: Jan, Feb, Mar and DC: Jan, Feb, Mar).

So far, all I have is a table with the plan and the period, in the same table. Can anyone
please point me in the right direction as to how I should approach this?

Thank you!

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Getting Started W/ Access

Apr 11, 2007

Hi, I'm trying to scope a MS Access project and was wondering if VB programming/ is required to build something like the Northwinds sample database?

We'd like a DB system to manage member records, their administrators and to query for random member mailings.

Does Access 07 have easy ways to generate individual or group mailings or does this always come through MS Word mail merge? Our data will be shared on a MYSQL server.Will RAND and SELECT WHERE SQL statements be enough for random sampling or will this require some outside programming? Are the form controls easy to use generating custom reports?

Thanks for any help getting started or finding resources.

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How To Get Started With Access/Web Development

Aug 26, 2005


I've been using Access as my database development tool for a few years. Now I would like to start learning how to use Access in conjuction with other tools (such as ASP, vb.Net, etc.) to develop web applications. Can anyone point me in the right direction, offer ideas on how to get started? I don't know how things work between an Access db and the Web.

Thank you very much.


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How Did You Get Your Access Career Started?

Dec 13, 2005

Im just curious on how some of you made a career by creating DB's for clients. Everything I see is generally some other program besides Access. Is Access something I should not learn because there is no demand or is this strictly free lance work?

These past few months have captivated my imagination and I have enjoyed creating my database and all the countless times I learn something new. However Im to the point where I am asking myself if the hours and time spent learning all of this will be useless because I am contemplating the idea to make this a career (oddly enough I enjoy it that much!)

Thank you for the input!

John D

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Access Started To Hang

Jan 21, 2007


I have a very strange problem.

A customer has come to me with a database that must have worked fine at some point (as it has lots of entries but hangs on startup) but all of a sudden its started to just hang (i.e. just get stuck - as if it were in an infinite loop (though I doubt this is the case).

The system is an MDB but it references an MDE as a function library - by walking through the code I located a line with a function that I am assuming comes from the MDE (as I cannot find it in the MDB) that causes the system to hang.

By commenting out this line (and I dont know what this line does exactly) the system becomes accessible and most functions work - however when I try to run a report it hangs again.

I have tried to walk through the report but it doesnt help as it still just crashes at a point that I cannot see.

I have tried compact and repair just incase thats something to do with it but its made no diffence

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

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My Database Has Started Crashing! HELP!

Sep 22, 2006

I am a novice database user and I built a small job tracking database for a small construction company. For the last 2 days, Access has become very unstable and I am getting the "Sorry but Access has to close" message shortly after opening. I have tried the "repair and compact" utility but no change and it still crashes. Is there other troubleshooting procedures that I can use or can you recommend someone to do the repair work?

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Access 2003 : I Need A Hand Before Getting Started

May 18, 2007

Hi all,

I need a hand from your side with the following.
The attached Excel workbook needs to be transformed into an Access 2003 database.
It is a list of clients’cases represented by lawfirms and the amount of money that is involved.
The case comes in under the ‘Aufstellung’ worksheet and can progress to a Claim or 2 different other Requests.
Purpose of the database :
1.Fast entry of new cases
2.Easy look up of existing cases
3.Conform updating of existing cases (warning when a certain case number already exists)
4.Easy report running
5.Keep the entire history of updates, changes, deletions and processing to a Claim
Tables :
2.Claim Request
3.MB Request
4.MFA Request
-Question 1 : In the tables you will see that several different appointment dates and hours for one case are listed in 1 cell. In order to keep the history of updates do I need to create a separate Appointments table ? How would I structure this then ? The unique identifier is the Case Number. But 5 columns (Columns E, F, G, H and K) are ellegible to be treated this way. Do I need to create 5 separate Appointments tables ? And how do link them ?
-Question 2 : In order to split all the packed Appointments information in one cell I need to transfer the column to Word, replace the manual break by e.g. *, re-import the table in Excel and do text to columns ? So that each Case Number gets a number of columns accordingly to the number lines in the original cell ?
Queries :
1.List all Failed cases per form
2.List all Open cases per form
3.List all Filed cases per form
4.List all New Date set by Authorities per form
5.List all No results per form
6.List all ABC per form

Forms :
2.Claim Request
3.MB Request
4.MFA Request
-Question 1 : How do I set up a check box in the Aufstellung form which, by checking off, will transfer the current record to the Claim Request form ?
-Question 2 : How can I make a field to be a lookup field ? e.g. When typing a name, it will give a drop down list of existing names of the table and the possibility to type a new name which will be stored in the table ?
-Question 3 : How do I make a pop-up warning message in the Austellung form when a certain case number exists already in the database ? And how do I block the case number field for duplicate entries ?
Reports :
1.Aufstellung complete table
2.Claim request complete table
3.MB request complete table
4.MFA request complete table
5.List all Failed cases per Form and include count of Failed cases plus sum of the Main demand in Euro
6.List all Open cases per Form and include count of Failed cases plus sum of the Main demand in Euro
7.List all Filed cases per Form and include count of Failed cases plus sum of the Main demand in Euro
8.List all New Date set by Authorities per Form and include count of Failed cases plus sum of the Main demand in Euro
9.List all No results per Form (empties) and include count of Failed cases plus sum of the Main demand in Euro
10.List all ABC per Form and include count of Failed cases plus sum of the Main demand in Euro
-Question 1 : How do I include a count of the records into the report ?
-Question 2 : How do I include a sum of the Main demand in Euro into the report ?

Switchboard :
1.Make a new entry or update an existing one
b.Claim request
c.MB Request
d.MFA request
a.Case Number
b.Applicant’s Name
d.Court record Number
a.Failed case
b.Open cases
c.Filed cases
d.New date set by Authorities cases
e.ABC cases
a.Export history table to Excel through e-mail
b.Who updated the record and when ?
-Question 1 : Do I need to create a switchboard at the very beginning of my database ?
-Question 2 : A switchboard can only contain 8 buttons, how do I create a sub switchboard ?
-Question 3 : How do I set up the user access tracking – who updated what when ?

Thanks in advance !

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General :: Started Form Doesn't Work?

May 24, 2015

I have a DB: This DB was sent to me via eMail (dropbox). It consist in a BE and 3 FEs. In each of the FEs I have a started form with some code activated by the Open event.

The issue: Access do nothing when I open the FEs. Note please that the DB is designed by me and it work very well on the user"s computers.

I use A2007 on Win7

The DB is in a trusted folder. Compact and Repair is not useful.

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Time Difference Calculation - Job Started / Ended

Jan 30, 2014

I have a [Time Job Started] field that is auto populated with now(). which has input of 1/29/2014 11:02:02 am. Then I have a [Time Job Ended], typed in by user that has input of 6:00 pm, no date value. Cant really do the date() + Time Job Ended, because the date can range since times can go through midnight.

I am trying to calculate time duration. DateDiff("n",[Hot Calls]![Time Job started],[hot Calls]![Time Job Ended]) if this formatted as "Short time" it returns 0:00.

I want to report this as HH:MM. so the result should be 6:58.

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Unable To Match If User Already Started A Record Using Date And Username

Aug 1, 2014

I am trying to match if a user has already started a record using the date and username. I have written the following code but I keep getting a error 94 about null. I know its an issue involving the date part. why this isn't working.

DLookup("TimeSheetID", "TimeSheet", "EmployeeID=" & Nz(Me.ListEmploy.Value) & " AND TimeSheetDate=#" & Date2 & "#")))
The full code


Dim Date2 As Date
Date2 = Date
If (Not IsNull(DLookup("TimeSheetID", "TimeSheet", "EmployeeID=" & Nz(Me.ListEmploy.Value) & " AND TimeSheetDate=#" & Date2 & "#"))) Then
lngEmployeeID = DLookup("TimeSheetID", "TimeSheet", "EmployeeID=" & Nz(Me.ListEmploy.Value) & " AND TimeSheetDate=#" & Date2 & "#")
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmTimeSheetMain", , , "TimeSheetID=" & Nz(lngEmployeeID), , , "NoTimeSheetID"

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Queries :: Update In Table From Same Table Based On Criteria Column In Same Table

Sep 29, 2013

How can I update (some columns) in a table from the same table based on a Criteria column in the same table.

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Need 2 Fields From Table 1 / Using Lookup Info From Table 2 And Put Into Table 3

Jun 28, 2013

I need to get x and y coordinates for each device, but the data has to get looked up from 2 other tables.

I have a table (called InstReclosers) that has device names. Each device is on a Section. I can go to another table (called InstSections) and look up what Node that particular section is tied to. Then I need to go to another table (called Nodes) to get the X and Y location for that particular node.

How I can go about getting this X and Y data into the InstReclosers table? summary, InstReclosers has device name and section name. InstSections has section name and node name. Nodes has node name and XY coords. Need XY coords for each device in InstReclosers.

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General :: When Transfer Data From Table In Excel To Table In Access / It Loses Format

Jan 29, 2015

When I try to transfer (ctrl c + v) data from a table in Excel to a table in Access it loses format.

Exemple: $ 1.000,00 (Excel) become 1000 (Access).

I need to keep the format to make sure that the code works properly.

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Tables :: Pull Field From Main Table And Create A New Table With Date Stamp

Nov 4, 2014

I have a make-table query that pulls all the fields from 1 table (MainTable), and creates a new table with a date stamp based apon a form value entered (New Table = MainTableWithDate).

Currently, I setup the query to pull info from the form field like this:

DateField: [Forms]![frmmain]![DateField]

However, when the make-table query is done - all date fields are blank (all other fields are correctly created), and when I look at the new created table (mainTableWIthDate), the typeassigned to the date field is "Binary" (in the form, I've specified LongDate).

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Queries :: DSum - Update A Field In Specific Table With Info Form Another Table

Aug 5, 2014

I have a table products with a field "id_product" and "total" (Total items in stock)

I have a query with the fields "id_product" and also the field "total in stock"

I want an update query to update the field 'total' in table 'products' with infos from that query

For each id-product in table products, replace the field total with the field 'total in stock' from the query

So I want to update a filed in a specific table with infos form another table.

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Queries :: Updating Child Table List View On Change Of Main Table Row

Apr 19, 2013

Here's a query that the bottom listview in the attached form i.e. a listview representing a table of calls(many) to fims (1 top listview)

SELECT, calls.firm_id, calls.called, calls.said, calls.spoke_to,
FROM calls
WHERE (((calls.firm_id)=[firms].[id]))
ORDER BY calls.called DESC , DESC;

When I run the thing...I get a dialog asking me for firm id.

I want to change this so when I move up and down the firms LV (top)... the bottom LV updates taking firm id from the top LV with focus.

Access 2003.

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General :: Copy Data From Local Access Table To Linked SQL Server Table?

Jan 13, 2014

I have an MS Access accdb with linked SQL Server 2012 ODBC tables. I am working on a procedure to copy data from local tables to these linked tables (identical schema). I did a simple


DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO linkedTable SELECT * FROM localTable"

This works, but is very slow. Way too slow. (INSERT copies the data one record at a time).

I would like to copy the data in a bulk operation, or operations that I can execute programmatically.

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Tables :: Multiple Parents Table Linked To Child Table - Primary Keys

May 28, 2015

I have a table for a multiple parents linked to a child table. I need to figure out a way to only allow 1 parent to be coded as primary, 1 as secondary, and then the rest as other... I thought about making Primary/Secondary/Other a primary key. But then I can only have 1 other. I would have to make a finite number of parents that could be entered and I want an infinite number.... My end goal is to have a report that only has a primary and second parent on it, but the rest of the parents still exist in the table...


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Making Form Open With Data From A Table Based On Date And Time In Table?

Sep 12, 2014

How to make a form open with data from a table based on a date and time in the/a table?

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Extracting Data From Linked Db2 Table Using Access Make Table Query

Aug 29, 2006

I am extracting data from linked db2 table using access make table query. First I create a select query and can view the linked db2 data, but when I change to a make table query I get an error message, "invalid argument", when I run the make table query. There is no selection critera specified. Has anyone had this happen? and Do you know a solution?

Thanks for your support

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Move Record To New Table After Data Change In Combo Box Value In Original Table.

Nov 24, 2006

Ok my problem is this......

I have a form with a field "Property Status" on it. It has 4 possible values -

"C - SHELTERED (with warden charge)";"H - SHELTERED (No warden charge)";"J - WHEELCHAIR SHELTERED (With warden charge)";"M - WHEELCHAIR SHELTERED (No warden charge)";"X - DISCONNECTED"

When the value "X - DISCONNECTED" is selected in the form I want the record to be removed from its existing table and sent to a new table which keeps all the "X - DISCONNECTED" records together.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. How would this be coded?

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If A Make-table Query Result Is Null, How To Have A Default Message Appear In Table ?

Jan 21, 2005

Hi everybody,

Beginner here needs help !

I'm building a make-table query for which if the result is null (no record correspond to the set of criterias), a default message like "there was no activity during the period" would appear in the table (not a message box...I need the message in the output table). The best I could think of is an IIF function but it doesn't seem to work... Is there any way to do this without using VBA?

Thanks in advance !

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Modules & VBA :: Split Table Record Into Multiple Records / Rows In A New Table

Nov 10, 2014

In a situation where I imported an excel file with so many columns and split them into two temp tables and they are linked using a key.

the data has a fixed part lets say

Field1....Field2.....Filed3.....Field4...then Field5.....Field6.....Field7....Field8 is the same data range as Field9...Field10...Field11...Field12. I would want to split this data into multiple rows like this

Field 1 Field2 Field3 Field4 Field5 Field6 Field7 Field8
Field 1 Field2 Field3 Field4 Field9 field10 field11 field12 and so own...

What is the best approach?

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General :: Possible To Have Data From Linked Table Automatically Update Into Existing Table?

Aug 17, 2012

I have one DB that is used for creating/storing customer ID's, and another DB that is used for creating/storing job information for customers.I have linked the table from the customer DB to the job DB.

There is a table in the job database that holds customer name and ID, and some VBA that generates unique job codes.

Is it possible to have the data from the linked table automatically update into the existing table?

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