Table Record Entries Exists But 0 Shown In Form
Jul 23, 2005
In the current db there are some tables and queries, forms designed around them
With one table Test
That has 3 records in them
Just won't show in form anymore, at this stage
The Form was working previously. This is the second time this problem has came up, I thought it would go away if I made a new form and pasted all the controls and codes. It indeed went away for a while until this problem hit me again...
This db is in Access 2000 format and designed using Access 2003
I would appreciate if anyone is willing to point me to the right directions, many many thanks in advance
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Mar 12, 2005
I have a form with a sub form. The parent form has a field called 'ReportedBy'. The user enters their name in this field. I want the subform to display all records that have been created by the name in ReportedBy. I have based the subform source object on the following sql query:
FROM tblFault
WHERE tblfault.reportedby=[forms]![frmfault]![reportedby];
The sub form only shows one record even though there are more records in the table????
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May 23, 2013
I have a database with many Quires I want to create in the main form "welcome Form" many txt boxes cells
To show a total records in Each Quires
For Example I have the below list queries
Expired Employees PassportExpired Employees Work PermitExpired Employees VisasExpired Employees Insurance
In the "Welcome Forms" I will create a txt boxes Cells for Each one of those Queries to be Show only No "total Record in Each one". It is like a dashboard to monitor daily without opening the Report or Query...
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Feb 6, 2013
I am trying to check if a record exists in a table.
Dim cert As String
Dim existingRec As Variant
existingRec = DLookup("[Certificate]", "[Fire]", "'cert' = 'cert'")
If existingRec = Null Then
MsgBox "The Certificate " & existingRec & " is in the database"
End If
Note - Certificate is a column in the table "Fire"
Problem is that existingRec only finds the first value in the Certificate column, How do I get to check the entire Certificate column?
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Jan 7, 2013
table A has 10 records where 1 field is set as REQUIRED/UNIQUE. the table B does not have any record but have a same field like table A. what I want is that if user insert the record in table B it should first check whether record is already present in table A or not, if already exists it should not accept insertion. and if not already there in table A it should insert record in table B.
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Aug 25, 2015
I have 2 tables:
Query_Rates (Actually this is the result of a query):
So what I want is a list of all the records from the Query_Rates table where the absolute differences between the sold rates between Query_Rates & [Sent till date] (matching the unit # and the dates) is greater than 1 and the record shouldn't be displayed if it is already present in the [Sent till date] table. But if you notice the first record which has unit A is already mentioned in the "Sent till date" table and shouldn't be repeated again in the query result.
The desired out put should be:
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Mar 14, 2014
I am trying to achieve the following - I want to query a table to see if a record exists with a particular field blank. If so, I would like to prompt the user for data.
In real world terms, when assigning an item to a user I would like to first make sure that the item is not already assigned to somebody else. I have 4 fields, UserName, Item, IssueFrom, IssueTo. So when an item is assigned to a user, the first 3 fields are populated and the IssueTo remains blank, until that item is assigned to somebody else.
At the minute I have nothing in place to prevent a user from assigning the same item to multiple users and having multiple records for the same item in the table.
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Feb 23, 2015
I have a table with a 3-part primary key. Have a form with 3 unbound controls corresponding to the 3-part table key.
After the 3 form fields have been entered, I want to search the table to see if a record with the same 3 fields on the table exists. If it does I want to go to another form to enter data for a related table carrying forward the 3 key fields.
If it doesn't I want to go to a different form to keep the 3 fields already entered from form 1 and add additional fields to complete the record.
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Jul 2, 2014
The problem I have is, that I need to insert an apointment into de database but first I need to verify if there is a record or an apointment in that room that day the same hour, if that is so send a msgbox saying an apointment already exist in that room this day at this hour.
i tried using dlookup but it only works in one record using just one criteria
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Apr 2, 2008
Hello again,
A while back, I asked about the now-removed function of exporting Reports to Excel. I was told that there's no way to do so in Access 2007 and that the best best would be to export the underlying Query.
I did so and I found out that the query was showing the record number of some data pulled in via combo box (which gets data from a separate table) instead of the data itself. Logically, I can understand why that would happen, but is there a way to change that so that the intended data, not the record number, is shown?
2008.....spring.....45.....33.....222.....bookname .....bookauthor.....edition
2008.....spring.....johnson.....aspen publishing.....Intro to Criminology.....bookname.....bookauthor
Once this is sorted out, I can automate the export without a problem. ;)
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Mar 10, 2005
i have a form, which when opened, gives me a blank record. which is what i asked it to do in the OnOpen property. however, i also need a msg box to popup - but after the form has been opened. i tried placing both pieces of 'code' into the OnOpen property, however, the popup displays first, then the form opens.
so currently i have:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Select Case MsgBox("Please select the Registration Number from the drop down menu or type it in", vbOKOnly, "Select Registration Number")
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End Sub
but it does the same thing. so, is there a way to make the msg box appear after the form opens with a blank record?
thank you in advance :D
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Feb 26, 2014
I created a form for data entry only where records could be continually added until you were done and closed the form. Into that form I dropped a query that kept a running list in datasheet form of all the new records entered while the form was open, and then cleared when the form was closed (so the query was empty when the form was opened again).
My Problem: I accidentally deleted that query.
What I need:
-Query to be empty when form is opened.
-Records added while form is open get displayed in the query after record is saved.
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Dec 10, 2013
I am tasked with creating a scientific database of fish catches at various different sampling stations. I envisage the entry form having hierarchy levels, ie year, season, date, sample station, species caught, and then the specific associated data with each species (weight, abundance, length etc) will form each distinct record.
In each year there are 2 sampling seasons. In each sampling season there are up to 20 dates on which samples are taken. On each date there are up to 50 sample stations recorded. And at each station up to 20 species can be recorded.
In order to enter each species caught in a survey, the end user will potentially have to fill the season box with an entry 40,000 times. For each season there will be 20,000 date entries to be made. For each date, 1,000 station code entries, and 20 species entries for each station. What I would like to happen is this.
When the end user is entering the data, he or she will be working through the hierarchy from the ground up. Ie., they will enter a particular species' data (abundance, weight, length etc) at a particular station on a particular date during a particular sampling season. The next entry will be a different species at the same station on the same date during the same season. I would like the duplicated information from the previous record to be copied across onto the new one so that all the end user has to do is enter the species name, abundance weight and length data.
Once they have finished entering all the species data for that particular site, they can move onto the next site which they would fill in the data themselves for the station code. So, in the hierarchy, the first button would copy all the previous data except the species name and associated weight length abundance data. The next button would do the same, except leave the station code blank. The next button would leave the species name, station code and date blank. And so on up the hierarchy. The end user would be able to selectively choose which data is copied over by using these buttons, saving lots of potential extra work doing repetitive entries.
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Jun 11, 2006
Hi all
I'd be very thankful if someone can please help me with this problem.
I have 1 Table. This Table is imported and contains data from Excel. It also contains fields I added manually. There is about 20 imported fields (full of data) and about 100 manually added fields.
Then I made a Query of this table. I made some calculations in this Query.
I then created a Form based on the Query. I then made a Combo Box. This Combo Box selects a customer, and then updates the other fields (the ones I imported from Excel) depending on the customer I selected.
So now what I want to do is this: I want the fields (updated from the query) and newly entered data to save to another newly-created table. Can someone please help me with this? Any ideas?
Thanks a lot. All input greatly appreciated.
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Aug 10, 2007
I'll start by saying that I'm not sure which sub-forum to choose, as my question(s) covers several areas, so I have tried with this one first.
I'm currently making a database, which among other things contains a 'Port of Call list' table. I have a form, where I can add data to this table, meaning, that whenever a vessel has left its port, user can update following: Port name, security level, arrival date and departure date.
What I need is two things (it might be more or less the same):
1. When user click a "Generate" button on a form, the 10 latest port calls from the table, should be shown. I'm not sure what kind of control is the best to should the list on the form. Code is also needed.
2. I would also need to be able to print the list. It should be part of a report. Again which controls/which code to be used is needed.
I hope that someone are able to assist, as I have no clue what to do.
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May 14, 2006
i am trying to show the total number of records that are in a table.
there are currently 8 entries in the table 'applications'
now i would like to show this on a tabcontrol in a form. I have been told to use Dcount. I have read about this and tried this on my form but unfortunately its not working.
Can anyone show me an example of how i would do this.
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Mar 23, 2006
I have a table (tblSales) with these fields (RecDate, Code, Type, OrderCount).
I also have a linked table (lnkSales) with these fields.
Daily I append the data from the lnkSales to tblSales.
The tblSales table must have a record for each code daily.
These are the codes (01,02,05,07,09,10,15).
I need to automatically add a record for each code that wasn't appended.
For example,
lnkSales contains:
03/22/06 01 Mc 3
03/22/06 02 Mc 1
03/22/06 05 Mc 1
03/22/06 07 Mc 2
03/22/06 10 Mc 1
When appended to tblSales there is no record for code 09 or 15.
I need to add these records to tblSales
03/22/06 09 Mc 0
03/22/06 15 Mc 0
Can someone explain the best way to accomplish this?
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Sep 28, 2012
I have a login form. 2 spots for users to input and ID and their name. I want to do error checking to see the user inputs a wrong name or wrong id with their corresponding name or ID. For example, I don't want User A to be able to login with User B's name. If User A inputs their ID and inputs User B's name, I want to show an error message stating the their is a mismatch of credentials. Here is my code
Private Sub Command12_Click()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim txtID As Variant
txtID = Forms![LoginForm2]![txtEmployeeID]
txtName = Forms![LoginForm2]![Text13]
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM CoachTable WHERE EmployeeID = '" & txtID & "'", dbOpenDynaset)
[Code] .....
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May 29, 2014
I have a form (called User_Input)with 2 text boxes, 5 combo boxes and a Submit button, which is bound to a table (called Submssion table) i.e the form submits its entries into the table called Submission.
I want the submit button on the form to work based on this condition:
1. Check current submission of four fields (corresponding to entries from 4 out of the 5 combo boxes on the form) in the table and confirm if the current selection on the form already occurs in the table up to two times. If this is the case, the Message Box should pop up on the form informing user to make another selection as maximum number of entries for that particular selection is already in the Submission table.
2. The checks for the four fields will be done simultaneously as the selection will be done together on the same form.
3. However, if the entries on the Submission table is not up to 2, the entries should be saved to the table and Messagebox should display "Thank you for your Submission"
I need to use Macros for this being a web database which will be published using Sharepoint and VB is incompatible with the web database.
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Mar 23, 2006
I have a table (tblSales) with these fields (RecDate, Code, Type, OrderCount).
I also have a linked table (lnkSales) with these fields.
Daily I append the data from the lnkSales to tblSales.
The tblSales table must have a record for each code daily.
These are the codes (01,02,05,07,09,10,15).
I need to automatically add a record for each code that wasn't appended.
For example,
lnkSales contains:
03/22/06 01 Mc 3
03/22/06 02 Mc 1
03/22/06 05 Mc 1
03/22/06 07 Mc 2
03/22/06 10 Mc 1
When appended to tblSales there is no record for code 09 or 15.
I need to add these records to tblSales
03/22/06 09 Mc 0
03/22/06 15 Mc 0
Can someone explain the best way to accomplish this?
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Nov 15, 2014
I have quite an extensive form linked to a table. When I add new columns to the table I seem to have a problem getting the form to read the data.I have just added a numerical column to the table and added a text box on the form that is bound to it. When I try to pull up the value using VBA it is blank, even though an entry is visible on the form. I have set the text box to general number and the entry shows in the actual table. When typing in the entry into VBA it capitalises where required so it must be registering the table entry. However the value it pulls remains blank.
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Jul 3, 2014
I'm fairly new to access and have been tasked with fixing a database that to my knowledge is built incorrectly but due to budget constraints and the time it would take to build a new one, we have to stick with this one. Here's my problem, in the database is a form that we use to create new entries in a table but when I try to create a new entry through the form, it creates multiple entries in the table with the rest of the data split between all the new table entries. Is this something that is caused by us moving over to the most current version of Access? Is there a way to fix this problem given the software we are using? At one point I had recreated this table because we had been having issues with other aspects of the database (security deposits were not being updated when entered through this form).
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Sep 18, 2012
I have setup a simple access database consisting of 3 tables
Id (PK)
Id (PK)
Id (PK)
VolunteerId (FK)
JobId (FK)
There is a one to many relationship between Volunteer and Link and a many to one between Link and Job
I want to create a form from which I'll select a Volunteer Name and then choose a JobName from a list box of options and have it create an entry in link with the id of the volunteer selected and the id of the job selected
So let's say there are 5 entries currently in the Job Table.. let's call the JobNames A,B,C,D and E.
In my form I select my name from the list (sourced from volunteer.Name) and then select B from the dropdown. My desired result would be a single entry gets created in Link with VolunteerId = 1 (representing me) and JobId = 2 representing the selection of B. Problem that I am having is that after I select B in the dropdown it creates a new record for B in Job and the Link table gets updated with that JobId as opposed to simply using the one that was already in the table.
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Sep 30, 2015
My Database consists of three tables and a linking table, tbl graves, tbldeceased,tblmemorail and tbl memorialtablejoin.
Having completed my tables and checked that the relationship data gives the correct data I decided to embark on a simple form to display all the data on a single form.
So I used the create Form option, selected add existing fields. All of my tables are shown in the fields list.
From tblgraves I selected plot and grave Id, from tbl deceased forename and surname and from tbl memorial the inscription field.
The form was created but on examination I realised that my total records was shown as 12000 records whereas tble graves and tbl deceased has 39000 records and tblememorial 17000 records
So I created the form using just tblgraves and tbldeceased and that shows my 39201 records.
If I leave form view and go back to design view and add the inscription record from tblMemorials I see the message box as per the attachment.
Not every grave or deceased has a memorial but I would expect to see my 39000 records
I've also attached a screen shot of my relationships...
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May 9, 2007
I am trying to figure out how to make my database check to see if the primary key value is a duplicate of anything ive entered previously and if yes, for my database to bring up that record instead of adding a new record.
I know how to do bring up records using a separate combobox (find) but I cant seem to do it using the primary key field itself.
Many thanks in advance.
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Dec 4, 2006
Hello all,
I have a form that looks at my "master table" where users put in general info about a sheet of material.
There are two combo boxes on this form, Batch# and Lot#. They will use the same Batch# and Lot# for many sheets. Every time a new batch and lot are entered, this will bring up a pop-up form where the user needs to take a measurement of that batch and lot for QA. This will go into a different table, where the batch and lot #'s are unique(many of the same batch#'s with different Lot#'s).
After the lot# is entered, I want to run a query in VB that looks for those unique identifiers, and if it doesn't find a record, my pop-up form will run.
This is probably something very easy....... It was a very long weekend and I'm tired of thinking.
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