Table Relationships Broken

Feb 27, 2008

I have a database which has been running well for four years. There are four tables that are linked from one to another in a one-to-many relationship, i.e., Table1 to Table2 to Table3 to Table4. We recently had a power failure and our network went down. Now the relationship between Table2 and Table3 is broken. When I try to rejoin them using the Relationship View, Access tells me that the relationship between the tables is "Indeterminate". I have run queries testing for unmatched records between all of the tables and the data appears to be fine.

My only guess at this point is that the structure of one of the tables is corrupted. The problem is that each of the tables has an autonumber field. If I build a new table structure, and append my old data, isn't that going to renumber all of the records?

I have run a compact and repair on the database and that didn't help. I have made copies of the tables and tried to use them in the relationships. The copies don't work either. Other than not being able to link the two tables, everything is working fine.

Does anyone have any ideas?



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General :: Relationships Between 9 Tables Are Broken

Aug 16, 2013

I have been asked to update at my organisations access 2003 based database that has been in operation for about 6 years.

I find that there are no relations between more than 10 tables and wondered how reports are still being produced.

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Tables :: Broken Relationships When Field Changed To Autonumber

May 4, 2013

I created a database with 10 tables and 8 relationships. Then, I learned about the Autonumber field type and decided that I wanted that to be the primary key of one of my existing tables, for a field that was already linked to 2 other tables. I had to delete the relationships and the original field to make the change, and Access said it had to delete an index, too. Now, Access won't allow me to re-establish those relationships.

I found that I had to change the fields in the other tables to match the Autonumber type and name of the original field, but now I am getting an error message stating, "Invalid field definition 'CustomerID' in definition of index or relationship. What does that mean? The field types and names are all the same.

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I've Broken My Buttons

Mar 29, 2006


I have created a small problem for myself.

I was editing one of my forms, which is something i do often normally without a hitch, and once i'd finished i noticed that my find contact and add new contact and also delete contact buttons had stopped working. These are all totally basic buttons made with the control box wizards by the way. During editing i cut and pasted one of the labels away from the data box so that i could position it without the actual data box moving along with it. then once i had it where i wanted it i re-associated it with the data field/box. This is what i suspect caused the problem.

Anyway, i've tried removing the broken buttons and creating new ones but i still get the same error.

here is the error in all its glory.

i've tried some stuff i found on ms knowledgebase but didn't have any luck so i hope you can help me people.

many thanks for reading anyway.

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Fixing Broken Switchboards

Mar 10, 2006

When I added some Access 2003 (Winows XP) machines to our Access 2000 (on Windows 2k)-based database, many of them would not operate some of the Switchboard "buttons" (especially for reports that contained macros). The animation of "click" would operate, but nothing would happen, no form or report would occur like it should.

After several rounds with Microsoft's Access Help guys, here's how we "fixed" it:
1. I deleted all printers from the affected user's computer.
2. I booted into SAFE MODE with NETWORKING, then installed the Windows-based GENERIC TEXT printer.
3. I rebooted into XP and installed the GENERIC TEXT printer there also, for the affected users.
4. I re-installed the usual office printers around our office.

This completely fixed the problem on all XP-based computers. The technician at Microsoft says he cannot explain WHY this works, but I have experienced that it DOES work, so try it if you're having troubles, too. It's some kind of mysterious workaround that "fixes" Windows XP somehow.

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Relationship Window - Broken Or CE?

Jun 8, 2006

I have a db with about 70 tables in it. I am trying to see the relationships among say, 40 of them, all at once. I like the view of the relationship window but: I cant scale it, select multiple tables and reposition them, use the mouse wheel to move it (only the window sliders), and, I have to click on a table entry to allow me to reposition the table (should'nt I just have to click on the table outline itself?). This is a really awakward thing to use. Also, I can't seem to 'Shrink to fit' the relationship window when I print it.
Is it cockpit error or just really broken?
Any way to make it easier to work with?
(or, did I choose the wrong DB tool for the job?)

Thanks for your suggestions.

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Broken Link To VB Code

Sep 13, 2005

I am having trouble with a simple data base where I have 1 main form with 1 sub form, but when I try to use the form (go from design view to datasheet view) I get the message

Error Accessing File
Network Connection May have been lost.

and the link between the form and the code seems to have been lost ... I can no longer edit the vb code (it keeps reverting back no matter what I type).

When I delete the form, the VB entry remains - (since it is no longer linked with the form). Running the database this way I get error messages saying there is a Macro with a misspelled name (ie: it can't find the form with the name).

The only way I have been able to get rid of it is to create a new form with nothing in it, save it and then delete it.

Really frustrating!!!!

Any ideas on how I can get rid of this problem, best ways to re-build the data base (I have created a new one, imported the tables and created new forms from scratch ... then this problem comes back@&^^#%$@).


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Urgent DB Relations Seem To Have Broken Down

Sep 14, 2004

Can anyone shed light on why my Database seems to have stopped working so far as I've a combo box on a main form, which provides one half of a PK/FK relationship. The subform displays one or more records for this value. However, I've just entered the same 'value' (string) for an entry in the combo box as another, which shouldn't display any records in the subform yet - but it displays the records of the first combo 'entry'. This important thing is that the key's are all unique (I've doubled checked this), so why does it seem to not work?

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Lookup Value Code Broken... HELP!!

Sep 27, 2004

The following code is being used to pull in the Name from the previous record into the current record. It works GREAT for 28 records, and then it starts just pulling random names from the source table. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you!Private Sub Form_Current()

Dim s As String
Dim db As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Set db = CurrentProject.Connection

s = "SELECT Last(ERName) AS ERName FROM [Staffing]"

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open s, db, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
'add to the table

With rs
Me![ERName] = .Fields("ERName")
End With
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

End Sub

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Missing Or Broken Reference

Apr 19, 2006

missing or broken reference to the file ‘plugin.ocx’ version 1.0, and also in file 'msoutl.olb version 9.2’

It says I need to fix these references to ensure the database or project works properly.

(The references shown as MISSING in the Visual Basic Editor are:

Microsoft Active X Plugin

Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library)

Clicking OK lets me into the database and all seems to work fine. However, the last thing I want is for the whole thing to fall over and become corrupt so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Table Relationships

Oct 14, 2005

I am trying to put together a sales/purchase/stock control/accounting program using Access. I have put together a number of tables that I feel will be required and now I'm trying to set the relationships between them. The primary end document to be printed will be a Sales Order and a Purchase Order, likely generated from the reports module, so I have a table called Purchase Order and another called Sales Orders, related to Purchase Orders will be a table called Suppliers and another called Customers will be related to Sales Orders. Another table is called products.
For the Purchase Orders table, do I only add fields that are the primary key from the Suppliers table in order to list the full customer name and address stored only in Suppliers table. Would the supplier table be the parent and the Purchase Order the child ?

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Table Relationships

Feb 15, 2006

I have setup a number of tables for a booking system. The tables are as follow:


When a booking is made for just any time, it is in the tblBookings table. Regular bookings for example, every week, are put in the tblRegularBookings. In each of these tables, a booking cannot be made for the same date and time period. I am wanting to link the tables, so that when a normal booking is made in the one table, it cannot be the same date and time period as a regular booking as well.

The fields in each are as follow:

Booking ID
Customer ID (linked to tblCustomers)
Date for Booking *
Time Period *
Weddings/Birthdays (yes/no)
Extension (yes/no)

Regular Booking ID
RegCust ID
Date For *
Time Period *

What should i link to allow me to not create a normal booking on the same date as a regular?


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Need Help With Relationships In Table

Nov 25, 2004

Here are my relationships for my 5 tables I created. My database is something that a turn key automotive performance shop would use. Tell me if my relationships are correct and what I need to do. I think I got a good start but I am not sure on a few things. Also what do I need to do for my validation and look up tables. Any help on that would be great. Thanks.

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Table Relationships

Feb 9, 2005

This is a simple video library database, 1 member can have many loans, 1 video can have many loans and 1 loan can have many videos, so with that in mind woud anyone be able to make my relationships right? because at the moment you cant take out more than one video on each loan?

thanks in advance

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3NF & Table Relationships...

Apr 1, 2005

I have restructed my original tables into 3NF and added relationships. But I think I am missing a few more items to go on to next step. Help me, please! I am putting together an automated Time Card Entry Database based on a timesheet and other reports already existed in Excel.
I have the following fields on this form as follows:
1. Week Ending: automatically populates with "mm/dd/yyyy" date format from tblPayrollSchedule. This field will insert the correct pay period with comparing against today's date.
2. Employee Number: combo box that will populate next fields (1. Employee Last Name; 2. Employee First Name) after user select correct Employee Number.
3. Employee Last Name: automatically populates when Employee Number is selected.
4. Employee First Name: automatically populates when Employee Number is selected.
5. Acct Id: combo box containing a list of labor description that has associated fields as follows.
6. Description: Text Box will populate after selecting Acct Id.
7. Cost Center: Text Box will populate after selecting Acct Id.
8. Acct: Text Box will populate after selecting Acct Id.
9. Category: Text Box will populate after selecting Acct Id.
10 Pay Type Id: combo box that will populate Pay Type.
10. Pay Type: automatically populates when Pay Type Id is selected.
11. Allocation: Free form, to type comments.
12. Days of Week: Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
13. Total Wk Hrs: total hours for the week for per line of Acct Id.

Here are my tables:
1. tblEmployees:
1) pkeyEmployeeId = AutoNumber
2) strLastName = Text
3) intStaffNumber = Number
4) fkeyEmployeeTypeId = Number

2. tblEmployeeType:
1) pkeyEmployeeTypeId = AutoNumber
2) strEmployeeClass = Text
3) strEmployeeType = Text

3. tblAccounts:
1) pkeyAcctId = AutoNumber
2) intCostCenter = Number
3) intAcctNo = Number
4) intCategory = Text
5) strAcctName = Text
6) strAcctDescription = Text

3. tblPayType:
1) pkeyPayTypeId = AutoNumber
2) strPayType = Text
3) strDescription = Text

4. tblPayroll Schedule:
1) pkeyPayrollScheduleId = AutoNumber
2) intPayPeriodId = Number
3) dtmPayStartDate = Date/Time
4) dtmPayEndDate = Date/Time
5) dtmCheckDate = Date/Time

5. tblTimecard:
1) pkeyTimecardId = AutoNumber
2) intStaffNumber = Number
3) fkeyPayPeriodId = Number

6. tblTimecardHours:
1) pkeyTimecardDetailId = AutoNumber
2) fkeyTimecardId = Number
3) fkeyAcctId = Number
4) fkeyPayTypeId = Number
5) strAllocation = Text
6) intSat = Number
7) intSun = Number
8) intMon = Number
9) intTue = Number
10) intWed = Number
11) intThu = Number
12) intFri = Number

Here is the layout of my form in this order:
1. Pay Period Id
2. Week Ending
3. Employee Number
4. Employee Last Name
5. Employee First Name
6. Acct Id
7. Description
8. Cost Center
9. Acct
10. Category
11. Pay Type Id
12. Pay Type
13. Allocation
14. SAT
15. SUN
16. MON
17. TUE
18. WED
19. THU
20. FRI
18. Wk Hrs

Question 1: Please review table relationships to see if I overlooked any tables that can be broken down or named its column differently?

Question 2: I have restructured these tables into 3NF, please see my previous posts under AccessRookie (although before 3/2005, someone used this ID).

Question 3: what code do I need to automatically populate "Week Ending" field with the correct "CheckDate" that will compare against today's date and insert into "Week Ending" field? Currently, user selects from Combo Box(Pay Period Id) then it populates Text Box(Week Ending).

Question 4: how come "tblTimecardHours.fkeyTimecardId" field is not populating? I think it is my table relationship: tblTimecard & tblTimecardHours.

Question 5: what code do I need for "Wk Hrs" on subfrmTimeEntry, this column needs to sum these columns: SAT, SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI).
No need to store total since it is only need to display in data entry form (subform) and printing report.

I need your assistance since sometimes, it just takes another pair of eyes to review another peers' work. It's been ages since I've done any development from scratch. Help!!! Is there any way, I can attach my zipped database? It is 217KB zipped but this site only allow 100KB attachments.
AccessRookie =)

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Table Relationships

Oct 5, 2005

I Have These Tables:
Case, Agents, Forwarders, Orders.
1 Case Has Each Time 1 Agent, Many Forwarders And Each Forwarder Many Orders
1 Agent Many Forwarders
Can Someone Suggest The Best Way To Link Them?

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Table Relationships

Jul 11, 2006

Can anyone look at this pdf and let me know if my relations are correct, i know i haven't marked on if its one to many etc but i just need to know if it'll work?

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Help With Table Relationships

Jul 15, 2006

Ok im extremely new to this whole Access thing so I have several questions. First, let me give you an idea of what I am attempting: I am a member of a committee and we are involved in multiple projects. Each person is either inactive (working on no projects) or active (working on 1 or more projects). I want to set up a table that lists the member names, contact info, and which project(s) they are currently working on. I set up the basic table (not sure if its set up correctly or not though) but since some people are on more than one project, how do i make it so i can enter multiple values for the "Current Project" field? Also, I would like to make another table that lists Project Names, members (the members that are working on each specific project), and project description. How do I set it up so that under members (on the project table), it will gather the info from Member table (the one with contact info and such) and automatically list which members are working on each project? Also, There is one Leader per project and the rest working on it are just normal members. Can anyone suggest a good way to display who is leader on each project?

if this is confusing, just ask and i'll try to clarify for you

thanks, TRC

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Table Relationships

Sep 22, 2006

Hello all,

I have tables related by key fields. Is there a way to enter data into one table and have the key fields of the related table automatically enter into the key field of the related table?

Also, can you make custom drop down menus in a field? For instance, I have field that I would like to have a text in, there are only three values that are needed but spelling is important so I would just like to pull a list down to enter the data.

Thanks for any help!

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Table Relationships

Mar 6, 2008

im using access for the first time in years as iv not used it since college and im having problems with table relationships. i have 3 tables "cusomer details", "product details" and "purchases".

i have created a relationship between customer_id (primary key) in customer details and customer_id in purchases and product_id (primary key) in product details to product_id in purchases.

the idea is every time a customer makes a purchase i enter their customer_id into purchases and it will automaticaly bring up their name and address and enter the product_id and it will automaticaly bring up the product name in that table (purchases)

this does not appear to happen???????

i know its been a few years since i last used access but im sure iv done it right, what am i doing wrong?


Customer Details


Product details




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Table Relationships

Aug 9, 2006

I am new at Access. I am doing a database tracking the test results of eight different grades of students. The primary key is the name. When I try to add the 3rd test score table, I lose all information of all of the tables. I have tried changing the relationships, and cannot make this work. Any suggestions, please help.

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Table Relationships...

Mar 29, 2007

I have 2 tables. One is JOB TRACKING and has all the information about a certain job and all the trades involved. The other is a table of email address for the managers of each of the trades. I have them connected (with relationships) so the trades match up.
There is a form that I fill out each time a new job comes in and I check off the trades involved on that form. Is there a way for that form to pick up the email addresses of the managers of the trades checked off? So then I can create a button some how to send an email to them containing that particular form...


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Repair Broken Linked Tables

Apr 27, 2005

I've search the forum but couldn't find anything on this, maybe someone can point me in the right direction...

My application consist of two Access files: Front End & Back End. The front end is linked to the back end using Linked Table Manager. A problem arise last week when the IT renamed one of the folder in the program path, as a result, the Front End file cannot find the Back End file (I guess the links were static). So I had to relink the tables manually and got it working again. However, in the future, I won't be around to relink the tables, and my client doesn't know how to do this (and I don't want them to have to do this every time the folder is moved).

My question is, is there a way to link it so that it will adapt to path name changes. The two files are in the same folder.

I am looking for something like: when the front end opens, if the link is broken, it relinks it to the data file in its current database folder. Thanks.

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Missing Or Broken References - Replica

Aug 4, 2005

Love this forum! It orginally helped me build a database to manage customers back in 2002 (using Access 2002). Becuase of our slow server, I was forced to spilt the database and it's been great for years (some glitches). Recently one of the users upgraded to Access 2003. When he sync's to the master file, the master has problems. "...contains a missing or broken reference to the file 'OWC10.DLL' version 1.1" I reviewed the references and it's looking for Microsoft Outlook 11, instead of 10. When other users sync, everyone now inherits this problem. Do you have any ideas for a solution so I don't have to fix reference problems? All users will eventually be on Access 2003 so having him stop using it would only be a temporary solution. Is there a patch or upgrade to fix this problem? Any help? thanks in advance....

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'Missing Or Broken Reference' Help Required.

Mar 10, 2006

Hi everyone,
Im building a database as part of a group project for uni. Its almost finished but recently on first opening the DB and clicking on a button on the form we get the following message boxes:


Your database contains a missing or broken reference to the file ‘OWC10.DLL’ version 1.1.

Click ok

and get...

Your database contains a missing or broken reference to the file ‘MSCHRT20.OCX’ version 2.0

When i click help it talks about deleting references but im not sure how to do this as im no expert by any means! :rolleyes:
I think this problem may have arisen because our accountancy department computers use access 2003 and the rest of the uni uses xp and we have been working on them both - oops! :(

Anyways i was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction to fix these problems?

Thanks in advance.


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Is Access Security Broken In Windows 98?

May 15, 2006

Hi I've noticed totally different behavior with my secured databases in 98 and in XP.

In XP Access Security works. In 98 it is broken.

For example today I secured a database. I went to another computer running 98 and Access 2002 that was joined to the default workgroup file system.mdw . They still had full access to the database and were not even asked to enter a login. Once I joined the correct workgroup file the security was implemented though. (In XP if I go back to the Default workgroup file the security is still maintained.)

So strange. Where is the security if it is totally ignored on 98 operatings systems? Someone can just make a copy of the database and have full access in 98 despite the database being secured.


Hi I've noticed totally different behavior with my secured databases in 98 and in XP.

In XP Access Security works. In 98 it is broken.

For example today I secured a database. I went to another computer running 98 and Access 2002 that was joined to the default workgroup file system.mdw . They still had full access to the database and were not even asked to enter a login. Once I joined the correct workgroup file the security was implemented though. (In XP if I go back to the Default workgroup file the security is still maintained.)

So strange. Where is the security if it is totally ignored on 98 operatings systems? Someone can just make a copy of the database and have full access in 98 despite the database being secured.


Then your db is not really [correctly] secured. You should get the same result by copying the database to another computer and the user should be able to open the db without using your workgroup file. Sounds like you have joined your computer to your custom workgroup file [or worse, you have modified the default "System.mdw" file on your computer with your new security settings. Search around the forum for you problem has been asked and answered in many other threads.

ghudson is correct. The behavior you describe occurs whenever you connect to a DB using the default SYSTEM.MDW file. I have answered this question beaucoup times, so look up posts on "Security" where I have contributed comments.

To understand why this occurs, you need to know one more thing: The name of your workgroup is a registry function. You would see the same behavior when you move the .MDB to an XP machine but never join the correct workgroup on that machine. (Because, of course, the registry entry isn't changed until you JOIN the workgroup.)

Your database is not properly secured. Take a look at the Security FAQ document. Search the kb or you may find a link from here.

Why are you double posting?

At least Pat gave you the same answers as your first posting recieved...

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