Table With Four Fields - Calculation Of Total Time

Feb 21, 2013

I have created a table with four fields. The names are:1stBusOn, 1stBusOff, 2ndBusOn, 2ndBusOff.

I want the time for the first two fields and the time for the second two fields to end up in a field called TotalRideTime.

Also, if only one set of the fields are completed I still want that total time to in up in the the TotalRideTime field.

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Forms :: Adding Three Fields In A Table - Time Difference Calculation

Oct 23, 2013

I want to add three fields in a table namely from, to and diff .

How to add them in a form so that I can enter

The time in (xx:xx) 24hr format in the "from" and "to" fields and calculate and save the time difference in minutes to the "diff" field automatically.

I am using access 2010.

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Tables :: Date / Time Fields In Table - Subtract To Get Total

Oct 31, 2012

Any way of setting up a table containing the following date/time fields.


Ultimately I will need to be able to subtract these date/times to get a total time between the two. Should I combine the start date and times in one cell or keep them separate.

In either scenerio, how do I subtract the two in a query for a report?

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Calculation Across Fields - Show Total Count For Each Record

Nov 14, 2014

I need a solution for the following problem:

For example:

............F1 F2 F3
Rec1 ....4 ..2 ..5
Rec2 ....3 ..3 ..1
Rec3 ....1 ..2 ..1

Now, I want to know how many 1s are there in Rec3 the answer is obviously 2 but I want a field(F4, for e.g) that calculates F1+F2+F3 showing all their 1s 2s and 3s.

A solution I found was...... F4=IIf([F1],1,0)+IIf([F2],1,0)+IIf([F3],1,0)

But I have over 50 Fields that contain 1s and 2s and I can't count them all by using this formula as it will be tremendously long and access will reject it.

So I need another formula(or function) that will look up for the 1s across multiple fields and show the total count for each record in a new field.

Tried 'look up' function but achieved nothing ....

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Tax Calculation - Save Total Amount In Table

Mar 16, 2013

We have a form where we enter various amounts and a box where these are added together to calculate taxes. This amount is shown on the screen but we need to save this total amount in the table where it can be used in other calculations in other forms

The control in the box looks like this:

=[registration fee]+[membership fee]+[fee per term]+[additional classes fee]+[costume]+[books]-[discount]+[applicable gst]+[uniform fee]

How can I get the result of this formula saved in another table field?

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Queries :: Calculate Difference Between Two Date Fields To Get Total Time

Oct 26, 2014

I have to create a query in access that will calculate two Date and time fields [Date & Time Left]/ [Date Returned], need to figure out between the two fields. Trying to identify when the rep returned the call and the number of business hours (6:00am - 4:30pm) it takes to return a message in Ms Access 2010.

The only issue is the calculation has to be done by time and so I have to calculate what time they left the message(so the difference between [Date & Time Left] and [Date Returned) [Date & Time Left] and when the rep returned the message which is suppose to be [Date Returned] but the problem with this field is the data entry is in date format (10/9/2014, 00/00/0000) of Date and not Date and Time like the [Date & Time Left] field, so I don't know what to do now. Not sure what to do now not a database that create or have allot of control over.

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Calculation For Time X Hours In Table

Nov 19, 2011

I need to calculate in the tbleJobs table, the amount of the jobs total amount and place the result in the JobsTotalAmount field.

This has to be a manual calculation. Not an on event calculation.

Data is coming from two table:

tblLimos has the hourly rate.

tblJobs has the start time, the finish time and the total amount field.

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Combine Like Product Fields In Table And Total Quantity For Those Like Fields?

Apr 22, 2015

I have a product table that includes the name of the product, the quantity ordered, and the unit price. This is a summary table for the whole year showing all of the orders. The Primary Key is [ID] from the [tblOrders] table. I attached a screen shot of my query. I don't know if you can see it. I want to generate a report where each product is listed once, the unit price for that product is listed, the total number of that item that was ordered throughout the year, and finally, the total amount spent for each item during the year.

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Tables :: Saving ONE TIME Calculation To Table

Nov 12, 2012

Access 2003. I am trying to save a calculated field (Item No) from a form to the accosiated field within the Products table

I have a hidden text box (itemNo) which is bound to the relevant field and a second text box with the following formula

="TV-" & Left(CatShort.column(1),3) & "-" & Format([ProductID],"0000") as its source

What I am trying to do is to provide an item number for each item of stock based on the Category short name (Catshort) and the incremented item ID Number, with a TV prefix.

I am aware that its a bad itea to place calculated field into the table if the calculation is likely to change, however once my calculation is stored it has no need to change.

I have tried the beforeUpdate method within the ItemNo textbox

Private Sub ItemNo_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Me!ItemNo = Me!ItemCalc
End Sub

but nothing happens (in that the table is not updated)

Any way of putting together an incremental item number based on the selected category with a "TV" prefix....

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Total Based On Calculation

Nov 20, 2006

Good Day!
I seem to be running into a calculation problem in one of my queries. I have two fields in the query, AdmitDate and DischargeDate. I built in an expression, Exp100 to catculate the date diff in days between these two dates. Now what I want to do is display a count of the grand total days. So, if I have the following three records:

ID AdmitDate DischargeDate Exp100
1..... 01/01/06.........01/15/06............15

My query should display:
Healthy Plan Total Patients=3
Healthy Plan Total # Days = 25

How can I program this to correctly display this information? Thanks for any help or advice, it would be most welcome at this point. Cheers.

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Calculating Total Time But Excluding Overlapping Time

Aug 22, 2012

I have a database consisting of two tables. One is "articles" and the other is "tasks". To put it simply, I would like to find how much time the article spends in tasks, but one article can have many tasks, and they often (but not always) overlap. Tasks have a start and end date field.

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Percentage Calculation In Total Query

Oct 11, 2005

Hi, All:
I have been struggling for this question for a long time.

I have a total query coming from two tables. This query has following field:

The table has more field. One of them is status for component field.

My application is that there are many productline. Under each productline, there are many devices. Under each device, there are many components. Each component has one of 4 statuses. The status is text value, 'Yes', 'No', 'UR', and blank.

In the form, I need to use continuous form to display each device with totalcomponent (I use Count of component), percentage of status1 based on totalcomponent, percentage of status2, etc.

My question is:
I tried to use Count(IIF([status] = 'Yes', 1, 0)) to get percentage. But [status] = 'Yes' seems not right because I got a count of all statuses, the same result of CountOfComponent

Really need help
Thank you much

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Forms :: Invoice Sub Total Calculation

Aug 10, 2014

Is this possible? In my invoice form I have 3 different tax rates. I have put a calculation in each of the Control Sources to calculate the invoice sub total:

=[Invoice Sub Total]*0.13 =[Invoice Sub Total]*0.05 =[Invoice Sub Total]*0.09975

I don't always use all the tax rates. I would like to be able to go back into a tax rate field I don't need and delete it.

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Using Record Number And Total Coount In A Calculation

Nov 20, 2007

I have an Access query that lists completed company forms by days to complete in descending order. I want to use the reccord number and total record count to present the percentage of forms that were completed at each completion date. Ther purpose is to quickly show that 80 percent of forms are completed within 60 days. This is easy to do in Excel using the Row() and Count() funtions such as 1-Row()/Count($A$1:$A$5000).
Is there a way to do this same thing in Access?

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Queries :: Time Calculation Using Current Time?

Oct 9, 2014

I need a Select Query to display data on a form. When an order is appended to my table the field named Printed is updated with the time it was appended. When my form opens it needs to display the field Printed and a field I call MinutesFromPrint. This field needs to display the total minutes elapsed from the time in the Printed field to the current time. My expression is not working.

MinutesFromPrint: DateDiff("n",[Printed],Now())

Here are a couple of samples of my results when I run the query at 7:49 A.M.:

Printed MinutesFromPrint
2:35 60366554
5:07 60366402

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Date And Time Fields In Table - How To Set Alarm

Oct 29, 2011

I have a DateAndTime field in table. This field is about a due date. I want if today is a due date relevant one of the dates ms access alarm me.

Like reminder software I want entry date and alarm me in relevant day. How can I do this?

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Calculating Elapsed Time In The Table Fields

Jul 8, 2015

I have been trying for about 8 hours to calculate elapsed time between two fields into a third field in Access 2007. Unfortunately, the expression

IIf(IsNull)([Final Suspense]),DateDiff("d",[Routing Status Date],Date()),DateDiff("d",[Routing Status Date],[Final Suspense]))

is not working. Image enclosed....

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Forms :: Total Query - Count Of Fields Based On Data In Other Fields

Jun 28, 2015

I have a query that creates counts of fields based on the data in other fields, basically it tells me that in a table there are two entries with value ABC????? and three of DEF????? , the query works perfectly.

When I create a form to display this data and base the form on the Query I keep getting a message box asking for the ID (key field) from the base table.

If I type * in the box (to denote all values) and press enter I get the results expected.

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Time Calculation

Jan 25, 2006

i have two date/time fields

sdate (start date) 01/01/2006 14:30 - format(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm)
edate (end date) 02/01/2006 14:31 - format(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm)

i need to get answer in HH:MM (24:01)

pls help me

thnx best regards

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Time Calculation

Jan 25, 2006

i have two date/time fields

sdate (start date) 01/01/2006 14:30 - format(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm)
edate (end date) 02/01/2006 14:31 - format(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm)

i need to get answer in a textbox as 24:01 (hh:mm)

pls help me

thnx best regards

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Time Calculation

Feb 8, 2006

Hi all,

I'm a beginner, and i want to know how to calculate time difference. For ex, if i substract 23:45 of 02/09/2006 with 00:10 of 02/10/2006 then i get a - "ive" value... Please somebody help me with a vba code for this...


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Time Calculation

Dec 4, 2006

Can someone please help me as this is driving me crazy and I know the answer must be simple.

I have a query/report that shows the duration a call has taken i.e. it times each part of the call. For example it may take a member of staff 00:00:30 to answer a call, then he puts a customer on hold whilst he speaks to another department which could be another 30 seconds, and then he ends the call with the customer.

So my report and query shows:

Ringing 00:00:30
Speaking to customer 00:04:10
On hold 00:00:30
Ends call with customer 00:02:00

The duration of the action is in a seperate column.
How do I tell access to add these up so I get a total of 00:07:10 for the entire call from start to finish?

Thanks for you help


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Time Calculation

Nov 19, 2007

I am struggling with a filter I thought would be simple. I have a field called close time and I want a filter that will show a record one hour before the close time?

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Time Difference Calculation

Mar 8, 2006


I have a report with three text boxes:

Box 1 contains an employee's total weekly hours in hours and minutes: 40:00
Box 2 contains the actual total hours worked for the week: 35:30
Box 3 is the difference between Box 1 minus Box 2

I tried all the date/time functions to calculate the difference between Box 1 and Box 2 and none of them worked. I keep on getting an error message. Does anybody know how to calculate the difference between two sets of time (in hours and minutes)?

Thank you in advance.

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Date Time Calculation

Apr 9, 2006

Hello friends,

I have a table for "Production Orders" ie. work orders.

there are feilds : start date , start time

based on these feilds i want to calculate the remaining time to start production.

but what i want is

if remaining time is > 1 day then
give results in the format " 1 day and 2 hrs"

elseif remaining time < 1 day then
give result in the format " 2 hrs and 24 mins"

and also current time - remaining time > 0 else result = "N/A"

how can i do this simply

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Date / Time Calculation Help

Jul 13, 2006

I'm having trouble getting my head around this.
I have a database that collects stats of patients admitted to ICU.
I have a table PtDataTable (pk = PtID) with a one to many relationship with PtVisitTable (pk = VisitID, fk = PtID). The patient visit table has the fields AdmissionDate and AdmissionTime, and DischargeDate and DischargeTime.
I need to calculate if the patient is readmitted to ICU in less than or equal to 48hrs. In other words calculate the time elapsed between DischargedDate and DischargedTime in one record and the AdmissionDate and AdmissionTime for other records in the PtVisitTable for the same patient.
I'm not sure if I stated this clearly.
Any help is appreciated as always.

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