Tables :: Add Row With Just Color On User Click

Oct 28, 2014

How can I add a full row of color, if let's say I have 5 columns when a user clicked a button?

Docmd.runsql "INSERT INTO tbl ("blank","blank","blank","blank","blank") ... tablerow.backcolor = green ?

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Auto Generate PDF When User Click A Link Based On Available Tables Within Database

Aug 9, 2012

I would like a way to auto-generate a pdf when a user clicks a link based on available tables within my database.

Basically i have developed a pricelist database and our reps need a printable pdf version of that available items and there attributes.

I have done some research and it appears that visual studio and crystal reports may be what I am looking for. This is an access web database that is accessed housed in sharepoint.

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On Click Change Form Background Color?

Apr 30, 2006

I searched around but i couldnt really find or atleast understand how to do what i want to do. I want upon the user clicking on a checkbox for the background of the form to change to a set color?

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Forms :: Change Image Back Color On Click

Apr 30, 2014

I have images in my form, say, Image1 and Image2 . The default background color for all of them are white. If the user click image1, the background color has to be red. If the user click image2, the background has to change to red and the image1 retains its default color ( White ).

I have six images to loop through these. Image1 to image6.

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Forms :: Change Background Color Double Click Event?

Jul 13, 2015

I am using a continuous form and would like my users to be able to change a field background color to a light red by double-clicking. The user would also be able to change it back to white by double-clicking again.

The code I am using (below) changes the field background color for all records. I need my code to only change the field color of the current record and cannot seem to find how to do that. The field name is [System_CurrentStatus].

Private Sub System_CurrentStatus_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.System_CurrentStatus.Backcolor = vbWhite Then
Me.System_CurrentStatus.Backcolor = RGB(234, 154, 160)
ElseIf Me.System_CurrentStatus.Backcolor = RGB(234, 154, 160) Then
Me.System_CurrentStatus.Backcolor = vbwhite
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: User Click Code

Feb 17, 2014

Private Sub Check237_Click()
If Me.Check237.Value = "yes" Then
Me.Text239.Visible = True
Me.Text239.Visible = fasle
End If
End Sub

I am using the code above and what the desired action is when the Check237 is checked then the Text239 is visible for the user to put in a comment. However, as of now when the check237 is checked the textbox dissapears.

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Forms :: Change Textbox Color On Form In Access 2013 For Dyslexic User

Apr 29, 2014

I have a new staff member in my office that has informed me that she has a degree of dyslexia. To assist her I've trialled changing the textboxes on one form in my Access 2013 application to a light pink color & this has instantly worked for her to read/input text.

Is there a way to automatically change each textbox to light pink on every form in my application on startup based on user login (say using an IIF statement in the OnLoad event of the startup form).

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Forms :: Warn User If Forget To Click On Save Control

Aug 13, 2013

I have a simple application where a user clicks on the name of the person he wants to update from a drop down box.

The record is then retrieved and the fields are filled on the form.
The user will then enter a value in the # in household field.
The user is then required to click on the save button to write the record for this person.

I do not have strong users and they invariably forget to save the record and go on to the next person, resulting in the record not being updated.

I coded a message box as part of the save button which displays "person was successfully updated" and then instructed the user to make sure that they see this message before they go on to the next person. They still fail to update correctly.

My question:

Is there a way when the user selects a person from the drop down box and it is loaded on the form, to warn the user that they have NOT updated this person, before they go to the next person?

I don't know what else I can do with these users. They are all volunteers and elderly and the application is for a Food Pantry.

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Modules & VBA :: Word Document Load When User Click Button And Perform Email Merge

Oct 7, 2013

I have a Word 2010 document linked to an Access 2010 data source. When a user clicks a button in Access, the Word document loads and performs a email merge using the below VBA code:

Private Sub Document_Open()
With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
.Destination = wdSendToEmail
.SuppressBlankLines = True

[Code] ....

However, as the .mailsubject part is not in the loop it is only retrieving the first Return Code. I have tried to integrate in the loop to no avail. Also, how do I add static text to the Subject, I need something like "Your Return Code" + "Return Code"..

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Modules & VBA :: Color Box With Tables Values

Oct 7, 2014

I have a calendar to let the users pick up the days and will be save temporaly in a table to print but i only can display the current mouth in calendar, went the user change the mouth the color of the boxes change to normal,in attache i send the BD, In resume, the users select the days in calendar and went change from one mounth to another the days picked stay with color.URL...

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Tables :: Any Way To Change A Datasheet's Fore Color?

Apr 3, 2015

Any way to change a datasheet's fore color? I open up a datasheet and the forecolor is the same as the backcolor.

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Tables :: Table Rich Text Column Color

Sep 27, 2014

how I can set a color on table column formatted as rich text and memo. For instance this table has 4 different columns of remarks, one from each engineering operating center. Remarks_1, Remarks_2, Remarks_3 and Remarks_4. Each one of the 4 operating centers enters the remarks in one of these fields. On the Dashboard report, what I do is I get all these 4 fields and merge in 1 because the report is already narrow due to several other columns as well. So there is a report combining all data : =Remarks_1& " -"&Remarks_2&" - "&Remarks_3&" - "&Remarks_4 under Remarks.

The point is that the Dashboard has colorcode, Orange for Remarks_1, Red for Remarks_2, Blue for Remarks_3 and Green for Remarks_4. All these fields are memo on rich text format. On the form I have set the color of each field, however the color doesn't get set on the table as well, but only on the form fields. How can I set a defined color to each field on the table? And also when I get all data in one column, I would see all different colors.

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Modules & VBA :: Generate Tables At The Click Of Button?

Dec 9, 2014

I am required to write a code that will allow me to generate a table at the click of a button. Is there such a thing?

The table name should be Table1, and it contains 7 columns.

First column: Auto number (PK)
Field1: Memo
Field2: Memo
Field3: Memo
Field4: Memo
Field5: Memo
Field6: Memo

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Tables :: How To Get Data From Crosstab When Click On Number

Mar 24, 2014

I have a query of people and their position, I did a crosstab query and now I have numerical data. How so I get it to show me the data when I click on the number?

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Cant See Tables Queries Etc When I Click Database Window ICON

Aug 11, 2006

Hi Folks

This is driving me mad.

I cant see the tables , queries etc , forms, reports when I click the Database window icon on the toolbar.

I need to add some more fileds to my tables etc

I have form that shows via startup.

Here is a screenshot of my problem :-

I cant seem to resolve this :confused: :confused: :confused:

Any help appreciated



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Code Triggered From Label On Click Behaves Differently From Command Button On Click

Nov 7, 2006

Often I use Labels as buttons due to the fact I can colour them the way I want, and use the on click event to trigger code.
The code below however works for a command button, but not a label button.

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmdatetime"
Do While Forms!frmdatetime!OKFlag.Caption = "False"

When this code is run by clicking on a command button, it works fine.
If run by clicking on a label, frmdatetime opens, but the mouse will not work on either of the 2 open forms unless you go down to the windows task bar, jump onto another window, and back onto frmdatetime.
If I remove the loop with the DoEvents in it, then the problem does not occur.

Can anyone enlighten me as to why this behaviour occurs.



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User Defined Tables

Nov 2, 2004

I am trying to get the list of all user defined tables from the Access database.

If I use the following query in Access it's working fine and getting the result. But if I am trying to execute the query in ASP page, it's not working. I am getting an error ([Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on 'MSysObjects'.)

Can u please tell me the reason.

SELECT MSysObjects.Name AS TableName
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE (((MSysObjects.Type)=1)
AND ((MSysObjects.Flags)=0));

Note: If you have anything, to extract user defined tables, please tell me. Either one works out for me.

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Preventing End-user Seeing Tables And Relationships

Apr 24, 2007


I was wondering if there is any way of stopping people from seeing the tables that I have created and the relationships between said tables?

I want to restrict access so that users can only see the forms and access the reports that I've created but am not sure how to go about stopping people from seeing, never mind altering, the table names and structures. Can anyone help??

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Tables :: Recording Log In And Out Times By User

Mar 24, 2015

how I record user log in/out times in a table with Access 2013.

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Modules & VBA :: Import Multiple Files To Multiple Tables On Button Click

Sep 20, 2014

I made a database that in one of the forms, I like by clicking on a button the user be able to select 5 excel files with different file names (in the same directory) and then based on the imported file's names, it be stored in 5 different tables.

At the moment by using the bellow code, I can import multiple files (with the same formats) only into one table . My vba code comes as follow:

Function GetAllFiles()
Dim fd As Object
Dim strFilter As String
Dim lngItems As Long

Const msoFileDialogOpen As Long = 3
Const msoFileDialogViewDetails As Long = 2

[Code] ....

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Union Query - Possible For User To Select Tables ?

Jun 28, 2006

I have Access2003 and a problem creating a simple method of constructing a union query.

I am using a commercial paradox databse that has a habit of creating a new table every time a certain action is performed. There is currently a set of 160 tables with identical fields. The database allows me to view data in these tables individually. I would like to pull the information together, from between 20 and 30 specific tables at any one time, and view the data in one table.

I have linked the tables in a an access database and would go about viewing the data by creating a union query containing each of the tables of interest. Then appending the info in these tables to a new table.

Unfortunately manually adjusting the SQL expression is a bit cumbersome to say the least I am wondering if it possible to select the tables of interest from a List Box on a simple form and have those selected inserted into the union query ?

Alternatively, the table names are actually a field within a different table. Another field within this table actually determines whether they will be of interest. So ideally I could query that table to tell me which tables need to appear in the union query. Again I would like the union query generated automatically as a result of that query.

I am confident, perhaps without good reason , that this must be possible ....

any help much appreciated.

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Tables :: Adding A User Stamp In A Table?

Dec 19, 2013

I am trying to add a user stamp in a table. I have seen online that perople put a macro (Before Change) in microsoft access 2010 but I dont understand how to use that.

I have seen you are suppose to do something with = Environ("username")

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Tables :: User Input Once Imported Data

Jul 9, 2013

I am using Access 2002.I am going to be producing a macro that imports a txt file. Once the text file is imported there will be a empty field for a date value. Nothing in the file that is being imported will have a date in it.

I would like to (if possible) to, once the file is in the table, open an input box asking the user for a date (formated as YYYY-MM-DD) and once the date has been entered and the ok button pressed it inputs that date in to all records in the date field.

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A User-friendly Way To Link Tables In A Split Database

Feb 25, 2008

Hi, all.

I have a "client/server" split Access 2003 database with an Interface file containing all the code/forms/queries and some system tables and also a Data Backend file, with all the data tables and table structure.

This is being deployed to multiple sites, each getting their own version of the backend, so sites will not be using the same backend between them all, rather multiple users in each site will all share that site's backend file.

Since users will deploy in different network locations, etc. they will have to re-link all tables. Is there a meaningful/user-friendly way of doing that without relying on user's knowledge of "Linked Table manager", etc.?


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User-defined Datatype In A Sql Server Attached Tables

Dec 5, 2006

Hi all,I'm trying to attach some table from a Sql Server database, but when I take a look to the content, I see all the fields filled by the value "#CANCELLED".I supposed that the matter of such an issue could be the datatype used for some fields, a user-defined datatype. The only table content from the same Sql Server database I can see does not use that data type. I'm using a read-only account to access the Sql Server database. If I try to import the table, the data are imported correctly and the user-datatype is converted to text.Any suggestions for a solution / workaround ?Thanks Bye

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Tables :: End User Input To Pull A Specific Record

Dec 5, 2012

I want to use a Form or Report to have the end user enter say a Customer # or the Customer Last Name and then have Access pull and display that record so that the end user can than print all the saved information from that record.

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